The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 757 Alian’s Story

Alian is a native of Hangzhou. When she graduated from high school at the age of 18, the Huagang Hotel by the West Lake was looking for waiters. At that time, such foreign-related hotels had very high requirements, and the working environment and treatment were also very good. Many young people A place that everyone longs to go to.

There were many people who signed up, and Alian stood out from the crowd. Not only did she become a waiter at Huagang Hotel, but she also became a leader among the waiters. She was selected to serve at the front desk, which is the front desk of a hotel. The person working at the front desk is definitely the best in this hotel.

Eighteen-year-old Alian has the feeling of leaping over a dragon's door and reaching the sky in one step. Every day when she goes to and from get off work and walks in the alley of their home, she is greeted with warm greetings and envious looks.

Eighteen-year-old Alian has a kind of pride that overwhelms everything. She does have such capital. She is young, beautiful, and has a job that everyone envies. If these cannot become the capital of pride, then what can?

Huagang Hotel is a subsidiary of the Provincial Tourism Bureau. The main guests they receive are overseas tourist groups. The most popular tourists to Hangzhou at that time were Japanese groups and Taiwanese groups. The reason for the large number of Japanese groups was due to the friendship between China and Japan at that time. The atmosphere was at its peak. In 1984, a Japanese youth delegation of 3,000 people visited China at the invitation of the then national leaders.

Later, the national leader, the Central Committee of the delegation, went to Shanghai Hongqiao Airport to greet the Japanese delegation.

Hangzhou is one of the important cities visited this time. Japan's NHK reported the entire event, which caused a sensation in Japan.

The beautiful scenery of the West Lake attracts many Japanese audiences. In addition, the Sino-Japanese Orchid Pavilion Calligraphy Exchange Exhibition held every year in Shaoxing also attracts many Japanese calligraphy enthusiasts. It can be said that since 1984, Hangzhou has been full of Japanese tourists. The first choice place to travel to China.

The reason for the large number of tour groups in Taiwan is because the Taiwan authorities had just opened the door for people to visit relatives in the mainland at that time. When Taiwanese people arrived in the mainland, their favorite places were two places. One was Xikou, Fenghua, Zhejiang, to see Fenghao Fang, the former residence of Chiang Kai-shek. To go to Xikou, you must pass through Hangzhou. In addition, Zhejiang is the province with the largest number of senior Kuomintang officials. They have their own concerns about Hangzhou.

There is another place, Huangshan Mountain in Anhui Province. The Taiwanese painter Zhang Daqian and the photography master Lang Jingshan have painted and photographed many paintings and photos of Huangshan Mountain, which have a great influence in Taiwan.

At that time, you took a bus from Huangshan in Anhui to Shexian, boarded a boat at Shendu, passed by Qiandao Lake, and then passed through the Xin'an River, Fuchun River, and Qiantang River to the West Lake in Hangzhou. This tourist route was also the earliest tourism developed by Taiwan Travel Agency. One of the routes is known as the golden tourist route.

This incident profoundly changed cross-strait relations, but also made Qiandao Lake famous.


During the years when Alian worked at the front desk of Huagang Hotel, the people she interacted with the most every day were the leaders and escorts of Taiwan tour groups. At that time, Alian liked to laugh, talking to people, laughing even without speaking, and watching people laugh. , when she is not looking at people, she will also laugh when she is immersed in work alone. She doesn’t even know why she likes to laugh so much.

Almost all the travel agency leaders and escorts who have been to Huagang Hotel have a deep impression of Alian. She is even slightly famous among them. As long as they talk about the girl with a nice smile in Hangcheng, or the girl with a smile, other people will know her. People will know that she is talking about Alian from Huagang Hotel.

Among them is a tour leader of Taiwan Star Travel Agency, who is in his twenties and nineties. He is very good to Alian. Every time he comes from Taiwan, he will bring gifts to Alian. When he comes from Huangshan or Shanghai, he will also bring gifts to Alian. He almost Everywhere he came from, he would bring gifts to Alian. As long as she saw his gifts, she would know where he had been.

When there are many people or when Alian is busy, he will not disturb her, but if she works the night shift, he will chat with her all night long.

The hotel management at that time was very strict. You were not allowed to doze off on the table inside the front desk even if you were working the night shift. You were not allowed to read or do private work. It was really satisfying to have such a person chatting with me. I feel less bored and can survive those long nights.

Working the night shift, the hotel staff cafeteria provided late night snacks, but he always found the late night snacks in the cafeteria too monotonous. He would order food in the room and bring it to Alian.

Both of them are young people, and they have become familiar with each other over time. Alian knew that his name was Lin Zhaofeng, and he was the son of the boss of a large financial holding company in Taiwan. After graduating from National Taiwan University, his father wanted to arrange for him to join his company. But he doesn't want to rely on his father. He still wants to rely on himself. In addition, he particularly likes the mainland. He feels that everything in the mainland is better than Taiwan.

So, he worked as a tour leader in a travel agency, which gave him the opportunity to visit the mainland frequently.

Lin Zhaofeng would tell A-Lian a lot about Taiwan. The Taiwan in the stories he told was not as annoying as the Taiwan he said he hated. Instead, it made A-Lian feel yearned for and felt that everything was more advanced than the mainland. , better than mainland China.

You know, Alian and the others are the generation that sang "The girls from Alishan are as beautiful as water" and "Taiwan compatriots, my flesh and blood brothers, we will keep you in our hearts day and night." Now there really is a Taiwanese, and She talked about every little bit of Taiwan, how could it not make her yearn for it.

Alian clearly remembers that it was a summer night and the weather was very hot. At about one o'clock in the morning, after the central air conditioner in the lobby was turned off, the temperature suddenly rose. Another colleague at the front desk couldn't stand it anymore. At this time of day, there weren't many guests, so she wanted to sneak out into the garden to cool off.

Colleagues told Ah Lian that if the manager on duty came to check on her, he would tell her that she had gone to the bathroom.

The manager on duty that night was the engineering manager. He was a man. It was impossible for him to check the women's restroom. Alian agreed. At that time, Lin Zhaofeng was also standing outside the counter. He told the colleague, "You can go without worries." If your manager comes, I will say that the water tank in my room is broken and drag him to my room, and then Alian can go and call you.

The colleague left relieved.

Alian and Lin Zhaofeng were the only ones left in the entire lobby. Lin Zhaofeng stood outside the counter and fanned Alian with a paper fan. He stared at Alian. Alian was embarrassed by his look and wanted to ask him about you. Seeing something, Lin Zhaofeng suddenly shed tears and started crying, which shocked Alian.

Alian quickly asked Lin Zhaofeng what was wrong, but Lin Zhaofeng refused to tell her. Alian pressed again and again, and Lin Zhaofeng told Alian that he might not come to the mainland again when he went back this time. Alian's heart skipped a beat, and her face changed. Ask why.

Lin Zhaofeng just shook his head, tears kept flowing, and Alian was also anxious. She said, if you don't say anything anymore, I will be angry and ignore you.

Lin Zhaofeng then told her the reason and told her that his father must get him engaged to the daughter of another financial holding company boss. If so, after the engagement, he would definitely leave the travel agency and go to the financial holding company. Got to work.

Ah Lian was so confused that she said quietly, "Isn't that great? The prince and the princess are a perfect match."

What a perfect match, Lin Zhaofeng said, I don't like her at all, and I don't want to be a prince, I just want to be with the person I like.

Alian asked, who do you like?

Lin Zhaofeng remained silent and looked at Alian, who glanced at him. Lin Zhaofeng's tears flowed down again, and he shook his head in pain.

Alian asked him softly, what's wrong with you? What did I say wrong to make you angry?

Lin Zhaofeng nodded and said yes, you said the wrong thing.

Alienqi asked, what did I say wrong?

Just that sentence.

Which sentence just now?

You asked me who I like.

Alian felt really angry and funny. She said, I can't even ask this? You haven't told me who you like, so of course I have to ask.

Lin Zhaofeng shook his head stubbornly and said with some childish anger, "Everyone else in the world can ask me this question, but you can't ask me."

Alian was even more surprised, why could other people ask but I couldn't?

Don’t you know who the person I like is? Lin Zhaofeng stared at Alian and asked.

Alian blurted out: Who is it?

"You!" Lin Zhaofeng said, "The person I like is you!"

A-Lian was like a thunderbolt, and she froze there. She felt really indescribable joy in her heart. This fool, after such a long time, don’t you know or see that I like you too? She really wanted to scold him. After a meal, but reluctant to let go, everyone was already crying, and Alian was so distressed that she couldn't help but scold him.

But this was the first time for Alian to experience such a thing, and she didn't know what to do. Alian lowered her head and blushed with shame.

Lin Zhaofeng asked her, Alian, do you like me?

Alian didn't dare to say a word and lowered her head even lower.

Lin Zhaofeng said, Alian, really, I don’t like anyone in this world, I just like you. From the first day I saw you, I liked you. Really, as long as I can be with you. , I will do whatever you ask me to do.

Lin Zhaofeng kept talking, but Alian just didn't dare to say a word, with his head lowered and his face red.

Lin Zhaofeng sighed and said, I know you look down on me, okay, I already know the answer. I know you mainlanders look down on me, a Taiwanese.

Lin Zhaofeng said, turning around and preparing to leave.

"Who said that?" Alian said softly.

Lin Zhaofeng stopped, turned around suddenly and asked: "What did you say, Alian, what did you just say?"

"I said, who said mainlanders look down on Taiwanese? I think Taiwanese are very good," said Alian.

"What about me, Alian, am I okay? Do you like me?" Lin Zhaofeng shouted.

Alian raised her head, glanced at him, and nodded.

Lin Zhaofeng laughed loudly and climbed up on the counter, trying to climb inside. Alian panicked and pushed him down quickly, but he still reached over and kissed Alian on the cheek. The face is hot.

Next, Lin Zhaofeng acted rogue and insisted on letting Alian open the door. He wanted to come to the counter, but Alian wouldn't let him in, so he said, unless you kiss me, I have already kissed you.

Alian had no choice but to look around and see no one, then kissed him on the cheek.

Lin Zhaofeng collapsed at that time and was so happy that he lay on the marble floor of the lobby and laughed.

Alian also laughed, she laughed so hard that tears came down her face.

The next day, Lin Zhaofeng asked the whole family to take their group back to Taiwan. He did not go back and stayed in Hangzhou for another week. During that week, Alian took Lin Zhaofeng to play around in Hangzhou. All the spare time they had saved was used up. The two of them were together every day and never separated for a moment.

Alian lied to her family that she went on a business trip, but she was actually with Lin Zhaofeng. Lin Zhaofeng no longer stayed at the Huagang Hotel, but at the newly built Friendly Hotel, where Alian gave herself to him.

Alian felt that she was the happiest person in the world.

Thanks for the tip, Ba Liang! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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