The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 619 What should we do with your father?

After dinner, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao took Zhang Xiangbei and walked outside to Hanghai Road. They waited for a long time before a taxi passed by. They got in the car and Zhang Chen told the driver to go to Yan'an Road.

"Where is Yan'an Road?" the driver asked.

"The sales department of Yiming Food Factory."

The driver started the car and drove toward the city. He was thinking about it as he drove. After thinking for a long time, he still couldn't figure out where the sales department of this food factory was. He asked again:

"Where is the place you mentioned on Yan'an Road?"

Zhang Chen didn't know how to explain it to him. There were no other special buildings in that place. Zhang Chen said, just drive to the gate of Zhejiang Medical University and we can walk there by ourselves.

The driver said yes.

The three of them got off the car at the gate of Zhejiang Medical University. Xiao Zhao stood there and looked around. More than a hundred meters away on the right were Longxiang Bridge, the Federation of Trade Unions Building and Erqing Building. Beyond that was the Hong Kong Clothing Store and Jiefang Road. It looked like The lights were bright, and Xiao Zhao was about to go that way. Zhang Chen told her, not over there, but over here.

Xiao Zhao looked to the left. It was pitch black here. There were office buildings on both sides of this area. At night, when everyone was off work, only scattered windows were lit. This section of Yan'an Road had no lights other than street lights. Xiao Zhao took a breath as he looked at it, thinking, why is there anyone in the store here?

Zhang Chen hugged Zhang Xiangbei and walked there happily. When he saw the door open from a distance, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. When he came closer, Zhang Chen almost laughed. Who said this factory was inefficient? When I saw the door, there was a big sign erected with a big line of words on it:

"Store transfer, Hangzhou famous brand, Yiming Food, last three days."

Below are two larger words: "30% off."

The light in the store was dimmer than during the day. Zhang Chen confirmed that half of the fluorescent lights on the top were not turned on, but broken.

The store was busier than during the day. There were more than a dozen people selecting things, but they were all older people.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao said, let’s take a look and buy some of what we want to eat.

Xiao Zhao was in the distance. When Zhang Chen pointed here and said that's where it was, her heart became cold. She walked this way, and the further she walked, the colder her heart became. When she reached the door, she almost cried. One hundred and sixty-six One hundred thousand yuan to buy such a shabby house. Xiao Zhao now really regrets that he did not insist on coming out together in the afternoon. He came here to take a look before paying the money.

If she had come here this afternoon, she would never have agreed to pay.

It's already too late now, the money has been paid, and it's too late for you to regret it.

Zhang Chen asked, but didn't hear Xiao Zhao's reply. He turned around and saw that Xiao Zhao's face was a little ugly and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Xiao Zhao shook his head and said, nothing, just a little tired.

Zhang Chen didn't take it seriously and said to Zhang Xiangbei: "Zhang Xiangbei, look, look, what do you want to eat?"

Xiao Zhao smiled bitterly in his heart: "What does he want to eat? Fortunately, he doesn't know anything. If he knew that his father spent so much money to buy such a shabby place, he would want to eat you."

Zhang Chen took Xiao Zhao to the stairs, pointed up, and said to Xiao Zhao:

"Going up here is the second floor. The second floor is as big as the first floor. I have thought about it. The first floor is the business place and the second floor is the warehouse. I want to decorate this place like our showroom, with some of the latest models. We are afraid that other people will imitate them, so we don’t sell them below, but we sell them above, specifically for our stores below.”

Xiao Zhao let out a dull "hmm".

Zhang Chen continued: "There is also a financial room on the second floor. After the customers take the money, they settle the accounts upstairs. It has nothing to do with the ones below. By the way, your office is also upstairs. How about it? You won't be there in the future. Not in the booth, but here, sitting in the office and working!"

Xiao Zhao thought to himself, who cares about working in this shabby house? I might as well be in Sijiqing’s stall.

Zhang Chen looked behind him. When he saw that the clerks were busy, he unlatched the closed door and pushed it open secretly. He immediately laughed in his heart and cursed himself, "What are you afraid of? This place It's already yours. You are the owner here. Seriously, you lent it to them for the last three days.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao said that this is an old-fashioned patio and it is very beautiful. After I finish it, this will be a highlight for us.

Xiao Zhao stretched his head and looked outside. It was also dark outside and he couldn't see anything clearly.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

A clerk saw Zhang Chen and the others standing here and shouted from a distance.

Zhang Chen originally wanted to walk over and tell her that I was the one who bought this place, but he thought for a while and said nothing. Instead, he waved and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I'll just take a look."

"Close shut, close that door."

Zhang Chen said okay, quickly closed the door and locked the bolt.

The two of them walked to the other side of the store. Zhang Chen still asked Xiao Zhao if he wanted to buy anything, but Xiao Zhao still said no.

Zhang Chen handed Zhang Xiangbei to Xiao Zhao. He selected several kinds of food and bought a large vest bag, not because it was cheap, but because he felt that this was the best way to say goodbye to this famous brand in Hangzhou.

Isn’t it true that everyone in Hangzhou has eaten pastries from Yiming Food? I haven’t, so I’m here to make up for it.

When they got outside, Zhang Chen said wait a minute. He put the bag of food on the flower bed, took out his sketchbook from his bag, and stood there and started drawing.

They took a taxi and drove directly to the factory. They saw that Caidi and Xiaojuan had also come back, bringing back a lot of Sichuan specialties. They were supposed to come back in two days, but they couldn't stay at home. The large group of people returned to Hangzhou ahead of schedule.

When Caidi saw Xiao Zhao, she quickly ran over and hugged Zhang Xiangbei, inviting Xiao Zhao and Zhang Chen to eat in the office. Zhang Chen also gave them the bag of food and told them that it was a specialty of Hangzhou. eat.

Zhang Chen did not follow him to the office. He walked to the exhibition hall alone, sat down in front of the workbench, and took a whole piece of lead drawing paper. He first took out the land certificate from his bag and traced the floor plan inside. Lead on paper.

When it was almost ten o'clock, Xiao Zhao came to the exhibition hall with Zhang Xiangbei in her arms. She saw Zhang Chen sitting there blankly, and walked over to take a look. On the lead drawing paper in front of her, there were some messy drawings. I can't tell what the pattern is.

Xiao Zhao and Zhang Chen said: "Your son is going to sleep."

Zhang Chen said "Oh", stood up, and took Zhang Xiangbei from Xiao Zhao's hand.

"Let's go back." Zhang Chen said.

Xiao Zhao picked up Zhang Chen's bag from the table and walked to the door. Xiao Zhao was about to turn off the light, but Zhang Chen said, don't turn it off.

Xiao Zhao understood that he was going to come back, and now he was just sending them home.

The three of them returned to the room. Zhang Chen was about to put Zhang Xiangbei into the crib when Xiao Zhao shouted: "Put him on the bed and let Beibei sleep with me. You can go."

Zhang Chen said "hmm", put Zhang Xiangbei on the bed, said "I'm leaving" and left the room.

Seeing Zhang Chen's dejected look, Xiao Zhao knew that he was not in the right state and had not found inspiration yet. With this look, he would not sleep even if you tied him to the bed.

Xiao Zhao scooped half a cup of water from a plastic bucket filled with cold water, picked up a thermos bottle and added some hot water, squatted in front of another empty plastic bucket and brushed his teeth, then washed his face and feet with a washbasin, and put on the electric blanket After opening it, she remembered it. She took out the real estate certificate and land certificate from Zhang Chen's bag, placed them on the bedside, then took off her pants and got on the bed.

Sitting on the bed, she hugged Zhang Xiangbei next to her, placed her on her bent thighs, and fed him milk. Zhang Xiangbei took his n-head in his mouth and refused to let go. Xiao Zhao sucked it with him, and she After taking the real estate certificate and land certificate, she opened them and looked at them. She thought of the dim storefront and the dilapidated house. She couldn't figure it out. Why was Zhang Chen so fascinated that he spent so much money to buy this place?

Xiao Zhao let out a long sigh. She put down the two certificates, looked at Zhang Xiangbei, and murmured: "Beibeibeibei Zhang Xiangbei, what shall we do with your father?"

Zhang Chen returned to the factory. When he walked past the entrance of the staff canteen, the master in the canteen saw him and shouted: "Boss, do you want some noodles for dinner tonight?"

He knew that Zhang Chen liked to eat gnocchi most in the middle of the night.

Zhang Chen was happy when he heard it and shouted: "Yes, I want a big pot. I may stay up all night today."

"Okay, please make it more spicy?"

"Yes, kill me!"

The two people laughed, and Zhang Chen walked over.

He walked into the showroom, returned to the workbench and sat down. From next door, there was the sound of the sewing machine, music playing from the stereo, and the sound of many workers singing loudly along with the stereo. Everyone is used to working overtime at night and sleeping during the day. They all say that somehow they just can't do any work during the day, so it's not as good as at night.

This is the first day of work in the new year.

The sound came back again, making Zhang Chen feel very comfortable. It was much more comfortable than the quiet night last night.

Zhang Chen walked over and turned on all the lights in the exhibition hall. He was about to walk around the exhibition hall twice when the big brother on the stage rang loudly. Zhang Chen walked over and picked him up. It was Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan asked :

"Has the house been taken down?"

Zhang Chen said he got it and signed the agreement in the afternoon. Now the real estate certificate and land certificate are in my hands. I will start to go through the procedures tomorrow.

"How good." Liu Ligan smiled. He turned around and said to Meng Ping, "I got it."

"That's great, Zhang Chen!" Meng Ping shouted, "We are having a late-night snack in Zhanjiang, a seafood feast, Zhang Chen, can't you make it?"

"Come on, I'll be right away. Just wait. Don't leave until I arrive." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"Okay, let's not leave. We won't leave until we meet." Meng Ping also smiled.

"Are you staying in Zhanjiang at night?" Zhang Chen asked.

"No, the pole returned to my heart like an arrow. I said that I had to leave after finishing the late night snack, so I would try to get to Hai'an Pier at dawn."

"Then you drive in the middle of the night and pay attention to safety."

"Okay, anyway, it will be safe if the pole doesn't touch the steering wheel. The three of us can take turns driving the two cars, no problem."

Zhang Chen laughed, and he heard Liu Ligan shouting: "Zhang Chen, let me tell you, they colluded to belittle me, and I am not on the same level as them."

"Come on, I've seen your award-winning driving skills before. By the way, has the flat bumper been healed?"

"Yes, yes." Meng Ping laughed, Wu Zhaohui and Cao Xiaohe were also laughing, and even Yuanyuan was laughing too.

Liu Lizhan pointed at the phone, cursed "Fuck you," and hung up the phone.

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