The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 699 Fatigue is also good

After ten o'clock, Shanghai's buses have basically stopped running. There are few vehicles on the wide road and the road is smooth. They arrived downstairs at the First Department Store at ten thirty. Xiaoli and three salesmen were waiting for them at the door. , directing them to unload the goods at the back door near Tibet Middle Road. There is a freight elevator there to transport the goods upstairs.

Zhang Chen got out of the car. To his surprise, Manager Chen from the women's clothing department of the First Department Store and another of her colleagues were also here. They came over when they saw Zhang Chen.

Manager Chen knew that Zhang Chen would come tonight, so he specially waited for him here.

Zhang Chen considered that there were many people in the women's clothing department of the First Department Store, so when delivering the West Lake Ten Treasures, he asked Xiaoli to send fifty boxes. In this way, one person in their department sent two boxes and still had more. Manager Chen specially waited here. Zhang Chen just wanted to thank him for the benefits he provided to their department, which made her, the manager, feel that she always had dignity.

Zhang Chen quickly smiled and said: "Isn't this a festival? A small gift is all right. Why should Manager Chen be so polite?"

Manager Chen said that this gift was a good one and everyone below liked it. She introduced her colleague to Zhang Chen and said that this was Manager Lang from the food department of their store. She ate this West Lake Ten Treasures. I also think it’s very good, I like it very much, the packaging box is beautiful and the contents inside are also exquisite.

Mr. Zhang, I heard from Xiaoli that you know this factory, can you introduce it to Mr. Lang and others who want to introduce this product.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "What a coincidence. Not only do I know this factory, but the person in charge of this matter is also here today."

Zhang Chen quickly called Liu Ligan over and told him what had happened. Liu Ligan was overjoyed and quickly shook hands with the two managers.

The four of them stood on the sidewalk on the road in central Tibet and chatted.

Manager Lang and Liu Ligan said: "It would be even better if your product could be made into a series. In that case, our mall can open a special counter to sell your products."

Shanghai No. 1 Department Store opens a special counter, what kind of treatment is it? An hour ago, Liu Ligan wouldn't have dared to think about this, but now, it was actually the other party who brought it up.

Liu Ligan was overjoyed. He immediately caught on to Manager Lang's words and continued to ask, "Manager Lang, what kind of series do you want?"

Manager Lang told him that many people come here every day to ask if there are any sugar-free and low-sugar foods. We are selling things, not making them, so where can we get them? If you could make sugar-free and low-sugar products, a lot of people would buy them.

"Sugar-free? Doesn't that mean it's not sweet at all? Is there anyone who wants to eat pastries that are not sweet?" Liu Ligan thought it was unheard of.

Yes, Manager Lang told him that the people who came to ask all had diabetes themselves or in their family members. They couldn't eat sweets and couldn't find them. They were always anxious. Do you know how many people there are in Shanghai? Diabetic? More than 1.3 million!

Liu Ligan's eyes lit up. It turned out that this was what happened. He immediately felt that this was a business opportunity. If there would be so many diabetic patients in Shanghai and such demand, then the same would definitely be the case in Hangzhou. Other cities across the country The city must be the same. If Manager Lang hadn't reminded me, who would have paid attention to this.

Liu Ligan quickly told Manager Lang, "Okay, I will arrange the development immediately when I get back. Once developed, I will send it over and ask Manager Lang for criticism and advice."

The four of them stood there and chatted until about eleven o'clock. Zhang Chen remembered and asked Manager Chen, how do you get home?

Manager Chen pointed to the bicycle parked not far away and told him that of course he would ride back.

Zhang Chen quickly called Wu Zhaohui over and asked him to carry the two managers' bicycles onto Iveco and take them home.

After seeing off the two managers, Liu Ligan said to Zhang Chen excitedly: "It seems that this Ming Food Factory is not destined to die. We have met a noble person."

Zhang Chen joked: "Meet you?"

"When I met Manager Lang, her idea was really worth a fortune. I don't think this Ming Food Factory will be prosperous," Liu Ligan said.

While they were chatting, Lao Wan and Zhao Zhigang had already moved props, costumes, and everything needed for this mall upstairs. They wanted to leave two people here to install it while the others went to the next mall. , Zhang Chen told them, there is no need to leave anyone behind, just me and the poles will install it here, and you all go to the next house. If there are more people, it will move faster.

Lao Wan agreed and gave them two sets of tools, and the team continued to leave. Zhang Chen, Liu Ligan and He Hongmei followed Xiao Li upstairs. The women's clothing department was on the third floor. When they arrived, they started working immediately.

They were busy all night in Shanghai and returned to Hangzhou the next day. It was already past two o'clock in the afternoon. Everyone was exhausted. When they returned to the dormitory, they took a shower and had to catch up on their sleep. Only Liu Ligan rode Bicycle, rushed to Yiming Food Factory.

Liu Li went to Shanghai and met the manager of Shanghai No. 1 Department Store. He told Fan Qishun and the secretary. Both of them were very happy. You must know that no matter in terms of unit business area, business variety or sales scale, Shanghai No. 1 Department Store A department store has always ranked first in the national department store retail industry and is truly the number one store in China.

There were so many manufacturers who tried desperately to squeeze in, but they had no chance. Even when Yiming Food Factory was at its most prosperous, they were not able to get in. Unexpectedly, Liu Ligan got it without any effort.

Liu Ligan told them about Manager Lang's suggestion to develop sugar-free and low-sugar foods. They also felt that this was a business opportunity and immediately decided to allocate some people from the factory to develop and produce this sugar-free and low-sugar food. food.

Liu Ligan asked Fan Jianguo to go to the workshop and ask how many workers had family members with diabetes.

After Fan Jianguo went there, he came back and told them that there were nine. The three of them were shocked. Their factory with more than 100 people did not expect to have so many family members of diabetics. It seemed that there were quite a lot of diabetics. , this is really a market that has been forgotten.

Liu Ligan and Fan Jianguo said, go and tell these people that when their family members go to see a doctor again, notify us and we will go together.

"What do you want to do?" Fan Jianguo asked.

"Go see a doctor." Liu Ligan said.

"I want to hire a consultant from these doctors to guide our production." Liu Ligan, Fan Qishun and the secretary said. They both nodded and thought his idea was good.

Next, they concentrated their efforts and quickly developed and produced low-sugar and sugar-free West Lake Ten Treasures. They were sent to Shanghai together with the normal West Lake Ten Treasures. They became an instant success in Shanghai No. 1 Department Store, selling more than 4,000 boxes in one day. Having tasted the sweetness, they immediately spread the low-sugar and sugar-free Ten Treasures of West Lake in all stores in Hangzhou, and they were equally popular.

Hangcheng Yiming Food Factory has become the first enterprise in the country to produce and develop low-sugar and sugar-free foods.

These are things for later.

When people woke up, it was September 30th. On this day, for Zhang Chen and others, the biggest thing was the basketball game in the evening. Not only did the factory on Stadium Road not work overtime at night, even the Sanbao factory did not work overtime at night. There is no overtime work arrangement, and many of them have to go to the stadium road to cheer for their company's team.

Just after seven o'clock, it was not completely dark yet. Zhang Chen was startled. He looked out the window of the office on the third floor and saw a crowd of people below. He saw that not only the stands were filled up early, but also the rest of the stadium. There were also people standing on three sides. People kept coming in from outside the gate, and some people climbed onto the trees in the small garden next to it.

Zhang Chen quickly called Zhao Zhilong and Zhao Zhigang and asked them to go down and take a look. Evacuate the people in our own factory, whether they are here or in Sanbao, to the second and third floors of this factory. Open the windows and take a look. , all given to people from outside.

Zhao Zhilong and Zhao Zhigang went down and evacuated their people into the factory, but the space they vacated was quickly filled by new people. Zhang Chen estimated that there should be thousands of people coming to see this today. game.

Zhang Chen saw that there were policemen below to maintain order, and he knew in his heart that this should be called by the Sports Commission and the Federation of Trade Unions, or that they had experience. With so many people crowded here, if there were no policemen, they would just rely on those from their maintenance team. People can't hold back the formation at all. You just have to take care of it. Who cares about you?

Liu Ligan and He Hongmei also arrived upstairs. Xiao Zhao, who was holding Zhang Xiangbei, Caidi and Xiaojuan, who had been upstairs in Xiao Zhao's office, also came over. Liu Ligan saw below In the crowd, there were two people with cameras hanging on their chests. I knew they should be reporters.

Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen said, "I'll go down for a while."

Zhang Chen wants to ask you what are you doing down here? Liu Ligan had already disappeared.

The sky was getting dark, the lights on the court were bright, and the players from both sides were occupying one side of the court for activities. They did not expect that there would be so many people tonight, and both sides were a little nervous.

They were better with two points. Although it had been many years since so many people watched their game, after all, they had experienced such a scene. After being flustered for a while, they immediately calmed down.

In contrast, the young men from Zhonghui were obviously a little panicked. Although they were usually very arrogant, this was the first time they faced so many people and such a scene. They kept telling themselves that it was okay, but As soon as I took the ball in my hand and went out, the sight was gone. I also felt that I didn't know what was going on, and my technique was deformed.

The more this happened, the more panicked I felt. This technical deformation seemed to be contagious. Soon, the basketballs were flying toward the basket, but no one went in. Some people started to boo on the side, especially those who usually They have always been suppressed by Zhonghui. They came today to see Zhonghui's jokes.

For today's game, Zhonghui also specially found a retired guard from the provincial men's basketball team to be their coach. Standing on the sidelines, he immediately discovered the problem and knew that if this continued, he would be finished and would definitely lose.

Although excessive physical exertion was taboo at this time, he still called everyone to the sidelines and told them, "Run, run, let yourself sweat. If you understand, run for me, run as hard as you can, let yourself sweat!"

The only way to deal with technical deformation and psychological pressure now is to get yourself excited. Even if you are tired, it is better than being afraid.

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