The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 62 Earned a bottle of water

Liu Ligan was riding his bicycle and seemed to hear the sound of a BB recorder. He picked it up and took a look. It was correct this time. Someone had indeed detained him. Liu Ligan looked at the number and saw that it belonged to Li Yong. He turned right at the intersection in front of him.

His current location was not far from the Longzhu Building. Liu Ligan stopped looking for a public phone and simply rode over there.

Li Yong and Chen Qihang were sitting in the office. When they saw Liu Ligan coming in, they were both surprised.

"I just detained you, why are you here?" Li Yong asked.

Liu Ligan said: "I'm nearby. I'd rather call you back. I might as well just come over here. What's the matter?"

"Can your newspaper place an advertisement for selling ham?" Li Yong asked.

"We can sell human legs, but we can't sell ham." Liu Ligan said with a smile, "What's going on?"

Only then did Li Yong tell him that his company had brought a truckload of Xuanwei ham from Yunnan. They had promised to buy it from a store at the Fishery Terminal, but after they brought it in, they said the business was not good now and they didn't want it anymore. , the ham from this car was smashed into his hands. His uncle was very troubled by this and asked them to find a way. The two of them thought about it, or they could advertise and sell it themselves.

At that time, there was not so much emphasis on doing business. Everyone did it based on the number of people. They didn’t even know how to sign a decent contract, and it was of no use if they signed it. Among acquaintances, there was no such thing as a deposit or advance payment. This store is an old customer of their company, but when the economy is bad, old customers will fall out.

Liu Ligan knew that he had eaten Jinhua ham, but he didn’t know what Xuanwei ham was. He asked if there were any samples of ham, and Chen Qihang brought a dark ham from the office next door and put it on the table. Go up, Liu Ligan looks at this ham, it is similar to Jinhua ham, and smells the same.

At that time, the local people in Hainan didn't even know what ham was, let alone eating ham or buying ham. No wonder the store at the fishery wharf didn't want it. Liu Ligan thought to himself, Li Yong's uncle had a relationship with Mr. Xie. The drunkards and drunkards are just like the fellow villagers in Haicheng. Their heads are broken and it’s hard to tell.

"The only way to buy this thing is from mainlanders, especially people from Yunnan." Liu Ligan said.

"Yes, there are not many Yunnan people in Hainan, unlike Sichuan and Hunan people, and we don't know where they are, so we thought of advertising." Chen Qihang said.

"If you want to advertise, you can only advertise in the Haicheng Evening News. Our newspaper is definitely not good. Even if you advertise it, it will have no effect. Who will buy such a ham and carry it on your shoulders?" Liu said. said the pole.

Li Yong asked urgently: "Haicheng Evening News, do you have any acquaintances? We don't understand your business."

"You don't need acquaintances when advertising. They'll ask for you. Just wait, I'll be back in ten minutes."

Liu Ligan thought, this "Haicheng Evening News" is next door, just run over and ask. Although Liu Ligan has never dealt with the advertising department of "Haicheng Evening News", he knows that the advertising departments of all newspapers , as long as you can attract advertisements, they are welcome and you will get commission.

"Okay, please." Li Yong shouted.

"We are all our own people. Your business is not my business." Liu Ligan said and got up and went downstairs.

When Liu Ligan arrived at "Haicheng Evening News", the advertising department was on the right side of the door, just opposite to the office he applied for last time.

Liu Ligan walked into the first office and saw a little girl. He took out his business card and explained his purpose to her.

This little girl looked like a ghost. As soon as she saw that the business card Liu Ligan handed her was a regular business card, instead of the one with the name written by himself, she knew that he was a regular employee of the "Talent Information News" and had a few coins on hand. She was a client who came out to make extra money. She quickly got up and led Liu Ligan to the director's office at the back.

The director's surname was Huang. Director Huang was also very enthusiastic when he saw Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan told him that he had some clients who wanted to advertise, but it was not a recruitment advertisement. Director Huang, you also know that our newspaper is a professional newspaper, not There will be other ads, so I'll come over and take a look.

"Understand, understand, we are all colleagues, so I will tell you not to tell secrets. In this way, if you bring the advertisement to us, I will give you a 20% commission. Do you think it is okay?" Director Huang said, " This is also a unified standard, and the commissions for the advertisements I bring in are also based on this proportion."

20%, which is the same as his own newspaper office. Liu Ligan was secretly happy. What he was happy about was that this unintentional way also opened up a new door. Since they were all building washers, he couldn't do it as well. To start other advertising business, as long as you don't break your promise to the director, you can send all the recruitment advertisements to your own newspaper.

Anyway, even if they pulled the other advertisements back, they wouldn't be able to publish them in their newspapers.

"Commission is fine, but there's one problem. If I pull these ads, I can't do it in the name of my own newspaper." Liu Ligan said.

"I understand, I will also print your business card for you. In this way, the BB machine is yours, and the phone number will be left in my office. If someone calls me, I will tell you that you are not here and let him detain you, okay?" Director Huang was also very happy. .

"Okay, thank you, Director Huang!" Liu Ligan said quickly.

"You're welcome. We will be colleagues from now on. In this case, you can come and pick up the business card tomorrow. Will you take the price list and blank contract with you now or together tomorrow?" Director Huang asked.

"Take it away now."

Director Huang stood up immediately, took the price list and a stamped blank contract from the cabinet in the office, put it in a large envelope from "Haicheng Evening News", and handed it to Liu Ligan. When Liu Ligan stood up to say goodbye, , thinking of something, he asked Director Huang:

"By the way, Director Huang, I have some clients who are my friends. I don't want to make money from these clients. Can I just sign the contract at a 20% discount? Then I won't need to mention the achievements."

"Yes, of course we agree with your high moral character. However, in addition to expressing our admiration for you, we can only give you a bottle of water. These days, it is really strange that there are people who get up early without any advantage."

Director Huang said, stood up again, actually took out a bottle of water from a cardboard box on the ground, and gave it to Liu Lipole. Come on, drink on the way. It's such a hot day.

Liu Ligan thanked Director Huang and left.

He walked into Li Yong's office. Li Yong and Chen Qihang asked anxiously, how is it?

"It's done." Liu Ligan took out the price list, handed it to Li Yong, and said to him: "The specifications and prices are on it. I asked them to give a discount of 20% off."

"Okay, I'll go talk to Mr. Xu." Li Yong took the price list and left. The Mr. Xu he was talking about was his uncle.

After a while, Li Yong came back happily and told Liu Ligan and others that it was finalized, it was just the quarter column. My uncle even praised me and asked me where I found the connection, saying it was "Haicheng Evening News" If you come to him to talk about advertising, the lowest price is 9.50% off. I have never heard of 20% off. Pole, what do you have to do with it?

Liu Ligan thought to himself, what kind of relationship do I have? I am my own relationship. They gave me a 9.5% discount and a commission of five points, but I gave up all of it.

"I asked their director for it. I think you should do it beautifully when your uncle asks you to do it." Liu Ligan said.

"Thank you, thank you so much!" Li Yong said, "By the way, who will the contract be signed with? Should they send someone here, or should it be signed with you?"

"I just need to sign. Now I have been dragged into the trap by their director, and I am also from Haicheng Evening News." Liu Ligan said with a smile.

"Really, that's great!" Li Yong and Chen Qihang both shouted, and Chen Qihang also said, "Their director is really discerning."

Li Yong and Liu Ligan signed the contract, then went to the finance department to get a check and returned it to Liu Ligan. After Liu Ligan said goodbye to them, he walked downstairs. He thought about putting the check in his bag and returned it. Worried about losing it, Liu Ligan simply went to Haicheng Evening News again.

Director Huang saw that Liu Ligan had been away for about 20 minutes and then came back. He thought he had left something here, so he looked around and said doubtfully:

"Xiao Liu, why did you end up here? I didn't see it."

"A bottle of water." Liu Ligan smiled.

"A bottle of water?" Director Huang was confused.

Liu Ligan handed the contract and check to Director Huang. When Director Huang saw it, he almost couldn't believe his eyes: "So fast?"

He looked at the discount above again, understood, and shouted happily: "The water is in the cardboard box on the ground. You can get it yourself. You can take as many bottles as you want. If there is not enough, I will have someone carry a box over for you."

"That's enough, that's enough. I want a bottle. Thank you, Director Huang." Liu Ligan said quickly.

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