The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 633 Brand Story

After Chen Qihang and Li Yong finished writing the brand story, they asked Zhang Chen to write it on the backboard again and put it up at the door. After reading it, Zhang Chen cursed, "Damn, it's written in such a disgusting way."

When he saw them, he combined the love story between him and Xiao Zhao into the brand story. The last sentence of the story is: "Guarding everyone's half-acre of love and career, tranquility, contentment, and no extravagant expectations."

Li Yong shouted: "This story is for others to read, not for you to read. Your feelings can be ignored, as long as it can impress others."

Li Yong called to those women, come and take a look.

Several women came over and read it. They all said that Li Yong and the others wrote well. Xu Jiaqing took what they wrote and said, of course this is it. I almost cried when I read it.

Xiao Huang turned his head sideways and smiled casually.

"Did you see that women like this are your customers? They are the ones you want to impress." Li Yong and Zhang Chen said, "Write quickly."

Zhang Chen had no choice but to pick up the pen and read it again before he was about to write. He put the pen down and said to Li Yong and Chen Qihang, you should become your fucking close sister or host the midnight emotional hotline, no, no, I I’m afraid I’ll vomit when I write.

He Hongmei volunteered and said, I will write it.

After He Hongmei finished writing, she read it again, stood up, hugged Xiao Zhao and kept laughing. She said, who are these two people here? Why don't I recognize them?

Xiao Zhao frowned and kept shaking her head. She said, "Don't ask me, I don't know him either. Who is this Xiao Zhao?"

Chen Qihang and Li Yong laughed, and Li Yong said, it's just right if you don't know him. If you don't know him, that's the story, otherwise it's just a news report.

"I don't even know the news reports." Xiao Huang said.

She reached out and asked He Hongmei for the manuscript of the story written by Li Yong and others. He Hongmei asked her, why do you want this?

Liu Ligan shouted: "Give her, give her, so many reporters will come tomorrow, and she will feed them. The harder they feed, the more they will write. If a store opens, what is there to write about? If two A young man's entrepreneurial story, coupled with a love story, is newsworthy. Starting tomorrow, the love story about half an acre of land will probably spread all over the country."

Zhang Chen glared at him and cursed: "Is this how your great kings came to be?"

Liu Ligan said nonchalantly: "Yes, otherwise how could he become a king?"

Xiao An was surprised and asked Liu Ligan: "How do you know there will be many reporters coming tomorrow?"

Liu Li pointed at Xiao Huang, you asked her.

Everyone looked at Xiao Huang, who smiled and said nothing.

Zhang Chen remembered and said that when the pole arrived alone, it was equivalent to the arrival of six media, and he was a joint reporter from the six media.

Everyone was puzzled, so Li Yong told everyone about Liu Ligan's story about cooperating with journalists from six media outlets, and everyone laughed wildly.

At this moment, Zhang Chen thought of Liu Yun, and his heart sank. He didn't know where she was now. OK?

He couldn't ask Liu Ligan, let alone Li Yong, about this. He could only find an opportunity to quietly ask Chen Qihang, if she was really in Nanjing, how far away was Nanjing from Hangzhou.

So many people were busy until about two o'clock in the morning before they finally finished. Mr. Tan waved his hands, clapped them, and shouted loudly, "Get out, everyone, get out!"

Mr. Xie looked at him and asked, Lao Tan, what do you want to do?

"Everyone is the first batch of guests in this store. Let's go out and go to the other side of the road." Mr. Tan continued to shout.

Everyone understood and walked out, crossed the empty Yan'an Road, and stood on the opposite side of the road. Only Mr. Tan and Zhang Chen were left in the store. This was also a ritual they had to complete every time they completed a project. .

Everyone stood on the opposite side of Yan'an Road and looked at this place. The lights inside and outside the store went dark one by one. Finally, the whole store turned into pitch black. They didn't know what Lao Tan and Zhang Chen were going to do. Only the idiot understood it, but this chattering mouth was silent at this time.

There are three rows of air switches in the entire store, one row controls the outside, one row controls the first floor, and one row controls the stairs leading to the second floor and the entire second floor.

Mr. Tan opened the lighter in his hand and lit it up. Both of them knew the positions of the three-row air switches. They first pushed up the separate switches in the dark. Finally, the two stood side by side. Zhang Chen held down one main switch and Mr. Tan held down two.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, Brother, you count.

Mr. Tan started counting one, two, three - open!

Following Mr. Tan's "turn on!", the two people pushed up the main switch in their hands almost at the same time.

The eyes of those standing opposite lit up. They saw that the entire half-acre flagship store opposite was like a sudden miracle. In an instant, all the lights lit up, including the sea of ​​stars at the door.

Everyone took a breath and exclaimed: This is so beautiful!

Then he clapped his hands and cheered involuntarily.

An empty taxi passing by was startled and he quickly stepped on the brakes. He was frightened not only by the applause and cheers on the right, but also by the sudden lights on the left. After regaining his composure, He simply stopped and looked at it for a while, then released the brakes and shouted loudly into the intercom system where many people were chattering to each other throughout the night:

"Come to Yan'an Road and take a look. It's beautiful here, like a fairyland!"

Everyone on the other side of the road crossed the road and walked back. They were anxious to go and have a look at the store. Mr. Tan ran out and shouted, taking a group photo with everyone at the door!

Everyone cheered again and happily stood in a row at the door of the store. The light at the door of the store was very bright.

The second guy took out his camera, and Zhang Chen quickly went to take out his camera as well. First he took a group photo of everyone together, and then started taking photos of various combinations.

There are group photos of the troops from Haicheng with Zhang Chen and his wife, Mr. Tan, Mr. Xie, Meng Ping, Qu Tianlin, etc. with Zhang Chen’s family of three, as well as photos of various other combinations, from outside the store to the store inside, and then into the patio.

The most bizarre thing is that Liu Ligan snatched Zhang Chen's camera and told Huang Jianren, his wife and Xu Jiaqing that at this special moment and place, the three of you need to leave a souvenir. The three of them were stunned for a moment, and then stood generously. Together, Liu Ligan shouted, "Huang bitch, you fucking stand in the middle."

People who didn't know didn't think anything about it, but those who knew the inside story had already laughed and bent over.

"I'm forced to take a photo with my godbrother." The second-rate guy shouted, making sure to take a photo with Zhang Chen and the three of them.

Xiao Zhao said, you haven’t called me yet when you see me, so we can take a group photo after calling.

The idiot scratched his head and called "Aunt" obediently, while the others laughed beside him.

After the fun, Zhang Chen said, thank you everyone for your help. After a busy night, we will go to Longxiang Bridge for a midnight snack together.

Xiao Zhao told the girls and the people who came to help from the factory that you should go together. Those girls became excited when they heard that they were going to Longxiang Bridge to eat seafood.

Mr. Tan heard that we were eating seafood, so he said, we are from Hainan, why should we eat seafood here?

"It's different. This is Donghai seafood, coming from Shenjiamen and Wenzhou."

Qu Tianlin is very familiar with seafood in Hangzhou, Guangdong and Hainan. She and Mr. Tan explained:

"The hairtail meat in Zhoushan is very tender and can be steamed. The hairtail meat in Guangdong and Hainan is too rough, and there are small bones on the back. I don't know what they are. The crabs are also different. Hainan has red flowers. Crabs, meat crabs, here are swimming crabs, which are unique to the East China Sea, and large yellow croaker, which is unique to the East China Sea.”

Zhang Chen also remembered the Wenzhou area where the troupe often visited before, and said to them:

"Nanji Island in Pingyang, Wenzhou, is the place with the richest shellfish and marine life in my country. Go to the market and see for yourself. I'm sure there are a lot of shellfish that you have never seen before, let alone eat."

"Okay, let's go and have a try." After hearing what Qu Tianlin and Zhang Chen said, Lao Tan and Lao Xie also became interested.

There is a seafood wholesale market not far from Longxiang Bridge. Every night, trucks transporting seafood can enter the city. Cars from Ningbo and Wenzhou continue to deliver various seafood. Surrounding the seafood wholesale market, There are naturally a lot of food stalls, and the diners who come here come here to taste the freshest seafood.

With so many people, it took five or six tables to sit down, so they chose a newly expanded restaurant named "Two Cups", the largest food stall, and sat down. After sitting down, they put a few plastic tables at the door. The seafood in the basin was all gone, but Lao Tan and Meng Ping still felt that it was not enough. The two of them went to the market opposite to look for the shellfish that Zhang Chen said that you had never seen before.

Mr. Xie was sitting there. He asked Qu Tianlin, why did this store have such a strange name?

Qu Tianlin was stunned. She came to this store often, but she had never thought about this problem. She told the waiter to call Boss Ni over.

After a while, the waiter led a man in his thirties over. He was the boss of Ergu. Boss Ni knew Qu Tianlin and smiled when he saw her. Qu Tianlin pointed at Mr. Xie and said Boss Ni said, Boss Ni, I am a big brother from Hainan. I want to know why your store is called this name.

"You don't know?" Boss Ni asked.

"I really don't know either." Qu Tianlin said.

Boss Ni told them about the origin of the store's name. Li Yong and Chen Qihang laughed as they listened. This is another brand story.

Boss Ni is a "household" in Longxiangqiao, that is, a person from here. He went to primary school on Changsheng Road and opened a barber shop on Dongpo Road. Later, seeing how many people were around the market, he decided to stay in his own house. He opened a food stall. His food stall initially sold box lunches and noodles. Later, he saw other people's seafood food stalls and the business was good. He took advantage of the location and opened it too.

The business is getting better and better.

As for the name of the store "Er Cup", Boss Ni laughed and said, this is also my nickname, and I have been called it since I was a child.

There is an old lady who runs a teahouse on Laodizi Dongpo Road. She likes to give nicknames to the nearby teacups. When she picks them up, she always carries the word "cup" for the tea cup. Starting from the eleventh cup, twelve cup, ten Three cups, fourteen cups...

Boss Ni's nickname was "Twelve Cups". Later, people got tired of calling it "Twelve Cups", so they omitted the word "十" and called it "Twelve Cups".

Not many people know my name, Ni Xinggen.

Thank you Cheng Shanming (Bronze) 18907983117 for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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