Zhang Chen and his Banmutian women's lifestyle flagship store on Yan'an Road are open during the Spring Festival. This is the result of soliciting opinions from customers. There is no New Year's Eve during the Spring Festival this year. They are only closed for half a day on the afternoon of the 29th. The local sales staff , you can go home for New Year’s Eve dinner.

Anyway, this city, after two o'clock in the afternoon, is like a dead city. There are very few people on the streets and there are no cars. Occasionally, there is a tram passing by, which is also lazy and looks like it has insufficient power.

On the morning of the 29th of the New Year, there were still many people coming to their store to buy clothes, especially the girls from the local and nearby suburban counties who had been working overtime years ago, including the staff of the agency, and they only came this afternoon. It was a holiday, but in the morning, all the units basically turned a blind eye. They quickly took advantage of this time to come over and buy themselves a new dress.

Then take the shuttle bus to the suburbs at noon, or ride a bicycle home to wait for the New Year's Eve dinner at home.

Xiaoli still stayed in Shanghai. The shopping malls in Shanghai were the same as those in Hangzhou. Before the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, they were also open half a day. There were not enough salespersons, so Xiaoli had to go to each store to replace them.

Xiaojuan didn't go home this year and stayed in the store, so Xiao Zhao didn't have to go to the store this morning. They got up in the morning and went home directly from Sanbao.

Wu Zhaohui and Wei Wenfang could have gone home yesterday. They waited until today to send Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao back to Yongcheng. The new driver Xiao Sheng is not familiar with Shanghai. Lao Wan accompanied him to deliver goods in Shanghai last night. , I haven’t returned to Hangzhou yet. Tomorrow, Lao Wan will drive to Yongcheng to pick up Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao.

When he got up in the morning, Xiao Zhao was still at home changing Zhang Xiangbei's new clothes and feeding him breakfast. Zhang Chen went to the factory. Wu Zhaohui had already arrived in his car. Zhang Chen asked Wu Zhaohui to help him put ten boxes of Maotai and two boxes of Maotai in the office. Qingchunbao was loaded into the car, with a box of six bottles of Maotai, a total of sixty bottles here.

Wu Zhaohui smiled and said, Mr. Zhang, you are only going to go back for one night. There are so many relatives to leave?

Zhang Chen also laughed. He said no. We don’t need to bring anything home. We have prepared everything at home. If we do, we will get scolded. We just need to bring Zhang Xiangbei back. This is for the father of the pole. He Dad is a master of wine. As long as there is wine, even if the sky falls, he has to take a few sips first.

His mother's biggest hobby is eating Qingchunbao. She thinks that eating Qingchunbao can solve all her physical abnormalities.

The back seat of Wu Zhaohui's Iveco has been removed, and there are piles of New Year's goods that Wu Zhaohui and the others are going to take home. Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Buy so many?"

Wu Zhaohui said, there is no way, there are many people coming and going at home, so it is not cheap to buy it at the wholesale market in Hangzhou.

After loading their things, Zhang Chen got into the car. The car drove to the door of the landlord's courtyard. Xiao Zhao was holding Zhang Xiangbei and was waiting for them at the door. Zhang Chen and the three of them went back to Yongcheng for one night, without even changing clothes. bring.

When Wu Zhaohui saw Zhang Xiangbei, he jumped out of the car and made sure to give him a red envelope. Zhang Xiangbei reached out to take it, but Xiao Zhao insisted not to take it. Zhang Chen smiled and said, why do you still need a red envelope?

Wu Zhaohui became anxious and shouted, "This is etiquette. He is a child and I am his uncle."

When Wu Zhaohui said this, Zhang Chen asked Zhang Xiangbei to take it. As soon as Zhang Xiangbei took it, he stuffed it into his mouth. Xiao Zhao quickly took the red envelope from his hand.

With a "snap", Zhang Xiangbei slapped Xiao Zhao on the face. Zhang Chen and Wu Zhaohui laughed, Xiao Zhao glared at him angrily, Zhang Xiangbei chuckled, and Xiao Zhao was also amused by him.

They arrived at Sijiqing and picked up Wei Wenfang. Wu Zhaohui drove the car. Instead of turning from Hanghai Road to Qiutao Road to leave the city, he drove to Jiayou Supermarket on Qingchun Road. Wei Wenfang asked what he was doing here. Wu Zhaohui looked at it. She told Zhang Chen and the others, "Wait for me, I have to buy something."

Wu Zhaohui walked into Jiayou Supermarket. After a while, Wu Zhaohui and a supermarket staff came out pushing a flatbed truck. On the truck were five boxes of Maotai and one box of Youth Treasures.

There are very high steps at the entrance of Jiayou Supermarket, and the flatbed truck cannot get down. Wu Zhaohui and the staff moved boxes one by one to the truck at the bottom of the steps. Zhang Chen hurried down to help.

Wei Wenfang shouted: "We haven't already bought the things we went back to, so why do we still need to buy them?"

Wu Zhaohui looked at her, smiled, and said nothing.

After putting the things in the car, Wu Zhaohui sat back in the driver's seat. Wei Wenfang was still complaining. She said that her relatives wanted to send such expensive wine. It cost more than 100 yuan a bottle and they bought so much. Let's go now. How many thousand?

Wu Zhaohui said nothing and drove the car alone.

When they arrived in Yongcheng, they first went to Liu Ligan's home and unloaded their things. Wu Zhaohui then sent Zhang Chen and the others home. Zhang Chen also told Liu Ligan's parents that Liu Ligan would not be going home this year.

When they were approaching the door of Liu Ligan's house, Zhang Chen, Xiao Zhao and the others said that if Ganzi's parents ask later where the pole has gone, don't tell them. I will tell them alone to avoid any misunderstanding.

Xiao Zhao and Wei Wenfang both agreed.

Ganzi's family lives on the second floor of a husband's house in Xindian Village. He walks along a small road. On both sides are rows of two-story foreign-tiled houses. These houses were used to house residents after the hydropower station was completed. Afterwards, construction workers working locally were recruited into the newly built cement pipe making factory and rod making factory.

Liu Ligan's parents were workers in a cement pipe factory.

When they arrived downstairs at Liu Ligan's house, Zhang Chen saw Liu Ligan's mother sitting on the open space downstairs, shedding the feathers of a chicken in a wooden basin.

Before the car stopped, Zhang Chen opened the window and waved to her from the car. She smiled when she saw Zhang Chen, stood up, waved her hand, turned around and shouted upstairs.

After a while, Liu Ligan's father ran down from the second floor.

They all thought that the pole was back. Zhang Chen, Xiaozhao and Wei Wenfang both got out of the car. They didn't see Liu Lipole. They walked to the door of the car strangely and looked into the car. Zhang Chen hurried over and said to them:

"Uncle, auntie, something happened to the pole temporarily and I won't be able to come back."

"Where did he go when he didn't go home during the Chinese New Year?" Liu Ligan's mother asked.

"He went to Hong Kong." Zhang Chen said, "You also know that Hong Kong people are only a few years old, so they must go there for meetings."

Zhang Chen was talking nonsense. They didn’t know anything about Hong Kong anyway, let alone Hong Kong people’s failure to celebrate the New Year.

Liu Ligan's parents looked at each other and sighed in disappointment.

Zhang Chen said: "It's just a pole, let us bring you something back. Come on, Xiao Wu, quickly move the things out of the car."

Wu Zhaohui agreed, and Wu Zhaohui climbed into the car and moved boxes one by one from the car to the door. Zhang Chen stood under the car, picked up boxes one by one, and piled them on the ground at the door first.

Nearby, a few young men had come over to watch the fun. When they heard that they were moving things, they quickly started to help. Zhang Chen told them, thank you all, and helped move them upstairs.

When the boys saw so many, they shouted, "Fuck, Gangzi has brought back so many Maotai, Dad, Gangzi, you are in for a treat!"

Liu Ligan's father was so happy that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear when he saw so much wine.

After moving ten boxes of Maotai and two boxes of Youth Treasures, Zhang Chen was about to walk away when Wu Zhaohui shouted, "There are also five boxes of Maotai and one box of Youth Treasures bought from Jiayou Supermarket, and he also moved them from the inside of the car to the door of the car. , Zhang Chen then realized that this guy bought these for Liu Ligan's parents.

Those young men shouted, "Gangzi Dad, you can take a bath with Moutai."

Wei Wenfang stood there silently, with her hands folded in front of her chest and a gloomy face, watching them move boxes one by one.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao looked at each other, and Xiao Zhao shook his head slightly.

After bidding farewell to the two old men, everyone got in the car and was silent all the way. When they were almost driving to the door of Zhang Chen's house, Wu Zhaohui cursed:

"Mom, what are you doing making so much money? What are you doing building so many houses? You can't even go back to your home. It's useless."

It was almost twelve o'clock, and when Cheng Qian and Ni Ping, the hosts of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, were preparing to lead the audience in the countdown, someone downstairs shouted, "Fireworks are set off!"

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao hurriedly walked to the corridor outside. Before the twelve o'clock bell rang from the TV, someone had already lit the fireworks, and red flames shot into the night sky, crackling in the darkness. The earth shines into bright flowers.

The sound of crackling was quickly covered up by the deafening sound of firecrackers from far and near, and the whole town exploded.

Xiao Zhao took out his mobile phone, called Qian Fang, and shouted to say Happy New Year to the people over there!

Zhang Chen walked to the end of the corridor, dialed Liu Lipole's phone number, covered his left ear with his left hand, and put the phone number close to his right ear with his right hand. There was still a rapid beep coming from the phone.

Mobile phones in Zhejiang and Guangdong have been connected to the Internet. By the end of this year, all 1.5 million mobile phones across the country will be online.

But Zhang Chen had been calling Liu Ligan for several days, but he couldn't get through.

Liu Ligan stood in front of the window, holding Alian or Alan's shoulders, looking outside. They had been together for several days, but Liu Ligan never figured out whether the other person was Alian or Alan, or both. None.

They looked outside the window and saw fireworks blooming in the sky above the West Lake, dazzling and dazzling. The sound insulation effect of the room was very good. They could neither hear the sound of the fireworks exploding nor the joyful fireworks beside the West Lake. The people, whether they are laughing or shouting, are silent, as if they are far away from them, in another world.

But they were actually very close in front of them. Scarlet flames shot up into the sky. Blossoms of snow fell silently from the huge tree crown above their heads and fell on the person's head. The person shouted loudly. Smiling, his smile was also silent.

They just looked outside. The room was dark, all the lights were turned off, the shower faucet in the bathroom was not turned off properly, and water was dripping. The two people stood there, looking outside, and they seemed to be able to Hear each other's heartbeats.

The fireworks bloomed one by one, making their faces flicker. When they lit up, their faces were brilliant. When they dimmed, no one would know.

The two people naturally turned around and hugged each other, and Alian finally kissed Liu Ligan.

Before that, she told him, I can give you anything, but I just can't kiss you. My kisses should be reserved for the person I really like.

Liu Ligan laughed and said: "Damn it, you are really an idealist..."

"How?" Alian looked at him steadily and said word by word: "You can look down on me, but I just won't kiss you."

The two were kissing, and Liu Ligan felt that her mouth was sweet, the kind of warm sweetness that would make people feel a little sad. He felt like he was kissing a strawberry. It turned out that the kiss was really hers. The best thing to own.

"If the strawberries are burning, she will be Bai Xue's sister..." Liu Ligan suddenly thought of this poem by Ouyang Jianghe.

Alian said softly: "Let me stay, okay? I don't want to go back. Tonight, I don't want to be alone. I don't want money."

Liu Ligan said yes. They had already negotiated before. Liu Ligan said, I will buy you for one year. After this year, we will be strangers.

Alian looked at him and smiled mischievously: "We are strangers to begin with."

However, she immediately agreed to Liu Ligan's suggestion.

At this moment, Liu Ligan was shaken. He said to Alian: "Okay, stay, I don't want to be alone."

The fireworks outside the window were brilliant one after another, and the two people smiled softly in the colorful world outside.

Thanks to Ba Liang, Doll Tin Soldier, Reading Books Every Day, Ranking Third from Top to Bottom, and On the Shore 131 for the reward! Thank you to book friends 161025092328409, Chen Feng, Xu Yuenian, Cup Guy Api, and Black Tea 2015 for your monthly votes! Thank you for all the votes and reading! Happy Sunday everyone!

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