The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 759 Alian’s Story (3)

Lin Zhaofeng did not appear again, and Alian's worries and longings grew day by day. When she was lying on the bed alone, with her hands on her stomach, she felt that the place was getting bigger day by day. She did not even dare to go to the employee bathroom. , she was afraid that others would see that her belly was already very big, but in fact, nothing had changed there.

When A-Lian lowered her head again, she was not smiling, but sighing. The supervisor looked at her and was helpless. Their work rules require that you must smile when you treat customers, but there is no requirement. You must also smile when there are no customers. Smile, even though that’s how A Lian turned out to be.

In the dead of night, Alian thought about whether she would die like that, just like the female classmate in the next class. But when she thought about dying, she realized that there were so many reasons not to die. In fact, the biggest reason was not just one. Word, that is fear.

Another group from Xingchen Travel Agency came to stay at the hotel. Alian hesitated for a long time, and finally asked the team leader, why Lin Zhaofeng, the team leader of your company, didn't come?

The other party shook his head and said, "I don't know him."

Alien asked, "How come you don't know each other? Aren't you from the same company?"

The other party smiled and said, it’s normal for a company’s leader not to know each other. Everyone leads their own group outside and they won’t bump into each other. They may bump into each other throughout the year, that is, at the end of the year, but as a travel agency How many people with a job like a tour leader can work in a travel agency for a full year, and then just jump to wherever the salary is higher?

Alian knew that the Wei Ya the other party was talking about was our year-end work dinner. It seemed that at least at the last dinner, it was either him or Lin Zhaofeng. There was always one of them, and they hadn't come to this Xingchen Travel Agency yet.

Alian was working in the middle shift that day and got off work at nine o'clock in the evening. She went to the bicycle shed and unlocked her bicycle. When she was about to ride home, someone hugged her from behind. Alian didn't have to look back. She knew who it was just by her breath, and regardless of the fact that this was her workplace and others might see her at any time, she turned around, hugged him, and started crying.

The person who came was none other than Lin Zhaofeng. When Alian stopped crying, he wiped her tears with his hand. The two looked at each other and laughed.

Lin Zhaofeng picked up the bicycle that had fallen aside and rode on it. He asked Alian to sit on the back, and Alian sat on it. After leaving the gate of Huagang Hotel, she put her arms around Lin Zhaofeng's waist and pressed her face against his. On her back, she felt like Lin Zhaofeng really came to pick her up from get off work.

They still went to the Friendly Hotel, and he asked for her again, and she gave it to him. After calming down, Alian told Lin Zhaofeng that she might be pregnant.

"Really?" Lin Zhaofeng jumped off the bed and looked at her and asked, Alian nodded.

"Great!" Lin Zhaofeng shouted, "Have you been to the hospital for a checkup?"

"How dare I go to the hospital for this kind of thing?" Alian cursed.

"For this kind of thing, don't you just have to go to the hospital and listen to the doctor's advice?" Lin Zhaofeng was surprised.

"You think it's your Taiwan." Alian said angrily.

"It's the same everywhere." Lin Zhaofeng said, "Okay, it's okay. Isn't there a hospital opposite this hotel? We'll go there early tomorrow morning. I'll go with you."

Even Alian herself found it strange that something so difficult seemed not difficult at all with Lin Zhaofeng by her side. Alian was not afraid of anything anymore. She actually nodded in agreement with "Yeah".

Lin Zhaofeng told Alian that the reason why it took him so long to come to the mainland was because his mother was ill and living in the hospital. He turned down two tours because of this. No, he would come as soon as his mother recovered from her illness. , after the group arrived in Shanghai, he asked his whole companion to take the group to Huangshan first, and he ran to Hangzhou himself.

The next morning, Lin Zhaofeng really accompanied Alian to the No. 1 Hospital of the City. Only then did Alian realize that the hospital was not as scary as she imagined. Lin Zhaofeng accompanied her to the obstetrics and gynecology department, and the middle-aged doctor examined her. After that, she asked Lin Zhaofeng, are you her boyfriend?

Lin Zhaofeng nodded and said yes.

"Why are you so careless?" the doctor asked.

Lin Zhaofeng laughed and said that there was no way, it would take a long time for us to see each other.

The doctor seemed to understand, and then told them that they were already more than a month pregnant, should they still have an abortion?

"Liu Liu, of course I will stay." Lin Zhaofeng said with a smile.

The doctor slapped the pen in his hand on the table and cursed: "You men know how happy you are, right? Bleeding, bleeding, do you know how much influence bleeding has on a woman's body?"

Lin Zhaofeng was scolded by the doctor for being confused. He said, "Don't every woman have to get pregnant and give birth? Why does this have such a big impact on women?"

The doctor then realized that Lin Zhaofeng had misheard, and she laughed: "Where are you from? You can't understand Chinese?"

"I'm from Taiwan." Lin Zhaofeng said to the doctor.

The doctor laughed so hard that he couldn't stand up straight. After laughing, he said to Lin Zhaofeng, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. The abortion I mentioned was the abortion."

Lin Zhaofeng also smiled and said, "When I say stay, I mean to keep, to stay, to stay. We want to keep this child."

Well, I wish you happiness! The doctor said and called the next one.

During the whole process, Alian was confused. Only when she walked outside did she understand. She asked Lin Zhaofeng, what did you mean by what you just said to the doctor?

"I said we wanted to keep the baby. She thought we were going to have an abortion. How could that be possible? How could we not want our baby? Otherwise, he would hate us to death."

After hearing this, Alian felt very happy, but also felt that something seemed wrong. She said, give birth, how to give birth, you, me...

Lin Zhaofeng understood what she meant and said, of course we want to get married.


A Lianqi said that she liked Lin Zhaofeng, but she had never thought about getting married. Maybe she was young and felt that she was still far away from getting married.

From the bottom of her heart, Alian still felt that she and Lin Zhaofeng were from two different worlds, one in Taiwan and the other in mainland China. How could we get married?

"Of course." Lin Zhaofeng told her, "It's just a little troublesome, but what's the trouble? In the words of your mainland, isn't it true that where there is a will, there is a way?"

Alian couldn't help but laugh. She didn't expect that where there is a will, there is a way, and it would be useful here.

Only when they returned to the Friendly Hotel and Lin Zhaofeng talked to her did Alian realize how troublesome this was.

Lin Zhaofeng said that when he returns to Taiwan, he will take his and his parents' household registers and go to the court to apply for a notarized certificate of singleness. He will also need to obtain a notarized certificate of direct blood relationship and collateral blood relationship within three generations between him and Alian. , and then the court will send a copy of the notarial certificate to the Straits Exchange Foundation in Taiwan.

Then, the SEF will send a copy of the notarized certificate to the Notary Association of the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Justice. After they confirm receipt, we will first go to the Justice Department to get the seal stamped, and then go to the Foreign Marriage Registration Office of the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs. Registration of marriage.

Lin Zhaofeng told Alian that he had thought about getting married for a long time, and he had understood the entire process.

It was so complicated that Ah Lian felt like her head was spinning, but she still felt sweet when she heard that Lin Zhaofeng had long wanted to marry her.

Lin Zhaofeng told her that it didn't matter, he would take care of it, and Alian just had to wait. Alian agreed humbly that as long as she could be with Lin Zhaofeng, she would just wait.

At noon that day, Alian took Lin Zhaofeng home to meet her parents.

Of course, her parents were furious when they saw that Ah Lian had not come home all night, and now she suddenly brought a man back and said they were going to get married.

But when they saw Lin Zhaofeng bring out a thick stack of fifty thousand yuan and heard that he was Taiwanese and his father was a big boss, they stopped talking.

Lin Zhaofeng said to them, "I'm sorry. I know that your mainland customs have changed and you don't pay attention to this, but according to our Taiwanese customs, you must give a betrothal gift when you come to propose marriage, so please accept it."

Alian's father said, and he also said that our mainland now also pays attention to this.

This represents consent.

Now that I have agreed, the next thing is easier to handle, which is to discuss how to get married. When discussing this, I discovered a problem, that is, the mainland's marriage law stipulates that a woman must be over twenty years old before she can get married, and This year, Alian is only nineteen years old, and it will take another year and a half until she turns twenty.

Lin Zhaofeng and Alian then told Alian's parents that Alian was already pregnant and they could wait, but the child in her belly could not wait.

In the end, it was Alian's father who came up with the idea. He said that we can just get married like this. The registration is just a piece of paper. For us Chinese, it depends on whether you can serve the wine when you get married. Some have been married for decades, but there is no such thing. If you go to register, as long as you serve the wine and your relatives and friends know that you are married, that will be fine.

Lin Zhaofeng smiled and said, Dad still has a way, then we will do what Dad said.

Alian's mother is more attentive. She said, there is another trouble, that is, if you haven't registered, even if you serve wine, everyone will know that you are married, but when you give birth to a child, your work unit, hospital and police station will not recognize you. Yes, the family planning department is in charge there. Without registration, and not getting the birth certificate, Alian would probably be expelled from the unit.

Lin Zhaofeng said, Mom, don’t worry about this. After we got married, even if Alian went to work, I couldn’t bear to leave. Before they could fire Alian, we ourselves were fired from the company. In Taiwan, after getting married, women are Those who go home to take care of their children rarely go to work.

"This is good, this is good." Alian's mother said. This woman has to go to work and take care of her children. It's really hard. Taiwan is better.

Lin Zhaofeng then told Alian's parents that there are two others. I have also thought about it. My father's friend has opened a hospital in Shenzhen, a Sino-foreign joint venture hospital. When the time comes, Alian will go there to give birth. They will not If he refuses to accept us, his grandson, my father will definitely call his friend and ask him to take good care of Alian.

"Shameless, how did you know it was a boy?"

Alian cursed at the side, and the other three laughed. Lin Zhaofeng said, same thing, I also like girls more.

As for the household registration, Lin Zhaofeng said that it doesn't matter if we don't have a household registration now. In a year and a half, when Alian is old enough, we can register.

After registration, we still don’t want them to give us a household registration. Ah Lian, don’t you also want to go to Taiwan? After registration, we will go to Taiwan. You and our children will become Taipei residents, and you will even need your household registration here. Being canceled, let alone our children, what kind of household registration do we need?

"Ah, A-Lian is going to Taiwan?" A-Lian's mother asked.

Alian's father scolded: "Marry a chicken, marry a dog, follow a dog. When Alian marries a Taiwanese, of course she goes to Taiwan. When Alian goes to Taiwan, she goes to be a rich wife, not to suffer hardships. What are you worried about? .”

After everything was settled, the next step was to renovate the home and treat Alian's room as their new house. The wedding banquet was held at the Shangri-La Hotel by the West Lake, which made Alian's parents feel more proud.

Lin Zhaofeng and Alian's parents said that it was a pity that his parents wanted to come, but his family's status was a bit sensitive and it was not convenient to come. His father turned out to be a senior official in the Kuomintang.

Alian's mother asked, can't you come now?

Alian's father scolded: "You really don't understand anything. You are afraid of being arrested as a reactionary when you come here. You know, look at Bald Jiang, why do you never dare to come back?"

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