The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 766 President Mao

Tan Shuzhen would pass by Zhang Chen's store almost every day. She was sitting in the Nissan van they drove. When passing by, she would sit up straight and look out attentively.

She saw many people here every day, and she felt happy for Zhang Chen from the bottom of her heart.

Tan Shuzhen hoped to see Zhang Chen outside the window, but was also very afraid of seeing Zhang Chen. The last time she and Shen Linlin came here, they almost met Zhang Chen. Fortunately, she escaped in time. She was not sure. She felt that Zhang Chen was also watching. Got to her.

She has always had a good relationship with Zhang Chen. Even if she meets him, Zhang Chen will not do anything bad. But she is just afraid of meeting him. She feels that since the day she and Feng Laogui got married, they have talked a lot about it. There is no way to explain clearly.

Logically speaking, if something happened, it would be between her and Liu Ligan. But for some reason, Tan Shuzhen felt that she was more afraid of seeing Zhang Chen than Liu Ligan.

Maybe it's because they have always had a good relationship and respect each other, so they pay great attention to their image in each other's eyes. Tan Shuzhen knows that both Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan must be very disappointed with themselves, but in comparison, Zhang Chen The disappointment in herself seemed to make her feel even more uncomfortable.

Maybe because of this, Tan Shuzhen was afraid of seeing Zhang Chen. She was afraid of seeing the deep disappointment behind him when he said hello with a smile.

Zhang Chen would not show his disappointment on his face.

Manager Mao asked from the side, I heard that this is a store opened by us Yongcheng people, do you want to go down and have a look?

Tan Shuzhen always smiled and said, "No need, you guys, what are you going to see in a women's clothing store?"

Go ahead, President Mao said, we'll wait in the car.

Tan Shuzhen shook her head and said no need. I have been here before and they wear casual clothes and they cannot be worn at work.

Manager Mao said oh and stopped insisting.

In their bank, all counter employees must wear work clothes, and office staff are also issued uniforms, but they are not required to wear them. If you don’t wear the bank uniform, you must wear more formal clothes, and Tan Shuzhen seems to be wearing it every day. Wearing bank uniforms.

Xiao Xu in the office protested, Zhenzhen, you are wearing work clothes and we are afraid to wear them.

Tan Shuzhen smiled, but the next day, she still wore work clothes and went to work.

Tan Shuzhen believes that since the company has issued clothes to you, it would be wrong for you not to wear them.

Even when she came to Hangzhou this time, she was still wearing work clothes.

They were in Hangzhou for three days years ago and did not go back until the 29th. They came up again on the second day of the Lunar New Year. Tan Shuzhen accompanied President Mao to pay New Year greetings. People from the provincial and municipal banks went there, and there were people from every unit. There are so many departments, and if any one of them is missing, it will offend people.

During those three days, every day was a banquet. You would invite guests at noon and invite them in the evening. Banquets are also a matter of knowledge. You have to consider who should be invited at noon and who should be invited in the evening. Who should be invited at noon and who should be invited in the evening. Who can't sit at the same table with whom? Who has to sit at the same table with whom, and they have to deliberate.

During those three days, they were so busy that when they passed by Zhang Chen's store, President Mao never said whether he wanted to go in and have a look. In the next few days after the New Year, every time he passed by this place, he would almost ask .

They have been running around Hangzhou before and after New Year's Eve. The happiest thing is that the driver is old. He is from Hangzhou. When he was an educated youth, he went to Yongcheng to jump in line. Later he went to the bank to drive. The people who jumped in line with him, including his wife, all came from Yongcheng returned to Hangcheng. He did not return in his old age because he could not find a better unit than Yongcheng in Hangcheng.

Besides, he works as a driver and often travels to Hangzhou, so he doesn't think it's a big deal that the couple live in two places.

President Mao and Tan Shuzhen will not go back, but they can go home every day in their old age, so he will be happy.

Originally, Tan Shuzhen felt that there was no need for President Mao to come after the New Year, because the New Year was mainly her business. They had served many presidents and vice presidents before retiring after mentioning the city bank. Their families had already moved. When you go to Hangzhou, you don't just go to Hangzhou to retire. Some of them live in Hangzhou after retirement. In the first month, Tan Shuzhen will come to express condolences on behalf of her work unit and the labor union.

But Tan Shuzhen is, after all, just the vice chairman of the labor union, and that person is so badass that no one knows where he has gone. And these people are also very badass, and I'm afraid you won't be able to handle it.

This is what President Mao told her.

Tan Shuzhen knew that the first one was really cool, referring to the vice president and labor union chairman who had been on sick leave for a long time. The latter one was really cool, referring to the successive presidents and vice presidents in Hangzhou. The former one, Tan Shuzhen thought was really cool. Very well, the latter ones don't seem to be that difficult to deal with.

Tan Shuzhen went in with gifts. They were all polite. After leaving Yongcheng for so many years, they were very satisfied that Yongcheng ICBC still remembered them, and they said nothing else.

Tan Shuzhen knew in her heart that President Mao said that they were difficult to deal with and that he had to come in person. In fact, there were other reasons. This reason made Tan Shuzhen feel a little uncomfortable.

Tan Shuzhen is not an idiot, how could she not know.

Ever since she entered the industry, President Mao would often find various reasons to go on business trips to Hangzhou. And sometimes, even though everything had been done, President Mao would find excuses to say that he still had something to do the next day. Stay one more day in Hangzhou.

Even the old man said cheerfully once that he went back to Hangzhou more often than before and that his wife had no objection to him staying at ICBC Yongcheng.

When he was in the industry, President Mao was very careful not only to keep a distance from Tan Shuzhen, but also to other women. Even if a woman came to his office and wanted to talk to him about something, he had to keep the door of his office open. .

Everyone in the industry knows that, and Tan Shuzhen also knows that it is all because of Director Huang Linghua Huang, the daughter of Deputy County Magistrate Huang. In a small town, in a unit, rumors will spread faster than the wind, which angered Huang. Linghua, President Mao has to kneel on the washboard when he comes home.

You, the president, are nothing. Even Deputy County Magistrate Huang would give up three points when he saw her daughter.

This is something that almost half of the people in Yongcheng County know. When Tan Shuzhen first entered the bank, Teacher Shi reminded her in a subtle way, and Tan Shuzhen knew it well.

In the industry, Tan Shuzhen is very attentive, and so is President Mao, so although they often have lunch together, go out for dinner, and have offices next to each other, President Mao is still a senior brother, and Tan Shuzhen will often ask him questions, but Everyone was careful to keep their distance, and there was no gossip about them at all.

Every time Huang Linghua sees Tan Shuzhen, she smiles like a flower. When she walks from the branch office of the Cultural Plaza to the store, and passes by the grocery store, she will bring some roasted chestnuts, pecans, torreya or something to give to Tan Shuzhen, or simply sit down with her. In Tan Shuzhen's office, the two of them ate together.

While Huang Linghua was eating, she was shouting, "Amao, Amao, Amao." Manager Mao rushed over, and Huang Linghua asked him to eat together.

Mr. Mao did not sit down every time. Instead, he stood and peeled two of them before going back.

Huang Linghua and Tan Shuzhen are as good as sisters. This is something everyone in the industry knows, and no one dares to gossip about it.

But when they arrived in Hangzhou, Tan Shuzhen felt that President Mao had changed. He drove President Mao and Tan Shuzhen to Qunying Hotel in his old age, and then he went home. Qunying Hotel is the administrative office of the Hangzhou City government agency. It is a guest house under the bureau. Almost all those who come to Hangzhou from the Yongcheng government agency on business stay here. It is not surprising to meet anyone from Yongcheng here.

Tan Shuzhen and President Mao met Deputy County Magistrate Huang here. When Deputy County Magistrate Huang saw them, he just nodded from a distance and did not even come to say hello, and President Mao did not run over.

At the Qunying Hotel, President Mao maintained his consistent style in the industry, walking with Tan Shuzhen in front and back.

President Mao couldn't stay at Qunying Hotel. Qunying Hotel had a canteen and he didn't like eating here. Tan Shuzhen thought it tasted good. He said it tasted terrible. It was all pig food. He had to eat outside. Going outside was not a good idea. In front of Qunying Hotel, Qunying Hotel is on Dongpo Road. There are many restaurants on the side, but President Mao has to go at least five streets away.

Sometimes, even if I want to eat seafood for late-night snacks, I don’t go to the Longxiangqiao seafood stall, which is only four or five minutes away. Instead, I have to take a taxi to the Omi seafood stall in Sijiqing.

Of course, Tan Shuzhen understood that this was just to avoid the Yongcheng people in the Qunying Hotel, which made Tan Shuzhen feel a little uncomfortable and helpless.

There are many things that cannot be revealed even if you see through them, especially if the other party is your leader. If the other party does not act directly, can you say, "Boss, don't you have any thoughts about me?"

But Tan Shuzhen knew that President Mao did have thoughts about her.

When taking a taxi, they don't sit in front of Qunying Hotel, but walk to Hubin Road. When the taxi comes, he will look left and right, and then instead of sitting in the passenger seat, he and Tan Shuzhen sit in the back seat of the taxi. , Tan Shuzhen had no way to tell him, don't sit here.

Tan Shuzhen could only shrink her body as far as possible, but she couldn't do it too obviously.

As soon as the car started, Mr. Mao started to talk more, and he was full of witty remarks. He no longer said everything in a strict manner like He Zaixing, and his body language also became particularly abundant.

From time to time, he would come and pat Tan Shuzhen's shoulders and thighs to accentuate his tone. The seemingly unintentional actions made Tan Shuzhen's hair stand on end and she couldn't help but frown.

When we arrived at the dining place, President Mao was no longer President Mao, but more like Tan Shuzhen's little follower. He asked questions and asked questions. All the tastes were based on Tan Shuzhen's taste, and all choices were based on Tan Shuzhen's choice.

I also have to help her carry her bag, help her get her clothes, help her pull out the chair, and scald the tableware with boiling water.

While eating, he would stare at Tan Shuzhen naked and say some inappropriate words. He didn't shut up until he realized that Tan Shuzhen was frowning and it might be counterproductive if he continued.

Tan Shuzhen often said, intentionally or unintentionally, that the elder sister Huang was the younger sister. The elder sister Tan Shuzhen was talking about was Huang Linghua. At the beginning, Mr. Mao’s face would be a little unnatural, but later it didn’t matter anymore. When Tan Shuzhen talked about it, He just looked at Tan Shuzhen and laughed, which made Tan Shuzhen feel bored.

When President Mao suggested going out to eat, Tan Shuzhen also tried to shirk the idea, saying that she was not feeling well.

That would be even more troublesome. President Mao would not only buy fruits, but also stay in Tan Shuzhen's room, asking for help and refusing to leave for a long time. After all, let's go to dinner.

Although Tan Shuzhen felt a little unhappy, she was a woman after all, and women wanted to be coaxed and courteous to them, and this person was still in a high position, which made Tan Shuzhen feel somewhat proud.

When a man coaxes a woman, even if the woman is disgusted at first, over time, she will get used to it and the habit will become natural.

Besides, the food in the places Mr. Mao took her to was really delicious.

Thanks for the tip, Ba Liang! Thank you Cup Guy Api and Tang Wei for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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