They arrived at the construction site of Sanya Bayview Hotel. The hotel rooms here have been renovated. What is missing is the lobby and the landscape outside the yard. The entire construction site is now parked there.

Not long after the construction site stopped, Erhuo and the others didn't know whether they were going to withdraw to Haicheng or stay here. Mr. Tan asked them to wait at the construction site for the time being. He was still negotiating with Mr. Xia and the others, so Ergo took the people with him. , waiting here.

When they saw Liu Ligan and the others, the idiots jumped up with joy, "You guys, why are you here?"

Liu Ligan didn't hide anything, and directly told the second guy about their purpose of coming. The second guy shouted, "It's okay, it's okay. When we get to Sanya, you can rest assured. Even if people come to take them away, I will let the people from the base grab them." Come back, there are many of my brothers there.

The second-rate guys live in a renovated room, with straw mats on the floor, and the water and electricity are connected. Except for the air conditioner that doesn't work, other conditions are OK. There are people doing the food, so they don't have to go out. Tiantian Seafood, Sanya Seafood is cheaper than vegetables. It is delivered every day and is always the freshest. Lao Meng guarantees that the food will make you want to get up in the middle of the night and go out to have a good time.

Meng Ping said with a smile: "I don't have this hobby."

The idiot shook his head and said to Lao Meng, "You are just like the instructor. You are forced to do everything. You are good at everything, but the cannons cannot hit each other. It is different from the pole."

Others laughed.

The second-rate guy asked Liu Ligan, "How is it here? If it doesn't work, I'll go to the Yulin base to find a house and let Lao Meng live in the base. Even those people who are forced to live there don't dare to go in."

Liu Ligan quickly said, "No need, it's fine just here. No one would have thought that Lao Meng would be here. You two don't have much contact with each other. When you arrive at the base, he is an outsider and stands out."

Meng Ping also said, let’s just stay here. Look, it’s still a sea view room. This room was designed by Zhang Chen, right?

The second-hand guy quickly said yes.

Meng Ping smiled and said, "I didn't expect that I would come to stay first."

"Don't worry, Lao Meng, while you are here, I guarantee that you will live well and eat well. If you want to vent your anger, just tell me that you are forced to raise me. I know almost all the Dingdongs in Sanya, and there are still a few. Not bad.”

After chatting for a while, Meng Ping quickly waved his hand.

Liu Ligan looked at his watch. It was already time for dinner. The four of them went to the Chunyuan Seafood Stall and ordered a side stove. They had a table of seafood and started the side stove.

Meng Ping asked the second-rate guy, how is Lao Tan’s place?

The second-hand guy shook his head and said, "It's difficult. When I asked him, he refused to tell me. But I asked the baker foreman. Now all the construction sites have stopped. Like ours, if the construction site is stopped, Party A's boss can still find it." Yes, it has all been calculated. Many of the houses were thrown away without anyone knowing where they were going. The renovation work was not in vain. It would be useless even if you just hold on to other people’s houses.

Meng Ping nodded and said with a wry smile, the most indispensable thing in Haicheng now is houses. The houses are not as valuable as the decoration money to be paid, so of course they don't want them.

I was raised by force, and I don’t know if Uncle Tan can survive it. The second-rate scolded.

"By the way, is that Jin Lili still with Lao Xia?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Zigweed Girl? I guess so. Anyway, when we came here before, we all came together and were forced to raise her. Fortunately, the instructor was not with her. The look on her face that looked down on others was nothing compared to my aunt. They were here It's great to be together, they look like a perfect match."

Meng Ping and Liu Ligan were stunned for a moment, and then they remembered that the aunt they were talking about was Xiao Zhao. They both laughed. Liu Ligan and Erguo said, "Then Lao Meng is your uncle. You have to take good care of me." .

Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of him even if he’s not my uncle, but it’s been a long time since he came.

"Who?" Liu Ligan asked. The second-rate guy was jumping up and down with his words. He really wouldn't be able to catch up without asking.

"Girl Pig Grass, you're a forced child. I'm still waiting for her to come. I'm going to show her my aunt's photo. Let's see if my aunt is a hundred times prettier than you."

Liu Ligan, Meng Ping and Wu Zhaohui laughed again.

Liu Ligan thought to himself, it doesn't matter if Meng Ping is with the second-rate guy, even if you have big worries, this guy will make you unable to hold back.

After they finished building the side stove, it was already dark outside. Liu Ligan and Wu Zhaohui sent Meng Ping and the second cargo to the construction site, and then they walked to Haicheng. Liu Ligan was worried that if the Wuxi police had been to the company, although Huang Jianren You can handle it, but if someone disappears for such a long time, you can tell how far you have gone, so don't lead them to Sanya because of this.

When the two of them returned to Haicheng, it was already around four o'clock in the morning the next day. Liu Ligan had no interest in going back. He was left alone. He simply asked Wu Zhaohui to send him to the company and take a shower. , just sleep on the sofa in the office.

On the way back, Wu Zhaohui asked Liu Ligan to drive for several hours, and finally he was satisfied. Liu Ligan imitated the tone of a second-rate man and yelled, "You are so generous today, why don't you stop being verbose?"

"I'm asking you to practice. If you have to run away one day, you can also drive away." Wu Zhaohui said.

"Fuck you!" Liu Ligan cursed.

When Liu Ligan woke up on the sofa, it was already noon. He walked out of the office, which surprised Huang Jianren. He said, I thought you didn't come.

"Has anyone come to see me?" Liu Ligan asked.

Huang Jianren shook his head.

Liu Ligan then turned on his mobile phone. Before seeing Huang Jianren, Liu Ligan did not dare to turn on the phone. He was afraid that the phone call would come and he and Huang Jianren would not agree on what they said.

Liu Ligan sat in the office until about four o'clock. No one came to see him or called him. Liu Ligan couldn't help but called Qian Fang. Qian Fang told him that they were watching the sea. I found Lao Meng's car in the building parking lot, asked someone to unlock it, and the car drove to the Coconut Garden Hotel.

"Why go to Coconut Garden Hotel?"

"They live there."

"how do you know?"

"Sister Cao and Xu Jiaqing are following them."

Liu Ligan laughed, "Okay, you are still the best."

"You are still laughing. If you don't follow them, how will we know where they are going and what clues they have found."

"Yes, that makes sense."

"But weird."

"What's weird?"

"After they found Lao Meng's car, they seemed to stop looking for it."

Liu Ligan immediately understood in his heart that these people were here for a routine matter. They had found two Mercedes-Benzes and could at least make business when they got back. They probably really didn't care whether they could catch Meng Ping. Their main purpose was to see if they could find money.

The account of Meng Ping's company was sealed. After pulling out the bank statements, it was found that all transactions were normal and there was no abnormal capital flow. It was then known that Meng Ping did not transfer funds. The money was all in the company's account. Whether or not the person was arrested was of little significance. .

Moreover, maybe among the people who come, there are also friends of Meng Ping. Meng Ping has many friends in Wuxi.

"How much money was deducted from the account?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Didn't I just pay the transfer fee? There are still more than three million in the account."

“Where is Lao Meng’s personal account?”

"He has a lot of money in his personal account, and he never puts money out."

Qian Fang's words confirmed Liu Ligan's guess, which was why they didn't even find him here.

"By the way, where did you hide Lao Meng?" Qian Fang asked.

Just as Liu Ligan was about to tell her, Qian Fang shouted: "No, no, don't tell me. I'm afraid that when they sit on the tiger bench and pour pepper water on me, I won't be able to help myself and will betray Lao Meng."

Liu Ligan laughed loudly and cursed: "Have you watched too many movies?"

Two days later, Qian Fang called Liu Ligan and told him that the man from Wuxi was gone.

"you sure?"

"Sure, we watched them drive two cars to Xiuying Pier, get on the ship, and we watched the ship drive away. We're not sure yet. Will they go to Hai'an and come back?"

"That's not true. Are there many people in the car?"

"We counted, five. There were also five people who came to our company. We checked the hotel's housing records, and there were also five. That's right."

Liu Ligan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that they were back on business.

Liu Ligan put down the phone and was about to charge the second-hand man when his big brother rang. He picked up the phone and it was the second-hand man. The second-hand man said anxiously on the phone: "Gangzi, Lao Meng has returned to Haicheng."

"Ah!" Liu Ligan was shocked and shouted, "What's going on?"

"I don't know, I was forced to raise it. I woke up this morning and spent the whole day. I said I wanted to go back to Haicheng, but I didn't let me go. Earlier, someone at the base detained me and asked me to get the vegetables they grew. I I went there, but when I came back, Lao Meng was not there, so I ran to the long-distance station, and the person on duty told me that just now, there was indeed the mainland boy I mentioned, who took the evening train to Haicheng."

"Are you sure that person saw it correctly?"

"He was forced to live in Sanya Station. He lives in several continents in one day. How could anyone mistake him? The person he told me was Lao Meng."

"Okay, I understand. If he comes back, you can detain me and I will find a way to stop him in Haicheng."

"I know, I was forced to go get two baskets of vegetables and lose the person. It's really unlucky." The second-rate guy cursed and hung up the phone.

Liu Ligan immediately called Qian Fang and asked her, has Lao Meng contacted you? Did he know that the people from Wuxi were gone?

"No." Qian Fang said, "What's wrong?"

"Where are you now?"


"Wait there, I'll be right over."

Liu Ligan called Wu Chaohui and went to Meng Ping's company. Qian Fang, Xu Jiaqing, Ye Yilan and Cao Xiaohe were all there. The four of them were shocked when they heard Liu Ligan's words. Qian Fang asked, does Lao Meng really have an insider? Someone told him that Haicheng was safe?

"It's impossible. Even if there is an insider, we still have to contact him. Lao Meng's eldest brother is still in the office." Ye Yilan said.

"If this is the case, it would be even more terrifying." Liu Ligan said.

"Why?" Qian Fang asked as everyone else looked at him.

"That means there are more than five of them here, there are still people in Haicheng, and Lao Meng can contact him. If so, you don't know if they are trying to take the bait of Lao Meng."

As soon as Liu Ligan said this, everyone else became anxious. Xu Jiaqing kept stamping his feet and shouting, what should we do, Lao Meng, this idiot!

"Don't be anxious. Fortunately, we know that he came back by long-distance bus. It's still early. Wait a minute, Qian Fang. You come with us to the intersection into the city. When we see the long-distance bus coming from Sanya, we will stop it. Get in the car and see if Lao Meng is there. Sister Cao, take Yuanyuan and wait in the company. Xiaoye and Jiaqing, you go to where Lao Meng lives and wait at the intersection. In case we don’t find him, he’s back again. You can see him."

Liu Ligan said that everyone else agreed.

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