The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 632 The main force is coming

The renovation of the Yan'an Road store was not completed until March 31st, and it will open in two days. The store is still empty, with nothing in it. The eight newly recruited salespeople are all locals from Hangzhou. Yeah, I never even sold clothes before.

What Zhang Chen considers is that unlike Sijiqing, most of the customers in the store are locals from Hangzhou. The locals are more or less exclusive. Some people even though they can speak Mandarin, will not speak to you unless they speak it. I need to speak Hangcheng dialect with you, so if you are not a local salesperson in Hangzhou, you will have problems communicating with customers.

Zhang Chen planned to arrange Xiaoli and Xiaojuan on the second floor. They already knew the customers of the franchise stores below. What they did on the second floor was actually wholesale business, but they just changed places.

Zhang Chen's stall at Sijiqing, and then Hagen gave them an idea. Hagen said, if you don't wait for the money to use it urgently, the stalls here are better off selling than renting them out. Now that the market is up, it's the season again. , it happens to be the best time for stall rental. Your two seven-shaped stalls can bring you a net income of more than 100,000 yuan per year in rent alone.

If the stall is not for sale now, it will be easy to sell next year. If it is sold next year, the price will probably be higher than this year. Look at how much the stall has increased from last year to this year.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao both felt that what Brother Haigen said made sense, and they didn't wait for the money, so they planned to rent it out.

As soon as the stall rental poster was posted on a nearby telephone pole, it was rented out on the same day. Who told them that the location of their stall was good, and they were eager to rent it out, eager to get Xiao Zhao and Xiaoli Xiaojuan out, and eager to get Xiao Zhao and Xiao Li Xiaojuan out. All the goods were moved to Yan'an Road.

They didn't bargain much with the people who came to rent. They rented the stall to almost the first two people. If Ping Lao negotiated with more companies, maybe they could earn an extra five thousand for one stall. Ten thousand, but they don’t have that time.

In the past two days, Wang Hainiao helped them transport truckloads of goods every day, from the stall to Yan'an Road, and from the factory to Yan'an Road. Wang Hainiao joked with Zhang Chen, "Boss Zhang, you can buy a car now." .

Zhang Chen also felt that they really needed a car. He also wanted to buy an Iveco, which could be used to haul goods and pick up customers.

But no one in their entire factory can drive. After buying a car, they have to recruit a driver, and drivers are different from ordinary people. They must understand their character and personality clearly, otherwise, the steering wheel is in hand. Here, if something happens, it will be a big deal.

Forget it, let’s talk about it after this busy period. Anyway, two tricycles can still handle it. Every day, the factory prepares the goods at three or four o’clock in the morning. At that time, the delivery from the factory to here is very busy. Good to go.

The newly recruited salespeople didn't even have time for simple training. The first thing Xiao Zhao did when they came was to take them to clean up, take measurements, and make uniforms. Fortunately, he was a clothing factory, and the uniforms were made in one day. It can be done.

At that time, shopping malls were not open-plan operations. Clothes were still in the clothing counters. There were really long rows of cabinets. The clothes were hung on the wall inside the cabinets. There were no fitting rooms where you could freely dress. try on clothes.

The salespersons at the counter all look fierce. If you ask her to get it for you a few more times, she will become impatient. Do you still want to try?

If you want to try, be shameless and stand outside the counter, facing her disgusted face as an interview.

The day after Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao arrived in Hangzhou from Guangzhou, their experience of going to Jiebai to buy down jackets left a deep impression on Zhang Chen. He himself was in Sijiqing and was very comfortable doing retail business. Understand the psychology and needs of these girls who come to buy clothes.

He believes that the counter is the ugliest thing in a clothing store. In their store, except for the cashier, there is absolutely no counter allowed. Although the area of ​​their store is not small, it is worthy of a women's clothing section in the mall, but in Zhang Chen It seems that it is still an expanded roadside clothing store. Have you ever seen a clothing store with a counter and clothes hanging inside the counter?

Customers who come to them must be able to move around the store freely, choose clothes, and go to the fitting room to try on clothes freely.

The meaning of a salesperson's existence is to answer customers' questions when they need to know something, to help them when they need help, and to quickly tidy up their messy wardrobe hangers when they leave your work area.

Of course, be careful not to lose your clothes.

Here, all the prices are clearly marked. When it opens, the entire store is 15% off. Unlike the clothing stores on the roadside, here, like the mall, you cannot bargain.

Zhang Chen's concept was to combine shopping malls with roadside clothing stores. He didn't know that his ideas inadvertently coincided with the popular business model of the international department store industry at that time.

Later that year, the Sino-Japanese Huating Isetan Shopping Mall opened on Huaihai Middle Road in Shanghai, and the first Pacific Department Store in mainland China opened by Taiwanese in Chengdu also followed this model.

Later, all department stores also changed to such an open business model.

Xiao An and He Hongmei both came to help, and Qu Tianlin came to help after get off work, but it felt like there were still not enough manpower. Thousands of pieces of clothing had to be sorted and sampled, which was no small task. Plus, the salespeople were all novices.

When it comes to Zhang Chen, it's even worse. He needs to decorate the entire environment upstairs and downstairs, constantly adding a little bit here and a little bit there. He does it all by himself, and no one else can help him.

Fortunately, their reinforcements have arrived. The "half of the big guys in Haicheng" that Liu Ligan said arrived in Hangzhou on the evening of the 2nd. This time, the number of people increased greatly, and everyone hugged and shook hands with each other warmly. After bursting into tears, I immediately got to work.

Among the people who came, there was another person that Liu Ligan didn't mention on the phone, that was Huang Jianren's wife. Xu Jiaqing was already here, how could she not come.

Fortunately, when Zhang Chen looked at her and Xu Jiaqing, both of them had calm faces, and Huang Jianren still looked like he didn't care about anything. He knew that this was not the first time that the three of them had met, and they would not come here to collide. Earth.

Qian Fang, Ye Yilan, Xu Jiaqing, Wei Wenfang and Lin Yiyan are all powerful characters with quick hands and feet. As soon as they arrived, the situation on the scene immediately changed, and Xiao Zhao could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Cao Xiaohe took Yuanyuan and helped take care of the children of Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan. He also held Zhang Xiangbei in his arms, so Xiao Zhao could escape completely.

Mr. Tan and the second-hand boss said they were backgrounds in decoration. As soon as Zhang Chen talked to them, they knew what to do.

Mr. Xie and Wu Zhaohui went back and forth, and finally Mr. Xie simply helped with the ironing with Zhao Zhigang, Zhao Zhilong, and two ironers transferred from the factory.

Clothes are always wrinkled when they are transported from factories and stalls. When they are ready to be sampled, they still need to be simply ironed. Mr. Xie is good at it. Look at the pants he irons so well every day that he can cut tofu. You'll know right in the center seam.

Wu Zhaohui followed Lao Wan and his maintenance team to work as a porter, unloading the goods when they were delivered, and moving them upstairs and downstairs after unloading.

Chen Qihang and Li Yong, two people from the Chinese Department of Peking University, as well as Liu Ligan, who wrote the Legend of the King, immediately criticized Zhang Chen's own brand story, saying that it was written by someone else. Like the product manual, it had to be rewritten and reworked. Even Liu Ligan was excluded by two people from Peking University.

He had nothing to do there. Liu Ligan and Meng Ping came to care about Zhang Chen's opening ceremony tomorrow. Liu Ligan asked Zhang Chen how many flower baskets there would be in total tomorrow?

"What flower basket?" Zhang Chen asked.

"You didn't have flower baskets when you opened?" Liu Ligan and Meng Ping were both surprised.

Zhang Chen said no, He Hongmei heard it, and she shouted, I have ordered twenty-six of them, from our store and the specialty store below.

"Are there no others?" Liu Ligan asked.

Zhang Chen said that there were a lot of guests, but I didn’t know if they would give it away. I didn’t ask for it.

"No, no, no, if you open a business, you have to crowd the door with flower baskets. Have you never seen anyone open a business?" Liu Ligan scolded.

Meng Ping also said: "Fortunately, this beauty has twenty-six poles here, so we can write them all."

Liu Ligan immediately wrote down a list of names. Meng Ping saw Lao Wan and was still impressed by him. He called Lao Wan over and asked him, do you know where there is a flower shop?

Lao Wan said he knew.

Meng Ping took out 20,000 yuan from his bag, took the list from Liu Ligan, handed it to Lao Wan, and told him, according to this list, make a batch of the largest flower baskets, and before ten o'clock tomorrow, Send them here.

The opening ceremony will be at 11 noon tomorrow. After the opening ceremony, guests from all over the world will go to the International Building not far away for dinner, and the business will begin here.

"Who is the leader who will cut the ribbon tomorrow?" Liu Ligan asked.

Zhang Chen shook his head, what kind of leader do you want? For our own store, we just cut the ribbon ourselves.

"You didn't invite the leader?" Meng Ping was also surprised.

Zhang Chen said, I invited the boss of our market, as well as the secretary and director of Sanbao Village.

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping laughed heartily.

Liu Ligan scolded, why did you cut the ribbon without asking the leader?

Meng Ping and Zhang Chen said: "Zhang Chen, asking for a leader is a matter of knowledge. Do you know why everyone has to ask for a leader when starting a business?"

Zhang Chen shook his head.

"When the leader comes, he doesn't come alone." Meng Ping and Zhang Chen said, "For example, when the provincial leader comes, the provincial media will naturally come. When the municipal leader comes, the city's media will naturally follow. Now, all the media have reported it, which is free advertising for you."

Zhang Chen understood and said, "But the biggest leader I know in Hangcheng is the secretary of Sanbao Village."

"You, the secretary and director, and the market boss, why did you invite them? It's not because you are in their place and feel you have to rely on them. This leader is here. Let me tell you, Zhang Chen, the secretary you are talking about Directors and bosses, when they see, wow, such a big leader is related to this guy, your roles will change from now on, they will be afraid of you."

Meng Ping and Zhang Chen were talking, and Liu Ligan kept nodding beside him. When Meng Ping finished speaking, Liu Ligan continued to say, Lao Meng was right, that's all.

Zhang Chen thought to himself, what the hell, it turns out that there is so much knowledge in hiring a leader, but even if he knows it, what's the use, since he really doesn't even know a leader.

Liu Ligan looked at his watch. It was already past eight o'clock in the evening. He called Huang Jianren and his wife over and told them that Mr. Zhang's opening ceremony will be held at 11 o'clock at noon tomorrow. There will be no ribbon-cutting ceremony. Please think of a way. .

Before Huang Jianren spoke, his wife nodded and said, I understand, I will make arrangements. Mr. Zhang, can you tell me the address and name of your unit?

Liu Ligan handed the pen and paper to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen wrote and handed it to Huang Jianren's wife, Xiao Huang, whose surname is also Huang.

Xiao Huang took Zhang Chen's big brother and walked away. He came back ten minutes later and told them that the arrangements were made. A deputy S chief from the province would come tomorrow, as well as the executive deputy mayor of Hangzhou. That would be enough. Yet?

Meng Ping nodded and said, okay.

"Do you need to say hello to the branch office and reporter station?" Xiao Huang asked.

Liu Ligan said it was best. What Xiao Huang was talking about was the branches of Xinhua News Agency and several major newspapers such as Renri, Guangming and Wenhui in Zhejiang. Xiao Huang was responsible for this in Haicheng. She and their head office were very close. Ripe.

After all these arrangements were made, Liu Ligan and Meng Ping felt that tomorrow's opening ceremony was complete.

Thank you for the tip! Thank you for your monthly votes from Zhengguang Ion Exchange Resin-Zhou Ping and Tianma Xingkong! Thanks for all the reading and votes! I wish you all a happy life!

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