Liu Ligan Company, even with Wenwen and Qianqian joining in, only had four people, which was definitely not enough. Zhang Chen asked Zhao Jingjing and people from the design center to help that day, and also transferred some people from Sanbao, Zhao Jingjing Together with Zheng Huihong and Sanbao's finances, three people are responsible for collecting payments, and the others serve as sales staff.

Wei Wenfang spends two hours every night training all personnel so that they can master some basic knowledge of real estate and the basic ABCs of this project.

These people who participated in the training had never even heard of real estate before, let alone been exposed to it. Without prior training, it would be good to be full of jokes. If you talk nonsense, you will not be caught by people who come to buy off-the-plan properties. Just let it go and say it was your staff who said it or agreed to it. That would be terrible.

Wenwen Qianqian and Fan Jianguo also participated in the training. The others were helpful. They were from the company, so they listened more carefully than others. Everyone also took a notebook and memorized it carefully.

On Sunday, the factory on Stadium Road was closed, and only half of the people would eat in the factory cafeteria. Zhang Chen suggested that half of the cafeteria should be partitioned off with a baffle. For the other half, Zhang Chen asked Lao Wan and others to After a little arrangement, I also helped draw a larger rendering and put it up so that it looked like a place selling off-the-plan properties.

On the second and third days, if the sales were to continue, Zhang Chen had made arrangements and asked the workers to make do with it and divide them into two groups for meals. In this way, half of the restaurant would still be enough.

Everything is mainly about selling off-the-plan properties, and others should be polite. Otherwise, Liu Ligan's office on the third floor is so shabby. People just want to buy off-the-plan properties with money. Seeing this, they will turn around and run away. You are a scam company.

He Hongmei will come with Xiao Zhao that day. Xiao Zhao really wants to buy three off-the-plan properties, but He Hongmei, Caidi, and Zhao Zhigang are still prepared to act as trustees, so that if there are only a few people, they must sell. Ah, they were just booing and pretending to make the scene more beautiful, so as not to scare those people away because it was too deserted.

Liu Ligan looked at Zhang Chen and Wei Wenfang and they were busy doing this and that with great interest, but his heart felt empty as never before. The scene in Haicheng when their Jinghai International Financial Center pre-construction properties were on sale would always flash in his mind. , in the empty hall, only three people, Yilin Ma and Wenwen Qianqian, walked in. I hope this scene will not happen again on Sunday.

Don't ever end up selling only three of Xiao Zhao's products all day long. Hum, three more.

Liu Ligan launched ten of the seventeen buildings this time, with a total of 342 off-the-plan properties. The first floors of four buildings are shops near Tianmushan Road, which are not for sale to the public this time.

The first time there were 342. Wei Wenfang asked if it was too many? Liu Ligan himself felt that it was too much. Originally, the ideal idea would be to launch four to five off-the-plan buildings in the first phase to test the water temperature. The price of most of the subsequent houses could also be determined based on the first sales. Adjustment, if you sell most of it at one time, there will not be much room for adjustment later.

But Liu Ligan calculated that based on five thousand per unfinished property, if that were the case, the money collected would not be enough to return Zhang Musheng's deposit.

This deposit is the deposit for project bidding. You can't say that the project has already started and your deposit has not been returned to others. In this way, Zhang Musheng will not be able to make a difference in the unit. After all, he is not the only one in the unit leadership team. .

According to Liu Ligan's setting, one month after the sale of the off-the-plan property, the project must have entered the foundation laying stage. At this time, those who bought the off-the-plan property will have to pay 30% of the down payment.

The houses in this project cannot be mortgaged. It's not that Liu Ligan can't find a bank to do it, it's just that he can't do it.

Because this house was built with full capital from the Municipal Second Construction, legally speaking, the ownership of the project under construction still belongs to the Municipal Second Construction. If you want a bank to provide a mortgage, the Municipal Second Construction must agree to give up its rights. This is Zhang Musheng Even if he wanted to help, he didn't have the courage.

Originally, even the advance payment for the house should have been collected by the city's second construction company on a pro rata basis. The reason is that what you are selling is theirs, and of course they must obtain guarantees based on the current status of the project. On this point, Zhang Musheng opened his eyes. Close one eye and pretend that they don't know that they have received advance payment for the house.

But just because he couldn't get a mortgage, Liu Ligan felt a little uneasy. He couldn't see or touch the entire real estate market in Hangzhou. He didn't know how many potential home buyers could afford to pay the full price without a mortgage. payment.

A house costs 63,700 yuan. This is not a small amount of money. You must know that the previous year, that is, 1992, the average annual salary of employees nationwide was only 2,711 yuan. This 2,711 yuan included factory wages. The physical items such as soap and gauze gloves were all discounted, but the actual cash received was far less than this amount.

Liu Ligan really didn't know how many of the more than five million people in Hangzhou were able to come up with this money. Among the hundreds of people he had contacted in Zhang Chen's company, Zhang Chen was probably the only one. He didn't even know if Fan Qishun could come up with the money for the more than 100 people at Yiming Food Factory.

Calculated in this way, this ratio is already low enough, and in terms of wages, the wages of half-acre farm workers are already high in Hangzhou.

Early on Friday morning, Liu Ligan ran to the newsstand. He saw many people gathered in front of the newsstand from a distance, all holding the day's "Hangcheng Daily" in their hands. Liu Ligan breathed a sigh of relief. Nothing major happened outside, Xinhua News Agency did not issue a press release, and my advertisement appeared on the front page of "Hangcheng Daily" as scheduled, a full page.

Many people holding this newspaper felt that today's "Hangcheng Daily" was weird. The front page was actually a full advertisement.

They were also very curious about the advertisement itself. There were actually people selling houses and off-the-plan properties. At that time, only old newspaper fans in Hangzhou would occasionally see the size of dried tofu in Shanghai's "Xinmin Evening News". The real estate advertisements for selling houses at that time were not as grand as those for selling refrigerators and color TVs on Souchou. People only posted a quarter of the page once they were posted.

The people selling houses in Hangzhou today are really impressive.

Liu Ligan stood there and listened to their discussion for a while, and found that they were obviously not interested in "quietness in the noise", "aristocratic enjoyment", "poetic living", etc. What they were most interested in was Zhang Chen's request. The added "Coal Guard exclusive use".

Liu Ligan still laughed at Zhang Chen at that time. He said, there are still people who don't know that such a house will definitely have a separate bathroom and kitchen?

Zhang Chen retorted, do you know how many people in Hangzhou live in worse conditions than we do in the troupe? How many people have never even entered a building like this? Having a separate bathroom and kitchen is their dream, what they consider "aristocratic enjoyment", and squatting in the bathroom without being disturbed is a poetic way of living.

When Zhang Chen said this, he thought of Liangfen's home, A Yong's home, and other factory workers' homes that he had visited.

Listening to these people talking in front of the newsstand, Liu Ligan now had to admit that Zhang Chen knew this city more thoroughly than he did. He was more or less romantic and imaginative, and could only think of it. It’s those ethereal words.

Others are discussing whether the sentence "ten minutes' walk from Wulin Square" in their advertisement is accurate. Some people say that eight minutes is enough from Macheng Road. Some people say that it takes at least twelve or thirteen minutes, so Liu Li Pole was relieved that they at least agreed that Mageng Road was very convenient and right in the city center.

When Liu Ligan arrived at the office, Fan Jianguo was already there. When he saw him coming in, he said excitedly that someone had already called to ask about the house. As he was talking, the phone on the table rang again. He picked it up and asked about the house. Yes.

Liu Ligan watched from the side, and then he felt a little more at ease. At least, it showed that Hangzhou was not a backwater, and there were still many people who cared about the house.

Liu Ligan stood up, went downstairs, crossed the basketball court, went to the house opposite, went upstairs, and walked to the stairs on the third floor. He happened to meet He Hongmei coming out of the design center. He Hongmei saw Liu Ligan and started talking to him. Say, I helped you sell a house.

"Really, which rich man do you know?" Liu Ligan asked.

"As for the pair of classmates who make hats, they won't leave Hangzhou anyway. They have made some money in the past few months, enough to buy a house. I advised them to buy a house and settle down. They will come the day after tomorrow." He Hongmei explain.

"Okay, thank you!"

As Liu Ligan spoke, he seemed to hear a "ding" sound somewhere, and a copper abacus bead fell down. Now it was not Xiao Zhao's three sets, but four sets. Finally, he could get out of the "three" The curse.

Liu Ligan and He Hongmei walked into Zhang Chen's office together. Liu Ligan saw a copy of "Hangcheng Daily" on Zhang Chen's desk. Liu Ligan cursed, "You are moving so fast. I will bring it to you." Have one.

Zhang Chen laughed: "I also brought one for you."

As he spoke, he took out another "Hangcheng Daily" from the drawer.

Liu Ligan was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed. He didn't know why, but he suddenly remembered that when they arrived in Haicheng, the two of them found jobs on the same day. On that day, they coincidentally bought half a Wenchang chicken and took it home. , Oops, why didn’t I take a closer look at that time to see if these two and a half animals together were the same one? Liu Ligan only thought about it now.

"This advertisement is good and has received great response," He Hongmei said.

Liu Ligan asked curiously: "How do you know? If not, you would also buy it, right?"

"No." He Hongmei shook her head, "On my way here, several stations were talking about this on the radio in the car."

Liu Ligan understood, hey, isn't this exactly the effect he wanted? It seems that he has achieved it at this point.

The phone on Zhang Chen's desk rang, and Zhang Chen answered it. The call was from Fan Jianguo. He asked, Mr. Zhang, is Mr. Liu at your place?

Zhang Chen said yes, do you want him to answer the phone?

Fan Jianguo said yes.

Zhang Chen gestured towards Liu Ligan with the microphone. Liu Ligan walked over and took the microphone from Zhang Chen. After listening for a while, his expression changed and he said okay, I will come right away.

Putting down the phone, Zhang Chen asked, what's wrong?

"I'm going over there. Xiao Fan just told me that someone from the Housing Management Committee is here," Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen's heart skipped a beat. It was probably not a good thing that the relevant departments came to visit him at this time. It seemed like the advertisement was the cause.

"I'll go with you." Zhang Chen said.

"No, no, I'll go see what's going on first." Liu Ligan said and hurried out.

Thank you for the rewards from Baby Tin Soldier, third from top to bottom, flipping through books every day, On the Shore 131, and "A Wolf"! Thank you to Tianci Shenniu, Yujiu, Tianying1978, and lulu6717p11 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the reading and votes! Happy Saturday everyone!

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