The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 758 Alian’s Story (2)

When Lin Zhaofeng left, he took away many photos of him and Alian. He said he wanted to take them back to show his father and tell him that the person he really liked was a girl from this mainland.

Alian panicked and asked, will your father lock you up because of this and prevent you from coming to the mainland again?

Lin Zhaofeng smiled and said, don't worry, my father will definitely like you very much. Who dares not to like my Alian.

Lin Zhaofeng and Alian said that he would be back soon, no more than ten days and a half, and he would definitely be back.

But now more than a month has passed and he has not appeared again.

Alian was so anxious. Not only did she miss Lin Zhaofeng very much, but she was also worried about one thing. She was supposed to come to her aunt on the 22nd of every month, but this month, more than ten days have passed. Oh my god, it still hasn’t come.

Girls at that time had very little knowledge in this area. Alian was scared to death. She vaguely felt that something big was going to happen and that it was over.

No, no, I hope she is not pregnant, Alian prayed in her heart. She felt that she would not be so unlucky, but she didn't know what was going on.

She was very anxious, and she had no way to tell others. She couldn't tell her parents about it, nor could she tell her colleagues or friends about it. Besides, Alian didn't have any very good friends, beautiful For girls, it is difficult to make good friends of the same sex.

It's okay to be with the opposite sex, but if you interact with the opposite sex too much, others will say you are messy and call you a bus behind your back. Alian has been paying attention to this since the day she realized she was beautiful.

You know, beautiful girls always have a lot of troubles. This is what Alian read in a book.

Alian ran to Xinhua Bookstore to see if there were books on this subject, but the bookstores at that time had not yet opened shelves. It would be embarrassing for you, a little girl, to ask the salesperson of the bookstore to help you pick up books on this subject. ?

Alian went to the bookstore several times, but in the end she didn't have the courage.

She went to the library a few more times, but she didn't even have the courage to go to the shelf of medical books and take out such a book, let alone borrow it.

Ah Lian was really worried. She was a girl who loved to smile. Gradually, the smile was taken away from her face. Who took it away? It was not Lin Zhaofeng, that smooth-talking liar.

Sometimes Ah Lian couldn't sleep the whole night. In the first half of the night, she missed Lin Zhaofeng very much. Recalling every moment when she was with him, she felt that her heart was so sweet that it almost melted and she couldn't stand it anymore.

In the second half of the night, I would think angrily that I had promised to come back, but in the end I didn’t come back for such a long time. Your ten days and a half month have already been multiplied by two, do you still need to multiply it by three times four? Just leave yourself here and forget about it. This person must be a liar!

The supervisor also noticed something strange about Alian, and came over to ask Alian, what's wrong with you recently, has something happened to you?

When the supervisor asked, A-Lian couldn't help but burst into tears. The supervisor quickly hugged her. The supervisor was also a girl, as old as A-Lian. The supervisor knew in his heart that there was a high probability that this girl would cry so sadly. It must be related to love. The supervisor asked Alian if it was true, and Alian quickly shook his head and said no.

When Alian said this, the supervisor believed her. She had indeed never seen any boy come here. If Alian had a boyfriend, he would definitely come to pick her up. He would not pick up a boy whose girlfriend gets off work. Never seen it.

For problems in this area, the supervisor still has a little experience and can help the staff. But for problems other than this, the supervisor is at a loss.

That day, Alian was sitting on the bus and passed Wenyi Road. She saw a small bookstore down there, called the Medical and Health Bookstore. Alian quickly got off the bus at the next stop and ran back.

When she arrived at the bookstore, she was overjoyed. She saw that there was only one male salesperson in the bookstore, sitting behind the counter at the door. The inside of the store was open, and customers could browse the books on the shelves at will.

Alian quickly walked in. In the corner closest to the inside, she saw at a glance a book called "One Hundred Questions about Female Pregnancy" on the shelf. It was a thin volume. Alian knew that there must be the answers she wanted in it. .

She looked at the salesperson at the door. The salesperson was reading a magazine and eating melon seeds at the same time. He was so busy that he had no time to care about her. Alian was very happy.

She had just taken the book off the shelf and was about to read it. Three big boys came in from outside the door. They walked over mysteriously. Alian quickly stuffed the book on the shelf next to her and pulled out a book. The book on Chinese herbal medicine looks pretentious.

She hoped in her heart that these boys would leave quickly. Unexpectedly, these boys walked not far away from her but stood still. One of them pointed at a book on the shelf and shouted softly, This one, this one, this one has Obi in it.

He was pointing at a book on childbirth. The three of them took the book down and laughed while looking at the schematic diagram in the book. The schematic diagram was actually a very simple diagram of two thighs separated, and then demonstrated step by step pictures. How a child is born.

The three boys were excited and their faces were red. They pointed at the book and giggled. They looked at Alian from time to time. They had no intention of leaving at all. Alian was scolding them little Sith in her heart. They got out of here quickly, but they didn't dare to speak.

Not only did the three boys not walk away, but they looked towards the door, met and discussed, and immediately changed their standing positions.

The two people dispersed, one blocked the view of the salesperson at the door, and the other turned around and saw the evil smile on Alian's face. Alian was shocked. She saw the other one behind the two people, taking a picture. He tore out the illustrations one by one and stuffed them into his pocket.

After they finished, the three boys walked away. One of them stuck out his tongue at Alian and made a face. When they passed by the salesperson, the salesperson didn't even look at them and was just eating melon seeds. .

After the three boys left, Alian quickly picked up the book "One Hundred Questions about Female Pregnancy". The second question she saw was "How do you know you are pregnant?"

Alian quickly opened it, but before she could take a look, six or seven nursing school students with eye-catching school badges poured in from outside the door and rushed toward her.

Alian was in a hurry. She had a silk scarf draped over her shoulders. This was given to her by Lin Zhaofeng. He said that the sun was too strong outside and she could put it on the strap of her dress to block the sun when walking outside.

Without thinking about it, Alian wrapped the open book with a scarf. The girls came over and scattered around her. Alian's heart was beating fast. If she took the book at this time, Taking it out from the scarf, those girls would definitely misunderstand and think that she wanted to steal the book.

Alian stood there, feeling like a thief surrounded by a group of old-schoolers with no way to escape.

She felt a girl looking towards her lower abdomen and then whispering to another one. Alian's face turned red instantly.

In fact, they just thought her dress looked good, but Alian had a guilty conscience. She felt that they had already seen that something was wrong with her and that she was pregnant. You know, they learned this.

Alian panicked and quickly left them and moved toward the door. At this time, a girl yelled, "Salesperson!"

Alian just walked to the door. The salesperson stood up and ran towards that direction without looking at her. It turned out that someone had discovered that the book had been torn.

Alian hurriedly walked out the door, and heard the salesperson scolding: "You are such an idiot, Obi, you must be those three little Siths!"

Alian walked out of the bookstore door and walked twenty or thirty meters. The sun was very bright. She wanted to put the scarf in her hand over her shoulders. With a crash, the book fell to the ground. Alian stared at the book for a while. , then I thought that this book was in that bookstore, and I accidentally wrapped it in a scarf and walked out.

She quickly looked in the direction of the door of the bookstore. There was no one there. Alian held the book and hesitated. She wanted to send it back. She wanted to send it back, but what should I say if she sent it back? You said you didn't mean it. Zhongna? How could I take this kind of book if I took it accidentally? How could Alian bear the look from that male salesperson?

For the first time in her life, Alian decided to steal something. When she thought about it, she seemed to hear the salesperson scolding her, "You are such an Obi!"

Alian couldn't help but start running, faster and faster. She wanted to get as far away from the bookstore as possible.

At noon in midsummer, many people saw a beautiful girl running wildly in the sun, with no one chasing her behind. Everyone felt strange.

Alian ran until she reached the Yuhangtang River, then she stopped and looked behind her to make sure no one was chasing her. Her limbs were so weak from running that she was about to die, and her whole body was already soaked.

She saw a shade tree by the Yuhangtang River, so she walked over and leaned against the tree. The book remained open and was held in her hand. The sweat on her palms had soaked the paper. She She quickly picked it up and looked at it. Fortunately, it was not the page she needed.

Alian quickly turned to the page and took a look. Suddenly she felt like the world was spinning. She was leaning against the tree trunk and could no longer stand. She sat down softly on the grass.

According to the book, in her situation, it is very likely that she is pregnant. What should I do?

The book suggested that you go to the hospital for further examination and confirmation.

Fuck you Obi! Alian felt like she was about to curse. She went to the hospital for a check-up. If she could go to the hospital for a check-up, why should I go through such great suffering for a crappy book like yours?

Alian waved her hand and wanted to throw the book away. She raised her hand in the air but was reluctant to let it go and put it down.

I'm pregnant. What should I do? Lin Zhaofeng, you big liar, you got me pregnant and you can't escape by yourself?

Alian, you stupid Liu'er fool, don't you still think you are the happiest person in the world? At the Friendly Hotel, didn’t you, you scumbag, shamelessly ask for more?

Alian really wanted to plunge into the Yuhangtang River in front of her, but the water here was so dirty and smelly. Even if she died, would her face be in a mess? I won't do it.

Ah Lian sat there blankly alone. Mosquitoes and midges were in the grass, killing her and chewing them all over her body, but she was still unconscious.

She sat there until everything around her was completely plunged into darkness. The night wind blew, and waves of stench came up from the river below. She still sat there blankly, looking at the darkness in front of her.

There were two people along the river, using batteries to electrocute the fish, and they approached her. They finally woke her up from the darkness. She jumped up, stood up quickly, and left there quickly before they reached them.

When I walked to the road, I realized that I was extremely itchy all over my body. When I touched it with my hand, I found that there were bumps on both of my bare arms.

As she walked, Alian started crying. I'm already so unlucky, why do you still bully me?

She walked far away and found that the book and scarf had been dropped by the river without taking them.

Alian immediately thought that it was the scarf given to her by Lin Zhaofeng, and a voice immediately cursed, "You six children, there are no people left, why do you care about scarves or not?"

Alian walked like this and cried.

Thanks for the tip, Ba Liang! Thank you to Wooden Man, Laughing and Running Y, Edison, Uncle Wang Pacino, Lu, Ji Ji, Cup Guy Api, Dapeng, Lao Chentang, oohoos, Xiaosian Zeibao, Book Friends 130806232807105 for your monthly votes! Thank you for all the votes and reading!

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