The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 627 Once and for all

In the evening, Zhang Chen completed the design of the covers of the two agreements and the layout inside. He also thought that He Hongmei and her own stores, including the store in Wuhu, would be opening in the near future. When they opened, they would definitely need publicity, so he simply designed another one. A poster showing the grand opening of the "Half Acre Field" women's lifestyle store.

After finishing the design, I thought that this poster could actually be used by all stores, so that the minimum number of prints could be achieved. Zhang Chen thought about it, and made the address and time under the poster blank. When each store is preparing to open, , and then fill it in.

In this way, before each store opens, this poster can be posted all over the city to expand its influence.

The next morning, Zhang Chen went to Qu Tianlin with the agreement and poster, and explained his intention to Qu Tianlin.

Qu Tianlin took the poster and agreement sample he designed to take a look at it, and called Xiao An. Xiao An walked in. Qu Tianlin picked up the poster, handed it to Xiao An, and told her that you should place the order immediately and send it to the factory for urgent arrangements. , just say what I said.

Xiao An said yes. She looked at the poster and knew it belonged to Zhang Chen and the others, so she asked Zhang Chen how many copies should be printed?

Zhang Chen said thirty thousand.

Xiao An went out with the poster. Qu Tianlin and Zhang Chen said that this agreement does not require the use of Heidelberg machines. What is the use of the money? This requirement can be made by ordinary color printing machines. I will introduce you to a printing company in Hangzhou. Factory, you go there.

Zhang Chen said okay, thank you Sister Tianlin.

Then we talked about the hang tags. Each style has its own tag, and it is not easy to print. The price on each tag is handwritten or posted with stickers. Zhang Chen thinks the quality is not high.

"I know there is a tag machine, which is used by all stores in Hong Kong. It can print out everything from product name, product number, fabric composition to unit price at once. This machine seems to be made in the United States or the United Kingdom. It is not big and can be placed on the table. It’s easy to use, but the price doesn’t seem cheap,” Qu Tianlin said.

"Sister Tianlin, can you help me find out?"

Qu Tianlin took out a business card book, rummaged through it, found it and called him. The other party kept talking for a long time, using Cantonese mixed with half-baked Mandarin. Qu Tianlin said to the other party, "Wait a minute."

She covered the microphone with her hand and said to Zhang Chen, yes, but it has to be shipped from Hong Kong, which is very expensive. The other party said it would cost 52,000 yuan for a machine, and it also needs to be equipped with a computer called something. It seemed like this Each name needs to be matched with a special hangtag, which costs about 12 cents per hangtag.

Zhang Chen thought for a while and wondered if there was 60,000 yuan coming in today. This 60,000 yuan was not in the original plan and could just be used to buy this. Zhang Chen said yes, I want it.

"It's so expensive?" Qu Tianlin was surprised.

Zhang Chen nodded.

Qu Tianlin let go of the hand covering the microphone and laughed, rubbing the other person bit by bit. Zhang Chen heard that the other person must be a Hong Kong person. He kept calling Miss Qu, Miss Qu, begging for mercy, but the machine's The price was finally reduced to 49,000, and the price tag was reduced to 10 cents.

Qu Tianlin asked Zhang Chen how much the tag would cost. Zhang Chen said 100,000, and Qu Tianlin said 50,000.

After putting down the phone, Qu Tianlin and Zhang Chen said that they would pay 50,000 yuan in advance. The hangtag was not a big deal, but the paper type and specifications were different. Why should it be so expensive? When the goods arrive, I will help you find a factory. I will definitely be able to copy them. How can I do it? Factory, every penny you save is your own profit.

These words were somewhat reproachful, blaming Zhang Chen for being too arrogant, and Zhang Chen couldn't help but blush.

After coming out of Qu Tianlin's place, Zhang Chen went to Yan'an Road. He saw two or three people already building bamboo scaffolding outside.

Zhang Chen walked inside and saw that the concrete mixer from the factory had been pulled over. Lao Wan and the others were pouring reinforced concrete columns and beams into the formwork on the ground. Zhang Chen knew that this was the wall that opened to the patio. use.

After the beams are poured, first support the floor with columns, then knock a crack horizontally in the wall. After inserting the beams, start knocking out the bricks under the beams. Knock out the middle bricks and use the columns to support the beams. , and then expand to one side. After the frame on this side is built and firm, then expand to the other side.

Once this is done, this place will be connected to the patio outside.

Zhang Chen asked Lao Wan, "No more people?"

Lao Wan said that it was not needed now and would be discussed in two days.

Zhang Chen went to Wuhu. When he went there, he took all the tools including painting clips, paint pens, etc., so as not to have to buy them everywhere after arriving in Wuhu.

When the bus arrived in Wuhu, it was around seven o'clock in the evening. Xiang Qin was waiting for him where he got off the bus. He really wanted to take him to eat delicious food. Zhang Chen quickly said no, no, I'd better go check out your place first. Now is the perfect time to watch the crowds of people at night.

Xiang Qin's new store was on Zhongshan Road, which was the busiest street in Wuhu at that time. At night, the street in front of the store was crowded with people.

This store is now a cotton shop, and there are still people playing cotton bang bang bang inside. Zhang Chen saw the big-character poster "This store is for sale, last discount" posted on the door, and thought to himself, this winter has passed, how many people are still there? What's the use of being able to stretch cotton tires and not getting discounts?

The house is very old, but fortunately it is one story. The facade can be raised upwards without being restricted by height. For an old-fashioned street house, the floor height in the store is okay, and some work can be done on the ceiling. This makes Zhang Chen was overjoyed. He took out his sketchbook and started drawing quickly. After the drawing was completed, he and Xiang Qin went to eat delicious food, including three delicacies from the Yangtze River, Wuwei salted duck and steamed rice with slag meat.

That night, Zhang Chen helped Xiang Qin design it. At around seven o'clock in the morning, he deliberately walked to that place to see the scene during the day. After returning to the hotel, he took out last night's design draft, looked at it, and modified it. He went to several places, and when Xiang Qin came to him at nine o'clock, he had already finished everything, which surprised Xiang Qin.

There were still ten days left in the original store's lease, and Xiang Qin hadn't even found a decorator yet. Zhang Chen took a pencil and wrote on a piece of paper, telling Xiang Qin that when he was looking for a decorator, What points need to be paid attention to and which points should be emphasized to the other party, so that the other party will not think that you don't understand anything and bully you.

Xiang Qin smiled and nodded and said, OK, I understand, Boss Zhang, thank you!

When you find the decoration person, ask him to call me directly and I will tell him that there are some things that you can’t remember even if I tell you. I will tell him that I will come over and take a look. In this way, he will Don't dare to mess around. Zhang Chen and Xiang Qin said.

Xiang Qin said yes.

Zhang Chen couldn't wait until night to leave. There were too many things going on in Hangzhou. He asked Xiang Qin, apart from the bus at night, what other buses were there to Hangcheng? Xiang Qin told him that there were buses from the bus station and the train station. Going to Hangzhou, the train is very crowded and slow. The bus stops all the way and is not as fast as the one at night. You might as well have fun here and leave at night.

Zhang Chen was really anxious and asked Xiang Qin, are there many passing cars to Hangzhou?

Xiang Qin said there were many.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, that's good, you don't have to worry about me, I'll just go back by myself.

Xiang Qin felt embarrassed and said that you were only here for a moment and didn't play anywhere, so he left in a hurry.

Zhang Chen joked, "You don't think I'm perfunctory with you, do you? I stayed here for one night, drew a few pictures casually, and then dismissed you?"

Xiang Qin quickly said, no, no, I saw it was very beautiful and very satisfied. It’s Boss Zhang who moved too fast and others couldn’t catch up.

Zhang Chen said yes, as long as you are satisfied. He told Xiang Qin seriously that when you start decorating here, I will take the time to come over again. I am worried that the decorator is inexperienced. In this way, if there is something in the middle, It’s too late to make changes, but when the decoration is completed, it will be too late.

Xiang Qin heard Zhang Chen say earlier that he would come over to watch during the renovation, thinking he was trying to scare the decorator. Unexpectedly, it was true, and she was a little touched. She said yes, thank you, Boss Zhang, for cooperating with you. I'm really happy. good!

Zhang Chen smiled and said, it's great to be able to cooperate with you. You don't know, even the salesperson in our store said that she likes you to go to the stall the most.

"Really, why?" Xiang Qin shouted.

"You can ask her yourself next time." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

Zhang Chen called a human-powered three-wheeler and took him to the edge of the national highway. After standing on the roadside for more than ten minutes, he saw a bus approaching. On the front windshield, there was a sign that read " With the word "Jinhua", Zhang Chen quickly stretched out his hand.

No matter where it comes from, as long as you go to Jinhua, you must pass by Hangzhou.

The car stopped in front of Zhang Chen, the door opened, and the conductor shouted, "Where are you going?"

"Hangcheng." Zhang Chen said.

"Come up, come up."

The conductor waved, Zhang Chen climbed on the bus, found a seat and sat down. The conductor came over to buy a ticket. Zhang Chen bought the ticket and told the conductor to call me in Hangzhou, and the conductor agreed.

Zhang Chen sat in the car and soon fell asleep. He was drowsy. He felt that the car stopped from time to time along the way, and people kept getting on and off. The car was old and old, driving very slowly and rickety. For a while, Zhang Chen felt that he was on the bus from Guangzhou to Zhanjiang. The person sitting next to him was Jin Lili, and Zhang Chen leaned his head against it.

Kim Lily! Zhang Chen suddenly woke up and realized that the person sitting next to him was a middle-aged man, with his head resting on his shoulder. He quickly sat up straight and said sorry to the other person, but the other person just smiled gently.

Zhang Chen then remembered that he was in the car returning to Hangzhou from Wuhu and asked, Guangde, Anhui, had just arrived. Even Anji had not arrived yet and was still far away from Hangzhou.

Zhang Chen sat and fell asleep again unconsciously.

Someone shook Zhang Chen awake. It was already dark outside the car window. The person who woke him up was not the conductor, but the middle-aged man next to him. The middle-aged man told him that Hangzhou had arrived.

It seemed that the conductor had forgotten about calling him.

Zhang Chen stood up and saw that the car was passing through a brightly lit street. The street was very lively. He quickly shouted to the conductor, where are you?

The conductor then remembered that Zhang Chen was going to Hangzhou, and quickly shouted to the driver in front of him, "Stop the car!"

The car stopped and the door opened. Zhang Chen asked where this was?

"Banshan, Hangzhou Steel and Hangbo Cancer Hospital."

She was talking about two large enterprises in Hangzhou, the Hangcheng Steel Factory and the Hangcheng Glass Factory, as well as the Hangcheng Cancer Hospital. When most people talk about Banshan, they think of these three units.

Mid-Levels is in the northern suburbs of Hangzhou. Zhang Chen asked, "Why don't you go into the city?"

"If you don't want to go, don't go. Get off the bus quickly." The conductor urged.

Zhang Chen got out of the car and saw a noodle shop on the roadside. He felt his stomach growling, so he walked in and ordered a bowl of noodles. While he was eating, a taxi stopped at the door and the driver also came in to eat. Noodles, Zhang Chen asked him, would he go to the Three Forts?

"Go, go."

"By meter?"

"Okay, set the clock."

The driver simply sat down opposite Zhang Chen and waited for the noodles. Zhang Chen slowed down his eating speed and waited for him.

Thank you Shouwang, Zhengguang Ion Exchange Resin-Zhou Ping for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Happy Saturday everyone!

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