The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 629 Put red flags everywhere

In the following days, customers came to sign the agreement almost every day. The later it became, the easier it became. Those later customers heard that the cities around them had been signed here and there, so they signed quickly, for fear that they would be late. , you will miss this opportunity.

When Wang Lizhen came back for the second time, although Zhang Chen assured her that Ma Anshan would definitely be kept for her and told her not to worry, the more Zhang Chen said this, the more she insisted on signing it.

She quickly found the store, and Zhang Chen also went to Ma'anshan as promised to her to help her design the store. This time he took a car with them from the parking lot of the Sijiqing Huaxia Hotel. , when the car passed Wuhu, he did not get off with Xiang Qin, but followed Wang Lizhen directly to Ma'anshan.

After arriving in Ma'anshan, he went to the store rented by Wang Lizhen first. That night and the next morning, he took out the design draft. At noon, he took a car from Ma'anshan to Wuhu. These two cities are side by side on the Yangtze River. The south bank of , is only about 40 kilometers apart, more than an hour's drive away.

Zhang Chen stayed in Wuhu for a long time. In the store Xiang Qin was renovating, there was a background wall that needed plaster to create the effect of a sound-absorbing wall like in a movie theater. The decoration workers didn't know how to do it, so Zhang Chen taught him step by step. them.

In the evening, Zhang Chen got on the bus from Wuhu to Sijiqing in Hangzhou. He arrived at Sijiqing in the early morning and rode his bicycle back home. Xiao Zhao had already gotten up and was about to go to the stall. She left Zhang Xiangbei Gave it to Zhang Chen.

Xiao Zhao now goes to the stall every day more to sign new customers than to do business. Business matters are left to Xiao Li and Xiao Juan. You must know that after signing an agreement, there will be one soon. The franchise fee and deposit of 20,000 to 30,000 yuan were received, and at the same time, tens of thousands of yuan worth of goods were booked. Xiao Zhao felt that this was more exciting than doing a wholesale business.

When he returned home every day, Zhang Chen looked at the national map on the wall of his room. He hadn't used it for a long time. On it were some cities where they developed packagers. He later forgot to post five-pointed stars. Now, packagers are a thing of the past. What they want to develop is a regional general agent.

Zhang Chen used red stickers to cut countless small red flags. He wanted to play the flag-planting game. One red flag represented a specialty store. Standing in front of the map, he had the heroic spirit of commanding thousands of troops. He used to appear in movies I often see senior commanders of our army with their left hands on their hips, vigorously waving their right hands, and saying in a loud voice that we will plant red flags all over China.

Now, Zhang Chen wants to plant red flags all over China. However, the first thing he needs to do is to plant red flags in the areas where his company directly develops, leaving other areas to be planted by general agents.

Unfortunately, when those cities were put on the map of China, they were crowded together. After Taicang and Kunshan were added, when Suzhou was added, there was almost no room on the map. They had to be added to Taihu Lake or Wujiang. Then Wujiang was added. Where to go?

Zhang Chen looked at the red flag in his hand, just like Xu Yulan, who played Jia Baoyu in the Shaoxing opera "A Dream of Red Mansions". After hearing the death of Lin Daiyu, played by Wang Wenjuan, she ran and cried, shouting repeatedly: "Sister Lin, I'm late. It's..." Zhang Chen shook his head and said with the red flag in his hand, Suzhou, you are late.

The denser the city, the more they have signed the most exclusive agreements. For example, in the Suzhou area, from the city of Suzhou to the counties under its jurisdiction, all of them have been signed.

When signing in Zhangjiagang, Zhang Chen held the red flag in his hand and recalled Hu Hansan's classic line in the movie "Shining Red Star": "I, Hu Hansan, am back again." Zhang Chen said to Xiao Li and Lao Li in his heart: "I, Zhang Chen, It’s back again.”

Zhang Chen called Mr. Li and told him the news. Mr. Li was very happy and said with a smile, "Haha, from now on I can take customers directly to your store and show them the products made with our fabrics." clothes.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, yes, I didn’t even expect this.

Ningbo in this province is also in the same situation. From Ningbo city to every county below, agreements have been signed, and the red flag cannot be raised.

Zhang Chen found a piece of lead drawing paper and prepared to draw a map by himself, enlarging Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Anhui, Fujian and Jiangxi so that there would be room to place flags. Halfway through the drawing, he thought of adding Shandong and Taiwan. , isn’t this the seven provinces and one city in East China?

There is no clothing market in Shandong, so it is not an area where they want to develop a general agent. Doesn't this also fall within the scope of their company?

Zhang Chen remembered that they had actually signed a contract for a place in Shandong, and that was Dongying.

Zhang Chen ran to Xinhua Bookstore and bought a map of East China. As the map became larger, all the cities became wider and could be used for planting flags.

Zhang Chen has flags to put up almost every day. After counting, they already have 62 franchise stores, concentrated in southern Jiangsu, eastern Anhui and Zhejiang. There are at least sporadic flags in other places. On the map, only Taiwan and Shanghai are blank.

There is no way to go to Taiwan yet. What makes Zhang Chen most regretful is that from the time they opened the store until now, they have not had a single customer in Shanghai. Shanghai is the market he most wants to visit, and it is also where he thinks their products will be. Where there are the most customers.

Although there are Qipu Road and Huating Road wholesale markets in Shanghai, not many outsiders go to Shanghai to wholesale clothing. Could it be that local clothing stores in Shanghai also don’t go to other places to wholesale clothing and only buy goods from these two places?

Zhang Chen felt unpredictable.

The good news keeps coming.

He Hongmei and the others have also developed more than twenty specialty stores, and the number of orders is increasing. He Hongmei constantly reminds Zhang Chen that he must reduce the number of spring clothes and focus on summer clothes.

Zhang Chen asked why?

He Hongmei told him that for us who make clothing, spring and autumn are very short, especially spring, which can even be ignored.

Although specialty stores do not need to prepare so much in advance compared to wholesale markets and sell all seasonal products, for customers, spring clothes are also the least purchased. In many places, short-sleeved clothes are worn instead of cotton-padded jackets. , I couldn’t wear short sleeves, so I had to make do with autumn clothes, and, and...

"And what?" Zhang Chen asked.

"And for girls, there is always a feeling of impatient desire to wear skirts." He Hongmei said, "Although I don't like wearing skirts, wearing skirts is an expression of emotion, not an actual action. You understand ?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said, I understand, many times, we wear jeans with the mood of wearing a skirt. It seems that whether we are designing cropped trousers, nine-quarter pants or trousers, we must have the mood of designing a skirt.

"That's true." He Hongmei laughed, "Don't you know there is a thing called culottes?"

Zhang Chen also thought about it, no wonder spring and autumn clothing connects these two unrelated seasons. It turns out that their clothing can be used universally. No one will collectively call the same type of clothing autumn and winter clothing or winter and spring clothing. And the boundaries between spring and summer clothing are very blurred, which I really learned again.

Zhang Chen put away many of the drafts of spring clothes he had designed, saving them for autumn, and concentrated his energy on the design of summer clothes.

One thing makes Zhang Chen very worried. The customers who have signed the agreement are still in the stage of looking for stores and decoration, but they will basically focus on opening in one or two months. If this is the case, just the first batch of goods will be distributed. , at least two million.

For Zhang Chen and the others, funds are not a problem now. The gathering speed is very fast. The one or two months of financial shortage that Zhang Chen expected has almost never come. They now have abundant funds, which is better than before they bought the house on Yan'an Road. Still plenty.

Zhang Chen had a premonition that the problem would be supply. Zhang Chen and Zhao Zhigang calculated repeatedly. Now that the finished products coming out every day meet the daily sales, there is a slight surplus, which is piled in warehouses and showrooms. But as long as there are five or six If the stores open at the same time, their inventory will be wiped out.

Fortunately, the weather started to get hotter, so they simply moved Houdao and Dafang into the yard, enlarged the shed, built a new simple dormitory, and transformed the original workshop of Houdao and Dafang into a sewing workshop.

Now the four rooms that were equivalent to the original warehouse have all been turned into sewing workshops. The sewing machines in each workshop are crowded and crowded, and have increased from twenty-eight to thirty-four. Now they only have sewing machines. There are more than 130 units, but the production task is still very tight.

He Hongmei seemed to have a premonition of this problem. The store in Chongqing was still being renovated, so she ran back to Hangzhou. Zhang Chen asked strangely, "Why are you back?" Don't you care about the decoration over there?

"My brother-in-law is watching at the construction site. Isn't there the big head that you control remotely?" He Hongmei said.

"Did you sneak here because you were lazy?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I have more important things to do."

"What's up?"

"I'll keep an eye on the goods." He Hongmei said.

"Are you still worried about us? I'll keep all your goods for you." Zhao Zhigang shouted from the side.

He Hongmei looked at him and sneered: "Do you think I'm a child? I've been working at Sijiqing Packaging for six years. I can't figure out how much production the factory has? When I opened, I needed 300,000 yuan worth of goods. , take it out and show me, how many have you prepared for me?"

Zhao Zhigang was speechless by her question.

Zhang Chen smiled on the side, although he was worried, he was a little relieved.

He felt that He Hongmei came back just in time. Half of his energy now is on designing drawings for these franchise stores. Although he carries a sketchbook with him, whether he is taking a long car or out of town, he can still design clothes as soon as he has time and inspiration. .

But he still feels that if he wants to open a specialty store, the products are not rich enough. He Hongmei is back and can help him in this regard.

He Hongmei told him that you can't run around like this, you can't get over it. In fact, the stores are all the same. The company can write a decoration manual for the "Half Acre Field" store and provide several unified decoration plans so that everyone can make their own decorations. choose.

In the manual, the material and process requirements for decoration, including some key process flows, as well as the color code and proportional size of the logo are clearly marked. Send it to each store, and they will show it to the decoration company. If you understand, if you don’t understand something, you can call us for consultation.

Zhang Chen thought this suggestion was very good. Together with Lao Wan, they immediately compiled a store decoration manual and sent it to all customers who signed the agreement. New customers will also submit the decoration manual when signing the contract. I gave it to them and everyone responded very well.

Thank you Lao Chentang, Zhu Zhu...nashu for the reward! Thank you Sun Bosheng for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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