The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 76 What a big project

Zhang Chen was about to go home from get off work when the company receptionist detained him. He returned to the small shop next to the construction site and returned the call. Xiao Ma at the receptionist told him that it was Mr. Tan who asked all their designers to return to the company for a meeting in the evening.

Zhang Chen rushed to the company on his motorcycle, wondering, what happened that required all the designers to sit down and work overtime for a meeting in a serious manner?

This has never happened before.

Usually, designers work on their own projects, and it seems difficult to collaborate on design work. Everyone has their own design ideas and concepts, and they all stick to them. If you bring two people who have nothing to do with each other together, it will not get better, it will only get worse. Apart from mutual dislike and dissatisfaction, there will be no better result.

In the company, only when something like Xiao Xie happened last time, when Party A is always dissatisfied with a certain department and the designer’s brain is stuck again, and complains to Mr. Tan, will Mr. Tan take care of other designers. Call them over and ask them to help come up with ideas, but it is only limited to giving out ideas. It is up to the designer himself and Mr. Tan to decide how to make changes in the end.

Zhang Chen went upstairs. What surprised him was that Xiao Ma, the company's front desk clerk, did not get off work on time today. When Xiao Ma saw Zhang Chen, he told him to go to the conference room.

Zhang Chen arrived at the conference room and saw that the other designers of the company were already in the conference room. They all worked in the company. There was no other person like Zhang Chen who went to the construction site as an on-site construction supervisor. They were not surprised. The strange thing was that there were more than a dozen dishes placed on the conference table. When Xiao Xie saw Zhang Chen, he shouted:

"Zhang Chen, come and eat quickly. We have a meeting after dinner."

Zhang Chen walked over, picked up a box of lunch, and asked suspiciously: "What's going on?"

At that time, there were no food delivery companies. They usually went to the canteen below or a nearby store to eat. The company did not prohibit employees from eating in the office, but it was also something that colleagues brought back for you after eating. , I have never had such a high-profile dinner party before. Even if I buy it, I have to send several people there.

Zhang Chen now knows why Xiao Ma at the front desk hasn't gotten off work yet and left her here. He must have done this.

The other designers all shook their heads, and they didn't know what was going on. Xiao Xie said, no matter what, you can eat as long as you are told. When you are full, you should behead your head.

Zhang Chen and the others had finished eating. Xiao Ma came over to look at them and asked them, had they all eaten?

They agreed.

Xiao Ma brought two trash cans over, and Zhang Chen helped clean them up. When the others saw that they were about to work, they all stood up and slipped back to their desks.

Xiao Ma kept saying thank you to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Thank you for anything, it's just a little effort."

Xiao Ma snorted and muttered dissatisfiedly. When eating, everyone rushed to come, and after eating, everyone rushed to escape.

Zhang Chen knew that she was talking about several other designers, so he didn't speak to her.

Zhang Chen asked: "It's so grand today, what's going on?"

Xiao Ma shook her head and said, "I don't know either. I just heard Mr. Tan asked Qiaoqiao and me to buy food. He said that he wanted to feed you well and that he had to work overtime at night. This kind of overtime is not a common thing. I never heard that I have to feed you well every day.”

Xiao Ma also felt strange. Qiao Qiao was the cashier of the company. She and Xiao Ma went to the store below to buy these meals. They brought the meals into the conference room. Qiao Qiao said she had something to leave at home, so she left them behind. Pony is here waiting to be cleaned up, no wonder she is full of complaints.

Xiao Ma wiped the conference table clean, and then left with two garbage cans. Zhang Chen wanted to help her, but she said no, they were much lighter than when they were brought up, and they all went into the belly of these pigs.

Zhang Chen laughed loudly, and the front desk also laughed.

After the front desk left, other designers came back one after another. Zhang Chen looked at them, feeling angry and funny in his heart, thinking that these idiots really deserved to be scolded.

Xiao Xie asked him, Zhang Chen, you and that little B are laughing so happily, why are you laughing?

Zhang Chen said he was not laughing. Xiao Ma was praising you. After all, you are designers, and you all eat so elegantly.

Someone shouted: "It's a pity that there are still so many Wenchang chickens, and they have all been thrown away. I thought there were other people coming to eat, but they didn't dare to use their chopsticks."

Others shouted: "Yeah, if I had known this, we would have had some drinks."

Several people waited in the conference room for another ten minutes before Mr. Tan walked in and asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

The designers have agreed.

"Xiao Xie, close the door." Mr. Tan said.

Xiao Xie walked over and closed the door of the conference room.

Mr. Tan sat down, looked at them, and said to them: "I have left you here today because I have something important to tell you. I got reliable news this afternoon that Wanghai Building will be renovated as a whole, and the decoration will be completed." The plan will be finalized before the year, and all the major decoration companies in Haicheng have already taken action, so we are already too late."

Is Wanghai Building going to be renovated? Everyone present was surprised.

Wanghai Tower can be said to be the most famous building on Haixiu Road and even in the entire Haicheng. It is a comprehensive building integrating accommodation, catering and shopping. It is a state-owned enterprise belonging to a catering service company. It is 22 stories high and is located in Hainan. When the province was first established, it was the tallest building in Hainan. From the restaurant on the roof of Wanghai Tower, you can really see the sea.

It has been compared with other buildings in the past two years in terms of height, but its popularity has not diminished, especially the Wanghai Mall attached to it, which was the most upscale and largest shopping mall in Haicheng at that time. Wanghai Restaurant is even more famous for having two of the only three national first-class chefs in Hainan, and the other one is at Nanzhuang Hotel.

Wanghai Building is going to be renovated, and everyone here knows how big a project it is.

"Mr. Tan, is it the overall decoration?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Yes, the whole thing." Mr. Tan said, "The rooms and lobby of the hotel, all of Wanghai Restaurant, and the first and second floors of Wanghai Mall, except for the performance hall on the third floor of the hotel, which will be decorated by the tenants themselves, all the rest must be renovated. The entire project It is divided into two phases, the first phase is a hotel and restaurant, and the second phase is a shopping mall, but if you require one design, the entire project will be contracted at one time.”

"Damn, what a big project that must be!" Xiao Xie sighed.

"So I called you here to ask you to put aside all other projects and things from now on and come up with the design plan. The day after tomorrow, I made an appointment with Mr. Fu from Wanghailou for dinner. During this decoration, he Yan Jiuding, I hope I can show him our plan the day after tomorrow and get his approval," said Mr. Tan.

"The day after tomorrow, such a big project, in such a short time?" someone asked.

Mr. Tan glanced at him dissatisfied and cursed: "Just for this meal, do you know how many connections I used to finally get an appointment? Do you think you can just ask someone out if you want to, and you missed it the day after tomorrow?" Dinner, there’s no chance.”

Zhang Chen understood why Mr. Tan said this. He had long heard Liu Ligan and Jin Lili complain that in Haicheng, no one would talk seriously in the office. What kind of business should be discussed? In the hotel room, we just drink morning tea together. Whether people are willing to talk to you depends on whether they are willing to accept your invitation.

"Although this project is big, there are actually a few key points." After thinking carefully for a while, Zhang Chen said: "The hotel rooms are very similar. Just copy the designs of other foreign five-star hotels. Others also I won't care. At worst, after signing the contract, it will be modified depending on the funding situation.

“Although Wanghai Restaurant is independent, it is inside the building and does not have a separate facade. All it takes is the overall design of the front door and the restaurant.

“Wanghai Mall, if the appearance does not change, the biggest thing that needs to be changed is the atrium.

"I think we just need to concentrate on making two renderings first. The most important ones are the lobby design of the hotel and the atrium of the mall. I think these two parts are what they value most. If they can impress They have succeeded more than half of it, and the rest is to make up for it. If these two parts cannot be passed, there will be no other talks."

"Okay! Xiao Zhang's suggestion is very good. Everyone will focus on these two renderings and use their best skills. Do you understand?" asked Mr. Tan.

"Got it," the designers said.

"The meeting is dismissed!" Mr. Tan slammed the table.

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