The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 764 Hot Pot on New Year’s Day

After Alian left, Liu Ligan fell on the bed again. The sun came out and shone on his face and body through the window. He felt a little hot. He didn't know whether it was the sun or the air conditioner.

The central air conditioner in the hotel usually stops for a period of time when a large number of guests have checked out in the middle of the night and ninety o'clock in the morning, and the waiter is cleaning the room. Then it starts up again, spraying heating into the room.

Liu Ligan stared at the fan mouth and the red ribbon tied to the aluminum alloy grille, watching it fluttering in the wind, "I stretched out and fell back to myself, and threw myself out again, and Alone/In the great storm.”

Liu Ligan thought of Rilke's poem and the word "heart flag fluttering". He didn't know whose heart flag would be red, like this red ribbon.

At least not his.

Liu Ligan was lying there on his back, feeling exhausted, empty-hearted, a little panicked, a little astringent, and a little unsure of his direction. He had this feeling before when he really devoted himself to writing a play or a novel. Yes, whether you are writing a play or a novel, you are experiencing other people's lives. How can you not sweat profusely?

Of course, the sweating comes from the heart. Liu Ligan feels that when the heart is tired or empty, the heart will also sweat.

When you are truly immersed in reading novels, watching movies, and listening to other people's stories, aren't you also experiencing other people's lives? As long as you are not an insensitive person, your heart will be tense, depressed, excited, shed tears, sweat, and even bleed.

When Liu Ligan woke up again, it was already dark outside. I don’t know when the waiter came in. He thoughtfully covered him with a blanket, closed the curtains, and turned on the night light. There was a dim light inside.

Liu Ligan hadn't eaten anything all day, and he was feeling groggy. He didn't know if he was starving. He twitched his nose and smelled the tempting aroma of apples. He turned around and saw a fruit plate on the bedside table. The waiter brought it in.

Liu Ligan was half lying on the bed, with his feet still hanging outside the bed. He bent his feet, raised them to the bed, pushed with his heels, and stretched his body forward on the bed, and then stretched out his hand. , you can reach the fruit plate on the bedside table with your hand.

He grabbed an apple and took a big bite.

Lying there on his back, he finished eating an apple. He felt much better. He sat up. Thinking that by this time, Zhang Chen and the others should have returned to Hangzhou. He stood up, walked to the cabinet, opened the door, and opened the door. I took out the big brother from the bag.

As soon as Big Brother opened, Zhang Chen's call came in, cursing, "Fuck, it finally got through, where are you?"

"Wanghu Hotel." Liu Ligan said.

"Holy shit, why are you going to Wanghu Hotel?"

"Just fuck, play tricks, New Year's Eve."

"Fuck you, are you coming to eat hot pot?"

"Come on, where are you?"

"Yan'an Road, Xiao Zhao's office."

"Okay, we'll be there soon." Liu Ligan imitated Li Yang's Nanjing dialect and laughed loudly after speaking.

Liu Ligan went downstairs, walked to the gate of Wanghu Hotel, and looked towards the unfinished ESPRIT store. He didn't see the figure. Liu Ligan felt a little disappointed, but also a little happy. He didn't know it either. What to be happy about.

While he was standing there waiting for the bus, he remembered that he still didn't know whether it was A-Lian or A-Lan, but he was already sure that there would be no other names.

A gust of wind blew, and Liu Ligan trembled.

The door to Xiao Zhao's office was closed, and Liu Li pushed it in. He saw a rice cooker on the coffee table, and next to it was a coffee table dish. Zhang Chen, Xiao Zhao and Xiao Juan were sitting there eating hot pot. There is an empty seat next to Xiaojuan. The dishes, chopsticks and cups are all set. It belongs to him.

Afraid of getting burned by the oil fumes, Zhang Xiangbei's stroller was pushed a meter or two away from them. Zhang Xiangbei saw Liu Ligan coming in, waving his hands and shouting happily.

Liu Ligan clapped his hands and said to Zhang Chen, please lend me two thousand yuan quickly.

"What for?" Zhang Chen asked, but he still took out his wallet from his hip pocket and threw it over.

"Xiao Zhao, do you have any red envelopes?" Liu Ligan asked.

"In the drawer." Xiao Zhao said, it was the leftovers he bought when giving red envelopes to the waiter below.

Liu Ligan opened the drawer, took out a red envelope, opened Zhang Chen's wallet, counted two thousand from it, and threw the wallet back to Zhang Chen.

Liu Ligan stuffed the money into the red envelope, walked over and handed it to Zhang Xiangbei, and said to him: "Come on, Beibei, it's a red envelope from dad."

"Don't give it to him, he will stuff it in his mouth." Xiao Zhao shouted.

Zhang Xiangbei had already taken the red envelope and was about to stuff it into his mouth. Liu Ligan quickly grabbed his hand. Zhang Xiangbei looked at him angrily. Liu Ligan moved his face towards Zhang Xiangbei and grabbed Zhang Xiangbei's hand. Xiang Bei held the red envelope in his little hand and patted his face, "Come on, hit here."

The thick red envelope hit Liu Ligan's face, making a slapping sound. Zhang Xiangbei chuckled. Liu Ligan let go of his hand again, and he slapped Liu Ligan's face with the red envelope, smiling happily. With.

The three people here also laughed, and Zhang Chen said, okay, just squat there and don't eat.

Xiao Zhao stood up, walked to the table, took two empty red envelopes from the drawer, walked over, and snatched the red envelope from Zhang Xiangbei's hand. Zhang Xiangbei was about to cry when Xiao Zhao said, "Okay, Bei." Bei, this is for you.

She put an empty red envelope into Zhang Xiangbei's hand. Zhang Xiangbei waved it and felt that it didn't feel right and was about to cry again. Xiao Zhao quickly said, "Come on, I'll give you another one."

He stuffed another empty red envelope into Zhang Xiangbei's left hand.

Zhang Xiangbei held a red envelope in one hand and looked left and right. He felt that he had two red envelopes in his hand. He felt that his heart was balanced and he no longer cared about Liu Ligan. He stuffed the red envelope into his mouth and bit into it angrily.

Liu Ligan sat in front of the hot pot, and Xiaojuan stood up. She said I should go out and take a look.

Zhang Chen looked at Liu Ligan and asked, "Why are you so miserable? You don't even have any cash on you?"

Liu Ligan said, what should I do? Red envelopes cannot be swiped by credit card, so I have to swipe the card.

"Okay, go get two hundred thousand." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"That's a nice thought. Unlike you, my son won't exploit his father like this." Liu Ligan scolded.

"Yeah." Zhang Chen nodded, "You, the dad, will only take money from me, the dad, and then give him red envelopes."

"I borrowed it and will pay it back to you, Grandet!" Liu Ligan cursed.

Xiao Zhao looked at Liu Ligan and said, banks are closed these days, how can you survive without cash? I have it in my drawer. I'll take 10,000 later.

Liu Ligan said, Okay, did you see that these two people were lying on the same bed, their thoughts were very different, thank you Xiao Zhao, remember to remind me later.

Xiao Zhao smiled and said, OK, I will remind you.

The three people raised their glasses, clinked them, and said Happy New Year in unison. Xiao Zhao took a sip, and Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen had sex.

"When did you come back from Guangzhou?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I came back the next day, but I couldn't find my cousin who had set sail. He was no longer at the train station. His colleagues said he went to work in Macau. Damn it, the clues were completely lost now."

Zhang Chen asked: "Then you are staying at Wanghu Hotel?"


"Brother, why don't you open it? I thought you disappeared again."

"I'm hiding from you. I'm so annoying. You keep asking me to go back to Yongcheng all day long."

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao smiled and didn't ask any more questions.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan said that they had visited his home and that your parents were very good. I lied to them that you went to Hong Kong.

"Yeah, that's a good trick." Liu Ligan said while eating yuba.

Zhang Chen told him about Wu Chaohui again, and Zhang Chen said that Wu Chaohui still talks about friendship.

Liu Ligan became proud again. He said, of course, the products from my company will still make mistakes.

Zhang Chen wanted to scold him, but Wei Wenfang was a little unhappy. She also came from your company.

After thinking about it, Zhang Chen didn't say anything. He concluded in his heart that Wei Wenfang and Wu Zhaohui would definitely get into trouble because of this on their way back to Tonglu.

Even so, Zhang Chen felt that he could still understand Wei Wenfang. A bottle of Moutai cost one hundred and fifty yuan. At this time, for her, the first thing that came to her mind was not necessarily the one hundred and fifty yuan, but thirty. The packages are given away for free. Five boxes of thirty bottles of Maotai liquor are given away for free. That means nine hundred packages are given away for free. Where is the Youth Treasure?

Just like when I first opened my shop, when I went to the market gate to buy a lunch box and added an extra piece of steak, I would naturally think that a piece of clothing was sold for nothing. When eating the steak, I felt that what I was biting was not meat. , but the hard work that I and Xiao Zhao went through when selling each piece of clothing.

This is not an abstract number, but a picture.

Zhang Chen had seen the pile of New Year's goods in Wu Zhaohui's car. Although they were large in quantity, they were all cheap goods. When Wei Wenfang bought these, he must have been thinking about how many packages he had given away for free, just like he did back then. , and how many packages were given away for free.

The difficulties of starting a business are similar, and everyone who has started a business can understand it.

However, there is one thing that Zhang Chen would not have thought of. Wei Wenfang has always been like this, not today. Her frugality is because in her eyes, money is not calculated in yuan, but in terms of what her father gave her. The shipping cost of briquettes is calculated.

When she was a child, her father delivered coal, and she helped push the cart. When the coal arrived, her father was helping the buyer unload the coal. Wei Wenfang stood aside, staring at the buyer, watching her folding the coal from the coated paper of "People's Pictorial" into a wallet. He gave her a dime for the shipping fee. At that time, Wei Wenfang's biggest wish was that it would be great if she could get one for herself.

But such a good thing has never happened.

Xiaojuan went in and out, sat down to eat for a while, and then stood up and asked to go out and take a look. She sat down, twitched her nose, and asked Xiao Zhao with some doubts, "Sister Xiao Zhao, do you smell spicy on me?" taste?

"What?" Xiao Zhao asked.

Xiaojuan said: "I just walked in front of a customer and she sneezed."

The four people all laughed. Xiao Zhao twitched her nose and cursed in her heart. She actually smelled the spicy smell from her clothes. When she raised her head and smelled it, the whole room seemed to be filled with spicy smell. She quickly stood up. I walked over and opened the window, letting in a blast of crisp cold air, which made me feel better.

When she walked back, she looked towards Zhang Xiangbei and exclaimed "Ah". In fact, the three people turned around and laughed.

They saw that the two red envelopes had been bitten into pieces by Zhang Xiangbei and scattered on the floor. Zhang Xiangbei's mouth was red, and his face and hands were stained with red.

He was looking at them with a victor's attitude and smiled proudly.

Thank you to Qiang 2K, Bustling Farce, Cup Guy Api, Tiger, Pi Wusun, and Book Friends 130221184047110 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Happy Wednesday to everyone!

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