The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 646 It came very quickly, very quickly

On June 19th, Liu Ligan got up very early. He saw Wenwen and Qianqian also getting up, and asked curiously, what are you doing up?

"I'm so excited that I can't sleep." Wenwen shouted.

"Didn't I tell you not to go there until ten o'clock?"

"You know, we promise not to be a minute early."

The sound of a car horn came from downstairs. Liu Ligan went downstairs and saw that Wu Zhaohui was the only one in the car. Liu Ligan asked, "Where is Wei Wenfang?"

"I've already gone to the company."

They drove downstairs to the company. It was only a little after eight o'clock. There were already more than a dozen people waiting downstairs. They were here to buy off-the-plan properties. They didn't start selling until half past eight.

Liu Ligan couldn't help but feel happy, feeling that he was back. The grand occasion when they sold Hongyu Building seemed to be coming back soon.

Liu Ligan and Wu Zhaohui went upstairs and saw that Meng Ping, Qian Fang and Xu Jiaqing had arrived. They were still here to help today. Ye Yilan was in the finance department. Just like last time, she, Chen Jie and the others were nervously working. A receipt with a blank header.

Cao Guoqing and a dozen people have also arrived and are preparing to maintain order.

As soon as Liu Ligan walked in, Meng Ping, Qian Fang, and Xu Jiaqing came over. Meng Ping shouted, "Pole, do you see it? There are already more than a hundred people downstairs."

"Yes, we were all so happy when we arrived." Qian Fang shouted.

Liu Ligan was stunned for a moment, thinking that there were people downstairs, but he didn't see more than a hundred people.

He looked outside the company door behind him. There were already people coming upstairs in twos and threes. Standing outside the door and looking into the company, Liu Ligan was relieved. It seemed that when he arrived, the people downstairs were going upstairs. Move up.

"Let's go, Lao Meng, leave this place to them, we should go drink tea and brag." Liu Ligan and Meng Ping said.

The two people walked into Liu Ligan's office and sat down on the sofa.

At 8:25, more than a dozen people gathered at the door of the company. Wei Wenfang led the people to take out the signs one by one and put them up at the door one by one. She said to the crowd who gathered around, come in when you have made your choice. It has started now. .

"Beauty, how much does your building cost?"

Wei Wenfang told him.

Wei Wenfang walked back to the company and looked back. No one came in from the outside. She was a little confused. She turned around and walked outside. When she walked to the door, she saw that the dozen or so people were not at the door of their company, but at the elevator entrance. .

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping were sitting and drinking tea. Meng Ping and Liu Ligan said that Qihang and Li Yong had returned to Guizhou. There were several customers there who had visited their land. The two parties had agreed on the price. Li Yong's uncle refused to take action and wanted to wait for a higher price. The day before yesterday, he decided not to wait. He was probably frightened, so he sent them over to sign the contract quickly.

So that’s what happened. I asked why neither of them were here yesterday. Liu Ligan said, and both of them laughed.

Liu Ligan looked at his watch. It was already eight forty. Damn it, it was too quiet outside. Meng Ping was also surprised. He opened the blinds facing the outside and saw that it was empty outside except for Cao Guoqing. Wei Wenfang and several people from the sales department were standing there.

The two of them saw Qian Fang walking towards this direction with an ugly look on her face.

Liu Ligan's heart skipped a beat when he heard a voice saying, It's over!

Qian Fang walked in, just to confirm their suspicions. Qian Fang turned pale and murmured: "Something happened, something big happened. There is no one there. Wei Wenfang doesn't even dare to come over and tell you."

Liu Li nodded numbly: "Needless to say, we also saw it."

Qian Fang sat down on the sofa, and the three of them were silent for a long time. Meng Ping looked at Qian Fang and said sadly: "It seems that next week, it will be our turn."

"I will immediately contact the coal diggers and ask them to at least sign the contract today." Qian Fang said.

"No need to fight." Meng Ping said with a bitter smile, "If you fight at this time, they will only run faster."

Qian Fang became anxious and shouted: "Then what should we do?!"

Meng Ping looked at her, then at Liu Ligan, and sighed: "Just leave it to fate!"

Xu Jiaqing walked in from the door, his eyes were red, and stood there, looking at them speechless. Meng Ping smiled and said: "Tell me, is there any other bad news?"

"Those people from Shanxi cannot be contacted."

It seems that she has moved faster than Qian Fang.

The phone on the table rang. Liu Ligan walked over to pick it up. It was from the front desk. The front desk timidly asked: "Mr. Liu, Manager Cao asked..."

"Let them all go back to the construction site." Liu Ligan said.

"But how is that possible? Land and housing prices are still rising in the past two days." Qian Fang bit her lip and asked.

"Then someone has to buy it." Meng Ping said with a smile.

"The last craziness. Everyone knew that death was coming soon, so they just wanted to get a handful and go ashore. Unexpectedly, they were photographed dead on the beach. Haha, it's so fucking funny."

Liu Ligan also laughed. He pointed outside and continued to smile: "See, we also made a perfect plan. Today we want to take advantage of the first wave of popularity to sell the worst room type. I sold the floors at the highest price first, and I was still thinking, as long as I sell the Jinghai Center, I will let you shake the world, and I will remain unmoved, isn't it awesome?"

"It's amazing." Meng Ping laughed, but Qian Fang and Xu Jiaqing started crying. Xu Jiaqing shouted: "Lao Meng, what should we do now?"

Meng Ping clapped his hands and continued to smile: "Simple, two words: wait to die!"

"No, no, Lao Meng." Qian Fang kept shaking his head, "We still have Shengli Oilfield. If we do this, we will be back to where we were before."

Meng Ping stopped laughing, looked at Qian Fang and asked:

"Qian Fang, why are you so naive? Do you think this drama can continue? Now I understand why people are only willing to sign a letter of intent no matter what they say. They are just waiting for the wind to change!

"If you think about it, Mr. Han is right. The market itself is alive, and its sense of smell is more sensitive than any of us. We are just being smart."

Wu Zhaohui ran in from the door, and Liu Ligan cursed: "What are you doing in such a hurry?"

Wu Zhaohui pointed outside and said to Liu Ligan: "Well, who are they here?"

Liu Ligan looked outside and saw Wenwen, Qianqian, and Yilin's mother at the door. The three people stood there, a little at a loss. Everyone in the company turned their heads to them and looked at them quietly. With.

Liu Ligan and Wu Zhaohui said, "Let them go back."

Several people in Liu Ligan's office all knew Wenwen and Qianqian. They had gone to Meng Ping's company to deliver licenses. Everyone was silent and watched Wu Zhaohui walk over and say something to the three of them, but those three people He didn't leave, but still stood there stubbornly, looking towards Liu Ligan's office.

Meng Ping said: "See, pole, if you want to open, you can still open. They will definitely buy your off-the-plan property."

Liu Ligan stood up and walked out. The whole hall outside was as quiet as death. Those people sitting there looked at Liu Ligan when they saw him coming out. When they saw him walking towards the door, they looked at him and the man. The three women and Wu Zhaohui are getting closer and closer.

When Liu Ligan approached, he saw that Yilin's mother was wearing a new dress today, as if she was preparing to attend a grand ceremony. She was holding a bulging cloth bag tightly with both hands. Liu Ligan knew that there was something in that cloth bag. It must all be money, money prepared to buy off-the-plan property.

Wenwen and Qianqian obviously knew that so many people were staring at them. Even though they had experienced many battles, they were still a little nervous. Their faces were slightly red, and their foreheads were covered with a layer of fine beads of sweat. The bag on my back was bulging and heavy, and there must be more money inside than my mother in Yilin. I was prepared to use the money to buy off-the-plan property.

"He, he, he, why did he let us go back?" Seeing Liu Ligan approaching, Wenwen pointed at Wu Chaohui and asked Liu Ligan.

"I asked you to go back." Liu Ligan said.

"Why, we don't go back." Wenwen insisted.

"That's right, we want to buy off-the-plan property!" Qianqian said.

"Go back! There are no off-the-plan properties here and they won't be sold!"

Liu Ligan suddenly yelled, startling the three of them and everyone in the hall. Even Chen Jie, Ye Yilan and Wei Wenfang walked out of the office, stood at the door, and looked this way. Looking at it, all of them had never seen Liu Lizhu lose such a temper.

Liu Ligan shook his head. He softened his tone and said to Wu Zhaohui, "Send them home."

Wu Chaohui told them, let's go.

Yilin's mother took Wenwen and Qianqian's hands. The two glared at Liu Ligan and turned away with grievances. If there weren't so many people around watching them, they wouldn't have left.

Liu Ligan watched them walk out of the company door. After thinking about it, he quickened his pace and followed them out. He caught up with them when they were about to reach the elevator entrance and called out "Wait a minute."

The three of them stopped, and Liu Ligan told them to take the money and go home, don't go anywhere, and don't buy another off-the-plan property.

"You two, aren't we waiting for you to build a house at home?" Liu Ligan and Wenwen Qianqian said, "Then take the money and go home to build a house."

"You, take this money and raise Yilin well, do you understand?" Liu Ligan looked at Yilin's mother again and said.

The three people looked at him, and Liu Ligan continued: "Don't buy any off-plan properties, you hear me, otherwise, you will all die in Haicheng!"

They saw that Liu Ligan's eyes were red and he was about to cry. It was impossible for them not to agree to him.

In the next few days, the entire Haicheng fell into an even weirder atmosphere. In this city that has been crazy about real estate for a year, even tricycle drivers, vegetable market sellers, and dad’s tea stalls are all buying and selling off-the-plan properties. The city suddenly came to a standstill.

The whole city seemed to be insulated from real estate in an instant. No one was talking about off-the-plan properties, land and houses anymore. Even if you talked about it, no one would listen.

Those who hold off-the-plan properties and land have gloomy faces.

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping felt that this was not the darkness before dawn, nor the silence before the decisive battle, but the entire city and the entire island were in the eye of the storm, quietly waiting, waiting for something. Many people in this city People don’t know yet.

But Liu Ligan and Meng Ping knew that they were lying on the guillotine with their backs on their backs, and they could see the gloomy, cold guillotine above their heads. All they were waiting for was when it would fall.

From that day on, Haicheng's real estate entered what Mr. Han said was a frozen land.

"Unfinished buildings in the ends of the world" have been a unique scenery in Hainan for a long time.

Thank you book friend 20170318134917039 for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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