The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 628 The buds below bloomed first

The car drove to the lock connecting the Sanbao Grand Canal and the Qiantang River. Zhang Chen looked at his watch. It was not yet nine o'clock. He thought to himself that at this time, he was not at home. Xiao Zhao and Zhang Xiangbei would definitely be in the factory. Chen gave instructions to the driver and drove the car directly to the factory.

Zhang Chen got out of the car. Zhao Zhigang heard the sound of cars outside and came out of the office. When he saw Zhang Chen, he stood at the door of the office.

Zhang Chen asked him, have Lao Wan and the others come back?

"No, they are still burning the midnight oil in the front, and they probably won't come back until they have supper." Zhao Zhigang said.

Zhang Chen couldn't help laughing and cursed: "You have so many new words!"

Zhao Zhigang smiled proudly. If it hadn't been for the night, his face would have turned red at this moment.

Zhang Chen asked him: "Have you seen Xiao Zhao?"

Zhao Zhigang pointed to the showroom and said, "There, there are a lot of orders today."

Zhang Chen walked to the door of the showroom, opened the door, and saw Zhang Xiangbei lying on his workbench. A sample worker was working in front of a sewing machine, and another one was sitting in front of the stand, teasing Zhang Xiangbei. Play while helping watch him.

Xiao Zhao and Finance are holding today's sales slip and checking the inventory in the showroom. This is a job they have to do every day.

In the early morning of every day, the finished clothes will be warehoused here and neatly stacked on the floor where the clothes are sampled. Starting in the morning, whether they are packaged, sent to the stall, or those who come to the factory to make them themselves Customers who want the goods can get it here at a glance, which style, color, size and quantity they need. It is very convenient.

Every night, Xiao Zhaohe Finance will summarize all the outbound orders and sales orders for the day. They will write off the ledger and take inventory here. After checking, one copy of the inventory sheet will be kept by the finance, one copy will be kept by Xiao Zhao, and another copy will be kept by Xiao Zhaohe. Give it to Zhao Zhigang. Zhao Zhigang will know how to fill in the production order and arrange production based on the inventory quantity and the packaging customer's order fax.

Zhang Chen thought to himself that this place now actually exists as a distribution center. There are too many finished products stacked inside, which has affected the display effect and has become a bit more practical.

Xiao Zhao saw Zhang Chen come in and smiled and said to him, "Wait a minute, I have something to tell you. It will be ready soon."

Zhang Chen walked over, looked at Zhang Xiangbei, and asked him: "Zhang Xiangbei, do you want to go for a walk on the country road?"

Xiao Zhao shouted, don't go, I will be fine here soon.

But Zhang Xiangbei understood and became active. Zhang Chen held him in his hands and told Xiao Zhao that we would come back after a walk.

Zhang Chen came back with Zhang Xiangbei in his arms. Xiao Zhao was already busy and was waiting for them at the door of the exhibition hall. When he saw Zhang Chen, he asked, why are you back now? Didn't you say you won't arrive until dawn?

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao said that the project was completed ahead of schedule, so I came back ahead of schedule and did not take the evening train to Sijiqing. As a result, I lost money and wasted several hours on the road, which also cost me money.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Zhao asked

"I drove here from the middle of the mountain."

Xiao Zhao raised his thumb and said, "Okay, it's generous! But compared to what you ordered from Sister Qu, it's just a drop in the bucket."

Zhang Chen knew that this was the reason why he ordered the tag-making machine. Qu Tianlin told Xiao Zhao that she knew that Zhang Chen had killed first and played later.

The two of them walked inside. Zhang Chen asked Xiao Zhao, what good things do you want to tell me?

Xiao Zhao walked to the table, took out a stack of paper from his bag, waved it in front of Zhang Chen's eyes, and shouted proudly: "Look, look, look at what this is!"

Zhang Chen grabbed it and took a look. It turned out to be three agreements. When he looked at them, they were all signed. Zhang Chen shouted:

"These were all signed at the booth today?"

Xiao Zhao smiled and said: "Yes, don't think that you are the only one who can sign in."

Zhang Chen looked at the three agreements. One was from Xiangshan in this province, one was from Kunshan in Jiangsu, and the other was from Wuxi in Jiangsu. There were two third-level agency agreements and one second-level agency agreement. Zhang Chen Chen hehe smiled:

"You are so good, you even broke into Meng Ping's hometown."

As soon as Zhang Chen said that, Xiao Zhao also remembered it and laughed: "It's true, I just said that when I looked at the name Wuxi today, it seemed very familiar. It turned out to be Meng Ping's place."

Zhang Chen asked Xiao Zhao, was it difficult to talk to these customers today?

"It's not difficult. I showed them the agreement and they said they wanted to sign it without me saying anything." Xiao Zhao said, "Why, why do you ask this?"

What Zhang Chen thought about was that whether it was Xiang Qin or Wang Lizhen, or Gao Zhipeng and Xu Li he was talking about, it didn't seem to be difficult. Like Xiao Zhao said, he didn't say anything, and they were about to sign. In comparison , talking about the general agent is a bit more difficult.

Zhang Chen didn't understand why this happened. After thinking about it, he understood and became excited. It seemed that Lao Meng, Zhang Zi and himself were right. This model was really the development direction of clothing sales in the future.

The reason why it is difficult to talk about general agents is actually because they are still separated by one layer and do not directly face the market. They do not know that the demand of this market has changed. They still hold on to the original one, and these second- and third-level agents Agents are the ones who directly face the market. For them, this model of theirs just meets their needs.

Zhang Chen told Xiao Zhao about this idea, and Xiao Zhao said yes. If I opened my own store, I would also join.

"Why?" Zhang Chen asked.

"First, if the clothes are easy to sell, I will be able to sell them exclusively in my city, so I no longer have to worry about others coming to steal my business. Also, since there is a replacement rate, I don't have to worry about inventory."

Zhang Chen nodded repeatedly. He felt that Xiao Zhao was right. It is these two points that best meet the needs of end-end clothing stores. The clothing market has been open for so many years. It is said to be a market, but in fact, this market has been transformed into a market. Disrupted, a new set of patterns is needed.

What excites Zhang Chen most is that if all the customers they negotiated have this attitude, it means that this is a common demand. He believes that this model will definitely get a good response across the country.

You have fallen behind and regressed, and you are still looking at the franchise fee. You don’t know that what the customers below care about most is not this. Zhang Chen told Guo Wentao and Ma Ya in his heart that he even vaguely felt that if the general agent with different ideas was no longer good, it would be better to replace them. Only if they were like Chongqing would their foundation be solid.

But Zhang Chen didn't tell Xiao Zhao.

The next day, customers from Hefei and Ningbo arrived at the factory. After Zhang Chen showed them the agreement, they signed it immediately. The customer from Hefei said that his current store is too small and he just signed a lease this year, but it doesn't matter. , I will sublet my current store and rent a larger one.

A customer in Ningbo told Zhang Chen that she had originally planned to change to a larger store, but her current store will not expire in three months. I have signed the contract now, and the goods will start to be sold here, but the store renovation will have to wait for the new one. It can only be taken down by the store, is that okay?

Zhang Chen said yes, if you go to decorate now, wouldn't it be a waste?

In the afternoon, Xiao Zhao called Zhang Chen and told Zhang Chen that the two girls from Xiaoshan were also going to do it. They signed and went back to find a store. The one from Fuyang also signed. She wants you to go and help her. The store is redesigned.

Zhang Chen agreed, Fuyang can go back and forth in one afternoon, and I will go at noon tomorrow.

Zhang Chen stood up and walked outside to the yard. The big brother in his hip pocket rang. Zhang Chen opened the answer and it was He Hongmei. He Hongmei asked him, are you in the factory?

Zhang Chen said yes.

"Go and turn on the fax machine."

Zhang Chen walked back to the office and switched the fax machine on the desk from telephone mode to fax mode. After the phone beeped three times, it made a sharp scream, and the fax machine began to spit out puffs and puffs. fax paper.

Zhang Chen looked up and saw that it was an agency agreement. Zhang Chen didn't know why He Hongmei passed this to him. Maybe she felt that something needed to be changed?

It's too late. The agreement was sent to the printing house the day before yesterday, and printing should be started by now.

Zhang Chen stood up and let the fax paper spit out, thinking he would come back and read it later.

He walked out of the office and wanted to see how a sample garment that the sample worker was typing was doing. When he walked to the door of the showroom, the big brother in his butt pocket rang again, it was He Hongmei again.

"Master, have you read the agreement?" He Hongmei asked.

"Still receiving, what's wrong?"

"It's been sent out. Take a look and sign it back for me after you finish it."

Zhang Chen was puzzled. He turned around and walked to the office and asked, "What kind of signature?"

"Oh, come and see, this is the agreement of our general agent in Chongqing!" He Hongmei shouted.

Zhang Chen hurriedly walked back to the office. As expected, the fax machine had stopped working and the entire agreement had been transmitted. Zhang Chen walked over to take a look and found out that this was really an agreement for general agency in Chongqing. Party B had already signed it. The name was signed by He Dongmei, He Hongmei's sister.

Zhang Chen and He Hongmei said, I saw it, what happened? It's not urgent. I'll wait until you come back to sign. Am I still worried that you won't sign?

"It's not what I mean, it's what my dad means. According to him, everyone should behave in a good manner when doing business. By the way, Master, let me tell you, we talked with several old customers today, and they all have to sign , my dad refused to give in, saying that we have to sign with you first before we have the right to sign with you, otherwise, we will be deceiving these customers below."

Zhang Chen laughed as he listened.

He Hongmei also laughed: "Isn't it fun? My sister just came up with it. Everyone just faxed it to sign first, and then signed it officially later, and then my dad agreed."

After He Hongmei finished speaking, she sighed: "Oh, I can't help it, Old Antique, otherwise we would have signed five or six companies today."

Zhang Chen quickly said, OK, I still respect my uncle's opinion. I will sign the agreement immediately and fax it to you.

"By the way, Master, there are 200,000, which has been transferred to Sister Xiao Zhao's account. Please ask Sister Xiao Zhao to check."

Zhang Chen was startled and asked, "What are you doing?"

"One hundred thousand is the franchise fee and deposit, and the other one hundred thousand is the prepaid payment for the goods. After the decoration here, a lot of goods will be shipped, and it is impossible for the factory to produce them all at once. The goods that are coming out now will be kept for us. , how to match it, I will tell Zhao Zhigang tomorrow, by the way, if the payment is not enough, let Sister Xiao Zhao tell me, we will make up for it here."

Thank you Xu Yuenian and Infinite Love for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the reading and votes! I wish you all a happy mood!

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