The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 66 Change the way

The two of them were eating chicken and drinking wine while chatting. Zhang Chen asked, "By the way, Jianqiang and the others next door, why are there no movements?"

"What, you miss Jiajia?" Liu Ligan smiled.

"Ghost, damn, every time I come back, I don't see Jianqiang down there. When I come up to their room, the lights are off. I'm just curious." Zhang Chen said.

"They've changed the battlefield and the way they do business."

No wonder, Zhang Chen asked: "How do you know?"

"I met Jianqiang before," Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen said "Oh".

What Liu Ligan never dared to tell Zhang Chen was that what he said about Jianqiang and the others changing their business methods actually had something to do with him.

That day, he invited a customer to have dinner at Wanghailou. After the bastard finished eating, he told Liu Ligan nakedly that he was full of wine and food.

The bastard went upstairs, but Liu Ligan secretly complained in his heart. Even though he walked a few steps and the streets outside were full of ding-dong, how could he have the nerve to talk to them about such a thing?

Liu Ligan thought of Jianqiang. It was all business, and whoever did something different might be able to help them.

Liu Ligan hurriedly rode back home. Before he reached the door of his house, he met Jianqiang on the road. Liu Ligan didn't say anything more, so he asked him, "Jiajia is alone at home?"

Jianqiang nodded.

Liu Ligan said, take Jiajia to 905 Wanghailou immediately. Jianqiang was stunned for a moment, and then he understood. He jumped on Liu Ligan's schoolbag rack, arrived in the courtyard, parked the car, Jianqiang asked, can you I can't lend you the bicycle. Liu Ligan said it was okay and gave him the key.

When Jianqiang took the key, Liu Ligan thought of something and immediately stopped him again and told him, don't go there by bike. You'll be smelly and sweaty. It's not good. Take a taxi. By the way, take a taxi with the windows tightly closed. .

Jianqiang looked at him and didn't understand what he meant. Liu Ligan smiled and said: "This idiot is rich. You guys, if you drive higher, you will get all the fare back."

Jianqiang understood and hurried upstairs. Liu Ligan sat on a chair at the door and smoked. After a while, Jianqiang and Jiajia went downstairs. Liu Ligan thought that it was only ten minutes' walk from Binhai Avenue. , just tell them, Jiajia is waiting here, I will take you to call a car, call a car and come back to pick her up.

Liu Ligan pedaled his bicycle and took Jianqiang to Binhai Avenue. He stopped a cool taxi for him, as Jin Lili said. Jianqiang got in the car, and Liu Ligan rode back to the door. Seeing that Jiajia was no longer there, I knew that they had probably left.

More than two hours later, Liu Ligan heard that Jianqiang and Jiajia were back. After a while, Jianqiang came over. He saw that Liu Ligan was the only one in the room, so he took out one hundred yuan from his pocket. If you want to give him the money, Liu Ligan won't take it. Jianqiang must give it to him, but Liu Ligan will definitely refuse to take it. Even Jiajia came over and said to Liu Ligan, "Take it, Brother Jianzi, thank you." .

Liu Ligan said, we are neighbors, so I want to help you. If this happens, I will not dare to call you next time.

Jianqiang and Jiajia gave up.

The second time, everyone calmed down. When Liu Ligan came back and saw Jianqiang sitting at the door, he asked, do you have time?

Jianqiang quickly said, yes, yes.

Liu Ligan told him the hotel and room number, and told him, "You go call a taxi, and I'll talk to Jiajia when I get up."

Jianqiang got up and left. Liu Ligan went upstairs and knocked twice on the open door. Jiajia turned around and Liu Ligan said, Jianqiang called a car and will wait for you downstairs.

After Liu Ligan finished speaking, he went back to his room. Jiajia understood, and quickly put on makeup and found clothes. Before leaving, she ran over and said to Liu Ligan, "Brother Ganzi, I'm leaving," and then hurried downstairs.

Liu Ligan was lying on the bed. He didn't know whether he was being pimped or not. Anyway, he didn't want a penny. It was purely because he had bastards here who needed him, and Jianqiang and the others were having a hard time. Everyone has come out. No matter what profession they are in, it is not easy now. It would be helpful if you can help.

Liu Ligan had read Shen Congwen's novel "The Husband" before, and was deeply shocked by the husband who came from the countryside and ended up behind the cabin, covering his face with two big and thick palms, crying inexplicably like a child. I just didn’t expect that something like this would actually happen to me decades later.

However, no matter how much he thought, he could not connect Jianqiang with the husband from the country who cried for no reason.

Jianqiang took Jiajia to the hotel. Jiajia went upstairs. Jianqiang was waiting in the lobby. With nothing to do, Jianqiang looked around. He saw a man sitting alone on the sofa, smoking silently. Jianqiang stared at him for a long time and decided that this person was a person. On a sudden idea, he walked over and sat down next to him.

The man glanced at Jianqiang and subconsciously moved to the side. Jianqiang looked around and saw no one. He felt his throat was dry, but he still said softly: "Do you want a beauty?"

The man was stunned for a moment, then looked at Jianqiang. He didn't say anything, but he didn't get up and walk away either. Jianqiang continued, "College student from Zhejiang University of Technology."

Jianqiang always heard Liu Ligan call Zhang Chen, Zhejiang Mei from Zhejiang Mei. He didn't know what Zhejiang Mei was, but he knew it was a university.

Sure enough, the man seemed to be interested and asked in a low voice: "How much?"

"Four hundred."

"So expensive?" the man asked. Jianqiang didn't know what to say, so he didn't say anything. The man then asked, "Is it beautiful?"

"Come down later and see for yourself." Jianqiang said.

The two of them remained silent for a while, and the man continued to smoke. Jianqiang stood up and walked around the hotel shopping mall. He originally wanted to buy a bottle of water, but looking at the price, it was twice as expensive as the store downstairs. , just didn’t buy it.

When he walked out of the mall, he saw the man still sitting there, staring here. When he saw Jianqiang, he turned his face away. Jianqiang knew something was going on.

Jianqiang calculated the time and found that it was almost time, so he walked back and sat down next to the man. Neither of them spoke, sharing an ashtray and smoking silently.

After a while, Jiajia came down from upstairs, walked to the hall, and looked around. Jianqiang told the man that it was the woman in the light blue dress.

The man stood up and said softly, come up. Then he walked towards the elevator. When passing by Jiajia, the man glanced at Jiajia.

Jianqiang followed him, walked over, put his arms around Jiajia's waist, and took him back. Jiajia shouted, "What are you doing?"

Later, Jianqiang was not necessarily in the same hotel. Often Jiajia was still there, so he went to a nearby hotel and made an agreement to come back and wait for Jiajia.

Later, Jiajia bought a BB machine. Before the work was completed, the BB machine was ringing and the man laughed. It seems that your business is still prosperous.

Jiajia has seen a lot, and she is very experienced. She said, of course, I am from Zhejiang United States.

After taking a shower, Jiajia used the phone in the room to call Jianqiang back, knowing where to go next after leaving the door.

Sometimes she thought it was Jianqiang, but when she went back, it was Liu Lizhan. Jiajia quickly said, "Okay, Brother Zhanzi, I'll be there right away. Thank you, Brother Zhanzi."

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