The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 638: Saying Hard Words Softly

He Hongmei came back with Zhang Xiangbei in her arms. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao said, "Shall I send you back first?"

Xiao Zhao said: "There is no need to get up early tomorrow."

"Zhang Xiangbei doesn't need to sleep either?"

"I'm hungry and want to eat the late-night snack from the cafeteria."

He Hongmei was chuckling on the side, and she said, Sister, why don't you just tell me if you want to see me die?

Zhang Chen also knew in his heart that Xiao Zhao didn't want to go back. He said, "Okay then, I'll go to the cafeteria to make whatever you want to eat."

"Is twice-cooked pork okay, Guo Guo?" Xiao Zhao said.

He Hongmei shouted from the side: "Strongly request neng! Neng! Neng!"

Zhang Chen walked to the staff cafeteria. When the cafeteria master saw Zhang Chen, he laughed and said, "You are lucky, there will be something good tonight."

Zhang Chen followed the direction of his finger and saw that it was a snail in a large enamel basin. Zhang Chen also laughed.

Factory workers have to work overtime until early in the morning every day, and not many people have breakfast, so their canteen serves late-night snacks as half a meal. The chef in the canteen always has some unexpected food in the middle of the night. He also It seems that I especially enjoy the overjoyed expressions of the workers when they arrive at the canteen.

Before the midnight snack was started, Zhang Chen took advantage of this time to fry a plate of twice-cooked pork and a plate of fried snails in sauce. Seeing that today's green peppers were good, he simply fried a plate of tiger skin peppers and put them on a tray. Li Duan went to the exhibition hall, and a helper from the cafeteria brought a bowl of rice and bowls and chopsticks from behind.

When Xiao Zhao and He Hongmei saw it, they both cheered. Xiao Zhao invited Zheng Huihong to eat together. Zheng Huihong took one look and almost burst into tears. She shouted, "It's too spicy. I'd better go to the cafeteria to eat later."

The two fax machines rang almost at the same time. The four people hurried over to take a look. What came out of the fax machine was not a receipt, but the report and order form from each franchise store in various places. After the fax machine rang, It almost didn't stop. At this time, it happened to be the time when each store had finished its night market, closed its doors and counted sales, and was preparing to go home.

Zhang Chen and his own franchise stores and those in Chongqing have become accustomed to sending reports as the last job of their day.

Zhang Chen, Xiao Zhao, and He Hongmei continued to eat. Zheng Huihong was still staring at the fax machine eagerly. She was hoping that a miracle would happen and a receipt would appear.

"The ones from Chongqing are coming." Zheng Huihong shouted.

He Hongmei hurried over to take a look, and she laughed as soon as she saw it. Not bad, Chongqing did more than 28,000 retail sales today, which finally made her feel a little better.

They waited until 12:10, but there was still no reply. The four of them looked at each other in shock. He Hongmei said, Boss, you can't be soft this time, you must kill him hard, otherwise you won't be able to go on.

Xiao Zhao and Zheng Huihong also agreed with He Hongmei's statement.

Of course Zhang Chen knows in his heart that if this matter ends here, then you will no longer have to think about passing the report. Not only will this matter not be pushed back, other things will be the same as this matter. If it ends without a cure, the entire system with well-developed roots that I envisioned will only become a piece of loose sand.

Zhang Chen agreed not only to process it, but also to process it immediately. He would send the fax immediately so that they would understand when they see the fax early tomorrow morning. We waited until twelve o'clock.

The other three people nodded.

Zhang Chen immediately drafted a notice, which said:

In order to clarify the seriousness of the franchise authorization, after the company's research and decision, if the regulations are not followed, the return receipt should be faxed to the following general agents of the company before 24:00 on April 26, 1993: The deposit of RMB 400 will be deducted.

Since the original deposit is less than 50,000 yuan after deductions, the following general agents must make up the deposit before 15:00 on April 27, 1993, and submit a written guarantee to the company. For general agents who have made up the deposit and submitted a written guarantee, our company will suspend shipments until the company's requirements are met.

Below is a long list.

After reading it, He Hongmei clapped her hands and said, "Yes, it's very resolute. Not delivering goods is the most cruel trick. You have to give in even if you don't give in."

Yes, everyone wants to take advantage of May Day to do business, but they are afraid that there will not be enough goods. If you don't deliver the goods, no one will be in a hurry.

"Put Chongqing first on the list." He Hongmei said.

"Why didn't Chongqing send the receipt a long time ago?" Zheng Huihong asked puzzledly.

He Hongmei glanced at her and said, "Little sister, do you understand the bitter meat scheme? Do you think this is the honor list? Everyone is shameless. Who wants to be ranked first on this list?"

"But this is so unfair to Chongqing. Chongqing should be praised." Zheng Huihong shouted.

"Little sister, you are such a stubborn person." He Hongmei scolded, "Don't send this to He Dongmei, as long as she can't see it. If you want to praise me, write another letter of praise and fax it to He Dongmei."

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao both laughed, and Zheng Huihong suddenly realized.

After listening to He Hongmei's words, Zhang Chen hesitated a little. He felt that such a harsh and cold letter would make anyone feel uncomfortable after reading it. After all, we are in a cooperative relationship, and there is no need to get into trouble over such a matter. To Maimang, but otherwise, this matter cannot be pushed forward.

Zheng Huihong was ready to send it, and Zhang Chen told her to wait.

"Why, the boss has become soft-hearted?" He Hongmei asked, "It's over if you become soft-hearted. Xiao Zheng and the others can also retire."

After Zhang Chen thought about it carefully, he told Xiao Zheng to give me the notice and I would write a new one.

Zheng Huihong gave the notice to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen took the paper and pen and wrote a new copy with the same content. He took one to He Hongmei and said, come on, you can also help copy five or six copies of the list. Leave it blank for now and I will teach you how to write it later.

The other three people didn't know what he was going to do. He Hongmei took a pen and paper and copied it. The two of them copied a dozen copies in total. Zhang Chen counted them and put down the pen.

Zhang Chen took a copy of He Hongmei's copy and told her, on this first one, as you said, Chongqing should be written first, and Guo Wentao from Harbin and Ma Ya from Shenyang should not write.

He Hongmei followed Zhang Chen's instructions and finished writing the list. Zhang Chen took the list and handed it to Zheng Huihong, telling her to fax it to Guo Wentao and Ma Ya's shop immediately.

Zheng Huihong passed it on, and Zhang Chen asked He Hongmei to write the second one. He told her that Chongqing was still the first. This time, Zhengzhou should not write, but Harbin and Shenyang.

After He Hongmei finished writing, Zhang Chen handed it to Zheng Huihong and told her to fax this to Zhengzhou.

The third one was written by everyone else but not by Beijing. Zhang Chen asked Zheng Huihong to send it to Beijing.

He Hongmei finished writing what he had copied, and Zhang Chen continued to write what he had copied. He Hongmei and Xiao Zhao gradually understood, but Zheng Huihong became more and more confused as she read. She couldn't help but ask:

"Mr. Zhang, if you are like this, you are not receiving it, you are seeing that you are not on the list, so what is the meaning of education and warning?"

Xiao Zhao smiled and said, "That's what he wants."

He Hongmei looked at Zhang Chen and shook her head, sighing: "Master, Master, I thought Jianghu was sinister, but I didn't expect you to be even more sinister than Jianghu."

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "It's not you who reminded me."

"What did I say? Why did I remind you?" He Hongmei shouted.

"You said everyone wants face, so I'll give it to them."

Zheng Huihong became more and more confused as she listened. She raised her voice and asked, but she still said, "What on earth are you talking about?"

He Hongmei touched her shoulder: "Come on, little sister, let me ask you, if you are a general agent now, and you receive a stern letter, let's start from the top. When you see the above part, you What will happen?”

"I would feel ashamed and embarrassed."

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao both laughed.

He Hongmei stared at her, then shook her head and said: "It's not your fault, it's my fault. You are too pure. You haven't been polluted by the world. I still think about myself. For example, if I am that Ma Ya, do you think I What will happen?”

Zheng Huihong shook her head.

"Of course I will be angry. Why do I say such ugly things? Then I see that I am not included in the list below. What will I do? I will turn from anger to joy, knowing that this is not directed at me. Everyone likes to see others being unlucky. As long as something happens Just don't worry about it. She will then think, I obviously don't have a fax receipt, so why is my name not on it? What do you think she will think?" He Hongmei asked.

"Did the company miss it?" Zheng Huihong said.

Zhang Chen, Xiao Zhao, and this time even He Hongmei couldn't help it, and laughed wildly. Zheng Huihong was puzzled by their laughter, her face turned red, and she asked, "Isn't it?"

"Okay, little sister, if you say yes, if you say I don't, I, Ma Ya, will think that this is Boss Zhang trying to save face for me. It means that the relationship between Boss Zhang and me is different from the people on the list. I I feel like this is giving me a lot of face.”

Zheng Huihong finally understood. She said, "Oh, is this what Mr. Zhang said about making faces for them?"



"Boss Zhang has given me so much face, do I have to repay him?"

Zheng Huihong nodded desperately, and asked: "But why is it that only one person wrote the others, and the ones for Guo Wentao and Ma Ya were written by neither of them?"

"The two of them are like a family. When they receive this, they will definitely call each other. If one of them has his name on it, doesn't that mean they are gang members? There are neither. At worst, they will think that Boss Zhang is treating them both. Everyone is treated specially."

At around eight o'clock the next morning, Zhang Chen received a call from Ma Ya. As soon as the call came through, Ma Ya said to him:

"Brother Zhang, it's like this. I had something to do at home yesterday and didn't go to the store all day. The salesperson received the fax. These idiots didn't know how to call me and didn't reply. I just I didn’t see it until I came here, and I made them cry.”

Zhang Chen quickly said: "I know, I've told people in the company that I can't guarantee that you and Brother Guo will support our work."

"Of course, don't worry, Brother Zhang. Starting from May Day, I promise to take care of everything for you."

"Okay, thank you!"

After a while, Guo Wentao called Zhang Chen, and the content was similar.

Before ten o'clock, all the general agents called Zhang Chen. For various reasons, they were not in the store yesterday or did not see the fax.

At noon, Finance told Zhang Chen that except for Chongqing, every general agent had remitted 400 yuan. Zheng Huihong said, however, none of them had a written guarantee by fax.

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Don't worry, starting from May Day, you will receive reports from every store in the country. You should be prepared and buy a few more boxes of fax paper."

Zhang Chen felt that he had finally unblocked the blocked meridians, and his entire body could operate normally as he hoped.

Thanks for the half-drunk tip! Thank you to Uncle Wang Pacino, It’s Hard to Be Depressed, and Sun Bosheng for your monthly votes! Thank you for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy mood!

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