The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 756 The fireworks are cold, where is the lake?

Liu Li went to Guangzhou on the 26th of the year, and returned to Hangzhou on the night of the 27th.

After he arrived in Guangzhou, he detained Chen Qihang's cousin and never called him back. Liu Ligan vaguely remembered his cousin's name, Ah Hao. He was a security inspector. Liu Ligan simply went to the Guangzhou Railway Station and took the After asking a lot of questions about his press pass, he finally matched his name and person, but he was told that Ah Hao was no longer here and had resigned to work in Macau.

Liu Ligan asked about Ahao's home and went there, only to find that a large area there had been demolished. Even after the local police station was demolished, no one knew where it was moved, let alone Ahao's home.

Liu Ligan had no choice but to go home and returned to Hangzhou.

Wenwen and Qianqian have gone home, and the company has gone on holiday. Liu Ligan doesn't want to live alone upstairs in the office. He knows that Zhang Chen and the others are still in Hangzhou, but now, they are the ones he is most afraid of seeing. He was afraid that Zhang Chen would persuade him to return to Yongcheng again, which would be extremely annoying.

Liu Ligan was at the airport and happened to see a minibus from Wanghu Hotel picking up guests. He lied that he was also a hotel guest, got on the minibus, and when he arrived at Wanghu Hotel, he simply opened a minibus here. After staying in the lake view suite, there is food and drink here. It is also very nice to spend the New Year here alone.

Liu Ligan entered the room, put down his luggage, and took a shower. He remembered the last time he left here in a hurry. It was familiar again and again. Teacher Fan Jianguo had already led him in. He was also familiar with the situation here. It's an understanding.

The most important thing is that he has nothing to do now and is so free that Liu Ligan can't hold himself back.

The hotel was not very popular during the Spring Festival. He went downstairs and saw no one he was looking for in the lobby. Unwilling to give up, he walked out of the door. On the left side of the Wanghu Hotel's door, there was a row of low bungalows and a family. The Caikuo store has closed, and a travel supplies store is still open. The side closest to the gate is the unfinished ESPRIT store.

It was here that he saw Alian, wearing a slim-fitting thin woolen coat with the collar turned up, looking a little aloof.

Liu Ligan walked over, and Alian looked at him steadily. A slightly sarcastic sneer slipped across her pretty face, and he handed him a look of rejection and welcome. Liu Ligan caught it and smiled. Both sides knew that the other person was the one they were looking for.

Otherwise, the gaze would soon pass over Liu Ligan's body and become as cold as ice.

Liu Ligan walked over, rubbed Alian's body, and said softly, "Let's go." Without stopping, Alian turned around, stretched out her hand naturally, and took his arm. The two of them were like It's a couple.

They walked forward, passing the tourist supplies store, until they reached the West Lake. They stood for a while and looked at the water and the sky. In front of them was silence and darkness. The wind from the lake blew on their faces, which was a bit cold and smelly. The two people turned around and walked back in unison.

On the way back and forth, the two people talked quietly. People who didn't know it must have thought that they were just lovers' chatter.

Liu Ligan and Alian said, I will buy all your things this year. The bell of the Year of the Dog is ringing, and we are two strangers. Alian said yes and casually reported a number. This time it was Liu Li The rod said yes.

During this, Alian also smiled and said that we were strangers to begin with.

After saying this, everything settled, the two of them suddenly stopped holding on to each other and relaxed. This feeling was very comfortable and made people feel that they really were like a pair of passionate lovers. After passing the travel supplies When they were in the store, Liu Ligan asked Alian if he wanted to buy something.

Alian said yes, and the two of them went in hand in hand. Alian ordered some dried fruits, olives, and chewing gum with her hands wearing dark green sheepskin gloves, and the salesperson took them out one by one.

Liu Ligan paid the money and naturally took the bag handed over by the salesperson and held it in his hand. When he walked out of the store, Alian smiled softly, tilted his head and rubbed Liu Li affectionately. The head of the rod.

Liu Lizhan was tickled by her hair and couldn't help but twitch his nose. He felt that the perfume on A Lian's body smelled very good. Liu Lizhan felt a familiar feeling of familiarity. After thinking about it, With a shiver in his heart, he remembered that this was the smell of Zheng Wei.

He asked Alian, and she told him that it was a French brand and bought in Taiwan.

This sentence alone conveys the extraordinary experience. In that era, few people could go abroad, and even fewer could go to Taiwan. She actually went to Taiwan.

The two of them were really like a pair of lovers. When they walked into the hotel lobby and the doorman opened the door for them, Alian said thank you softly!

The two of them walked straight through the entire lobby to the elevator without squinting. The light in the elevator was bright. Alian let go of Liu Ligan, and one of them leaned against the wall on one side. Liu Ligan kept staring at Alian. He Realizing that she looked better than when she was outside, Alian blushed slightly and said with a smile, "Whatever you are looking at, you can return it if you are not satisfied."

Liu Li laughed loudly, and I regretted retreating.

The corners of Alian's mouth curled up again.

She took off the gloves on both hands, and Liu Ligan saw a pair of white and slender hands. She held the gloves in her hands and squeezed them rhythmically. Liu Ligan felt that he was very willing to make those gloves.

After opening the door and entering, Alian took off her coat and handed it to Liu Ligan naturally. Liu Ligan found that Alian, who was wearing a tight woolen sweater and straight skirt, had a better figure than before and looked plumper.

In the next few days, they never left Wanghu Hotel or their room, that is, they went to the restaurant to eat, to the coffee shop to drink coffee, and then returned to the room without taking a step out of the hotel door.

The outside world is busy preparing for the festival, what does it have to do with them.

The two of them have been together for a long time. After the initial enthusiasm and fierceness passed, everything returned to normal, as if they had taken root here, and their hearts began to become a little unrestrained, no longer so vigilant and cautious.

At this time, the extra thing is nothing but words.

Liu Ligan would not ask, are you called A-Lian, A-Lan, or some other name?

As for Alian, she didn't even know Liu Ligan's last name. Although she had heard more than one waiter say softly, "Thank you, Mr. Liu" when taking the bill, Alian felt that the words in their mouths Mr. Liu is not the person next to her. This person has never told her his last name. He is anonymous, and she will not ask.

Not to mention asking, you are not a foreign guest, so why are you staying out during the Chinese New Year instead of going home?

The space and distance between the two people also makes the name redundant. The more function of the name is to distinguish and summon a person from other people. There are no other people here, only them, so even the name It can also be ignored.

The two of them were very comfortable with this situation. They hugged each other even when they fell asleep, but when they opened their eyes, they still didn't know who the other person was.

This sense of strangeness allows them to have no boundaries and be unrestrained when talking. It feels like holding a phone and calling a radio host at midnight. Because of the anonymity of their identity, they can open up.

After one night, they became strangers who could talk about anything.

The fireworks on the lake lasted for more than twenty minutes, then gradually fell silent, and the room fell into darkness.

At this time, occasionally there will be a string of lonely fireworks exploding in the night sky, which looks a bit funny, like a limping person far behind the marathon group.

Alian loosened her embrace, but did not let go of Liu Ligan's hand. She was still holding his hand, reluctant to let go.

When she was about to die, she kissed him, which made Alian suddenly feel attached to him. This is why Alian did not dare to kiss a man.

Alian held his hand and retreated to the bed. The two of them sat down on the carpet, leaning against the bed behind them. In front of them were floor-to-ceiling glass, open curtains, and the hazy night sky.

The West Lake outside the window is blocked by the roof of the house where the Provincial Political Consultative Conference and the Foreign Languages ​​Bookstore are located. The section of Beishan Street near Huancheng West Road cannot be seen.

Baidi looks like it grows directly from the yard of the Provincial Party Committee's United Front Work Department opposite the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. On both sides of Baidi, there are sparse street lamps. They seem to be frozen by the deepening night, and even the light is dim. It couldn't be spread out, and it looked pitiful and beautiful.

This is a day for the whole country to celebrate and reunite families. TV hosts like to use such clichés.

On this day of family reunion, Liu Ligan's home is in Yongcheng, hundreds of miles away, and Alian's home is in Hangzhou, a few miles away, but they have nothing to do with them. Only they, side by side, Sit here, whisper softly, kiss occasionally, spread out and continue whispering softly.

In this day of family reunion, only the other person, this intimate stranger, is the real existence, not the family.

The city can sleep, but they are not sleepy. After kissing Liu Ligan, Alian really felt attached to Liu Ligan. She felt that the past days had painted her like a scroll painting, bit by bit. It was rolled up bit by bit, and now she had a desire to stretch out her slender hands and slowly open the painting bit by bit.

Show it to him.

Who makes you unable to control yourself and want to kiss a stranger? After the kiss, even a little bit of aloofness and indifference are gone. She just wants to fall down, become weak, and open herself up. I am a weak person. People, I am not that strong, nor that hard, the past is drowning me, please save me.

Alian feels soft and dry like she has never felt before. What she still has is the desire to talk. Okay, then let's listen to Alian's story with Liu Ligan -

Thanks for the tip, Ba Liang! Thank you Cup Guy Api for your monthly ticket! Thank you for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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