The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 65 The Date on the Coconut

Just as Liu Ligan fell down, he heard Jin Lili shouting, Oh no, Zhang Chen, you are with such a stinky gangster every day, will you become a stinking gangster too?

"Yes, I suggest you take measures." Liu Ligan said.

"What measures?" Jin Lili asked.

Liu Ligan sat up again and asked her, do you remember the lock on the faucet and the one on the cans in every household in Yongcheng?

At that time, most of the houses in Yongcheng were old and did not have independent kitchens. Later, tap water was newly added, and every family installed a sink under the eaves outside the kitchen door, or in the corridor. When no one was at home, they were afraid that someone would open it. To steal water from the faucet, I made a homemade faucet lock.

The so-called water faucet lock is to use a tin can, punch two holes close to the opening, and use a flat iron to make a latch horizontally.

When the faucet is not in use, turn the can upside down and put it on the faucet. Put the latch through the two holes from below. One end of the latch is curved and locks the hole on one side. Outside the hole on the other side, on the flat iron. There is an eye, put a padlock through this eye, lock it, and the faucet will be completely covered. Without the key, others cannot open it.

This was the lock that Liu Ligan was talking about. Of course Jin Lili knew about it. Jin Lili asked, "I know, what's wrong?"

"Take one, lock Zhang Chen down, and take the key with you." Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen laughed loudly, Jin Lili blushed, and kicked Liu Lipole again in anger.

Jin Lili sat sideways on the bed with her back against the wall. She saw two large cardboard boxes under Liu Ligan's bed opposite her. Jin Lili shouted:

"Zhizhi, what treasures are you hiding under the bed?"

As Jin Lili spoke, she stood up and bent down to pull out the carton. Liu Ligan was shocked and turned around from the bed. He wanted to stop him, but it was too late. Jin Lili had already pulled the carton out from under the bed. Not only Jin Lili, but also Zhang Chen was also shocked when he saw coconuts in the carton.

Jin Lili scolded: "Zhangzi, why the hell are you still hiding and eating alone?"

Liu Ligan blushed and said awkwardly, "I bought it for fun."

Jin Lili ignored him, picked it up and looked at it, her eyes widened. Liu Ligan wanted to stop it, but knew that there was no way to stop it. He was in a dilemma.

Jin Lili put down one coconut, picked up another one, looked at it, put it down, and picked up another one. Jin Lili sighed. She saw that each coconut was engraved with a date. Zhang Chen I glanced at it, but it stopped ringing.

Jin Lili sat back on the bed and looked at Liu Ligan blankly. After a while, Jin Lili asked:

"Gangzi, did you buy these coconuts for Tan Shuzhen?"

Liu Ligan smiled and murmured: "At that time, didn't she say she wanted to eat one coconut a day? I thought, one coconut this day, not much time, there was no place to put it, so I gave a discount and gave it a week. She buys one.”

Zhang Chen and Jin Lili both remembered that Tan Shuzhen said that when they arrived in Hainan, they would eat one coconut a day. That was on Gaohang, the night they decided to come to Hainan.

"Tan Shuzhen hasn't replied to you yet?" Jin Lili asked.

Liu Li stood silent. Every week, he would write a letter to Tan Shuzhen, telling her about his situation during the week. Every time he put the letter into the mailbox, he would buy a coconut. He would tell her how many coconuts there were under the bed. How many letters have you written to Tan Shuzhen?

Liu Ligan fell back on the bed, turned over, and continued sleeping facing the wall.

Jin Lili pushed the carton back under the bed.

Zhang Chen and Jin Lili went downstairs. Zhang Chen sent Jin Lili to take a taxi on Binhai Avenue. While they were standing waiting for the taxi, Zhang Chen and Jin Lili said, "How about you write a letter to Tan Shuzhen?"

Jin Lili said okay, I understand.

When Zhang Chen came back to his room after get off work every night, he always felt that something was missing. Liu Ligan was busier than him now. He spent every night socializing and dealing with his advertising clients.

After taking a shower, Zhang Chen lay on the bed. In order not to attract mosquitoes and to keep cool, he turned off the lights and opened the doors and windows.

This place is far away from the coastal road. At about ten o'clock in the evening, the locals have already gone to bed. They all have the habit of getting up early to drink morning tea. However, the number of foreigners renting in the village has dropped significantly, making the village more depressed than before. Many, even the shop owner who was always energetic before, is now listless.

The surroundings were very quiet. Zhang Chen could hear the whirring of fans, and in the small shop, there was probably a guy playing billiards and singing at the same time. The singing was intermittently high and low, interspersed with the crackle of billiard balls. .

What he was singing was "Special Love for Special You" by Wu Sikai, a very nice new song. Zhang Chen was annoyed to death by his intermittent highs and lows. He really wanted to run down and tell him, you fucking If you want to sing, sing well, and if you want to play ball, play ball well. Don't be so half-sentence, okay?

Apart from this, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of the food stall and the sound of the horse spoon hitting the pot. Zhang Chen knew that this was another dish that was cooked.

It seems that all the chefs like to knock the pot twice after frying a dish. Zhang Chen doesn't know whether they are trying to knock off the leftovers stuck in the pot and the spoon, or to tell the diners. , I gave it all to you, didn’t I withhold it?

Zhang Chen felt very sleepy and his limbs ached, but he couldn't sleep. If Liu Ligan came back now, he might as well go down and drink a bottle of cold beer.

Despite the recession, even though some of their expected incomes have failed, the income of the two of them can still allow them to have late-night snacks without the pressure of money. At least this is still satisfactory.

Zhang Chen heard the sound of the iron gate in the yard below. He thought it was Liu Ligan who had come back, but no, it was Yilin and his mother. They probably went somewhere. They came back very late today. He heard Yilin shouting. The little one seemed quite excited. Zhang Chen understood that they were probably going to the open-air cinema where Liu Ligan lost his shoes to watch a movie.

Zhang Chen suddenly remembered, no wonder he always felt like something was missing when he came back every day. It turned out that he was downstairs, and he didn't see Jianqiang. The iron doors that were always open were also closed. The door next door seemed to be always closed. Dark lights, no one.

Have they moved away? But it didn't seem like it. When Zhang Chen fell asleep in a daze every day, he seemed to still hear the sound of them taking a shower and washing.

Yilin and his mother seemed to have gone to bed very quickly. There was no movement downstairs now. Zhang Chen heard the guy singing intermittently again. Now he was singing "Do You Know I'm Waiting for You" by Zhang Hongliang, and in response Repeating the sentence "Do you know I'm waiting for you?", "you" suddenly runs out, and it stops abruptly when it comes to "?".

The iron door downstairs rang again. This time it was Liu Ligan. This guy parked the car and closed the door while whistling. Liu Ligan’s whistle was a mystery in the troupe. Xu Jianmei said, this This guy never sang in tune, but when he whistled, he never went out of tune.

Tan Shuzhen said that it must be because the gangsters are used to it, and the gangsters can whistle well.

Liu Li went upstairs, put something on the table, turned on the light, and shouted: "Get up, why are you sleeping? Get up and eat chicken."

Zhang Chen got up from the bed and walked over to take a look. One of the two plastic bags Liu Ligan brought back contained a bag of beer, and the other contained two large horse dung paper balls. The paper was soaked with oil. Still stained with salt.

Zhang Chen was overjoyed and sat down immediately.

Liu Ligan took out all the beer in the plastic bag, took a paper ball from another bag, put it into the empty bag, and moved it in front of him. Zhang Chen pulled the remaining bag over. This is because when the paper ball is opened, the chicken fat inside will flow out and flow to the table and floor.

Zhang Chen knew without asking that this was bought from their favorite chicken shop.

The salt-baked chicken in this chicken shop is simply marinated chicken, wrapped in horse manure paper, and then buried in a large oil barrel. The oil barrel is filled with a large barrel of sea salt. After the chicken is buried in the sea salt , the oil barrel is placed on the fire until the chicken is cooked. This method is very similar to the legendary beggar's chicken. The only difference is that one is buried in mud and the other is buried in sea salt.

Zhang Chen opened the paper ball, and a smell hit his nostrils. The two opened the beer, each had a chicken, and ate in large pieces.

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