The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 621 You are right again

Zhang Chen walked out of the office, stood in the yard, and burped. The bowl of gnocchi made him sweat profusely and his stomach was round. If he went to the showroom like this, he might not even be able to sit down. Come down.

The cold wind blows on the face, removing 10% of the sweat, making people feel clear-headed.

Zhang Chen stood there and thought for a while, then walked outside the factory. There was a faint crescent of moon above his head, and he could still distinguish the path clearly on the ground. Besides, he was familiar with it, so he didn't even take a flashlight and decided to go to the edge of the factory. Take a walk in the vegetable patch.

The dream continued in his mind, and now he was back inside the house again and needed to go upstairs.

That staircase is too narrow, and it is definitely not enough for a business place. There are so many goods that need to be moved up and down, and the load-bearing capacity will also be a problem.

Zhang Chen imagined that both the upstairs and downstairs must be designed according to commercial venues. However, the upstairs is only for his own internal customers for the time being. Only the customers of his own company's specialty stores can go upstairs.

But it is not ruled out that if the store on the first floor is not enough in the future and the business area needs to be expanded, the upstairs will also be opened up as a store.

Zhang Chen decided to renovate the entire staircase. There was a staircase going up from the bottom to a platform in the middle, and then two staircases were separated to the left and right, connected to the second floor, so that the flow of people going up and down the stairs could be selectively and automatically staggered.

When we got upstairs, because it was close to Yan'an Road, a whole effect wall was built. All the windows on the second floor facing Yan'an Road were sealed, so lighting became the first problem.

The original upstairs did not have a suspended ceiling. You can directly see the tiles and rafters on the roof. The floor height is high enough. The lowest part on the edge is more than four meters away from the floor. The suspended ceiling on the second floor must be made, otherwise it will be very hot in summer. , the space is too large, and the sealing of the roof is also poor, which will directly affect the effect of the air conditioning in the store.

For lighting, Zhang Chen first thought of the wall facing the patio. Like the downstairs, the roof was reinforced with beams and columns, and then the entire wall was knocked down and installed with glass, so that the light in the patio could be reduced. It can be seen through. The upper half of the patio has become a transparent body with four sides of glass. Standing upstairs, you can also see the scenery in the patio below through that glass.

In front of the glass, two sets of tables and chairs can be placed, both for business discussions and for customers who come to purchase goods to sit there and rest.

With that, Zhang Chen thought that on the suspended ceiling, he should dig several square holes of one and a half meters square, seal them with wooden squares and carpentry boards, go straight to the roof, and make vertical shafts. The tiles and rafters were removed, and the entire wellhead was replaced with a sloped glass roof, forming skylights from which light leaked in, making the entire store bright.

In the shafts, large sycamore leaves or propeller blades are stretched out in a criss-cross pattern. In this way, light can come in, but the sunlight will not shine directly into the store. At night, the lights installed in each shaft light up. Each shaft has become a light source again, still making the entire store bright.

Zhang Chen decided to divide the current cubicle into three, a financial room, a manager's room, and a salesperson's office. Those new customers who came here because of the reputation and wanted to negotiate exclusive sales matters were in this room. Negotiate there.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen felt that the entire building had become fuller. It was more than 700 square meters. Not only did it not look spacious, but it was a bit cramped. It would be great if there could be another floor. The idea of ​​adding another floor flashed in Zhang Chen's mind. The idea came to mind, but it was immediately rejected. The foundation of such an old building simply could not bear the need to add another layer.

Unless it is to be demolished and started again, and the construction cost is not mentioned, the piece of land is too small, only more than 480 square meters, less than an acre, haha, it is a little more than half an acre, really half an acre Tian!

Zhang Chen walked on the field ridge and laughed to himself. He felt that he was thinking too much. This place has not yet started business, and you have to think about tearing it down and rebuilding it. Your intention is too unrestrained, right?

Zhang Chen looked around. The vegetable fields far and near were covered with a layer of white frost, shining with a melancholy light in the faint moonlight.

Zhang Chen felt something hard in his pocket, put his hand in, and then remembered that it was a pack of sesame candy and a box of mung bean cake that he had put in his pocket.

Zhang Chen took it out, opened it, and put it in his mouth. He felt that the sesame candy was delicious. It was the Yiming pastry from Hangzhou. It was much more delicious than the sesame candy from Yongcheng.

Then he opened the box of mung bean cake and put it in his mouth. It melted in his mouth and was slippery. Zhang Chen felt that in all his life, he had never eaten such delicious mung bean cake.

Not only did he feel pity for the Yiming Food Factory, he felt that their products would look completely different if they changed their packaging and marketing methods. It was not unreasonable for the old brand to survive until now, but Why can't we take another step forward?

If you take one step, the world may become wider.

What Zhang Chen doesn't know is that for companies like theirs, especially those business leaders, this step is the most difficult. If you take this step, you may succeed or you may fail. Failure is what you asked for. , you deserve it. If you succeed, no one will applaud you, and your income will not increase.

Why go to the limelight?

Don't do anything, just be a maintenance president, sell what you can, pay workers' wages, and prevent workers from going to the city government to cause trouble. This is the biggest contribution of factory leaders. If this factory is not good, then At the worst possible time, I might change to another factory, or be the factory director.

Just mess around like this until you retire and can take care of yourself.

Bu Xinsheng, Ma Shengli, the so-called reformers who liked to be in the spotlight a few years ago, who will end well?

Of course, Zhang Chen didn't know this. He just felt a little pity for Yiming Food Factory. Even with this emotion, he himself felt like a cat crying over a mouse.

Zhang Chen started walking back and reached the factory gate. He thought that after the store on Yan'an Road was built, the two floors across the factory no longer needed to be used for display. The first floor could be built as a sample room. And finished product distribution center, goods sent to general agents across the country are shipped directly here. In this way, the store on Yan'an Road is more like their general distributor in Hangzhou.

On the second floor, a design center can be built. With so many products, half of Jiahe Hongmei's products will definitely not be enough if he only relies on himself. They also need to recruit more designers. As He Hongmei said, Zhang Chen himself I also feel that my designs have too distinct personal colors, which is a good thing, but also a bad thing.

If there are hundreds of styles in a store, all with your distinctive personal color, Zhang Chen understands that this will appear too monotonous. The distinctive personality is formed on the basis of excluding the selectivity of many people, just like they are now Zhang Chen also had to admit that if it were not for He Hongmei's participation, the wearability would be much lower.

That is to say, it looks good, but is difficult to wear, too picky, and lacks fussiness and flexibility in details.

Zhang Chen feels that their products themselves need to be rich in diversity while maintaining their individuality.

Zhang Chen walked to the door of the showroom, opened the door and walked in.

Zhang Xiangbei woke up crying twice in the middle of the night. Xiao Zhao got up, fed him once, and changed his diaper. The first time was around one o'clock, but Zhang Chen didn't come back. The second time was at four o'clock. It's been several minutes, but Zhang Chen hasn't come back yet.

Xiao Zhao sat on the bed, wanting to get up and go to the factory. Then he looked at Zhang Xiangbei next to him. Thinking about the cold weather outside, he hesitated, thinking that in ten minutes, he would be in this warm bed again. After sitting for ten minutes, I didn't expect that I was so sleepy that I fell asleep while sitting.

Xiao Zhao was woken up by the banging of the iron door downstairs. It was already dawn outside. She looked at the time and saw that it was almost seven o'clock. She thought, Zhang Chen should be back this time, right?

Sure enough, after a while, she heard the sound of the key unlocking the door.

Zhang Chen opened the door and came in. He was surprised to see Xiao Zhao and Yi sitting on the bed, and asked, "Why aren't you asleep yet?"

"No way, I got up to change this little guy's diaper, and I was thinking of going to the factory to find you in ten minutes, so I fell asleep just sitting there." Xiao Zhao said with a smile.

"Why are you looking for me? You're just fooling around in the dark. Don't go out at night. It's not safe. I was ready to tell you last time." Zhang Chen said, "I will come back naturally after I finish my work."

Xiao Zhao looked at Zhang Chen with a happy face and a picture folder on his back, and asked, "Are you done?"

Zhang Chen said proudly: "Will I let you go home until it's over?"

"Show me quickly."

Zhang Chen put the painting folder on the table, opened it, took out a stack of renderings, and handed it to Xiao Zhao. Xiao Zhao took one look and shouted:

"Oh my God! Honey, is this that shitty... place we went to last night?"

"Of course, I didn't see such a big 'half-acre field'."

"How can it be?"

"How is it impossible? Look carefully and see if it's there."

Xiao Zhao looked at it again one by one, and vaguely saw the shadow of the place he had been to last night, but this one was brand new and completely changed. Xiao Zhao almost cried, this time he was so excited.

"My dear, when will you start doing this?" Xiao Zhao asked.

"I'll start as soon as I wake up. Today I'll take Lao Wan to measure all the dimensions and draw the construction drawings." Zhang Chen walked to the bed, fell down, lay on Xiao Zhao's body, and shouted: " I’m so sleepy.”

"Okay, okay, go to sleep quickly."

Xiao Zhao said and looked at Zhang Chen again. She seemed to be snoring outside the quilt lying on her body. Xiao Zhao quickly shook him awake and told him, "Take off your clothes and take off your clothes. I will leave this place to you. Be careful." Don't pressure your son.

Zhang Chen muttered and couldn't keep his eyes open. Xiao Zhao got out of bed, put on his pants, turned around and helped him take off his pants and clothes, stuffed him into the bed, then walked aside and used hot water to twist him. He came back with a towel and wiped his face and hands.

Zhang Chen was really exhausted. He didn't sleep much the day before, and he stayed up all night last night. He had already fallen asleep and was at the mercy of Xiao Zhao.

Xiao Zhao finished wiping him and stood up. Looking at the father and son on the bed, she couldn't help but laugh softly. She lay down and kissed Zhang Chen and then Zhang Xiangbei.

She picked up the renderings, walked to the table and sat down, looking at them one by one, smiling silly.

She thought, luckily she didn't go there yesterday afternoon. If she had gone to see that place yesterday, no matter how shameless she was, she wouldn't have agreed to Zhang Chen paying the money. If she hadn't bought it, how could they have such a beautiful shop and half an acre of land! flagship store!

Xiao Zhao looked at the sleeping Zhang Chen from a distance and thought, okay, okay, you are right again. For such a beautiful store, it is worth it even if we lose everything, is this good?

Thanks for the half-drunk tip! Thank you Lao Chentang and Cherry for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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