The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 60 The end of good times

Liu Ligan felt that his good days had begun in Haicheng, but he did not expect that they were just lucky enough to catch the end of the good days.

The development and construction boom that started when Hainan was established as a province in 1988 came to an abrupt end last year. Hainan's economy began to slump and everyone began to live a hard life. In the second half of 1990, Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan came to the island. At that time, the economic situation became more severe.

Due to geographical and transportation constraints, Haicheng did not have any decent companies at that time except for a company that made coconut juice, such as Panda Motors, which was claimed to be the world's first plastic car at the time, and a prototype was still in operation two years earlier. After entering Zhongnanhai, we invited the national leaders at that time to take a test drive, and surrounded a large automobile industrial park, which was left undeveloped and abandoned.

Haicheng was barely able to survive at that time, with a population of more than one million, one-third of which were from the mainland. When the economy was in recession, those who came to the island could not find jobs, so they chose to go to other cities in the mainland. Once people leave, the most direct impact will be on local people like the Yilin family who live by collecting rent.

The Yilin family is already considered the best. All three tenants are still there. Many of the other families around have left more than half of them. The worst ones don’t even have a single family left, so they don’t even have the money to drink Dad’s tea. No where to be found.

What will be worse next are those trading companies that transport various materials from the mainland into Haicheng for sale. The goods cannot be sold, and they cannot be transported back. If they are shipped back, they may not even be able to pay for the freight. What's even worse are those who pile goods in warehouses but can't even pay the rent for the warehouses.

Mr. Xie rented a piece of land from the Armed Police Force and initially planned to build a furniture factory to make office furniture. After the steel structure factory was built, he saw that the office furniture on the market could no longer be sold, so he did not dare to continue. The huge factory only I could rent it to others as a warehouse. A fellow villager rented his warehouse and piled up a warehouse of Jiugui wine and Xiangquan wine, which were not well-known at the time.

As a result, fellow villagers couldn’t sell their wine and had no money to pay the rent. They also ran back to their hometown in Hunan, leaving only a warehouse of wine here. Every time Liu Ligan went to Mr. Xie’s place, Mr. Xie would definitely invite Liu Li When you drink, all you get is drunkard's wine.

Mr. Xie and Liu Ligan said that this was the only wine in the country that was more expensive than Moutai. Liu Ligan took it and took a look at it, and felt that this clay wine bottle made of yellow mud was good. Its shape was like a bottle. The design of the tied hessian bag is very novel and unique. After taking a sip, the wine is not bad, but there are so many good wines in the world. Why do you sell them more expensively than Moutai?

No wonder you have a fucking warehouse piled up here and can't sell it. Liu Ligan thinks that Mr. Xie, a fellow countryman, has lost his mind by bringing this wine to Hainan.

What did Hainanese drink at that time? The rich drink Louis XIII and Rémy Martin XO plus Sprite; the poor drink a casual aphrodisiac wine named "Aphrodisiac", the big bottle is called Big Aphrodisiac, the small bottle is called Little Aphrodisiac, or Deer Turtle Wine, who would drink this little thing like you?

Before leaving, Mr. Xie asked Liu Ligan to take as much as he could. Liu Ligan smiled and said, I have a broken bicycle, but I only need a bottle of Jiugui Liquor and four bottles of 20 Liang. A half-filled bottle of Xiangquan wine.

Liu Ligan felt that the Xiangquan wine tasted better than the Jiugui wine when he drank it. He brought a bottle of Jiugui wine purely because the bottle was fun and wanted to take it back to Zhang Chen. He thought Zhang Chen would definitely know it. Love the shape of this bottle.

Sure enough, Zhang Chen really liked the Jiugui wine as soon as he saw it. He felt that the design was really ingenious. Then he looked at the poem on the outer packaging and the word "Jiugui" on the bottle. He was extremely happy and realized that this The wine bottle was designed by Huang Yongyu. It turns out that great painters can also design wine bottles, which seemed very low-level at the time.

Liu Ligan didn't know who Huang Yongyu was, so Zhang Chen scolded: "Have you always seen that monkey stamp?"

"I know."

"That one was designed by Huang Yongyu." Zhang Chen said.

"Then I understand, he is a drunkard with monkey spirit and monkey spirit. Come on, have a drink." Liu Ligan shouted and picked up the cup. The two of them finished a bottle of drunkard wine with a salt-baked chicken and duck intestines. .

"This wine is much better than gunshaoshao." Liu Ligan concluded. The gunshaoshao he was talking about was the liquor store under his troupe. The liquor cost 80 cents a bottle, "a thousand cups less".

Zhang Chen agreed.

It seemed like overnight, all the companies had made appointments and were no longer hiring. Liu Ligan continued to wash the building every day, but when he arrived at his company, he obviously felt that people nowadays were impatient. Without saying a few words, he said Next time, let’s talk next time, okay? I do not have time right now.

Liu Ligan knew that there would never be a next time, there would be no time, in fact, to be more precise, there would be no mood.

And the office director directly told Liu Ligan to recruit people? I have to look for a job myself, who can I recruit?

Liu Ligan watched the BB recorder whenever he had time. Sometimes while riding his bicycle on the road, he seemed to hear the BB recorder ringing. He quickly held the handlebar with one hand and took it off to take a look, but nothing happened.

Although he could still barely complete the monthly tasks, his performance had plummeted. Liu Ligan was even embarrassed to report back to the club, and the club also avoided the director like a ghost. He was extremely anxious about this.

Liu Ligan did not expect that the director was more anxious than him. In the entire advertising department, Liu Ligan was the only one who could complete the task. The one with the worst performance simply lost zero. The print run of the newspaper also dropped. The less the print run, The company leaders are counting on the advertising department more and more, calling the director every day, but the advertising department also needs someone to recruit.

The East Lake advertising wall, that is, the empty space Liu Ligan and the others were talking about, no longer has the prosperity it once had. Many advertisements cost half a day to post, but they were posted there for three days. There are no new advertisements covering it. In the past, there was no delay for even a minute. There were too many advertisements rushing to be posted on the wall every day.

There are a lot fewer people in front of the advertising wall than before. It is no longer the crowded scene before. Many people come to take a look. Damn it, they are all the companies they have applied for, and they are still posted there. Turn around and go. gone.

What Liu Ligan felt, Jin Lili and Zhang Chen also felt, business is difficult to do, and there are some profitable businesses, so more people can squeeze in. In Mr. Xia’s words, at the earliest, one person can divide five Later, one person could get two pieces, but now one person can only get one piece, and everyone still has to fight for this piece.

The only thing that remains unchanged is that you have to invite the guests you should invite, give the gifts you should give, and the number must not be less, otherwise, you will not even have the chance to grab this piece.

When Jin Lili went to Nanzhuang Hotel again, she found that after getting off Nandaqiao, there were fewer and fewer cars parked on the roadside. Eventually, there were no cars on both sides of the road, and all the cars were parked in the parking lot in front of the door. and the back yard.

The concert on the second floor was canceled first. No one was satisfied, so why sing? Most of the people who go to the second floor to eat now are for private banquets. If you sing up there for a long time, people will not only not appreciate it, but also think you are noisy. The first floor It's still full every day, but the waiter feels much more relaxed. He doesn't have to turn over the tables and can slowly close the tables.

The hotel is overturned, but it is similar to a war, the same tension, the same race against time, but no one will die.

The same goes for Zhang Chen's company. There are already two companies, and renovations are still in progress. The landlord came to seal the door, saying that the tenant ran away.

Damn it, the tenant is Party A of their company, and Party A has fled. How can this project be carried out? Mr. Tan was furious and drove the car all the way. When he got downstairs, he opened the car door and went upstairs to argue with the landlord.

The landlord stood there, not in a hurry, and when Mr. Tan finished yelling, the landlord said, "Are you going to do it?" Do I understand you? Do you understand me? You don’t even understand me, why are you yelling at me?

When people in Hainan say they know someone, they don’t mean they know each other, but they mean they understand. Whether I understand you or not means whether I recognize you or not.

"This door cannot be sealed. The decoration inside was done by me or I advanced the money. I didn't even get the decoration money," Mr. Tan said.

"You haven't gotten the renovation money. My time has passed and I haven't gotten the rent. Do you want to rent it? If you want to rent it, pay the rent. I'll leave right away. If you don't want to rent it, I can seal my house as long as I want. "The landlord is not someone to be trifled with.

The two people were arguing, and a bunch of bad guys came up from below. Each of them was holding a long object wrapped in a newspaper. Everyone knew what was inside. These bad guys came with the landlord. They were below. Waiting, just waiting for the landlord to say hello.

In Haicheng, landlords who could build such a large house at that time generally followed both black and white.

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