The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 700 If you win, you will lose.

At eight o'clock, Accountant Li stood in the center circle in a brand new referee uniform, ready to blow the whistle to start the first half of the game.

An hour earlier, when Zhonghui's players found out that today's referee was from the opposing company, they protested, saying that there was no way to play such a game. We were on the field, it was like five people beating six people, and we would only lose if we didn't lose. There is a ghost.

The comrades of the Federation of Trade Unions told them, no, no, no, Lao Li has already expressed his position, and he will definitely make the punishment objective and fair, so you can rest assured.

Let’s talk about who can’t speak, and it’s useless if they can speak. No, no, this referee must be changed.

The comrades of the Federation of Trade Unions are in a dilemma. The game is about to begin. Where do you want us to find another referee?

Those people looked at the people from the sports committee and shouted, your sports committee has no referees yet.

The people from the Sports Committee said that if we want to call him Lao Li, he is the best basketball referee in our district.

The boys were still reluctant. Their coach came over and asked what was going on. The boys told him. He also felt something was wrong. When he turned around, he saw Accountant Li flexing his body in a corner of the court. He asked:

"Is this him you are talking about?"

People from the Sports Committee and the Federation of Trade Unions all nodded. The coach scolded his players and just do whatever they have to do. In Hangzhou, there is no more fair referee than the little mouse. Don't worry.

It turned out that he knew Accountant Li.

With Accountant Li's whistle, the first half of the game began. The Banmutian basketball team quickly took the upper hand, especially the two points. No matter where they were under the basket, after receiving the ball, they would take off, shoot, etc. He yelled "Two points!" The ball hit the ground and the court was filled with cheers, especially in their factory. The cheers almost shook the whole building to its knees.

On the contrary, Zhonghui repeatedly missed the shot. The ball either hit the board or bounced out after hitting the basket. Some even missed the ball and went directly under the backboard and out of the end line, ushering in a scene outside the court. boos.

Originally, there were more cheerleaders than Zhonghui in the half-acre field next to the stadium. Zhonghui's cheerleaders were concentrated in the stands. They had come from Children's Lane early to grab seats. At first, they cheered Zhonghui enthusiastically. Now cheers. The sound also became sparse.

Every time Two Points catches the ball and takes off, before she even shouts, the people around her shout "Two points!" When everyone's voices fall down, Two Points' voice rings out loudly, "Two points!" and the ball goes into the basket.

Accountant Li's whistle sounded, and he waved two fingers downward vigorously, which was effective for two points.

The game lasted for more than six minutes, and Banmutian scored 14 points, but the score was still zero. The eyes of those young men were all red. If they continued, they would collapse. Their coach immediately called a timeout.

"Don't worry about the score, you know. Don't think about the score now. Next, switch to zone defense. Man-to-man. If you don't score, don't let the opponent score easily. Do you understand? Everyone, work hard. The game has just begun. , remember, play zone defense!”

The coach saw that the opponent's skills were better than his own. If his players continued, they would be unable to run on the court. Each two points would be a slap in their face. A slap in the face will knock them unconscious. If the score continues to expand, the game may be over before the thirty minutes of the first half are over.

Although the opponent has good skills, they are a group of ladies in their forties after all, and their physical strength cannot keep up. The only way now is to find a way to hold them back and not let them score easily. Sometimes, people don't feel tired, but as long as they feel the pressure, mistakes will increase, and when the hit rate drops, people will start to get tired.

Sure enough, after Zhonghui switched to zone defense, Banmutian's frequent scoring trend was slowed down. With the coach's constant shouting on the sidelines, Zhonghui's chaotic formation gradually began to stabilize.

Zhonghui No. 7 received a pass in the penalty area and took off to shoot. The ball hit the backboard and bounced off. Their No. 2 grabbed the rebound and shot again. The ball circled around the basket twice and then entered the net.

Accountant Li's whistle sounded, Zhonghui got their first two points, and the audience in the children's lane in the stands cheered.

The coach called the tallest player on his team, No. 9, who was 1.89 meters tall, from the bench, and told him, "When you go on the field, keep an eye on No. 5."

"What two points?" asked No. 9.

"Yes, those two points, you go wherever she goes, keep an eye on her, don't be afraid of five fouls, if you get sent off for five fouls today, you will have made a meritorious service, do you understand?"

"Understood." No. 9 nodded.

Number seven is down, number nine is up.

After No. 9 came on the field, he carried out the coach's intention and clung to Liangfen. Wherever Liangfen went, he followed him. The other guy was a head taller than Liangfen, with his hands stretched out, like a wall. When he stopped in front of her, he didn't care where the ball was, only where the two points were. His movements were a bit rough, and he committed two fouls not long after he came on the court.

This style of play gave Liangfen a headache. She could only keep running on the court, stretching the opponent's defense and creating scoring opportunities for her teammates. However, her partner's shooting rate was not as good as Liangfen. After the score was suppressed, the opponent's score caught up, reaching 18 to 24.

Ge Donghai understood the opponent's intention, so he simply replaced the two points and let her rest for a while. The opponent's coach immediately replaced the number nine and told him, "Yes, yes, yes, you can play like this." very good.

"I haven't even touched the ball in the last game." No. 9 said sheepishly.

"Why do you want to touch the ball? I would rather you touch Liangfen's head and her hand than touch the ball. Do you understand? Take the time to rest."

When Ge Donghai replaced the two points, the opponent immediately replaced the number nine. After he came up, he still stared at the two points and even moved his hands and feet. The two points were so angry that he wanted to kick him.

At the end of the first half, Banmutian led the opponent by five points, 37 to 32.

Taking advantage of the intermission, when the noise on the field subsided, Liu Ligan asked the person next to him: "Are you from Qian Wan or Hang Bao?"

The other party looked at him and said it was for Hangzhou.

"I'm from Hainan Daily," Liu Ligan said.

"Hainan Daily? What are you doing here? Do you have a mission?"

"No." Liu Ligan shook his head, "Play here, the boss here is my friend."

"You mean the boss of Half Acre Field?"

Liu Lipole nodded.

"I heard that this guy is pretty cool, and he doesn't like to be interviewed," the other person said.

"Yes, he is a bit shy. He is also from Hainan."

The other person nodded, no wonder you are friends.

"By the way, buddy, can you help me make an appointment with him for an exclusive interview?" the other party asked.

"This." Liu Ligan hesitated for a moment, "I don't know if he is willing to do an exclusive interview. However, if you are interested, I can ask him to treat us to drinks when we finish here."

"Really? That's great!" The other party stretched out his hand towards Liu Ligan, "Xu Wenhui."

Liu Lizhang shook hands with him: "Liu Lizhan."

At the beginning of the second half, No. 9 continued to stare at two points. By ten minutes, he had already been sent off for five fouls. The coach called another tall No. 3 and told him, "Did you see that? You are just like him." Fight, there are still ten minutes left, and you can fight for five fouls and be sent off for me.

The guy said okay, it's up to me.

After No. 3 came on the court, he continued to pester Liang Fen, and his actions were even more rude than that of No. 9. Once he made a foul, he almost hugged Liang Fen. He was severely warned by Accountant Li, and there were boos all around.

The two points were exhausted by the man-to-man defense of these two guys. At the same time, the other players in the team were getting older after all. In the second half, they gradually lost their physical strength. Ge Donghai had to frequently mobilize his troops. Unfortunately, Banmutian's bench is not deep enough, and the difference between the substitutes and the main players is too big.

Zhonghui gradually caught up with the score. With more than four minutes left at the end of the game, they had already overtaken the score and led 65 to 62.

The spectators outside the stadium all saw where the problem was. They saw that despite the two points on the field, they were still running with all their strength, but after all, their age, gender and physical strength of their opponents were there. It almost became A massacre of physical strength and age.

The cheering sounds outside the field gradually faded away, and everyone was worried. Many people even began to hope that the game would end soon.

Two points received a ball outside the penalty area. Number three came up from behind and hit the ball. Two points staggered, but still controlled the ball. She turned around and cut in, and made a layup in three strides. Outside the court "Two points" sounded as the ball entered the basket.

Accountant Li's whistle sounded immediately. He turned his hands twice in front of his chest and then flattened them, indicating that the goal would be invalid if the goal was a two-point walk.

There were curses outside the stadium.

The game continued, two points received the ball, turned around, the opponent's No. 3 was in front of him, jumped up to block it, two points waited a moment, and after he fell, two points took off, took the shot, and shouted "two points" ", the ball hit the ground and went into the basket, and there were cheers outside the stadium.

Accountant Li's whistle sounded. He raised three fingers, gestured towards the two points, and sentenced her to a three-second violation. Then he signaled that the two points would not count. The scorer outside the court turned over the two points that had already been passed. return.

Zhonghui's players and the children's lane audience in the stands cheered.

Ge Donghai was furious and rushed into the scene and pushed Accountant Li. From the window upstairs, Wu Zhaohui cursed fiercely: "I'm going to f**king bring up this traitor."

Many players from Ban Mu Tian also rushed onto the field. Accountant Li saw that the situation was not good, promptly blew the whistle to end the game, turned around and ran towards the rostrum.

The score was fixed at sixty-five to sixty-two, and Zhonghui won.

After Zhang Chen and Liangfen's persuasion, the players from Banmutian stood in a row with the players from Zhonghui on the court.

The comrades of the Sports Committee announced that Zhonghui had won the game. Old Tang came on the stage and awarded a bonus of 1,000 yuan.

After the Zhonghui players received their awards, under the leadership of their coach, they walked up to Liangfen and the others, bent down, and bowed deeply. There was a round of applause outside the stadium.

Old Tang whispered a few words into the ears of the comrades from the Federation of Trade Unions. The comrades from the Federation of Trade Unions and the comrades from the Sports Committee said a few words. The comrades from the Sports Committee took the microphone and shouted loudly:

"On behalf of the organizers, I announce that the Banmutian women's basketball team has won the Women's Style Award, and Mr. Tang will award a 1,000 yuan bonus!"

Thank you for your monthly pass! Thanks for all the reading and votes! Have a good evening everyone!

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