The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 613 The Three Stooges

"I am not standing from the perspective of a general agent in Chongqing, but from the perspective of a dealer at the bottom, a specialty store. For example, I am planning to open a specialty store in Fuling. After all, all the risks fall on me in the end. , whether my intention is high and whether I want to do it or not, does it mean whether our entire network can expand?"

After all, He Hongmei is not a novice. Her questions are tricky but to the point.

Indeed, all of this looks perfect, but whether it is perfect or not depends on the bottom layer, how many people are willing to be your brand store, whether they are your own company or general agents in various places. , the ultimate goal is to develop them.

The more specialty stores at the bottom, the more developed your roots will be. The more developed your roots will be, the more stable you will be. To make your roots developed, you must take root in a fertile soil and let every smallest root grow. , can absorb sufficient nutrients.

Take KFC as an example. Why do they open more and more and why do so many people pay very high franchise fees to join them? It’s because they make every franchise store make money, instead of sucking them dry. Doing them will only accelerate your own death. Only by sharing the benefits can you prosper.

"Didn't we already agree that the agency rights can be transferred, so that even if it's the franchise fee, they won't actually lose anything?" Xiao Zhao said.

"Sister, that's just theoretical. If you can't make money by opening this store, or the risk is very high, or no one in Fuling is willing to open it, you just want to transfer it, who will you transfer it to? No one wants to transfer it. , your agency right can be transferred, is it not an empty promise?" He Hongmei asked.

Xiao Zhao was stunned, she thought, this is indeed the truth.

"That is to make everyone think about it." Zhang Chen said as he thought, "To make everyone want to think about it, there are two things. The first one is also the most important. Of course, your goods must be easy to sell, and if the goods are not good, Selling, everything is in vain. The second thing is to reduce their risks. It does not mean that all the risks are borne by them, but you get the benefits, the benefits are shared, and the risks are shared equally.”

"Yes, you say that. I like to hear it. Come on, say something more that I like to hear to impress me." He Hongmei pointed at herself and said, "I, I, I am still the one from Fuling. I am hesitant. Should I The guy who opened your store.”

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao both laughed. They felt that He Hongmei was about to enter that role, which was very interesting. When she entered the role, they themselves had to enter the role to convince her.

Zhang Chen asked: "Are you ready for the funds?"

He Hongmei nodded.

"Have you found the store?"

"Of course." He Hongmei said.

"Have you ever made costumes?"

He Hongmei thought for a moment and said, "Wait a minute, there are two types of people here. One is someone who used to make clothes and opened a clothing store. Now that he has some money, he wants to improve the quality of his store. I don’t want to be so tired anymore and have to go to Chongqing every three or four days to buy goods. I also have to worry about whether the goods are good and whether the clothing store next door will also buy the same goods.

"There is another type that has never been done before, but has seen others open clothing stores. The latter type is simple. As long as the business of our specialty store is good, and he sees the business is very good from the side, he will want to do it. It is not possible here. We already have our specialty store, and if we don’t allow it to open anymore, he will open it somewhere else. Wait for Ha Guo Guo, let me think about it.”

He Hongmei raised a hand and made a pause motion. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao were both amused by her, and He Hongmei herself also laughed.

After waiting for a while, Zhang Chen asked: "Have you thought about it?"

He Hongmei cleared her throat and said, "Think about it, boss, I'll stick with the first type. As long as the first type of people start doing business and business is good, the second type of people will come to your door."

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao both nodded. Zhang Chen felt that this guy's mind was moving very quickly and he always turned in the right direction.

Zhang Chen asked: "Have you ever sold our clothes before?"

He Hongmei nodded: "Sold."

"Is it easy to sell?"

"It must be easy to sell." He Hongmei jumped out, no longer the Fuling one. She said: "If it's not easy to sell, he has no interest at all and won't even inquire. Do you think that's right?"

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao nodded.

"Come again, come again." He Hongmei waved and returned to the one in Fuling: "I have sold them before, boss, your clothes are okay."

"Do you want to sell more?" Zhang Chen asked, "When you originally went to buy goods, you must have only been able to buy five or six styles, right? In fact, our company has more than two hundred styles and two brands. Do you want to shop? Are our goods sold here?”

"More than two hundred styles, so many, are each of them easy to sell?"

Zhang Chen thought for a moment and said, "Of course, otherwise we wouldn't have designed it."

"No, this reason is not sufficient." He Hongmei waved her hand and said, "Those styles that are not easy to sell are also designed by people. What you are saying is in vain."

Xiao Zhao and Zhang Chen both laughed, and Xiao Zhao said: "It's really all for nothing, let's start again."

Zhang Chen thought for a while and said: "You have to believe in our vision. You have sold so many of our styles and they are all very easy to sell. What does it mean? It means that our vision is accurate and can meet the needs of customers. What's more, our The clothes have good styles and look good on the body, and they are not very picky. The management of our factory is also very good, and the clothes are exquisitely made.”

"This is better than the previous one, but not enough." He Hongmei shouted.

"To run a good clothing store, not only the clothing itself must be good, but also a good environment. A store environment that makes people feel unique and different from other stores when they come in. If you are interested, we have a flagship store You can visit, and we will also provide you with free decoration plans.”

"I'm a little impressed. Come on, come on."

"The environment is good, and it also includes the soft furnishings in the store... I'm sorry, I mentioned the decoration, including the props in the store. Look at it, from the models to the cupboards where clothes are hung, and the hangers for each piece of clothing. We design them all ourselves, and the most important thing in the store is how the clothes look and match, and we will provide support and help in these aspects.”

"Well... there's enough help and support, I like it." He Hongmei said, suddenly frowning, she shouted: "Oh, the most critical question has come out! No, no, no!"

"What's the problem?" Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao were both startled by her.

He Hongmei looked at them and asked: "You said you have more than 200 styles. If I open your store, will I have to buy more than 200 styles?"

Zhang Chen thought for a while and said: "Not necessarily, there are differences in each place. Our clothing is for the whole country, but there will still be local differences in each place. You don't need to buy all of them, you can choose some. , such as importing more than a hundred styles.”

He Hongmei stared at Zhang Chen with a somewhat aggressive gaze and said:

"Make it clear, should I enter by myself, or should you match? If I enter by myself, I will definitely do it according to my own wishes. If so, with the matching you mentioned earlier, you think this dress looks good with this skirt, but I don't like it. Well, I want to match it with those pants, but when I try to match them, the effect is terrible, what should I do?"

Zhang Chen thought for a long time and said that the best way is to combine the purchase and distribution of goods by himself.

"Yes, in that case, if I can't sell the goods I bought, I'll consider myself unlucky. What if the goods you assigned to me can't be sold? It's impossible to sell all the clothes. That's what I said. The most important thing."

He Hongmei said, and indeed stopped Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao. Zhang Chen's brows also frowned. He left there, walked over and turned on all the lights in the exhibition hall. He walked around the exhibition hall. He came back and looked at He Hongmei and asked:

"What if I allow you to exchange it?"

"Great! Then there's no risk for me. I'm definitely willing!" He Hongmei shouted.

"But this way, the risk is all coming to us!" Xiao Zhao also shouted.

"Moreover, if this is the case, I will definitely purchase a large amount of goods that exceed my sales capacity. I will purchase all goods. They can be exchanged anyway. I want all the goods you say are not suitable for me."

He Hongmei said that another practical problem immediately arises. If everyone purchases goods in this way, the originally planned production will become disordered. Anyway, they can be replaced, so don’t waste it. Everyone will want every style. If it is not easy to sell, if you exchange it back, the risk will not be shared, but the manufacturer will bear it alone.

The three of them fell into deep thought again. Zhang Chen continued to walk in the showroom. He thought that according to the principle of sharing profits and risks, exchanging goods is the best choice, so that customers will not be so resistant to your distribution of goods.

But if this is the case, there is actually another problem, that is, you have reduced the customer's willingness to actively choose according to their local needs. He will wait for you to distribute the goods for him. If it doesn't work, he will change it. until.

The direction is right, but we must control our own risks and mobilize the subjective initiative of dealers. Zhang Chen feels that——

"Proportionally, the exchange rate is 20%." Zhang Chen and He Hongmei said.

He Hongmei looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"Twenty percent exchange rate is appropriate. In this way, if the customer is afraid of exceeding this range, he will also find ways to control the goods and actively sell each style. The same is true when purchasing goods. He will choose it himself. But because of the 20% exchange rate, he will also accept our suggestion and accept part of the distribution, as long as we can convince them why we need such a distribution. "

"I accept it. I think this exchange rate is acceptable." He Hongmei said, "In the clothing industry, I have never heard of exchanges. I think this alone is attractive enough. Also, exchanges require Control the time, all goods, the replacement cycle is twenty days, a piece of clothing will be sold well in his place, twenty days will definitely tell. "

Zhang Chen nodded: "But for us, there is more room for product allocation. Many styles can be matched with each other without overproduction. This is good."

He Hongmei thought of another question, she asked: "Does this exchange rate span seasons?"

This encounters another practical problem with clothing. Clothing is a highly seasonal product. If it crosses the season, the 20% will become the manufacturer's inventory. If it does not cross the season, it will eventually become the merchant's inventory. of inventory.

"Ten percent across seasons." Zhang Chen thought for a while and said, "In this way, when they change seasons, they will be more careful when purchasing, reducing everyone's risk. At the same time, we can also match it, such as offering discounts at the end of the season. Promotional activities, so that the actual exchange rate can be reduced.”

"Okay, I think this is okay, Master." He Hongmei agreed.

"But if this is the case, our risk will be very high, and it will be very troublesome. How to calculate the 10% and 20%? Every style? Just calculating will be a death." Xiao Zhao said.

"No, just calculate it based on the purchase amount. That's easy." Zhang Chen said.

"However, I still feel that our risks are very high." Xiao Zhao said.

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