After Huang Jianren and Wu Zhaohui went out, Liu Ligan picked up the phone on the table and called Meng Ping's big brother. The call failed. Liu Ligan called his office phone again, but no one answered.

Liu Ligan thought for a moment and dialed Qian Fang's number. Qian Fang answered with a weak voice.

Liu Ligan asked: "How is it going at your place?"

"What can I do? Let's just continue to wait for death."

"Is Lao Meng here?"

"No, I'm driving alone. I don't know where I went."

"Why can't he get through to his elder brother?"

"I removed the electrical panel and threw it in the office."


"Where did he dare to turn on the phone? When he turned it on, the calls were all from Wuxi. People there were already frightened. Do you know, 60 million is just a number in Haicheng, but it is an astronomical figure in mainland China."

"I know, I know, in Haicheng, the numbers are astronomical now." Liu Ligan said, "But Qian Fang, please remind Lao Meng that if you can't even get through the phone, something big will happen."

"If it's not already out, how much bigger can it be?"

"Okay, Lao Meng comes back and asks him to call me. By the way, we will have dinner at Nanzhuang tonight. Why don't you come over together?"

"No, I don't want to eat. I want to eat people, but I don't know who to eat."

After Qian Fang finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Liu Ligan shook his head. He stood up and went to Li Yong's company below. Li Yong and Chen Qihang hadn't come back yet. Colleagues in Li Yong's office talked to Liu Ligan, hesitantly. Yes, he said, our boss also went there, and Mr. Chen’s wife.

Liu Ligan was surprised. Lin Yiyan went over with Li Yong's uncle. What was she doing there?

After Liu Ligan questioned for a long time, colleagues in Li Yong's office told Liu Ligan that in fact, Mr. Li and Mr. Chen were detained there and could not come back.


"When I signed the agreement of intent, didn't I receive a deposit from them? This time, I originally wanted to sign the agreement. Not only was the agreement not signed, but they also asked for the deposit to be refunded before they would let me go."

"What the hell, the agreement hasn't been signed yet, do you want the deposit refunded?" Liu Ligan cursed.

"Who says it's not the case, but there is nothing you can do about it in the hands of others." The colleague sighed, "Besides, there is no money left in the company to refund the deposit, and I don't even know if next month's salary will be paid. The boss said harsh words before leaving, saying that if the other party couldn't reach an agreement, the worst he could do was replace Mr. Li and Mr. Chen."

"Can you contact your boss?"

"If we can't get in touch, we have to wait for him to call."

"If he calls, ask him to call me."

"Okay Mr. Liu."

Liu Ligan rode his bicycle to the company, walked in the door, and saw Wei Wenfang sitting at the front desk. When he came in, he said hello to Mr. Liu!

"What are you doing sitting here?" Liu Ligan asked.

Wei Wenfang smiled and said nothing.

When he walked in again, he saw that Huang Jianren, Xiao Huang, and Chen Jie were not in his office, but were sitting in the hall outside with Wu Zhaohui.

Liu Ligan asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

Huang Jianren said: "Everyone is gone. It's very uncomfortable to look at the empty space outside. We might as well sit outside so that the company can become more popular."

Liu Ligan remained silent and said nothing more.

He rode his bicycle here in the morning, and when he arrived at the company, he was sweating again. Liu Ligan walked into his office, took a shower first, changed his clothes, and thought that he was still more luxurious than before.

I wanted to take a shower before, but it was so convenient. I rode my bicycle to the bottom of a building and started sweeping the building while sweating profusely. If there was a fan, I would stand under the fan. If there was an air conditioner, I would stand in front of the fan and wait. After drying off my sweat before going upstairs, I still have to worry about the smell of sweat coming out of my body. When I walk into someone else's office, I don't dare to make any big moves.

Just as Liu Ligan was thinking, he heard the people outside shouting, "Hello, Mr. Meng! Hello, Mr. Meng!"

Liu Ligan hurriedly walked to the door and saw Meng Ping carrying his bag and almost reaching the door of his office.

Meng Ping looked at Liu Ligan and said with a smile: "Why, are you shrinking the front line?"

Liu Ligan smiled bitterly: "What else should I do?"

"It seems that in this regard, I am still relatively lucky. There is no increase in the number of people. Now I don't have these troubles." Meng Ping sat down on the sofa and said.

"You don't need to pay these people now?" Liu Ligan asked.

"I can't do it even if I want to." Meng Ping said, "I have held two meetings with them and asked them to find their own way out. They refused and said they would die together even if they died. Haha, I am Meng Ping. He died, and now he’s even buried with him.”

Liu Ligan felt a little sad when he heard this. Liu Ligan and Meng Ping said, "Can a few million support it? If a few million is acceptable, Bitch Huang and I can still think of a way."

"Forget it, don't drag Mr. Huang into this. He has already planned a great future for him. If he makes a wrong move, he will be harmed for the rest of his life. This Mr. Huang can still stay here. If he doesn't sneak back to the capital, he will. It’s not easy anymore.”

Meng Ping said: "Besides, what's the use of a few million? It's better for you to keep it. Just count it as if you can hold on for one more day. I know what you're thinking. Do you want to hold on until reinforcements arrive?"

Liu Lipole nodded.

Meng Ping originally wanted to say, "I'm afraid that the distant water cannot quench the near thirst," but after thinking about it, he didn't say it. He said, "I hope Sun Hou and the others can use their skills at this time."

Meng Ping said he hoped, but he was actually worried about them. At this time, he must not protect himself wisely. He came from an agency, and he knew that many people would handle this kind of thing according to the standard ABC.

The big brother on Liu Li's desk rang loudly. He picked up and his expression changed drastically after listening for a while.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Ligan hurried to the door and shouted: "Wu Zhaohui!"

Wu Zhaohui ran in quickly, and Liu Ligan asked Meng Ping, where are your car keys?

Meng Ping took out the car key from his bag and handed it to Liu Ligan. Meng Ping asked, "Why, your car broke down?"

"Is there anything important in the car?" Liu Ligan asked.

Meng Ping patted the bag: "All the important things are here. The war is in chaos, so we have to be careful."

Liu Ligan reached out and asked Wu Zhaohui: "Give me the car keys."

Wu Zhaohui gave him the key, and Liu Ligan handed him Meng Ping's car key.

Liu Ligan told him, drive Lao Meng's car to the parking lot of Wanghai International Hotel, park the car there and get out. Remember, if someone stops the car and asks you where Lao Meng is, you just You said you didn’t recognize the car, but you just borrowed it from a friend. You drove it here and it’s still here. The friend said the owner would pick it up himself.

"Hey, pole, what are you doing? Why are you so nervous?" Meng Ping shouted.

Liu Ligan ignored him and asked Wu Zhaohui: "Do you understand? No matter what happens, I will insist that you don't know Lao Meng and are just here to return the car. They must ask you who that friend is, and you just say yes." Gui Lao Randall, if they ask you to take them, you can take them there. Don’t worry, Gui Lao returned to Hong Kong yesterday, and there is no one in his company now."

"Okay, I understand." Wu Zhaohui said.

"By the way, if they want to take the car, just give it to them and just go away."

Wu Zhaohui said yes.

"Go quickly." Liu Ligan said, and Wu Zhaohui ran out quickly.

Liu Ligan called Meng Ping, "Get up, let's go too."


"We'll talk later. Listen to me, Lao Meng, and leave quickly." Liu Ligan said anxiously, handing Wu Zhaohui's car key to Meng Ping. He knew that his driving skills would not work well on the street. If there was an accident at this time, , it’s troublesome.

Meng Ping looked at Liu Ligan's look and knew that something big was going on. He also got up quickly. The two of them arrived at the parking lot and got in the car. Liu Ligan and Meng Ping said, let's go to Wanghai Tower too, but don't go in.

Meng Ping drove out of the Longzhu Building. When they arrived at the head of the South Bridge, they saw Wu Zhaohui driving Meng Ping's car to the top of the South Bridge and preparing to turn.

Liu Ligan told Meng Ping to drive slower and keep a distance from Wu Zhaohui.

Meng Ping slowed down.

When they were almost driving to the parking lot of Wanghailou, they saw that Wu Zhaohui had parked his car and was coming out of the parking lot. Liu Ligan looked around and said to Meng Ping, "Pick up Wu Zhaohui."

Wu Zhaohui walked to the exit of the parking lot, and Meng Ping stopped the car. Liu Ligan shouted, get in the car quickly.

Wu Zhaohui got in the car.

"Turn onto Datong Road and stop at the entrance of Haicheng Park." Liu Ligan said.

Meng Ping turned the car left, reached Datong Road, and drove to the entrance of Haicheng Park. Liu Ligan and Meng Ping said, "Let's go to the back row, and Xiao Wu will drive."

The two people sat in the back row. Liu Ligan and Wu Zhaohui said, "Go to Sanya."

Both Meng Ping and Wu Zhaohui were taken aback. Meng Ping asked, "Gangzi, what on earth are you doing?"

Liu Ligan still said that we would talk about it later.

When the car left the city, Liu Ligan let out a long sigh.

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping said: "The call just now was made by Qian Fang while hiding in the women's restroom. The Wuxi police came to your company to arrest you. They have sealed your finance room and the bank account is still there. The other car is blocked, and they are looking for you everywhere. Qian Fang said, you can't stay in Haicheng, they might go to my company soon, do you understand?"

Meng Ping was stunned. Liu Ligan immediately called Huang Jianren and asked him if anyone came to see him. Huang Jianren said no.

If so, just say I went to a sauna. You don’t know which sauna, and you don’t know how long it took for me to come back. The longest time, I didn’t come back until all day and night.

"Mr. Liu, has something happened to you?" Huang Jianren shouted, "Is it white or black?"

"Nothing happened to me. Someone is looking for me anyway. That's what you say. Do you understand?"

"I understand, don't worry, no matter who comes, I will deal with it." Huang Jianren said.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Ligan turned off his mobile phone. He was worried that the Wuxi police would find his business card in Meng Ping's drawer and call him.

"What are they looking for you for?"

"What else can we do? Just ask for money." Meng Ping smiled bitterly, "I had a premonition that they might come, but I didn't expect it to be so soon. Haha, they must have thought that there would still be money in my company, so hurry up. It’s a little bit if you can get a little bit back.”

"Is that 60 million?" Liu Ligan asked.

Meng Ping nodded, and Liu Ligan said curiously: "Not even the banks knew that those 60 million came to Hainan to buy land. You didn't lie to them. The land is still there. If they want it, just take it." Let’s go, who can we catch?”

"You are also naive. If the land was still valuable and there were still people who wanted it, no ghost would come to arrest me. They would greet me with smiling faces. Now something is wrong with the land."

"There has to be a reason, right?"

Meng Ping stared at Liu Ligan for a while, and he sighed, "I don't blame you, you haven't even taken a loan. If you are Huang Jianren, you will know what's going on."

"what do you know?"

"When it comes to bank loans, there is no need to do some manipulation in the loan application report, statement, etc. When it's okay, it's okay. But when you get really serious, it's all a handle and can be a crime."

Thank you Lao Chentang and Tiger for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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