The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 67 Earn a grocery store

Zhang Chen saw Jianqiang and Jiajia again. There was a power outage at the construction site that day. Zhang Chen went home as soon as he got off work at the company. When he passed by the door of Jianqiang's house, he saw two people talking and laughing. Zhang Chen was still stunned. For a moment.

Jianqiang and Jiajia also saw Zhang Chen. Jianqiang called out, "Brother Chen, let's eat together. We have good food today. In fact, Jianqiang is older than Zhang Chen. He called Zhang Chen, Brother Chen. Zhang Chen recognized it and said he was respectful." mean.

Zhang Chen said okay, I'll put the bag away.

Jiajia and Jianqiang said they should go buy wine soon.

Jianqiang said "Oh" and hurried downstairs.

Zhang Chen returned to the room, but Liu Ligan did not come back. Zhang Chen put his bag away. When he walked out, he saw that Jiajia had moved the small table to the corridor. When he took out the dishes, Zhang Chen saw that there were Crabs, chicken, and shrimps are indeed abundant.

After a while, Jianqiang came back with wine.

The three of them sat down to drink. Zhang Chen asked, what day is it today and there are so many dishes?

Jiajia giggled, and Jianqiang said that today is Jiajia’s birthday.

No wonder, Zhang Chen quickly picked up the cup and wished Jiajia a happy birthday.

While eating, Zhang Chen clearly felt that the two of them, especially Jianqiang, were more enthusiastic about him than before. The two of them seemed very affectionate to each other. Zhang Chen was also happy for them and asked:

"You two, are you fine now?"

"Yeah" "Yeah", the two of them nodded together.

"Brother Zhang Chen, can I ask you something?" Jiajia said.

"What's the matter? Tell me." Zhang Chen said.

"What do you guys from Zhejiang and the United States do?" Jiajia asked.

Zhang Chen laughed and said, "You must be talking nonsense. It is from Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts, not Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts. Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts is a university in our hometown. Its full name is Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts. It teaches painting."

Jiajia understood this problem that had been bothering her. Those people always liked to ask her whether Zhejiang America is like this or Zhejiang America is like that. Next time, she can tell them that her school is called Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts and that she studies painting. .

"No wonder Brother Chen's paintings are so good. It turns out he studied them in college." Jianqiang said.

Zhang Chen could only smile awkwardly.

Liu Ligan's judgment was correct. The hard life was getting harder and harder. Many people from their own newspaper and advertising department had left. They didn't know whether they left on their own or were kicked out. Liu Ligan didn't bother to ask. , anyway, I can still complete my monthly tasks, and my salary and bonus are guaranteed.

Xiao Ren told him that you are already the best. Some people have had their wages deducted seven to eight times, leaving only more than forty yuan.

"If you don't work hard for the director, how can you survive for more than 40 yuan?" Liu Ligan said.

"Then you have to be embarrassed. You haven't done a penny of business in a month, and you are late every day and absent from work. The director said, with just over forty yuan, you are fucking exploiting other people's hard-earned money. Don't think you came to the office. You should get the money if you sit and sit, if you sit and sit and you will have money, go, go, go, I’ll go to your house to sit every fucking day.”

Xiao Ren imitated the director's tone and said disdainfully. Liu Ligan laughed loudly and praised him for his perfect learning. "Senior brother, you are a natural leader. Do you know that as long as you give time, you will become a successful person."

"Come on, shoot harder, it's good to have fun in the midst of suffering." Xiao Ren shouted, Liu Ligan smiled and walked away, before taking another sip of Xiao Ren's water.

Liu Ligan was right when he thought about it. If he got more than 40 yuan a month, the newspaper office would be too embarrassed to come back. You are so fucking messed up, how dare you meet people?

The director's face was tense all day long, and his brows were furrowed, as if everyone in the world owed him two hundred and fifty. Only when he saw Liu Ligan would he loosen the lock.

When Liu Ligan saw the director, he quickly handed over his hand: "Sorry, sorry, boss, I haven't worked hard enough. This month's performance can only make ends meet."

The director patted his shoulder, sighed, and said to him: "I know you worked very hard. This is not a crime other than war."

Liu Ligan really wanted his performance to skyrocket, but this recruitment advertisement was really no better than other advertisements. His boss, seeing so many people under him, got angry and wanted to kick them away. You also told him to recruit people, and he hired you to support him?

However, in comparison, one thing their newspaper company is good at is that any company that can still recruit people at this time should at least be one of the few companies that can live a decent life. So far, the newspaper company has not There have been cases where advertising fees were owed, or other random things were used to offset advertising fees.

That day, an old customer asked Liu Ligan for help. He asked if he could place an advertisement for a pressure cooker in the "Haicheng Evening News". Their company had a warehouse full of pressure cookers. He asked Liu Ligan for help. The reason is that the boss asked whether half of the advertising fee can be offset by a pressure cooker.

Liu Ligan said, I went to help fight for it, so I went to find Director Huang. Unexpectedly, Director Huang agreed immediately. He said, anyway, whatever our advertising department earns, the newspaper office takes it and uses it to distribute benefits. There is no money. Everyone has a pressure cooker.

"But Xiao Liu, half of your commission will go to the pressure cooker." Director Huang and Liu Ligan said.

"Ok, Ok."

Liu Ligan agreed wholeheartedly, because he was asking Liu Ligan for help, and the other party was naturally embarrassed to ask for benefits. In this way, Liu Ligan actually got a 10% cash commission, but he still gave half to the other party, leaving only these three More than ten pressure cookers gave Liu Lizhang a headache, and there was no place to put them back.

Liu Ligan had an idea, wasn't Li Yong's company next door? He asked them to use it as welfare points.

But you can't let Li Yong use it as welfare points every time. Li Yong said, this will spoil these guys. Besides, this is what you got in exchange for your hard work. You can't give these guys an advantage. Secondly, The next time he gave it, Li Yong refused to take it, so he had no choice but to find a way to move it back.

Later, Liu Ligan found out that he was not the first to do this. In fact, at that time, not only the advertisements received by "Haicheng Evening News", but also other media basically followed this model, and 50% had been calculated. , the highest is so high that all advertising fees are paid in kind.

Anyway, if the advertising space of the newspaper is empty for a day, it is a waste of a day. At least you can get something by advertising it. But if there are too many such customers, the newspaper cannot give out so many benefits. Food and daily necessities are okay, like How can sofas, desks, etc. be used as welfare benefits? During that time, there were so many such advertisements, and they were probably all backlogged there.

The advertising department has nothing to do, so they just accept the ads and figure out how to sell things by themselves. The new interns are simply given desks and let them sell by themselves. Only by selling can they have living expenses. If they can't sell, you can Eat the table yourself.

Liu Ligan was getting more and more things, and he was very annoyed by it.

From oolong tea, red dates, wolfberry, soybeans, black fungus to all kinds of liquor, gas stoves, cheeseline and evergreen toffee and peach-filled candies, various ceramic cups and dishes, telephones, radio cassette players, and leather shoes for the elderly. , artificial leather bags and clothes, and even bundles of curtains, their small room was quickly filled up.

Having no choice but to borrow the utility room on the first floor of Yilin's house to store them, Liu Ligan and Yilin's mother said, "Just take whatever you need."

That's it, but there's still an endless supply behind it, what should I do?

Yilin's mother had an idea. She discussed with Liu Ligan whether I could sell these things of yours. Liu Ligan couldn't ask for it, so he quickly agreed. You decide the price. If you sell it, you give me half of the money. Can.

The local women in Haicheng were very hard-working. They worked in the fields and took care of the house, which was basically the woman's sole responsibility. On the streets of Haicheng at that time, you could often see this phenomenon, with women walking in front carrying a load. The man had his hands behind his back, followed by Youzai Youzai. At that time, the local men in Haicheng were notoriously lazy and rotten. After they became more liberal, they became even more gambling and lustful.

A bad boy like Yilin's father took a compensation payment from the family and ran away with Dingdong. In fact, if he didn't run away, he would just be a decoration at home. When the compensation money is used up in a few years, he will still be a thief. Come back by yourself.

Yilin’s mother borrowed a tricycle from her neighbor. No matter it was windy or rainy, sunny or sunny, she would dress up the tricycle like a grocery store, and then pedal on the tricycle to sell in the streets. , she was actually allowed to sell some every day. Although the money was not much, the sense of oppression that accumulated every day was gone.

Liu Ligan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

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