The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 78 Goodbye to my brain

When Zhang Chen woke up, he felt dizzy. He quickly touched his forehead with his hand. It seemed that he had no fever. Zhang Chen couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, you are not qualified to catch a cold and have a fever.

Zhang Chen sat up and sat on the edge of the bed in a daze for a while, wondering whether to go to the company or stay at home. The unit had air conditioning and was cool, but no one had the unfettered freedom at home. It was very hot at home, but no one was there all the time. He comes here for no reason and talks to you about Zhang San and Li Si, as if you are familiar with Zhang San and Li Si, and they are all closely related to you.

Zhang Chen stood up and decided to wash his face first. After washing his face, he decided to go to the company or stay at home.

Zhang Chen still had the same habit, squeezing toothpaste on his toothbrush, putting a towel on his shoulders, and preparing to go to the end of the corridor to wash his face and brush his teeth. He never used a tooth cup when brushing his teeth. Instead, he liked to bend his head directly under the faucet and take a sip. Water, gurgling gurgling, then spitting it out.

He saw a few sketches on the table that he had drawn at random last night. He picked them up and looked at them, but he still felt nothing at all. He couldn't help but sigh, put down the sketches and went to get the toothbrush, "Mom!" Zhang Chen couldn't help but cursed. In a word, the toothbrush that had just been placed upside down had somehow fallen over, and the toothpaste squeezed on it fell on the table.

Zhang Chen picked up the toothbrush and wiped off the toothpaste on the table with his hands. He didn't wipe it clean, leaving a white mark. He didn't bother to pay attention to him, walked back and squeezed out the toothpaste again, and then went out.

Zhang Chen came back after washing his face, put his toothbrush and towel away, and then walked back to the table. He picked up the sketches and looked at them. He felt that they were worse than before. He simply threw these sketches into a corner at the foot of the wall. In the garbage.

He looked at the time, it was almost ten o'clock, and looked at the BB camera as usual, and there really wasn't a single one to pin him. Zhang Chen couldn't help but smile. He thought that this bastard was still a descendant of a soldier. When he really received a military order, he really followed it like a mountain.

Zhang Chen decided to go downstairs to eat a bowl of noodles first. After eating the noodles, maybe he would feel like thinking again? He basically decided not to go to the company. Whether he was dead or alive, he just spent his time at home.

Yilin's mother was washing clothes in the yard below. She was a little surprised to see that Zhang Chen was still there. She smiled and said hello to Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen also said hello casually.

Zhang Chen was about to leave the yard when Yilin's mother called him, put down the clothes in her hands, and came over, as if she wanted to say something to him, so Zhang Chen had to stop.

Yilin's mother chatted to him, speaking very fast. Zhang Chen didn't understand a single word of what she said, but combined with all the words, combined with her gestures and expressions, Zhang Chen understood and quickly pretended Tsukuru looked like he understood and kept nodding his head.

Yilin's mother finally asked again, meaning do you understand, do you understand?

Zhang Chen quickly said, I understand, I understand.

Yilin's mother then walked away contentedly and went back to wash her clothes.

Zhang Chen knew what Yilin's mother was talking about. Last Sunday afternoon, when the weather was about to get colder, Jin Lili took out the bed sheets for him and Liu Ligan. They smelled a musty smell, so she went upstairs. Wash under the tap.

The pool downstairs is larger than upstairs. There is a washboard made of cement next to the pool. It is more convenient to wash the sheets. Zhang Chen and Jin Lili wash the sheets there together. Yilin's mother leans against the door of her house. , keep looking at them.

Later, someone detained Zhang Chen at the construction site, so Zhang Chen went to the shop to answer the phone. When he came back, he found that Jin Lili was no longer downstairs. He looked up and saw that she was in the corridor upstairs, hanging sheets and joking with Liu Ligan.

Zhang Chen walked upstairs and asked, "Why are you laughing?"

Jin Lili couldn't help but laugh, and said, "Yilin's mother scolded me just now."

Are you being a bitch for still being so happy after scolding you? Zhang Chen asked in confusion: "You said you used his pool?"

"No, she scolded me that I shouldn't let you help wash the sheets." Jin Lili said with a smile, "She told me that in Hainan, if a man helps a woman with housework, he will be looked down upon by others and the neighbors will laugh."

Zhang Chen also laughed.

Just now, Yilin's mother stopped him and told him about this matter. She must have felt that this matter was very important, so she solemnly informed Jin Lili and Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen walked to an open space next to the billiard table. There was a noodle shop here. Zhang Chen ordered a bowl of noodle soup and added an egg. While waiting for the noodle soup, he saw two guys eating soup. Fan was playing billiards. When it was his turn, he would go over and play a few shots. After that, he would sit back here and eat a few mouthfuls of noodle soup.

Zhang Chen heard a familiar voice from one of the guys. He wondered if he was the guy who sang "Special Love to Special You" intermittently in the middle of the night. If it was him, it wouldn't be surprising. It seemed like he What he is best at is playing billiards while doing other things.

After finishing the noodle soup, Zhang Chen stood up and shook his head. It was over. He didn't feel smarter than before, but seemed dumber and more confused.

Zhang Chen didn't want to go back, so he walked towards the outside of the village. Outside the village was a ruins. On the edge of the ruins, there was a large billboard. On it was a magnificent shopping mall. It was also known as the number one in Hainan, Taiwan, the United States and Japan joint venture, but now, the dream of being number one is dead here. The boss is crying in some corner of the earth at this moment.

Zhang Chen found a tree shade and squatted down, lazily looking at the ruins. There was a child driving two oxen to graze. The morning sun shone on the grass and the oxen's plush backs, creating a melancholy feeling. This feeling is very similar to the smell of flying dust that can be smelled in your nose when you recall your childhood. Such clean dust covers your childhood into the past layer by layer.

Zhang Chen felt that his brain was broken, like a newly poured cement block in the formwork, solidifying bit by bit, and all his thoughts were buried in the cement block.

Zhang Chen stood up and walked back. When he passed the noodle shop, the two guys were still playing billiards, but they had already changed bowls of noodle dishes.

Zhang Chen walked over and ordered a bowl of pickled noodles, added beef and tripe, and took it back with him for lunch.

Back in the yard, Yilin’s mother was no longer there, and there were no tricycles in the yard. She must have gone out to sell goods, and her motorcycle was not in the yard. She told Liu Ligan last night that he would take the motorcycle away today. .

In this way, Zhang Chen felt that he had no reason to go to the company today.

Zhang Chen went upstairs and put the pickled powder on the table. He sat down and took the paper and pen, but he couldn't draw anything. He only smelled the scent of pickled powder. He pushed the pickled powder to the corner of the table, away from him. Some, and then I picked up the pen again, but still couldn't draw anything.

He saw the white toothpaste trace left on the table. It was long and thin, so he used his pen to add a head, mouth and eyes, and then a tail. A white fish sat freely on the table. Swimming, it was swimming towards the depths of the table, towards the bowl of noodles. What Zhang Chen smelled was the smell of pickled noodles.

He simply brought the pickled powder over and ate it. The beef tasted good, the tripe tasted good, and the pickled powder tasted good. The only regret was that he had just forgotten to add hot sauce.

Zhang Chen's stomach was full. He picked up the foam packing box and was about to throw it into the corner at the foot of the wall. When he saw the sketches, he couldn't help but walked over, picked them up, looked at them, sighed, and put them away. Throw it back again, together with the foam box.

Zhang Chen walked back and forth in the room twice, sat down at the table, and picked up a pen. His mind was not empty, but the picture of the child and scalper in the ruins in front of him, so Zhang Chen simply started to draw with a pen.

Halfway through the painting, Zhang Chen felt that it was not enough. He felt the blurry feeling of the sun, which was colorless and insufficient to express. He simply went to the sink to get a bowl of water, then took out lead drawing paper and watercolor paints, and prepared to paint. Have a fight.

Wenwen and Qianqian on the left were already up. They were going to eat something and then go back to sleep. Zhang Chen heard their movements and quickly closed the door.

He was not afraid of them, but he knew that Jianqiang and the others next door were about to get up. When Jianqiang saw the door next door open, he would come over and take a look. When he saw him painting, he would definitely yell. Another one from Zhejiang America. , will definitely come over to see his paintings from Zhejiang Mei.

While watching, he would also clap his hands on the side. Damn it, do you think you are watching a circus or doing magic?

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