The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 620 Don’t talk to me

As soon as Zhang Chen put down the Big Brother, the Big Brother rang again. Zhang Chen thought it was Liu Ligan again, so he pressed the answer button and cursed, and farted?

The person on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Master, it's me."

Zhang Chen laughed and said quickly, I'm sorry, I thought it was another friend. I just got off the phone with him. Have you arrived in Chongqing?

"Of course, my family and I are eating hot pot." He Hongmei said, "I'll call you using my dad's mobile phone. Master, I have convinced my family, and I will go out to find a store tomorrow."

"That's great!"

"How's it going there?"

"I'm here?"

Zhang Chen originally wanted to tell He Hongmei that I had found the store. After thinking about it, he felt that it could not dampen her enthusiasm, so he still did not tell her. Zhang Chen suppressed a smile and said, "I haven't found it yet."

"Haha, then you can wait until you become a turtle shop."

"It's not that easy, I will hurry up and find it."

"It's definitely not as fast as me, let me tell you. Get Sister Xiaozhao to answer the phone. The hot pot here is delicious. I want to make her greedy." He Hongmei smiled.

"You didn't hear the sound of the machine? I'm in the factory, and she's at home, taking Zhang Xiangbei to sleep."

He Hongmei said "Oh", she remembered, and asked: "By the way, did you make any calls today?"

Oops, I was busy with the store in the afternoon and had completely forgotten about the phone call. Zhang Chen said honestly:

"No, haven't you been looking for stores this afternoon?"

"You don't dare to fight, do you?"

"No, no, I don't dare to make a call. I'm really busy with the store, so I forgot about it."

"Okay, then remember to fight tomorrow. Let me tell you, as long as three companies start doing it, it will be a good start."

"Yeah, I will definitely fight tomorrow."

"Okay, goodbye Master!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen shook his head and snorted, "One of you is eating seafood dinner and the other is eating hot pot. What a big deal. I will also have gnocchi later, the gnocchi is so spicy."

However, Zhang Chen felt very happy to receive the call from He Hongmei. It was a double happiness. He was worried about everything last night, but he didn't expect that today's progress would be good. At least, there would be two "Half Acre Field" specialties. The store can be opened.

Zhang Chen took a look at the renderings of the specialty store he drew yesterday. When he was drawing yesterday, he was thinking about the specialty store of a second- and third-level agent, with an area of ​​about forty square meters. After finishing the drawing yesterday, he felt that it was pretty good. Now look at it, this store is not powerful enough to be a general agent, and it is even less likely to be like this for your own flagship store.

Zhang Chen found the piece of paper he had written on yesterday and looked at the words "warmth", "romantic", "life-oriented", "hope" and "comfort" on it. He felt that no matter how big or small the store was, it still had to be centered around Design with these words in mind. As long as these meanings can be reflected in the design, the design will be successful.

Zhang Chen felt that he had vaguely found some direction.

He first thought of the old-fashioned patio, and then thought of the treatment of the atrium when he designed Wanghai Mall.

With that, Zhang Chen decided to design this old-fashioned patio into a small, exquisite resting space.

Instead of opening the door, that part of the wall is reinforced with beams and columns at the top, and then the wall near the patio is completely knocked down to form an open space that connects the patio with the entire store.

The ground and the fish pond rockery there were very smelly, including the two crabapples. Zhang Chen decided to restore it as it was before, so he kept the entire old-fashioned patio in its original shape, cleaned the fish pond, raised fish, and added a few sets of tables and chairs. You can drink coffee and tea there, read books and newspapers, and even chat. He wants to make it a place for two or three friends to gather and have a rest.

One side of the patio is connected to the store, and on the three outside sides, Zhang Chen decided to use glass to make a two-story transparent space. The top is flush with the roof of the house, so wind and rain can't come in. , but those two crabapples, if you want, you can grow as much as you want.

Because three sides are made of glass, the entire patio will be very bright, which will also make half of the shops behind it brighter. At night, the glass can be lit up with colorful lights, giving it a dreamy feeling.

The wooden pillars in the store remain unchanged, but the outside is painted in various colors. From a distance, it looks like a colorful jungle.

The floor was still made of wood, and the ceiling was made of pieces of rough canvas. Machine holes were drilled around it, and the pieces were tightened with ropes. Zhang Chen thought, just like they used to use a slide projector to create the background on the stage, he was going to install the upward-facing slide projector. , print various sky or forest patterns on the top, and the slideshow can be constantly changed as the seasons and time change.

Outside, Zhang Chen had already thought about covering up the entire building, covering several hundred square meters, to create an effect wall.

Use ten centimeter wide wooden strips, spaced 2.5 centimeters apart, and arrange them one by one to form a wooden fence wall. The wood is painted with silver paint. Twenty centimeters away from the wooden strips is a black backboard. During the day , it looks a bit dazzlingly bright. At night, the lights on the back panel light up, and it is bright again.

On the wooden fence wall, three large characters "Half an Acre of Field" were made, which could be seen from a long distance. Zhang Chen remembered that under "Half an Acre of Field", he had to make a row of white Song-style characters "——Belong to own scenery”.

Further outside, the row of flower beds straddling their shop and Yan'an Road is now an obstacle to them. Zhang Chen wants to make use of it. He plans to use incandescent gypsophila to cover all the grass. , flowers and trees are covered with flowers and trees. When it is lit up at night, the entire row of flower beds is covered with silver light, just like the stars in the sky falling on the ground.

Yes, they will echo the huge facade behind, and will turn the middle section of Yan'an Road, the dimmest place, into the most brilliant place. After all, night belongs to women, especially women who shop.

He wants to make this place a place that attracts the attention of women all over the city.

Yiming Pastry, once a household name, is gone, and "Half Acre Field" is about to become a new household name.

There was a knock on the door.

Zhang Chen walked over and opened the door. He saw the cafeteria master bringing a bowl of noodles. Zhang Chen stretched his head and saw that the office door was open. He told the master, "You bring it to the office for me, and I'll eat there."

The cafeteria chef said yes, turned around and left with the gnocchi in hand.

Zhang Chen didn't want anyone to come in. He felt that his dream was locked up here. Half of the dream was not complete yet, let alone perfect. He was worried that someone would come in and crush it.

He closed the door gently, leaving the dream inside, and walked to the office.

He saw Zhao Zhigang and Lao Wan sitting in the office, also eating gnocchi. Zhang Chen walked in and told them, no one of you is allowed to talk to me today.

Zhao Zhigang and Lao Wan looked at him with doubts on their faces, but they both said "oh".

While Zhang Chen was eating gnocchi, he was still thinking about his previous idea. After thinking about it again, he thought it was OK. After eating the gnocchi, he could go back and put them on the paper.

Zhang Chen smiled and asked Lao Wan: "Lao Wan, do you know where to buy moso bamboo for scaffolding in Hangzhou?"

Lao Wan was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Didn't you tell us not to talk to you?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "You can tell now. Where can I buy it? We may need it in the next two days."

"There are moso bamboos in the west of the city, but none of the moso bamboo sellers have come back yet, so we can't buy them." Lao Wan said, "By the way, boss, don't you just produce moso bamboos in Yongcheng? A lot of moso bamboos in the west of the city are shipped here from Yongcheng. .”

Zhang Chen said okay, I will solve it myself.

He looked at the time and saw that it was not yet one o'clock. At this time, Xiao Wu should not be sleeping yet. He picked up the phone on the table and rang Xiao Wu. After a while, Xiao Wu came back.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Wu said, I need bamboo for scaffolding, can you help me find it?

Xiao Wu didn't say whether he could find it, but asked directly, Brother Chen, how much do you want?

"About two cars."

"When do you want it?"

"Just these few days."

"Okay, then I'll ask them to prepare it first. When you want it, just call a day in advance and I'll ask them to deliver it."

"Okay, thank you Xiao Wu!"

"Brother Chen..." Xiao Wu hesitated.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Is Brother Ganzi still in Hangzhou?"

"Let's go. I arrived in Hangcheng yesterday and didn't even stay for a moment. I was in a hurry to go back to Hainan. I should be arriving in Xuwen soon."

"Hey, Brother Chen, Sister Shuzhen came to see me today. She was very angry. I don't even know what to say."

"Definitely, I even suspect that this bastard said those words deliberately because he was drunk and crazy. He must know these words and they will reach Tan Shuzhen's ears the next day."

"I doubt it too."

"Xiao Wu, just pretend you don't know anything. If Tan Shuzhen wants to ask you anything else, just say that when you were in Haicheng, you were always with me and rarely with the pole. You didn't do anything about the pole either. I don’t know, the night before yesterday, we were drinking on the first floor, and we didn’t hear what the pole said upstairs.”

"Okay, Brother Chen."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen saw Zhao Zhigang and Lao Wan looking at him. Zhang Chen asked curiously, why are you looking at me? Eavesdropping on my phone calls?

Zhao Zhigang said: "Boss, didn't you say that we should build the first floor of this building?"

"Yes, that's right." Zhang Chen said.

"Then why do we need moso bamboo? What kind of scaffolding is needed on the first floor?"

"Not for use here."

"Where is that for?"

Zhang Chen thought to himself that if he told them, these two guys would get excited and chase him to find out more about it. Maybe they would follow him when he returns to the showroom.

Zhang Chen said to them: "I'll tell you tomorrow. By the way, I have important things to get in the evening. Please don't go to the showroom to try to woo me later."

Zhao Zhigang and Lao Wan said "Oh" again.

Zhang Chen stood up and saw that there were still many pastries he had bought. He picked out a pack of sesame candy and a pack of mung bean cake and put them in his pocket. He thought, okay, I am also someone who has tasted Yiming pastries. He And Zhao Zhigang said:

"Take all this and feed it to the workers."

Zhao Zhigang said yes.

Thank you to Pi Wusun, Li Ruijin, and Xiao Bian Zeibao for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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