The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 701 Battle in Shanghai

At the end of the game, Zhao Zhilong and Zhao Jingjing took Liangfen and the others to eat seafood at the Second Cup of Longxiang Bridge. Ge Donghai and Ge Ling also went, as did Zhao Zhigang, Caidi, Wu Zhaohui, and Lao Wan.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao were also going and were about to leave when Old Tang came. After a while, Liu Ligan came with the reporter Xu Wenhui. Old Tang still wanted to eat grilled lamb chops. In this way, Zhang Chen They couldn't go and could only let Zhao Zhilong and Zhao Jingjing lead the team.

Zhang Chen and Zhao Jingjing told Liangfen, Laoge and the others that they have worked hard during this period. Just let them know what they want to eat. Anyway, we will have a National Day holiday tomorrow and everyone will not go to work. Zhao Jingjing said yes, Mr. Zhang, don’t worry, eat. Who can't do it? I don't need you to explain anything in particular. I've brought enough money, so you just have to wait for the signature.

Zhang Chen laughed and said ok.

Everyone on the basketball team went, except Accountant Li who escaped home. Zhao Jingjing said that if he didn't escape, he would have to make a living tonight. After that, he added, don't think you can escape. You will still be able to work when you come back to work after the holiday. Eat life.

Zhang Chen didn't know what kind of life Accountant Li would have, but it would definitely be difficult for such a thin man to be surrounded by a bunch of middle-aged women. Zhang Chen thought about it and laughed again.

When He Hongmei saw Old Tang coming, she made sure to ride his motorcycle. In the end, she took Old Tang, and Liu Ligan drove her car, taking Zhang Chen, Xiao Zhao, Zhang Xiangbei, and Xu Wenhui in the same car. , or go to the northwest restaurant in Wangjiangmen.

When they arrived, Old Tang and He Hongmei had already taken their seats and even ordered the lamb chops. When Old Tang saw them coming, he mysteriously told them that there was something good today.

Liu Ligan asked what it was, but Old Tang didn't say anything. He Hongmei shouted, "This lunatic has taken all the dozens of sheep kidneys and roasted them."

When the beer was served, the lamb chops were not served, but the lamb kidneys were served first. The four men all said they enjoyed it. Xiao Zhao thought the smell was too strong and did not dare to touch it. Old Tang took one and put it in front of He Hongmei, talking to her. He said, it’s really good food. We take it to strengthen yang, and you take it to nourish yin.

He Hongmei frowned and bit into a little bit. She felt that the taste was weird, but it wasn't that bad, so she ate it. Old Tang said proudly, "How about it? You don't think it's too much now, do you?"

He Hongmei nodded and said, "Very good, very good. I will strengthen Yang and you will nourish Yin."

A table full of people laughed.

Naturally, we started talking about tonight’s game, and they all thought it was so enjoyable. Old Tang said, I didn’t expect you to be so helpful to me, and so energetic after you got on the court. Even I, who never watch basketball, found it enjoyable, especially That two points, one person, made the two young men as tired as dogs.

Zhang Chen told them two stories. Except for the broken elastic band, everyone else said, no wonder, it turned out that he once dominated Hangzhou.

Liu Li picked up the cup and said to Zhang Chen, now I think your decision is right. It is worth retaining such a place.

Others didn't know what he was talking about, so Liu Ligan told them his idea of ​​​​the sports goods market. Old Tang said that this is very good, and if it is started, it will definitely make money.

"He doesn't want to make this money. He wants to keep this stadium for people to have activities, and keep the gardens and metasequoia forests for people to fall in love." Liu Lipole pointed at Zhang Chen and said.

Xiao Zhao glanced at Zhang Chen and thought to himself, why Zhang Chen never mentioned this matter to him. It seemed that he had never considered it.

"This is worth writing. Regardless of economic benefits, we must also consider social benefits. There are not many bosses with such foresight." Xu Wenhui shouted, "Mr. Zhang, I don't care whether you agree or not, I want this story. Write."

Zhang Chen quickly said: "You should write the story of Liangfen and Ge Donghai. There must be many people in old Hangzhou who remember them. If you write it, it can bring back their memories."

Xu Wenhui was stunned for a moment and shouted: "Really, this is really a good topic choice, thank you Mr. Zhang!"

"I think our 'Zhejiang Mei' story is better, but it's a pity that I can't tell you." Lao Tang and Xu Wenhui said. Liu Ligan and He Hongmei laughed. They knew what Lao Tang was referring to.

Xu Wenhui quickly asked Lao Tang, what is the story of "Zhejiang Mei"? Can you tell me?

Old Tang said, you can’t report it even if I say so.

"It doesn't matter if you don't report it. Let's talk about it."

Old Tang raised his glass and said to him, come on, drink. If you get drunk with us a few times, I can tell you this story.

Xu Wenhui said, OK, isn’t it just wine? What are you afraid of?

The two clinked glasses and drank.

The factory was closed during the National Day, but Zhang Chen and the others were worried. During dinner, not only did He Hongmei come, but also Lao Tang, A Yong, and He Hongmei’s classmates came to the factory to have dinner. Without exception, they all come to wait for the sales situation in Shanghai.

Not only for Zhang Chen, but also for them. Anyone who has no memories of Shanghai or the Shanghai No. 1 Department Store on Nanjing Road from childhood is very excited to be able to sell their own things there. Today is the day. The first day of business for the six stores in Shanghai is directly related to the stability of their foot in Shanghai. Who wouldn't care?

Although it is still early for the sales figures of each store to be released, they can't sit down at home. Besides, they have been rushing for goods during this period. It is rare that they have free time today. It is good for everyone to get together and drink some wine.

Zhang Chen even cooked today. Liu Ligan set the table in the yard. It was almost time for dinner. Xu Wenhui also came over. In just one day, he and Liu Ligan became very good friends and felt that It was very interesting to play with Zhang Chen, Old Tang and the others, so Liu Lipole dunked him, and he rushed over after finishing the interview task.

Xiao Zhao is not here, she is in the store. Today, the store is busier than the day they opened. When they opened, not many people knew about their store. Now, their reputation is far and wide, not only in Hangzhou, but also in Hangzhou. Many people who come to Hangzhou have to visit their store.

Even Zhang Xiangbei was led by He Hongmei today and did not follow Xiao Zhao.

The days in early October are the most comfortable time in Hangzhou. The weather is no longer so hot, but it is not completely cold yet. Sitting outside wearing shorts and thin pants, the cool breeze is blowing, and there are not as many winds as in midsummer. Infested by mosquitoes and gnats, you can sit there for a long time.

They ate until nine o'clock in the evening, and the food was already cold. However, at this time, no one cared about the coldness of the food. Almost no one used chopsticks to hold the food. They sat mostly to drink or have their hands free. , go grab a few sections of salted edamame and peel them.

At nine o'clock, all the shopping malls were closed, but the sales results had not come out so quickly. On the contrary, their Yan'an Road store would be open until ten o'clock in the evening. At 7:30, Xiao Zhao called and told Zhang Chen, the store's sales had already broken their sales record by the time she called.

When He Hongmei heard this, she quickly called He Dongmei, put down the phone and proudly told them that we broke the news at five o'clock in Chongqing.

The sales situation in Shanghai is not bad either. When Xiaoli was having dinner earlier, she called Zhang Chen and told Zhang Chen the sales situation during the day. The reason why they were still waiting was because of its ranking in the shopping mall. In the shopping mall, there are dozens of brands of clothing for sale at the same time. It is like a competition in which dozens of people participate. The ranking in the competition is more important than your personal performance.

No matter how good your grades are, if you sit at the bottom, it means that your product is not very good, but there are too many people in the mall, which drives up your sales.

This has a great impact on your status in the mall. Just like the salesperson of Yiming Food Factory, when he went to the mall in the past, he would be ridiculed in all kinds of ways. Now when he goes to the mall, he feels that his back is hardened. Another key factor is , the shopping mall will adjust some products every season. Those that are always ranked at the bottom will be notified to withdraw from the shelves, and the shopping mall also needs fresh blood.

In the same place, they also hope that the sales volume per unit area is as high as possible. The elimination of the last place in the mall is very cruel. Some brands have been notified to prepare to withdraw from the cabinets before the paint for decoration has completely dried. These brands The person in charge, meeting the department manager of the shopping mall, was like seeing a ghost.

On the contrary, those brand managers with top sales always walk in the mall with style. They enter and leave the office of the department manager as if they were entering their own home. They also talk and laugh with the managers, just like sisters shopping.

Zhang Chen and the others collectively moved to the distribution center. Now is the time when Zheng Huihong and the others are most nervous and busy. There are already specialty stores that have closed early, and they have begun to send faxes one after another. When Zheng Huihong saw them coming in, she knew what they were most concerned about. Tell Zhang Chen that Shanghai has not come yet.

Zhang Chen nodded, wanting to tell her that he knew, but felt that it was superfluous. You know that is why you came in.

Zhang Chen walked around the distribution center. What made him slightly satisfied was that Zhao Zhigang had tightened his grip some time ago and the distribution center had enough goods. It should be no problem to cope with the replenishment in the past two days.

After a while, Zhao Zhigang and Zhao Zhilong also walked in. It seemed that they were also concerned about the situation in Shanghai. The distribution center suddenly became very lively.

Zhang Chen's phone number suddenly rang, and everyone in the distribution center immediately shut up. Everyone looked at Zhang Chen. Everyone knew what the call at this time should be.

Zhang Chen pretended to be calm. He turned on the phone. Xiaoli's voice rushed out. She had no time to wait to send the fax. Xiaoli shouted:

"Mr. Zhang, we ranked third in sales of 100 today!"

"Are you sure?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Make sure, I'm here with Manager Chen. She just praised us."

"Okay, I understand, Xiaoli, by the way, look at who the two in front are."

"Okay, I know Mr. Zhang, I will send you a fax later."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Liu Ligan and Old Tang, and laughed.

"Stop pretending, what's the rank?" Liu Ligan scolded.

"Three." Zhang Chen said, and the distribution center cheered.

Then the good news kept coming. They ranked second in Hualian Commercial Building, first in 900, and third in 600 and the other two companies.

This battle is perfect!

Zhang Chen quickly called Xiao Zhao and told him.

Immediately afterwards, faxes were sent one after another.

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang." Zheng Huihong yelled.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Shanghai needs to restock."

Before Zhang Chen said anything, Zhao Zhigang shouted, "Okay, you guys will issue the distribution list immediately. I'll call Wu Zhaohui and Lao Wan to leave tonight, leave immediately!"

What to do next?

It seems that I can only continue to drink. If I don’t continue to drink when I am happy, then when will I drink?

Xu Wenhui pestered Old Tang and said, Old Tang, Old Tang, is it time for you to tell me what ‘Zhemei’s’ is?

Old Tang raised his glass, "Is it that cheap? You've never gotten drunk even once."

Thank you Yu Yu, Lao Chen Tang, Dapeng, and Chong Bu Fei for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the reading and votes! I wish you all a happy life!

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