But even such a small thing as faxing reports every day is not as simple as He Hongmei said. It sounds right, it is really just a phone call, but when you actually do it, you realize how difficult it is.

Fortunately, Zhang Chen and his own franchise stores basically complied with the instructions. There were two who were procrastinating and never sent the message. After Zhang Chen called, they also started to send the message.

The problem is that general agents in many places do not have this requirement for their subordinates. What's more, some franchise stores don't even have fax machines and have not met the requirements of their store decoration specifications. In order to develop their business, they The general agents also turned a blind eye.

Those general agents themselves usually have someone send them faxes according to regulations. When they receive it, they throw it aside. After two days, they throw it away as garbage. They don't know what the use is.

If you sell clothes, you sell clothes. You need to replenish the goods before sending a fax. If you don’t need to replenish the goods, why send a fax? Isn’t that a waste of paper? Fax paper is not cheap. For these general agents, someone will pass the report to him. Halfway through, they will see that it is This thing is not an order, so I just blocked the fax.

The general agent is like this, and those who foolishly sent them faxes at first will naturally be too lazy to send them the next day.

Now that Zhang Chen and the others have asked for it to be passed on to the company, it's just right. After the general agents made a few calls to inform them, they didn't care whether the other party said yes or no, they felt that they had completed the task and it had nothing to do with them from now on.

The franchise stores below have never been to Hangzhou, and they don’t even know where the company is. They were not very enthusiastic about spreading the news, and now no one has spread it.

Among the more than a dozen general agents across the country, only the stores in Chongqing are in sync with Zhang Chen and others. First, the owners of these stores have been to Hangzhou when the Yan'an Road flagship store opened. They have experienced the atmosphere and know that this company is It's a very unusual company. Although they don't understand why they need to send reports every day, since the company requires it, then just send them. Isn't it just a phone call away?

And He Hongmei is watching. He Hongmei is here every day. She watches Zheng Huihong and the others work every day, and knows the importance of faxing. Although, comparatively speaking, it is more important to the company, as it can reduce the risk of inventory and master the design. The other direction is to arrange production more rationally.

For the general agent, it is not that important. Anyway, if you return the goods that are not easy to sell, we will return them to the company. The final inventory is the company's inventory, not the general agent's inventory. This is also the inventory of other general agents. The reason for not taking this seriously at all.

He Hongmei is different from them. Firstly, she has a real relationship with this company and has long regarded herself as a member of the company. Secondly, she understands better than them that no matter how big your store is, you still need to hang it in the store. Isn’t it a waste to buy more than half of the clothes that can’t be sold? There are best-selling models everywhere. If you have one more best-selling model, won’t your turnover increase?

You are opening a store to sell clothes, and the purpose is to sell the clothes. You are not running a shipping department. Is it fun to send a bunch of goods to one place and back again, or are you willing to spend the freight?

More importantly, He Hongmei knew that the production pressure in the factory was always tight. If half of the production energy was consumed in the production of inventory, wouldn't other clothing be unable to be produced and the supply unable to be guaranteed?

So He Hongmei is very supportive of this matter.

The franchise stores in Chongqing were uploaded at the beginning, but they were very irregular. Either yesterday's report was uploaded today, or the numbers were wrong. Zheng Huihong knew there was a problem when she compared the numbers here. When I called, the other party said, "Oh, oh, oh, I wrote it wrong." It was a light sentence. I was busy here for a long time.

What's more, I simply forgot to write down the code of my own store and just sent it over. I don't know which store it is from when I receive it here. I have to take all the codes from other stores and use the elimination method to deduce. What is this? Which one, but if there are two or three stores doing this at the same time, then you have to call to confirm one by one.

He Hongmei scolded those stores and He Dongmei every day. It took more than a week for the entire Chongqing area to correct itself.

But other places were still the same as before. Zheng Huihong and the others called, but those people hung up the phone without even listening. The person who collected their franchise fees and deposits was the general agent. From a business perspective, they also felt that they had nothing to do with the general agent. If it was related, even Zhang Chen couldn't call them directly. He could only call the general agent.

These general agents didn't take this matter seriously at first. When they received the call from Zhang Chen, they just said it was OK, OK, Mr. Zhang, don't worry, I'll call them right away.

But everything is still the same.

"Let's fine him." He Hongmei suggested, "Isn't there a deposit? I'll fine you directly and the general agent."

Zhang Chen thought about it, this might be the only way.

He Hongmei and Zheng Huihong discussed and drafted a notice stipulating that starting from May 1st, all franchise stores must fax reports every day. The report for that day must be submitted no later than 1 a.m. the next day. No omissions are allowed. No random filling is allowed. Anyone who fails to fill in the form in accordance with the regulations will be fined 200 per time.

If the notice is not submitted for one day, you will be fined 400. All fines will be deducted from the general agent's deposit, and the general agent will deal with the relevant franchise stores on his own.

The notification also attached a receipt, requiring each general agent to fill in the receipt and send it back after receiving the notification.

After I finished writing the notice, I showed it to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen thought it was very good and signed it.

After passing the notice to all the general agents, Zhang Chen, He Hongmei and Zheng Huihong stared at the fax machine on the table. After a while, the phone rang. The three of them breathed a sigh of relief. The fax machine started to make strange noises after a while. After spitting out the paper, He Hongmei took one look at it and sighed. She looked at Zhang Chen and said, "It's my sister's."

Sure enough, after all the receipts were sent, it was He Dongmei who sent it.

Throughout the afternoon, when the fax machine rang again, the orders came over again and again, and except for the model student Chongqing, there was not a single receipt.

Zheng Huihong and Zhang Chen and He Hongmei said, there are still four days before May 1st. If they haven't sent a receipt, it doesn't mean that they won't send it on May 1st.

Zhang Chen and He Hongmei glanced at her. He Hongmei smiled bitterly and said, "Little sister, you really don't know the dangers of the world."

He Hongmei thought for a moment and said to Zhang Chen, "It's a loss."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I should add a sentence below the previous notice. The return receipt is equivalent to a report and must be returned before twelve o'clock tonight." He Hongmei said.

"Then just send it again." Zheng Huihong said.

Zhang Chen thought about it and felt that he should send it out again. From the attitude of the general agents in the past, it can be seen that it is impossible to expect that all stores will operate in accordance with the regulations starting from May 1st, but this matter, again It must be done, otherwise no matter how good your ideas and efforts are, it will be in vain, and it is not the general agents who bear the final result, but you.

There are still four days before May Day. Now is a weathervane and a testing ground. These four days must be used to test the attitudes of these guys and reverse them.

Zhang Chen personally worked on it, added the words He Hongmei said to the previous notice, and recirculated it to all general agents.

He Dongmei, the model student, was the only one who immediately sent the acknowledgment back. The others seemed to have made an appointment and continued to remain silent collectively.

Things are getting serious.

Next, every time Zhang Chen came back from going out, he would immediately look at Zheng Huihong with questioning eyes, and Zheng Huihong quickly shook her head at him.

It's almost five o'clock, and all the agents are still silent.

After dinner, there was still no movement.

When it was almost ten o'clock in the evening, Xiao Zhao came back with Zhang Xiangbei in his arms, but there was still no movement.

The store on Yan'an Road doesn't open until nine in the morning. Xiao Zhao no longer has to go there very early like in the market. Zhang Chen helped her contact a taxi, the same guy who sent him back to Sanbao from Mid-Levels that day. Every morning at eight At half past o'clock, this guy would arrive at their door. Xiao Zhao would carry Zhang Xiangbei to the store and take a taxi back in the evening.

There is Xiao Zhao's own office there. She has time and place to breastfeed. The stroller is placed next to her. Xiao Zhao also feels more at ease than at the nanny's house. Plus Qu Tianlin and Xiao An are very close to here. After they get off work at noon and evening, they come over to see Xiao Zhao and Zhang Xiangbei.

Xiao Zhao walked in and saw that the three of them were worried. He asked them what was going on. Zhang Chen told her the matter. Xiao Zhao looked at his watch and comforted them. There were still two hours left, maybe they would arrive there. At twelve o'clock, it was all sent back.

He Hongmei looked at her and said, "Sister, I didn't expect you to be like Xiao Zheng, unaware of the dangers of the world."

Zhang Chen and Zheng Huihong, no matter how worried they were, couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Zhao asked He Hongmei, it's past ten o'clock, aren't you going back?

He Hongmei said angrily, "I won't reply. I just want to see how my heart dies."

Zhang Xiangbei suddenly laughed when he heard this. He Hongmei puffed up her cheeks, stared at him and cursed:

"You little rascal, you are so heartless. Don't you even have any sympathy?"

The others laughed, and Zhang Xiangbei also laughed even more happily. He Hongmei took him from Xiao Zhao's hands and shouted, "Sell, sell, sell you little rascal."

She hugged Zhang Xiangbei and walked out.

Zhang Chen asked Xiao Zhao: "How is the store today?"

Xiao Zhao nodded and said yes. In the afternoon, Doubanjiang brought some Japanese friends to the store and bought some clothes. If I wanted to give him free shopping, he would definitely refuse. If so, he would not pay for it next time. I don’t dare to bring my friends here anymore.

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Imagine that he would be like this, very stubborn, it doesn't make sense."

"Yes, I was almost angry. I had no choice but to listen to him." Xiao Zhao said, "Also, in the afternoon, a reporter from the Economic Life Daily came to interview and took a lot of photos in the store."

Zhang Chen said yes.

"That's right." Xiao Zhao remembered it and said to Zhang Chen, "Two people will come to see you this afternoon."

"Who is it?"

"It's from the Municipal Second Lighting Corporation."

"Erqing Head Office? I've never dealt with it before. Why are they looking for me?"

"I don't know either. I asked them and they didn't say anything. They just said that if you have time, see if you can go to their company."

Xiao Zhao said, taking out two business cards from his bag and handing them to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen looked at them. One was the secretary of the Municipal Erqing Corporation, and the other was the general manager.

Zhang Chen was surprised. If the secretary and the general manager came together to find him, what would happen? Being so cautious, it seems that this matter is not a big deal.

Zhang Chen put the business card away and he said yes, I will find time to go there tomorrow.

Thank you Xu Yuenian and Sun Tongfei for your monthly votes! Thank you Tin Soldier, ranked third from top to bottom, reading books every day, and 131 on the shore for your continued rewards! Thank you for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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