The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 765 These days of the first lunar month

In the next few days, Liu Ligan's company has not yet started work, and the workers at Zhang Chen's factories on both sides of Sanbao and Tianta Road have not returned yet, nor have they started work.

Only Lao Wan and Zheng Huihong are still on duty in the factory. Some of their specialty stores, like those in Hangzhou, are open during the Spring Festival and need to restock. Wu Zhaohui and the others have not returned yet, and the driver Xiao Sheng has returned. After going home, Lao Wan went to distribute it himself.

Like last year, Lao Wan did not go home during the Spring Festival this year. Lao Wan did not want to go home. He had already told Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen knew a thing or two. Zheng Huihong also took the initiative to ask for overtime during the Spring Festival. If she refused to go home, there would be no one. I know, Xiao Zhao asked her, she kept talking for a long time, but Xiao Zhao didn't understand the reason.

Xiao Zhao goes to the Yan'an Road store every day. The Yan'an Road store is busier than usual in the first month. Although the turnover has not increased significantly, there are many more people than usual. Most of them take advantage of the holidays to come out. Shopping.

These people go to the streets not to buy anything, and they don’t have any extra money in their pockets. During the Spring Festival, they have already planned to spend all the money they usually save.

But their enthusiasm for playing and taking pictures has not diminished. Zhang Chen and his half-acre field has become a popular spot for taking pictures. They went to Wulinmen Square and turned around to take a look. It was just right.

Liu Ligan also brought a camera and called Zhang Chen. The two of them drove a car and took Zhang Xiangbei around aimlessly in the city. When they saw a dilapidated factory or a large store somewhere, Liu Ligan He stopped the car and took photos. Zhang Chen didn't know what he was doing at first, so when he asked him, Liu Ligan laughed and said, "Be a police dog, looking for prey."

Zhang Chen understood that he was looking for land again and wanted to start a new project. He cursed, "You haven't completed a "Splendid Home" yet, and you haven't started construction of "Splendid Xiangting" and "Splendid Jiangnan" yet. Now you have to find a new one." Aren’t you afraid of being overwhelmed by your project?

There is no way, brother, you think that I am you and can stop. If you stop, the money is still coming in. I am lying down, sitting, standing, walking, even squatting in the toilet. Every minute, every second, All the money was flowing out. I could hear the sound of money flowing out even in my sleep.

"What have you done? The money is flowing out?" Zhang Chen couldn't help but laugh.

"The 80 million yuan of Nanyang Bank is lying in the account. Do you think that is money? It is from the ancestors. The interest is a few ten percent per year. It is more than 8 million yuan a year. Calculate for me, how much will it be in one day? How much is an hour, how much is a second, is it flowing?"

When Liu Ligan said this, Zhang Chen did the math for him and was shocked. This day would cost more than 20,000 yuan in interest, and every minute would cost more than ten yuan. It was really a lot. Zhang Chen said:

"You can't use it, you can't live without it, you found the ancestor for yourself, who do you have to blame?"

"It's true that you are rich and rich. You are damn suitable to stay in Sanbao. Jason and Qu Tianlin are right. This money, looking at it this way, is not cost-effective, but if you use it, It’s a good deal and you won’t feel stressed. Also, once the pipeline between this and the bank is established, it will be worth more than money.”

"What's it worth?" Zhang Chen asked, "I've always had banks come to me, but I've never gone to a bank."

"Okay, you're awesome!" Liu Ligan rolled his eyes at him and continued:

"As long as the pipeline is established, if it's 80 million today and I want 800 million tomorrow, they will give it to me. Who else will have so much money except the bank? Our real estate is different from your clothing. Take ten yuan Buy a piece of cloth and you can make it at home. Either we don’t need it or we need a lot of money.

"I am not short of money now, but I still want to take their money. This is also putting bait. If the bait is put down, and the bank gets used to it, it will be caught by me. It looks like I am working for them, but in fact, As long as I make good use of their money, I am using their money to make money for myself."

"Okay, you are awesome, how are you going to take advantage of it?"

"I'm going to turn all the money into land. As long as one or two pieces of land are turned into projects, the money will be earned back. Just sit in the car obediently and feed Zhang Xiangbei by yourself if you have nothing to do. Hey, you Do you have any milk?”

Liu Ligan shouted, Zhang Chen glared at him and ignored him. He understood what Liu Ligan wanted to do, but he felt that running around like a headless fly didn't make much sense.

The next day, Fan Jianguo joined their team. After Fan Jianguo joined, the situation became much more orderly. They liked a place, and Fan Jianguo would go down, walk around, and call uncle and aunt in Hangzhou dialect. Liu Ligan asked him to understand clearly the situation of this factory or this place, especially to find out which system it belonged to.

This is much better than the two outsiders. Hangzhou people are still a bit xenophobic. When they ask, people always ignore them.

They bought several maps of Hangzhou and circled the places they visited with pens and numbered them. Liu Ligan also bought a book and left two pages for each number. Fan Jianguo asked about the situation. , are written below the number.

Liu Ligan shook the map and said to Zhang Chen, this is my real estate map of Hangzhou. This map may become a precious cultural relic in the future. I want to fill every corner of Hangzhou with my projects. Old Bao and Old Nie have already reached an agreement. After I get to work, I will take over two factories.

Zhang Chen listened to what Liu Ligan said and felt that what he said seemed to make sense, but also felt that it was a bit too big and empty. He always felt that if you have a horse, you can ride on it and drive it. There are three horses. , you organize them into a carriage, and you can still control it. But if there are dozens or hundreds of horses, how do you control them?

Thousands of horses galloping, although the momentum is amazing, but if not, it will trample people to death.

Zhang Chen himself didn’t know whether he was too conservative in many cases. That’s why he felt that Liu Ligan and Meng Ping were too forward. They had no intention of controlling the horse at all, because they themselves were like They are wild horses that have been imprisoned for too long. As long as they are given grassland, they will definitely break free.

No one can restrain them.

Zhang Chen sighed.

Zhang Chen had not had a good year this year. There was a faint uneasiness in his heart. He did not tell Liu Ligan or Xiao Zhao that since the end of last year, Longxiangqiao’s Xinsheng Market had Like Sijiqing, many brands suddenly emerged. Like Banmutian, they also began to engage in franchising and chain franchises.

Xiang Qin from Wuhu and Wang Lizhen from Ma'anshan pretended to be customers, visited several stores, and brought Zhang Chen their franchise agreement. Zhang Chen saw that the agreement was almost copied from theirs in its entirety, and there was nothing wrong with it. Updated content.

Even if they open specialty stores all over the country, Zhang Chen is not afraid of competition. He remembers something Liu Ligan said casually, but he may have forgotten it himself.

Liu Ligan once said, he said, I started earlier than others, and now the competition is my ability to run on the road. There is no sprint in running a business. Once you sprint, you will reach the end, and you will be finished.

Zhang Chen felt that this was a good saying. He started earlier than others, and if he could run faster than others, he would certainly not be afraid of them.

What makes Zhang Chen feel uneasy is that these brands are probably trying to attract people to join. They also know that the biggest temptation for people who want to join is the exchange rate, so they all focus on the exchange rate. When it comes to articles, no one has a 10% exchange rate like Zhang Chen and others.

They all start at 20%, and some have reached 40%. They are also ignorant and fearless. They don't know how terrible the exchange rate is.

With Zhang Chen's 10% exchange rate and the strict control of Zheng Huihong's group, Zhang Chen felt that the inventory was a bit too large, 20% to 40%. They didn't know the inventory. Will it crush people to death?

Clothing is no different from other products. It is popular. If it is popular this year, it will not be popular next year. A style and fabric that is fashionable this year will be outdated or out of fashion next year. If you give it to others for free, no one will want it. Wearing, let alone buying, outdated clothes is what people in Hangzhou call a time lapser. You will not attract people's attention, you will only be despised.

We are no longer in the age of being naked. The decorative nature of clothing has long replaced its functionality.

When it comes to clothing, if you are in line with fashion, the sales will be like a flood. If it is out of date, it will not sell, no matter how hard it is, it will not sell, and no matter how much discount it is, it will be useless.

The well-known clothing brands in the world are well aware of this truth, so at the end of every season, they will seize the trend and launch a crazy sale. The shopping malls are full of 10% SALE, 20% off The word SALE.

Zhang Chen clearly remembered how proud he was when he came up with the 10% exchange rate. He never thought that this thing would come back to bite him one day.

When everyone is competing in the exchange rate, they are no longer on the same playing field, but just on a flat land. Everyone runs freely in all directions. There is a starting point, but it does not matter the end point, because the flat land is There are cliffs all around, and the fast runner disappears quickly. The people behind him think he is in front, chase him desperately, and then disappear too.

And those who haven’t started running at the starting point still think it’s all great.

What worries Zhang Chen is that when all the brands on the market have exchange rates of 30% or 40%, can he still hold on to the 10%? Ma Ya from Shenyang and Guo Wentao from Harbin have already complained to him about the exchange rate issue.

For the following general agents and franchise stores, of course they hope that the exchange rate will be as high as possible, preferably 100% exchange, but if that happens, Zhang Chen clearly knows that it will be a disaster for the company. .

You are equivalent to taking all the inventory of all stores across the country. At that time, the more brands you have franchised stores, it will no longer be your advantage. On the contrary, they will be a noose hanging above your head, and they will hang you at any time. .

When you are hanged, no one will sympathize with you. For the following customers, they can spend a little money to change the door and use a different brand.

No matter how successful your brand is today, within two years it will first disappear from people’s sight and then disappear from people’s memory.

Consumers are ruthless.

Zhang Chen felt a little scared. He felt that this force was a bit menacing. It was very likely that in a short time, everyone would be racing on the exchange rate. From the current 30 to 40%, it would soon be so high that Zhang Chen Chilling one hundred percent.

Zhang Chen knew in his heart that this day would come sooner or later. He just hoped that it would come slower and give himself some time to accumulate energy. But this is really not the case. If you expect it to slow down, it will slow down.

who are you?

When irrationality becomes a torrent, rational people are always lonely.

Thank you Ba Liang and Ri Ri Shu Shu for the reward! Thank you Yuya and Yaliang for your monthly votes! Thank you for all the votes and reading! Good evening everyone!

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