The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 77 Liu Ligan, your little calculation

The designers stood up and left one after another, and Zhang Chen was about to leave. Mr. Tan called out: "Xiao Zhang, please stay for a while."

Zhang Chen was about to sit down when he saw the second-rate guy coming in from the door. Zhang Chen asked curiously, "Why are you here?"

Erhuo pointed at Mr. Tan: "The chief ordered me to come."

"Both of you, sit over here." Mr. Tan sat at the head of the conference table and greeted the two of them, and they hurried over.

Mr. Tan and Zhang Chen said: "Xiao Zhang, you are the most important thing to me when we come up with this plan. I called this bastard here just to tell you that you should not go to the construction site these two days and come to the company." It doesn’t matter, you can just stay at home and concentrate on making the design plan, okay?”

Zhang Chen said yes, I will work hard.

Mr. Tan turned to the second-rate guy: "The instructor has never told me, but don't think I don't know. You bastard has an itchy penis every day, so you're not serious on the construction site. You walk the birds every day, right?"

The idiot didn't dare to say yes or no, so he could only laugh.

Mr. Tan scolded: "I don't care what you were like in the past, but you have remembered it for the past two days. Stay there honestly. You are not allowed to detain the instructor, and the people below are not allowed to deduct the instructor. Do you understand?"

The second-rate guy nodded quickly: "I understand, I promise not to deduct it and let the instructor concentrate."

Mr. Tan continued: "Also, the Northeast Restaurant needs to be completed smoothly before the end of the year. It will not be easy for the workers. I know they all want to take more money home for the New Year. If you are absent-minded these two days, there will be no trouble on the construction site." Something happened, don’t you think I..."

"Broken bone, broken dick." The second-rate guy said quickly. Only then did Zhang Chen understand that the broken dick was really the result of Mr. Tan's threat to him. Zhang Chen couldn't help but laugh.

Seeing Zhang Chen smiling, Mr. Tan also laughed. Zhang Chen said: "The second company commander is okay. He went to the construction site so early that morning. Fortunately, he stopped Mr. Li and Mr. Ma. Otherwise, the Northeastern Restaurant would not be the same." Now the story is, I was shocked that he got up so early.”

The second-rate guy chuckled.

"Okay, the instructor has given you a guarantee, so I'll let you go first." Mr. Tan said.

Zhang Chen and Er Huo went downstairs. In the elevator, Er Huo and Zhang Chen said, "Instructor, there are a lot of good products near this company. I invite you to go and fire one shot after another until dawn."

Zhang Chen laughed and said, "I don't dare. I'll beat you until dawn. I'll sleep all day tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, Mr. Tan will break my dick."

"That's right, this guy is forced to raise you." The second-hand guy said, "Then I'll take you to find the best stuff, and give it a shot to replenish your health."

Zhang Chen quickly said: "Forget it, I'm going back now to think about it. I don't know if it's too late. You go and occupy the high ground alone."

The idiot clicked his tongue regretfully before giving up.

Zhang Chen looked at the time. It was not yet nine o'clock, and there was still more than an hour before Wanghai Mall closed.

Zhang Chen rode his motorcycle to Wanghai Mall, walked around from the first floor to the second floor, and wrote down the floor plan several times in his mind. Finally, he felt uneasy, so he took out the sketchbook in his bag and wrote down the floor plan. , the locations of doors, stairs, elevators and restrooms are specially marked on the map.

After looking at Wanghai Mall, Zhang Chen then went to the lobby of Wanghai Hotel next door. The locals used to call this place Wanghai Tower, but in fact, there is no place really called Wanghai Tower. Whether it is a shopping mall, a hotel or a restaurant, there are all their own names.

In the lobby of Wanghai Hotel, there is a huge relief sculpture of tropical Hainan style on one wall. Groups of Li girls in national costumes are singing and dancing. The relief is very well made, and Zhang Chen is considering whether to keep it in the renderings.

"Brother Chen!" Someone called him. Zhang Chen turned around and saw Jianqiang sitting on the sofa in the lobby. He was extremely enthusiastic when he saw Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen walked over, sat down next to him, and asked Jianqiang, why are you here, where is Jiajia?

"She is still in Guoshang." Jianqiang said, and Zhang Chen understood that this is where Jiajia will come next.

"Brother Chen, are you here to stay at the hotel or...?" Jianqiang asked.

Zhang Chen was afraid that he would misunderstand, so he quickly said, "I'll come and take a look. This place is going to be renovated. I'll see what the plan is."

"Brother Chen wants to design Wanghai Tower?" Jianqiang said happily, "Then when I come here again, I can brag to my customers and say that this place was designed by my neighbor, who is also from Zhejiang Meijiang."

Why do you mean he is also from Zhejiang and the United States? Is there another Zhejiang American one? Zhang Chen wondered, and then he understood why Jiajia asked himself what Zhejiang Mei was that night.

Zhang Chen almost laughed. He thought that even Lin Fengmian and Pan Tianshou would never have thought that the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts, a national art school that had been a prestigious institution in its early years, would be so blackmailed by these two fakes.

The next morning, Liu Ligan got up and saw that Zhang Chen was still asleep, so he did not bother him. He went out alone and started cleaning the building for the day. Liu Ligan was already cleaning the building for the second time. In some office buildings, it was the third time. After sweeping the building for the fourth time, he realized that it was very necessary. In more than half of the companies, the office director had already been replaced by the time he went there for the second time.

For directors who have not been replaced in a few months, Liu Ligan will keep their business cards separately and even mark them, because most of these directors, like Li Yong, have some kind of special relationship with the boss and are in the company. , and has some say, and belongs to the kind of office director who has real power.

Liu Ligan found that directors like this were often less disgusted with his visit again and were willing to chat with Liu Ligan whether they had business or not. They probably also felt in their hearts that this guy had been working for several months. , are still doing this, they should be more reliable than those "journalists" who are just scratching the surface.

Especially from his mouth, you can also learn about the conditions of other companies. Humans are such strange animals. When he suffers, he will feel miserable. He is really the most miserable person in the world.

But when he knows that others are suffering and unlucky like him, he will feel that he is not so miserable and unlucky, so he will say "Is it bitter or not? Think about the Red Army's 25,000-yuan Long March. Are you tired?" Thinking of the evil old society." Sentences like this appeared.

Although the business has not grown much, it will still bring him some surprises sporadically, so that he can at least complete the monthly tasks of the newspaper, so that he can still become Director Huang of the advertising department of "Haicheng Evening News", looking forward to it Someone who will show up at the office door.

The most important thing is that Liu Ligan himself feels that his friendship with these office directors or vice presidents who still exist tenaciously has truly strengthened. Once the water in the spring river warms up, he will be that duck, and the spring breeze will turn into rain, and he will be the duck. The field that was hit first.

Because of this belief, Liu Ligan kept washing the building every day, and did not dare to stop for a day. The work of washing the building was very hard, and he finally turned it into a habit. He was very afraid that he Once you stop, you will give up and stop completely.

There was another thought that Liu Ligan didn't even tell Zhang Chen. Although Tan Shuzhen has not replied, he believes that Tan Shuzhen has received every letter from him and read it carefully. According to Tan Shuzhen's character, she must be carefully planning her Spring Festival trip to Hainan. She will Hiding it from his parents and everyone else, he planned carefully.

Liu Ligan understood that the reason why he did not reply to his letter was that Tan Shuzhen wanted to give himself, Jin Lili and Zhang Chen a surprise. Tan Shuzhen liked such dramatic effects so much. Who made her an actress?

Teacher Li once compared Tan Shuzhen and Xu Jianmei in private. They were both his students and he knew them very well.

He said that there is one thing about Tan Shuzhen that Xu Jianmei can never compare with, that is, she does not start brewing three minutes before she goes on stage, but starts brewing her emotions every morning as soon as she opens her eyes, so when she goes on stage, even if It was the simplest and most rushed stage. Her emotions were full and she was ready.

Listening to it, Liu Ligan felt that Tan Shuzhen should have been planning a reunion in Haicheng since she received the first postcard he sent from Hai'an.

Liu Ligan's plan was that when Tan Shuzhen came, he would incite her not to return to Yongcheng. He believed that Zhang Chen and Jin Lili would also persuade Tan Shuzhen in the same way, and Tan Shuzhen would definitely stay.

The four of them are very strange, that is, he and Jin Lili seem to be very speculative and talk a lot, while Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen are very speculative and chatty. If he, Liu Ligan, would be taken to task by Tan Shuzhen Tan Shuzhen was scolded, but Tan Shuzhen would listen to Zhang Chen's words.

Once Tan Shuzhen stays, Liu Ligan also understands that with the current situation, she may not be as lucky as Jin Lili or Lin Yiyan to find a job so quickly. Liu Ligan feels that only if he has enough money in his pocket , will give Tan Shuzhen a sense of security to continue to stay, so Liu Ligan must work hard to save money.

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