The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 635 Time to wake up from the dream

Zhang Chen woke up from his sleep. When he woke up, he had forgotten what he had dreamed about. He sat up and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Xiao Zhao asked him, what happened?

Zhang Chen shook his head and said it was nothing, he just had a nightmare.

"What did you dream about?"

Zhang Chen continued to shake his head: "I can't remember."

Zhang Chen looked at his watch. It was about three o'clock in the morning. He said to Xiao Zhao, "You go to sleep. I'll go to the factory to take a look."

Xiao Zhao hummed, turned around, and continued to sleep.

Zhang Chen went downstairs and walked to the factory instead of riding a bicycle. Along the way, he was still thinking about the dream he had just had, but he just couldn't remember it. He couldn't remember the content of the dream, but he felt palpitation and sudden helplessness. The feeling is still there, very clear.

Maybe it was during this period that everything went too smoothly. The "Half Acre Field" women's lifestyle flagship store on Yan'an Road had such a good start, including good news coming from all over the place, which made Zhang Chen feel vaguely uneasy. He thinks this is so good, it seems like a big invisible hand, blocking everything and blinding your eyes.

It shouldn't be. Zhang Chen felt that everything shouldn't be so good. When everyone was happy, Zhang Chen felt that he wasn't that happy, but he couldn't explain why he was uneasy.

It was this lack of clarity that tortured him every day, making him want to figure it out. But the more he tried to figure it out, the more unclear he became. It seemed like a big invisible hand was blocking his thoughts. Figure it all out.

He felt like he was back when he was a child during the Chinese New Year, thinking every day that when a relative arrived, he would get one yuan of New Year's money.

This relative really came. Zhang Chen's heart was beating fast. When he left, he gave Zhang Chen a red envelope. Zhang Chen was suddenly surprised. The red envelope seemed thicker than before. After the relative left, he took it out I counted it and found that there were not ten brand-new 10-cent cards in the red envelope, but twenty!

Zhang Chen had no way to chase the relative and ask him why the red envelope this year was twice that of last year.

He was very excited. Besides being excited, he also felt that this relative must have made a mistake. So when he came again, Zhang Chen hid in the room and did not dare to go out. He was afraid that the relative would ask him how much I stuffed in the red envelope. Zhang Yimao?

Although it is impossible for this to happen, even if it is stuffed wrongly, no one will ask like this, but Zhang Chen is worried about the extra ten pieces of ten cents, and always feels that this is not what he deserves, until he gets it Even after all the money was spent, he still felt that he had received ten pieces of ten cents that he should not have received.

For a long time, Zhang Chen would be restless when this relative came, thinking that something bad would happen. This person who gave him luck would become like a disaster every time he appeared. He even Some are afraid and hate him coming.

Zhang Chen walked to the factory and saw that in the office, Zheng Huihong was still typing out tags. The tag machine spit out tags, but she was holding a stack of receipts and kept typing something on that computer. .

Zhang Chen asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

Zheng Huihong said: "I'm helping Sister Xiaozhao keep accounts."

Zhang Chen heard Xiao Zhao tell him that Zheng Huihong had torn up the manual of the computer and told people everywhere that she had discovered that this computer could not only play tags, but could also do many things. She couldn't explain, and others couldn't figure out what else the computer could do.

But Xiao Zhao said that Zheng Huihong is very powerful. She now hands all the documents to Zheng Huihong every day. When she needs to check any data, she can just ask Zheng Huihong and she can find it from the computer, even if you want to know She could find out which styles and people they were sent to five days ago without asking for it for a minute. If she tried to turn over the ledger, she would die.

Zhang Chen watched for a while behind her, but didn't see how she kept accounts. Zhang Chen shook his head, walked out, and met Lao Wan at the door.

Zhang Chen said what are you doing?

Lao Wan told him to find Zheng Huihong and ask her how to deliver the goods.

"Should I ask her this too?"

"There's not enough goods, there's nothing we can do."

Zhang Chen became interested and followed Lao Wan back. Zheng Huihong talked for a long time, and Zhang Chen understood what they did.

Every night, franchise stores in various places will transmit their daily sales, and Zheng Huihong will input them into that computer. Her account here is the same as that of every store. She knows exactly what styles and how many.

Now, everyone knows that all goods in the factory are tight, so many times, when allocating goods, they are randomly allocated. Even if there are still goods, they still have to ask for them. Because there is a replacement rate, there is no need to worry about inventory. I think it’s better to have more than less. If you can’t sell it here, you can just replace it with the factory when the time comes.

But now the factory is in a tight spot for all goods. Basically, every customer’s distribution list cannot be fulfilled. Many customers will call and scold them, saying that they have already collected the customer’s money and they will come to pick up the clothes today. , why did you send other styles that are not urgent, but not this style?

Zheng Huihong listened to Lao Wan answering such calls every day. She gave Lao Wan an idea and said, in fact, she has the inventory of every store here. Simply, when a certain style is produced, if the output is much less If the order quantity is too large, go to her to check first. Don’t send it to those who still have it in stock. Send it to those who don’t have it in stock first.

After doing this, as expected, Lao Wan got scolded less often when he answered the phone. Those who didn't receive the goods were actually not in such a hurry. They didn't arrive before they arrived. When the goods were sold out in two days, the factory would return them. The order from a few days ago has been reissued, so what else do they have to complain about.

Zhang Chen was very interested after hearing this. He felt that using this method to control the exchange rate was more reliable than relying on each store to control it themselves. In this way, the risk of inventory can be greatly reduced.

Zhang Chen asked Zheng Huihong, when you took the college entrance examination, did your math score also be very high?

Zheng Huihong nodded and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Zhang, how do you know? I'm just bad at Chinese and politics, so I couldn't pass the exam."

No wonder, Zhang Chen thought, no wonder.

"Xiao Zheng, let me ask you one more thing. What stores can you see here now?"

"Those stores where we signed our own agreements."

"What about the others? For example, if it's from Chongqing, can you see it?"

Zheng Huihong shook her head. She couldn't see it. I could only see the Chongqing head office.

Zhang Chen understood and asked: "If their subordinates fax sales to us every day instead of faxing them to Chongqing, would you be able to see them here?"

Zheng Huihong said yes, but in that case, it would be too late for her alone, if there were so many documents.

Zhang Chen thought for a while and said to Zheng Huihong, go and find out where this computer can be sold in Hangzhou and how much it costs. If I give you two more people, can you compile all the data across the country? ?

Zheng Huihong did the math and said, "It's almost the same, Mr. Zhang."

When Zhang Chen walked out of the door, he suddenly understood. What made him feel uneasy were actually these seemingly inconspicuous things, but in the end he found out that each one was actually a time bomb. He was worried about not being able to keep up with production and quality. There will be problems, and he is worried that the final inventory will be large. The least thing he worries about is sales, but most likely, the thing he should worry about most is sales.

Zhang Chen thought that their sales data were probably false. Every day now, the factory seemed very busy, and every style was in short supply. But in fact, many styles only went from their factory to each franchise store. , and have not really reached the hands of customers.

Zhang Chen immediately returned to the office. He said to Zheng Huihong, "Xiao Zheng, can you count the three styles with the largest inventory among all franchise stores now?"

"Okay, Mr. Zhang."

After a few minutes, Zheng Huihong wrote the product numbers of the three styles to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen looked at them and asked, "Do you think these three styles are still being replenished across the country?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhang, I saw a lot of replenishment orders in front of me."

Zhang Chen thought for a while and said: "Please do some statistics. For these three styles, how many of our franchise stores have distributed them in total and how many have actually been sold."

As Zhang Chen was talking, the supervisor from the back office ran in and said to Zheng Huihong: "Quick, X-9303447, the S code is fifteen tags short, help me type it."

Zheng Huihong looked at Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen said okay, you can help her fight first.

When Zheng Huihong was putting on the hang tags, Zhang Chen asked the supervisor why there were fifteen fewer. Aren't the hang tags printed according to the production order? Some clothes were damaged. The actual number would be less than the production order. Wouldn't there just be more hang tags? Won't it be less?

The supervisor at the back end was speechless. Zheng Huihong said that it was the people at the back end who had to make up for the trouble every day. In the end, it was not enough, so he came over to make up for it.

Zhang Chen looked at the back-end supervisor, who said, sometimes it gets torn.

Zhang Chen frowned and didn't say anything else, but he felt that if he had to mend it every day, it must not be as simple as tearing it. How could it be possible to tear it so much?

After the supervisor went out with the newly printed tag, Zheng Huihong continued to help Zhang Chen check the data. After more than ten minutes, Zheng Huihong said loudly, "Okay, Mr. Zhang."

She handed the piece of paper to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen was shocked when he saw it. He felt that he was breaking out in a cold sweat again. If he didn't have a cold sweat, he should have broken out in a cold sweat.

He saw that 582 pieces of the style at the top of the list had been shipped out, but the total sales in their more than 60 stores were only 17 pieces. As for this style, the factory was still working overtime to produce it, and sold other products. style, pulled down.

Zhang Chen and Zheng Huihong said, please help me check. How many days have these three styles been sold in our store?

After Zheng Huihong checked, she told Zhang Chen that Mr. Zhang would be here in five days.

Zhang Chen fell down on the stool and felt cold in his heart. Every day that seemed busy and orderly, he felt that it was actually disordered. The whole factory was so busy every day that he didn't know how much he dug for himself. pit.

Zhang Chen picked up the phone on the table and called Zhao Zhigang and Lao Wan. After a while, both of them ran in. Zhang Chen told them that production of these three styles would be stopped immediately.

"But, Kunming and Zhengzhou are still replenishing these goods?" Lao Wan said.

"Let Xiao Zheng do some statistics and urge them to return the goods from each franchise store and then send them to Kunming and Zhengzhou."

When Zhang Chen said this, he understood in his heart that in fact, these goods were sent to Kunming and Zhengzhou, but they were also in vain. Now it is more like a gamble to block these two markets. The needs of customers are different from the markets in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui.

Zhang Chen felt that he didn't even know how many such styles there were, and he needed to bet like this.

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