The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 760 Alian’s Story (4)

After the wedding banquet between Alian and Lin Zhaofeng, Lin Zhaofeng stayed in Hangzhou for two more days before returning to Taiwan. At that time, it was very convenient for Taiwanese to come to the mainland, but it was very inconvenient for mainlanders to go to Taiwan.

More than ten days later, when Lin Zhaofeng came back to Hangzhou from Taiwan, he told Alian that he took back the photos of their wedding and showed them to his parents. His parents were very happy, liked Alian very much, and made her feel at ease. To nourish his body with his mind, his father had already called his friend in Shenzhen, who said that A-Lian could go to Shenzhen anytime.

Lin Zhaofeng asked Alian to resign from his workplace. He told Alian that he had also resigned from the travel agency and went to work in his father's financial holding company. There was no other way. I still have something to ask him for, but he didn't listen to him. No, Lin Zhaofeng laughed.

Alian knew what Lin Zhaofeng said about asking his father for something. Alian also smiled and said, you should listen to your father. Anyway, sooner or later you have to go back to your home company.

Lin Zhaofeng sighed and said that he also knew this. Even after he went to the Financial Holding Company, the Financial Holding Company's business was very busy, and it was all business on the island. He couldn't be like a travel agency and come here often. Mainland.

Alian laughed at him for being hopeless. I live in my own home, and I still have my parents at home. What do you have to worry about? It’s only a few months and it will pass in a flash. Don’t worry.

Lin Zhaofeng went to the post and telecommunications office, applied for a phone for his home, paid a deposit, and opened an international long distance call. Lin Zhaofeng taught Alian how to make international long distance calls and told Alian that if anything happened, she must call him.

Alian said yes.

Lin Zhaofeng left a sum of money and returned to Taiwan to work in his father's financial holding company. Every two or three days, he would make overseas phone calls to Alian and ask about this and that.

After Alian quit her job, she stayed at home. At most, she only went for a walk around her home every day. She didn't bother to go to other places. She found that she was really getting lazy. Her mother smiled and said to her, Pregnant women are like this.

At that time, Alian's father had already found a relationship and went to secretly check up on Alian. He found out that Alian was pregnant with a boy. When Lin Zhaofeng called, he told the news like a treasure. Lin Zhaofeng, Lin Zhaofeng was also very happy after hearing this.

Ever since he had Lin Zhaofeng, his Taiwanese son-in-law, Alian's father seemed to have become more and more angry with others and his voice became louder and louder.

Lin Zhaofeng called again, and Alian told him about the matter. Lin Zhaofeng said, Alian, this matter is very important. Please wait a moment. I will hang up first. I want to discuss it with my father.

Alian said yes.

After a while, Lin Zhaofeng called and told Alian that I just told my father. What he meant was that he might as well go to the hospital in Shenzhen early. The hospital environment is good, so just treat it as a recuperation, and , now you are in Hangzhou, and perinatal health insurance is not available, which always makes people a little worried. When you get there, you can do anything.

Alian knows that the perinatal key insurance that Lin Zhaofeng mentioned is perinatal health care. Because Alian does not have a birth certificate, she cannot get a perinatal health care card. Without a health care card, she cannot get a checkup. What is the correct status of fetal development? She didn't know if it was abnormal. A-Lian herself was a little worried. After hearing what Lin Zhaofeng said, she said yes, I will listen to my father.

Two days later, Lin Zhaofeng came over from Taiwan and flew to Shenzhen with Alian. At the Shenzhen Airport, a woman came to pick them up. Lin Zhaofeng introduced to Alian that this was Miss Zheng from their company. Miss Zheng is his assistant. If he is busy with work in the future, Miss Zheng will often travel between Taiwan and Shenzhen.

Alian said yes.

Miss Zheng drove the two of them to the Sino-foreign joint venture hospital. The hospital was right on the seaside and the environment was really good. The boss was a Taiwanese, a friend of Lin Zhaofeng's father. He expressed his appreciation for their arrival. A warm welcome.

He arranged Alian in a suite and told Alian that if he had any requirements, he could tell the nurse at any time.

After sending Alian to Shenzhen, Lin Zhaofeng had something to do and returned to Taiwan that day. Miss Zheng stayed in a suite. Alian lived in the inner room and Miss Zheng lived in the outer room. She told Alian to call her if anything happened.

Miss Zheng is a very nice person. She accompanied Alian to buy clothes and some cosmetics. Alian has never been to Shenzhen before and is not familiar with Shenzhen at all. Miss Zheng takes her here and there to play and eat every day. delicious.

Miss Zheng was older than Alian. After the two got acquainted, Alian called her sister.

Miss Zheng did not travel between Taiwan and Shenzhen as Lin Zhaofeng said, but stayed with her in Shenzhen. The two of them were as close as a family and talked about almost everything. Even when sleeping at night, Alian begged her to Don't sleep outside, come in and sleep in a big bed to yourself.

Apart from making phone calls, Lin Zhaofeng had no time to come over. Miss Zheng told Alian that he had no experience in financial holding companies before, and he did not major in finance in college. Now he can only improvise. Our financial holding company You also know that you can't be sloppy at all in your work, otherwise you will lose all your money.

Alian said, "I know, I know, I don't miss him at all with my sister here. It would be better if he didn't come, and we could sleep together. If he comes, I'm still worried that he will transfer her back to Taiwan."

"Don't worry." Miss Zheng smiled, "Although I am his assistant, he can't move me. Only the chairman can move me. The chairman has told me that I can't leave Shenzhen until you give birth. .”

Alian knew that the chairman Miss Zheng was talking about was Lin Zhaofeng's father, her future father-in-law. Although she had never met him, he took such good care of her. Alian felt a little moved when she heard that.

Alian gave birth to her son successfully in Shenzhen, but Lin Zhaofeng still came and left in a hurry. He complained that he was a newbie, and when he entered the company, the old people relied on their elders and some bullied him.

Miss Zheng smiled and said, now you know that you are a novice? When the chairman asked you to come to the company, why didn't you come?

Lin Zhaofeng said, luckily I didn't come. If I had come, I wouldn't have been able to meet A-Lian.

Alian was listening and laughing.

Lin Zhaofeng left, but Ms. Zheng stayed in Shenzhen to accompany Alian. Her son was very well-behaved and very cute. Alian and Ms. Zheng both liked her very much. The son also liked Ms. Zheng very much. Others would cry when he hugged her. , but as soon as he got it into Miss Zheng's hands, he immediately stopped crying and moved Miss Zheng so much that she almost shed tears.

The son's name is Huhu, which was named by Lin Zhaofeng. Lin Zhaofeng said, our son just wants Huhu to be successful.

Miss Zheng was very reluctant to let go of Huhu. She held him every day and couldn't bear to give him back to Alian except for breastfeeding. Alian smiled and said, my sister likes him so much, so I might as well give it to you.

Miss Zheng pretended to run away. She said, "Then I really took her away?"

"Okay, you can take her away." Alian smiled.

Miss Zheng sighed and shook her head. She said forget it. I am not afraid of Lin Zhaofeng, but I am afraid of the chairman. If the chairman knows that I took his grandson away, he will not spare me.

The two men laughed.

They stayed in Shenzhen for more than a month and finished their confinement before returning to Hangzhou. It was Miss Zheng who sent their mother and son back. Lin Zhaofeng called and said he was coming. Alian said, don't come. It's okay if my sister is here.

When we arrived in Hangzhou, it was the opposite of what we had in Shenzhen. Miss Zheng had never been to Hangzhou before, so A-Lian took her everywhere.

The two of them were pushing the baby stroller and taking Huhu with them, going in and out every day. Alian recovered very quickly, not at all like a mother who had just given birth to a child two months ago.

People from the neighborhood committee came to Alian's house again to see that their son had been born. They also heard that in half a year, Alian would go through the formalities and settle in Taiwan, so they didn't bother to worry about it anymore.

Lin Zhaofeng called and told Alian that he was trying to establish a relationship and try to let Alian go to Taiwan. His parents couldn't wait to see their grandson.

Because Lin Zhaofeng and A-Lian had not yet registered their marriage, she could not go to Taiwan as a dependent. At that time, mainlanders were not allowed to travel to Taiwan, and they could only travel in a business capacity.

Ah Lian's procedure in mainland China is very simple. She just needs to go to the Public Security Bureau and apply for a "Mainland Residents' Travel Permit to Taiwan". Miss Zheng accompanied her to apply for it. After applying for the pass, Miss Zheng told her that she had to go to the police station again. Get a certificate of no criminal record.

Alian laughed to death. What kind of crime could I do to do this? However, she still remembered that she had stolen a book, which was "One Hundred Questions about Female Pregnancy". Good boy, luckily that He was not caught at the time. If he was caught and sent to the police station, wouldn't he be able to get this certificate and would be unable to go to Taiwan?

Huh, that was also your fault, Lin Zhaofeng. Who asked you to agree to ten and a half months, but you didn't come back for a month? If you can't go, you can't go. Our mother and son stayed in Hangzhou, leaving you, Lin Zhaofeng, to be single in Taiwan. .

At this time, Alian thought about what happened that day again, as if it was a lifetime ago, and she couldn't help but laugh.

The troublesome thing was to apply for the "Taiwan Entry and Exit Permit" from the Taiwan Immigration Department. Miss Zheng helped her organize all the information and send it to Taiwan. Half a month later, Lin Zhaofeng called her and said excitedly , it has been processed, Alian, I will send the entry permit to you today.

When Alian received the light green paper, she and Miss Zheng hugged each other happily. Alian shouted, sister, I can finally take Huhu to Taiwan.

Miss Zheng looked at her and smiled. She said, "I can finally go home!"

Thanks for the tip, Ba Liang! Thank you Mu Yangxiang and Brokeback Mountain for your monthly passes! Thank you for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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