The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 63 Six media joint reporters

Liu Ligan asked Zhang Chen to design an advertisement for Li Yong and others "Xuanwei Ham, Yunnan people's own 'legs'" and sent it to Li Yong for Mr. Xu's review. Mr. Xu was very satisfied after reading it. I told Li Yong that the painting is good, and this sentence is also well composed, haha!

After the advertisement was published, Liu Ligan called Li Yong and asked him how effective the advertisement was.

Li Yong said it was okay, and many people called him one after another. This car of hams will probably be sold out in more than a month, and finally there will be no loss.

Liu Ligan thought for a moment and asked Li Yong, "Will you be there tomorrow morning?"


"Okay, then I'll come tomorrow morning." Liu Ligan said to him.

When Liu Ligan returned home after washing the building, he quickly took out several shoe boxes of his business cards and dug out his notebook. Then he searched and copied on the paper.

When Zhang Chen came back, he saw business cards spread out on a table and asked Liu Ligan, what was this for? Liu Ligan talked to him, and Zhang Chen also sat down and helped him find it. The two of them were busy until midnight, and then they went to that food stall for a late-night snack.

When he arrived at the door and saw Jianqiang sitting there listlessly, Liu Ligan said, "Let's have supper together, I'll treat you."

Jianqiang raised his head and looked upstairs. Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen remembered that the door next door was open when they just passed by. Zhang Chen asked, is your wife okay? Let's go together.

Jianqiang called Jiajia downstairs. Jiajia ran into the corridor and leaned out. Jianqiang told her to come down and have a midnight snack. Jiajia ran downstairs.

It seems like their business is really not doing well. Zhang Chen thought.

The next morning, Liu Ligan went to Li Yong first. He took out a stack of more than 20 pages of paper and said to Li Yong:

"You can't just wait here for customers to come to your door. You have to take the initiative to sell door-to-door. This is where all the hotels in Haicheng make bridge rice noodles and Yunnan cuisine, as well as those who cook Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai cuisine. They all use Jinhua ham.

"I've seen it. Yours is no different from Jinhua ham. It can be completely replaced. Let your salesmen take the samples and go to these addresses to find them. This car of ham will definitely be sold out quickly."

Li Yong looked at the papers, which were densely packed with the names, addresses and phone numbers of each store. Some also had contact names and phone numbers, and shouted:

"Great, pole, where did you find these?"

Chen Qihang saw Liu Ligan coming and walked in. He became excited when he saw the list.

"Where did you find it? I've been to all these stores." Liu Ligan said with a smile.

"Have you been there?" Chen Qihang asked in surprise.

"Yes, I have been there." Liu Ligan then told them how he washed the building every day. Liu Ligan said: "We are not familiar with the place here, so Zhang Chen asked me to use the best method to wash the building." It’s a stupid way to do it, otherwise I wouldn’t have met you.”

Li Yong and Chen Qihang were both dumbfounded, and then they realized that Liu Ligan's daily work was like this.

"Then what kind of salesman do we need, Li Yong? The pole has given us such important information. The two of us just took the samples and ran according to the list." Chen Qihang shouted.

Li Yong quickly said yes.

"By the way, you should also bring your newspapers. Those who have advertised in the "Haicheng Evening News" can increase your credibility." Liu Ligan reminded.

Li Yong and Chen Qihang both agreed.

Three days later, Chen Qihang detained Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan called back. Chen Qihang said excitedly on the phone:

"Gangzhi, your list is great. Our hams are all sold out, and there are many stores asking us to order. They said that in the past, if they needed ham, they had to mail it from their hometown. It took a long time, and it was not as cheap as ours. , if we have it, they will all purchase from us in the future. Mr. Xu sent me and Li Yong to go back to Yunnan today to purchase the second batch of goods."

"Awesome!" Liu Ligan also became excited. He thought for a while and said to Chen Qihang:

"By the way, Qihang, the economy is not good now. If others see that you are profitable selling ham, they will definitely follow suit. In this way, when you go to Yunnan this time, you must sign an exclusive agency agreement with the manufacturer. For Hainan, you must be the whole The exclusive agent in Hainan Island, in this way, firstly, you can control the competition of others, and secondly, with the exclusive agent, you will be more convincing to your customers."

"Okay, pole, your idea is great. When we come back, we can invite Zhang Chen and the others to get together." Chen Qihang shouted.

Putting down the phone, Liu Ligan was also deeply moved. He thought, no matter how bad the economic environment is, as long as you work hard, you can still find business opportunities. This business opportunity is just like what Rodin said about beauty. It is not a lack of beauty, but a lack of beauty. Eyes that discover beauty bring business opportunities.

Liu Ligan ran around for a few days and got two more advertisements from "Haicheng Evening News". Although the bid amount was not very large, Liu Ligan was very satisfied. This road was finally opened.

That day, when Liu Ligan passed by "Hainan Daily", he had a sudden idea and went in again and found the advertising department. He quickly reached an agreement with "Hainan Daily" so that those who needed to do province-wide advertising could , Liu Lipole can also take it.

Liu Ligan did not stop doing anything, and simply went to the Special Economic Zone Newspaper and Economic Voice and Haicheng Voice Radio Station, and they all reached an agreement.

Liu Ligan put a few business cards on the table, feeling secretly proud in his heart. He thought, damn, as long as you want to advertise, I will give you the business card of whichever company you want. I want to catch big fish. , small fish and shrimps are not spared, they are all caught in one catch.

Not only hard advertising, but also soft advertising.

It was the first time Liu Ligan heard the word soft advertising from Director Huang. He didn't know what it was. Director Huang showed him a newspaper. Liu Ligan almost laughed when he saw it. What kind of bullshit is that? , and to have such a lofty name, isn't it just the legend of the king that he wrote to the point of vomiting?

After coming out of Director Huang's place, Liu Ligan walked specifically to the office where he had applied for a job before. He really wanted to meet the guy that day and discuss with him what is a romantic writing style and what is writing and writing. It was still different. Liu Ligan wanted to tell him:

"Brother, don't be so awesome. Your monthly bonuses and benefits are all earned by these very romantic writing styles. You can only earn northwest wind."

Unfortunately, those two guys were not there. Sitting there were two strangers, one of whom was a woman in her thirties, holding a Moore cigarette and puffing away smoke.

Zhang Chen came in and saw so many business cards spread out in front of Liu Ligan, and said with a smile:

"Awesome, you are almost the same as Su Qin now. He is the Prime Minister of the Six Kingdoms, and you are an advertising salesman for the Six Kingdoms."

Liu Ligan banged his hand on the table and shouted: "What are you, six advertising salesmen? Open your dog eyes and take a look. Reporter, look at what is written here. They are all reporters. I am now a joint reporter of six media." "

"Okay, reporter, you can represent the six media outlets and interview Mr. Tan." Zhang Chen laughed.

Liu Ligan laughed with Zhang Chen for a while, and then said to him seriously: "Don't tell me, when I get these six business cards back to Yongcheng, I am still very impressive. They don't know this reporter and the reporter." There’s something different.”

"You don't need six, four are enough for one to explode." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

While the two were talking, a ping-pong match started next door, accompanied by Jiajia's cries. Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen hurried over. The door was opened and they saw that the tables and stools inside had fallen to the floor, and the washbasin. The bowl was smashed and trampled, and a plastic bucket fell to the ground. There was water all over the ground. Looking at Jianqiang and Jiajia, they were still struggling with each other.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan hurried in and pulled the two people apart. They pushed Jianqiang to the corridor. Jianqiang wanted to rush back to the room, but the two had no choice but to take him downstairs.

Just as we were brought to the stairs, Jiajia ran out of the room and was about to jump off the building. Liu Ligan quickly put down Jianqiang and ran back to hold Jiajia. Jianqiang and Jiajia were both struggling, trying to rush towards each other. , Liu Ligan had no choice but to hug Jiajia and shout to Zhang Chen, take him down, take Jianqiang down!

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