Wenwen and Qianqian were almost escorted to the airport by Liu Ligan. He knew that if these two die-hards still stayed in Haicheng, he didn't know what they would do. Haicheng was already a dead city.

After a war, gunpowder smoke was still filling the air, and there were pits everywhere on the battlefield. These two die-hards thought they could clean up the battlefield and pick up some bargains. They might fall into a pit and die together. Will bring Yilin mother into the pit.

Without them, Yilin's mother didn't have the courage. After all, she still had self-awareness and felt that she didn't understand this or that.

Saying goodbye in front of the security checkpoint, Wenwen and Qianqian hugged Liu Ligan and cried. Wenwen said, actually, I really like you a little bit.

Qianqian said, me too.

Liu Ligan smiled and said, I know, I also like you a little bit.

"Why, we only deserve a little bit of your affection?" Qianqian scolded.

"Okay, a little more, I like you a little more than you like me." Liu Ligan said quickly.

"Either you come with us, we will go back to our hometown, open a small shop, and never come to this shabby place again." Wenwen said.

"Yes, the three of us can still be together." Qianqian also said.

"How can I leave? There is still a company, and there are so many people in the company." Liu Ligan said, "You go back first. After you go back, don't you want to build a house? Then build it, and wait until your house is finished. , I will come to see you.”

"Then it's settled, no cheating." Wenwen said.

"Okay, I promise not to cheat."

Liu Ligan walked out of the terminal hall and saw a man riding a bicycle. Liu Ligan stopped him. The man stopped the car and stepped on the ground. He looked at Liu Ligan and felt like I don’t know him either, so I don’t know what Liu Ligan wants to do.

Liu Ligan asked him: "How much does your bicycle cost?"


"Why don't you do it? I'll just ask you how much this bike costs."

"I bought it at the used car market for fifty yuan. What's wrong?"

"You paid too much for it. I want to buy this car. Thirty-five yuan is enough."

"none of your business."

Liu Ligan took out a hundred yuan and said to the man, "How about selling it to me for a hundred yuan?"

"Is there something wrong with you?" The man looked at Liu Ligan and asked curiously.

"Nothing wrong, I just want to buy your car."

Liu Ligan kept passing the money in his hand to the man. The man took the money, turned it over and looked at it carefully, raised it up to the sun to see the watermark, and grabbed both sides of the banknote with his hands. , stretched his arms, and muttered:

"It still seems like real money."

"What seems like it, of course it is true." Liu Ligan took out his wallet and opened it. There was a wad of money in it. Liu Ligan said to the man: "If you are worried, come on, then change it. Here you can Pick your own.”

The man grinned, stuffed the money into his shirt pocket, stepped out of the car, set up the bicycle, patted the bicycle seat, and said to Liu Ligan, "Take it, this car is yours."

Liu Ligan rode his car and arrived in front of his car. Wu Zhaohui saw it and asked, "Did you pick it up?"

"Damn it, come down and pick one up for me to try." Liu Ligan scolded, "I bought it for a hundred yuan."

"Why did you buy it?"

"Let's ride." Liu Ligan said, "You drive back and I'll ride back. By the way, you won't pick me up anymore. I'll commute to get off work by myself."


"Of course it's true. If you have time, take my motorcycle and sell it." Liu Ligan said to Wu Zhaohui. After saying that, he turned around and rode away.

Wu Zhaohui looked at his back and shook his head. This was because he was stimulated, Wu Zhaohui thought to himself.

Liu Ligan was riding his bicycle. He was sweating profusely after riding less than a hundred meters. It was already very hot in Haicheng in June, the air was highly salty, and even the wind was sticky.

Liu Ligan felt that he could smell the stench of his own sweat. The beads of sweat rolling down his hair and forehead made his vision a little blurry.

As soon as he turned from Airport Road to Haixiu Road, Liu Ligan was already out of breath. Liu Ligan sighed secretly and cursed, Damn it, this person changed into a cultivator really fast. In just a short time, he had already transformed into a cultivator. It's impossible to breathe so badly even if you ride a bicycle all day long to wash the building.

Liu Ligan rode on the car. After slowly getting used to it, he became less breathless and his mood improved. He thought that although the car was only separated from the outside world by a layer of glass, it was actually separated by a layer of glass. In a world where motorcycles are so fast that people don’t even have time to think on the bike, a bicycle is better.

Liu Ligan felt that by riding a bicycle, he seemed to have truly integrated into the city. After integrating into the city, he became less panicked and felt at ease. Damn it, don't you just want to beat me back to my original shape? Then I will return to my original state and show it to you. I will not let you dominate.

Although he couldn't see or touch it, Liu Ligan felt that there was a mysterious force controlling the city. It was trying to change the city and everyone in the city every day, and he was thrown into the wasteland by it. point, and then throw it to the bottom.

Damn it, I just want to play with you!

Liu Li pointed his head towards his head and cursed, as if it was there, looking at him.

Liu Ligan rode to the downstairs of Longzhu Building, parked his car, and when he walked into the hall, he unbuttoned the cuffs of his shirt and looked at it, and couldn't help but laugh.

He saw that his two hands, which were dark, were back, but after riding for such a long distance under the sun, these black gloves were back. The sun in Haicheng was really poisonous.

Liu Li went upstairs, and as soon as he entered the company's door, the girl at the front desk lowered her head when she saw him, her eyes were red, and she no longer shouted "Hello, Mr. Liu" as before, crisply!

The atmosphere in the office hall was also very depressing. Everyone was sitting there, looking lost and quiet, and no one made a sound.

Liu Ligan walked into his office and saw Huang Jianren, Chen Jie, Wei Wenfang and Wu Zhaohui all in his office.

Liu Ligan asked Chen Jie: "Has the salary been calculated?"

"Forget it." Chen Jie nodded.

"Then let's send it," Liu Ligan said.

"Mr. Liu, they all said, can we all have dinner together again?" Wei Wenfang asked.

"Party dinner? Okay, then you can book Nanzhuang and ask them if they want to watch the show in the lobby or go to Hao Bao. What do they want to eat? Let them order it by themselves. Eat as much as they want. Don't save money for the company. If we break up, treat them to dinner. You should have a good meal." Liu Ligan said, "Go ahead and pay your salary."

Huang Jianren, Chen Jie, and Wei Wenfang all stood up. Liu Ligan looked at them and suddenly laughed when he thought of something. The three people, including Wu Zhaohui who was still sitting, all looked at him and felt that he was a little confused. Liu Ligan patted him. He raised his hand and asked:

"You three, do you still remember? It was me and Bitch Huang who went to the East Lake Recruitment Wall to recruit the three of you back. After walking around, we were left in the company, which is good, haha."

Wei Wenfang and Chen Jie's eyes turned red. Wei Wenfang glared at Liu Ligan, pulled Chen Jie, and the two of them walked out.

Huang Jianren was about to follow him out when Liu Ligan stopped him and told him that they would be fine if they paid some wages. Sit down, I have something else to talk to you about.

When Wu Zhaohui heard that the two bosses wanted to talk, he stood up and wanted to walk out before Liu Ligan could chase him away. Liu Ligan shouted, "Sit down too."

Wu Chaohui sat down obediently.

Liu Ligan asked Huang Jianren: "How much money do we still have on our account?"

"Forty-six million five hundred and twenty-three thousand. After today's salary and bonus are paid, there will still be about forty-six million one million."

Liu Ligan nodded, and then asked: "I asked you to calculate, if we stop all the Xinbu Island projects now, how much more money will we need to pay? Have you figured it out?"

"Calculated, it's 9.73 million."

"Okay, that's it. Starting from tomorrow, we will stop all the projects in Xinbu Island. Wu Zhaohui, you will follow Huang Jianren to handle this matter tomorrow. If you suddenly ask people to stop work, it will always be difficult for several construction teams. Yes, now is the time to show your true qualities as a hero, if not, just call yourself Cao Guoqing."

Huang Jianren and Wu Zhaohui both agreed.

Liu Ligan said: "What we are doing now is to save every penny and cut off all unnecessary expenses. The remaining money will be used to maintain the Jinghai Center project and let all the construction teams slowly Do it as slowly as possible. Don’t rush the schedule. Whoever rushes the schedule will be fined.”

"Why?" Huang Jianren asked.

"I just need people to watch that our construction has not stopped and is still going on. In this way, once the situation improves a little, we will be the first property that can be sold. Do you understand? If you are buying off-the-plan properties, you will buy rubbish ones." Tail building?”


"Also, as long as the project doesn't stop, it leaves us time and opportunities to survive. In this way, we also have time to find new funds and partners. I don't believe it. There really isn't a penny to go to the island. .”

"I understand." Huang Jianren said, "In fact, we are also thinking of ways to see if we can find other funds."

"That's good."

"But Mr. Liu, there is another question."

"what is the problem?"

"There are only a few months left. The time is up. What will happen to our Xinbu Island land transfer fee, the second phase?"

"Stupid!" Liu Li waved his hand, "Don't worry about this. This is the least of the problems."


"Think about it, how many unfinished buildings, how many pits, and how many unpaid land transfer fees will be in the entire Haicheng, and even the entire Hainan, right now? This is no longer a financial problem, but the biggest problem of the local government. It's a political issue.

"Don't worry, as long as our company is still there and our Jinghai Center doesn't stop, the Haicheng City Government will not demand the transfer fee from us, but will protect us. We are the only remaining ones in Haicheng after this real estate boom. How can they not take care of our single seedling? This is why we must not let the Jinghai Center project stop, do you understand?"

"I understand." Huang Jianren laughed, "I didn't expect you to be a strategist."

Liu Ligan also laughed: "You fucking think I only think about women."

"I really thought so."

Wu Chaohui suddenly said something. Huang Jianren laughed, and Liu Ligan reached out to hit him. Wu Chaohui continued: "But I changed my mind today. You impressed me."

Liu Li stopped raising his hand in the air, and Huang Jianren shouted: "Okay, this flattery is good!"

"I'm not flattering, I'm serious." Wu Zhaohui said, "I thought Mr. Liu was crazy. If he wasn't crazy, it wouldn't be easy."

Huang Jianren stopped laughing and nodded.

Thank you for a safe journey and book friend 20180722131714214 for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Happy Saturday everyone!

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