The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 61 These bad guys

As soon as Mr. Tan saw so many bad guys, he got angry. He walked to the wall, pushed his left hand against the wall, and shouted:

"You want to cause trouble, don't you? You want to make a Hong Kong movie, right? OK, come on, if you have the guts, cut here!"

Mr. Tan pointed to his left hand with his right hand and said to the landlord and those bad guys.

The other party obviously didn't expect to encounter such a thorn in the side today, so he hesitated.

The two sides were in a stalemate for a long time, but the landlord still didn't dare to ask them to kill him, but he couldn't lose his face. He turned around and told the bad guys to close the door.

Mr. Tan rushed to the door in one step and shouted: "Who the hell dares."

The landlord shouted: "Take him away, throw him down, and seal the door."

"What's going on?" As soon as the elevator door opened, three men in military uniforms, an officer and two soldiers, came out. The officer asked as he walked out.

When he saw Mr. Tan, he walked over and saluted him: "Old leader!"

"Xiao Zheng, why are you here?" Mr. Tan asked curiously.

The landlord and the bad guys were stunned when they saw this situation. When the bad guys saw the soldiers coming, they quickly wanted to slip away from the fire escape. Xiao Zheng shouted:


Those bad guys stopped.

"stand at attention!"

A few bad guys stood at attention obediently.

"Get in line!"

They stood in line against the wall.

Xiao Zheng walked over, took something from someone's hand, and opened the newspaper. Inside was a homemade machete. Xiao Zheng cursed:

"You dare to come out in broad daylight with these scraps of metal to scare the people. Are you so fucking powerful?"

Xiao Zheng didn't scold enough, and slapped each one one by one. Those people stood there with knives in their hands, but they dared not speak out.

At that time, there was a saying circulating in Haicheng, which meant that bad guys were afraid of the police, the police were afraid of the armed police, and the armed police were afraid of the army. This is of course a joke, but it can be seen that the troops have a deterrent effect in the local area. It is no wonder that these bad guys who usually roam the streets immediately become obedient when they see the soldiers.

"Disarm them all." Xiao Zheng said to the two soldiers.

The two soldiers walked over and before their hands even touched the knives, the gangsters handed them the knives themselves.

Xiao Zheng walked up to the landlord, looked at him and asked, "Did you bring these junk?"

The landlord quickly said: "They are going to other places. They are not here to cause trouble. They are just passing by and come up to take a look."

"Do you know who he is?" Xiao Zheng pointed at Mr. Tan.

"I don't understand him. I really don't understand him. It's just a misunderstanding. It's a misunderstanding." The landlord said quickly, taking out a cigarette and handing it to the two people, who both pushed it away.

Xiao Zheng asked Mr. Tan: "Old commander, how are you doing? Do you want me to take these people away?"

Mr. Tan said forget it, it’s not a big deal. Besides, it’s not him who owes me money for the project.

"Yes, that bastard is the renter. He still owes me rent, so he ran away. This big brother and I really have a misunderstanding." The landlord said quickly.

"Let's go, let's go, you're so long-winded." Xiao Zheng said impatiently.

As soon as they heard they could leave, those bad guys didn't even have time to take the elevator, so they dispersed from the fire escape. The landlord retreated to the elevator. When the elevator arrived, the door opened, but the landlord didn't go in, but pointed backwards with one hand. He stopped the elevator door from closing and said to Mr. Tan:

"Brother, everything in it belongs to you. You take it all. I'll wait until you take it all out and I'll come back."

After saying this, he entered the elevator and left.

Xiao Zheng said to the two soldiers, "You can go down too and wait for me in the car."

"Did Xiao Zhong call you?" Mr. Tan asked Xiao Zheng.

Xiao Zhong is Mr. Tan’s assistant. He must be down there. When he saw that the other party had brought so many bad guys, he knew that the situation was not good, so he quickly called Xiao Zheng. Xiao Zheng was in the army and turned out to be Mr. Tan’s subordinate. Later he was transferred to the Military Region Headquarters in Haicheng and became an administrator.

"It's not who he is, I'll wait for you to call me, will you?" Xiao Zheng complained.

"I can handle this shit myself," Mr. Tan said.

"How do you deal with it? The army is the army and the place is the place. Brother, I am not talking about you. You should change your quick temper. Don't suffer the loss. If you encounter this kind of thing, call your brother and I promise to help you. Take care of it, now I have to deal with these rotten people every day,” Xiao Zheng said.

"Then I want to warn you, don't take money you shouldn't take, and don't eat food you shouldn't eat. Do you understand? If you need money, just talk to me." Mr. Tan said.

"No shortage. Besides, am I that kind of person?"

"I'm just afraid of you. You walk in the water every day and your shoes don't get wet. Besides, what kind of place is Haicheng? How tempting it is."

"I know, brother, I can control this."

"As long as you have a good grasp of it." Mr. Tan nodded.

At that time, the state encouraged all units to carry out diversified operations to generate income. From banks to government agencies, from schools to public security bureaus and the army, everyone was calling for companies in response to the national call. Even the veteran cadres of the National People's Congress who had retreated to the second line began to Run a company and find ways to make money.

The local armed police in Haicheng has set up an enterprise bureau and a production office. The army does not have these departments. Their diversified operations are handed over to the logistics department. In the logistics department, those who are responsible for contacting various external businesses are small businesses. Administrators like Zheng.

The administrators of the army were not high-level, usually at the company or battalion level, but they were very popular in the local area at that time. The administrators of the border defense forces were also responsible for business like Jin Lili's company.

Mr. Tan and Xiao Zheng were standing smoking. Xiao Zheng asked Mr. Tan, what should we do here?

Mr. Tan smiled bitterly and said, "What can I do? Just pay for it. Every inch of these decorations is worth money. After they are taken down, they will become garbage. If you throw them away as garbage, you have to pay for someone to take it away. Forget it, that's it." With him, the front is just a matter of fighting.

"Isn't that a loss?" Xiao Zheng asked.

"There is nothing we can do about the loss. Everyone has run away. I can't set the house on fire." Mr. Tan said with a smile, "It's okay. I can bear this loss."

If a project fails, the company will suffer huge losses, but the people below will also suffer losses. The wages of construction workers and squad leaders and company commanders are guaranteed, and the company will pay them as usual, but bonuses and commissions after the completion of the project will definitely be No, the project has not been completed, and the company has lost so much money. Do you still have the nerve to ask for this money?

Of these two unfinished projects, one was designed by Zhang Chen. It seemed that 50% of the bonus was wasted, but there was nothing that could be done.

Everyone else was frowning, but Zhang Chen found that only the second-rate guy was still as happy as ever. Zhang Chen was puzzled and asked him, what the hell are you happy about all day long?

I won’t tell you, said the second-rate guy.

The idiot walked away for a while and then came back. He was probably too happy and couldn't hold it in anymore. He came back and mysteriously said to Zhang Chen, "I'll tell you a good thing, instructor, it's now on sale."

Zhang Chen was startled. He didn't expect that this one would come with a big discount. He asked curiously: "How much discount?"

"This is the lowest I've ever encountered." The second-rate guy held out three fingers and told him.

Back home, Zhang Chen took this matter as a pleasure and told Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan glanced at him and asked, "You just know now? I discovered it a long time ago. I didn't see Jianqiang now." , looking sad every day."

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, then thought about it carefully, and realized that this was really the case.

Liu Ligan lay there, sighed, and said, "Zhang Chen, tell me, how can we survive in a place when business in Dingdong is sluggish?"

"You have to live if you can't survive, or else you'll go back and be shot and burned?" Zhang Chen said.

"Then I would rather die here than go back and be killed." Liu Ligan shouted.

After a while, Liu Ligan asked again: "Zhang Chen, do you think this is the economic crisis written in the book?"

"How do I know?" Zhang Chen said, "It should be so."

"But the book doesn't say that economic crises are a specialty of capitalist countries. How the hell can we catch up?"

"I don't know what the book says. I only know that where there is an economy, there will be an economic crisis. Just like if there is an uphill slope, there will definitely be a downhill slope." Zhang Chen said.

"This is a good saying. It means that if there is a downhill, there will definitely be an uphill. As long as we persist, we can see the uphill. Hey, listen, there is another fucking quarrel next door." Liu Ligan shouted .

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