The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 612 The day before work starts

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao carried Zhang Xiangbei to the factory. Half of the workers in the factory were back. Only Caidi and the others who were far away would not arrive for a few days.

Work has not officially started today, and the sun is good. Workers are pulling ropes in the yard, drying clothes and quilts. There are also many people sitting together in twos and threes, basking in the sun while eating melon seeds, peanuts and various kinds of food brought from home. food.

Xiaoli stood at the door of the room. When she saw them, she ran over, hugged Zhang Xiangbei, and shouted, "Look at the beauties, look at the beauties. Beibei, let's go play with the beauties."

Zhang Xiangbei was well known in the factory for liking girls, and the girls also liked him. When they saw Xiaoli coming with him in her arms, they all stood up and started to grab him.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao walked inside and saw Zhao Zhigang, Zhao Zhilong and Lao Wan laying cloth layer by layer in the cutting room. Zhao Zhigang and Zhang Chen said that the cutting bed would not arrive until evening, and they would cut two boards in the afternoon. All the cutting pieces left before were finished by those workers, and there will be no cutting pieces left tomorrow.

Zhang Chen nodded, and he told Zhao Zhigang, go and count how many people have arrived. Xiao Zhao prepared red envelopes, and those who have already arrived will be given out first.

Zhao Zhigang agreed, and he asked Lao Wan and Zhao Zhilong to continue spreading the cloth while he went to count the people.

Zhang Chen walked to the exhibition hall and unexpectedly found He Hongmei sitting in front of the table painting. Zhang Chen asked curiously: "Why are you back?"

"I'll be here on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year. I'm so anxious." He Hongmei said.

Zhang Chen walked over to take a look and saw that He Hongmei was designing the clothes in the movie script. She had already designed two sets of clothes, which were quite good. It seemed that she had put a lot of thought into them.

Zhang Chen took the design draft in his hand and looked at it. He Hongmei asked timidly: "Can't you pass it, Master?"

Zhang Chen nodded and said, passed, the painting is very good.

"Really, is there any reward?" He Hongmei shouted happily.

"What do you want to reward? By the way, maybe go to Xiao Zhao to get a red envelope?" Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"I don't want it, I want to give Zhang Xiangbei a red envelope." He Hongmei shook her head, "Master, Master, I heard that your craftsmanship is good, why don't you come with two tonight?"

Zhang Chen agreed that the canteen would add food in the evening.

Zhang Chen walked out, walked to the cutting table and shouted, Lao Wan, let's go to the market to buy vegetables.

As soon as Zhao Zhilong heard this, he knew that the boss was going to fight in person. He quickly urged Lao Wan: "Go quickly, go quickly, I will find someone else to help."

When the workers saw Zhang Chen jumping on Lao Wan's tricycle and going out, they knew that he was going to the market to buy food and add food to the canteen in the evening. They all became happy. Someone shouted:

"Boss, buy more."

Some workers who had been staying in the factory shouted: "We have all been fed thin by Lao Wan!"

The others laughed.

Zhang Chen and Lao Wan really bought back a lot of dishes. The chefs and helpers in the canteen also came back. With the help of other people, they could prepare more than a dozen dishes. Zhao Zhigang asked everyone to prepare food for each room. All the tables were taken out and a long row of tables was put together in the yard. Zhang Chen asked Lao Wan to go to the street to bring wine and drinks back, and they simply had a dinner together in the evening.

Lao Wan and his electricians brought out three small suns from the dormitories on both sides, illuminating the entire yard as if it were daytime.

Although the night in early February was still cold and windy, and the dishes that were served were quickly blown cold by the wind, everyone still had a good time eating. While they were eating, workers kept coming back to the factory and joining in immediately. The more people there are, the warmer the atmosphere feels. Even the wind blowing on my face doesn't feel so cold anymore.

The atmosphere of the Spring Festival seems to be back in this yard.

Zhang Chen sat on the right side of Xiao Zhao, and He Hongmei sat on the left side of Xiao Zhao. Zhang Chen thought about it, and he and Xiao Zhao changed seats and sat together with He Hongmei.

Zhang Chen told He Hongmei that he had something to tell her.

He Hongmei raised her chopsticks, shook them, and said, "Master, wait a minute, let me eat some food first. This food is so delicious."

Zhang Chen laughed and scolded: "You just eat and listen to me while eating. Do you still need to use your ears to eat vegetables?"

He Hongmei nodded: "Then tell me quickly."

Zhang Chen was standing nearby and explained Meng Ping's idea to He Hongmei in detail step by step. After speaking, he asked her, do you think this is feasible?

"That's great!" He Hongmei slapped her chopsticks on the table, startling everyone around her. She exclaimed: "He is simply a genius. He can come up with such a cunning, vicious and profitable plan. Our Chongqing No. 1 A sign."

"You don't need to discuss it with your family?"

"Isn't this good for us? If it's good, we still need to discuss it. Do you think my family members are all idiots?"

Zhang Chen smiled. Being so provoked by He Hongmei, he couldn't sit still and said to Xiao Zhao, "I'll go and write out the agreement first."

Xiao Zhao said yes.

He Hongmei heard this and shouted: "Quickly, Master, don't miss the opportunity. We will do it at night. We will also do the hanging beam stabbing on the buttocks. If Sister Xiaozhao is reluctant to do it, I will do it."

"Eat your food, you talk so much." Zhang Chen scolded, while He Hongmei giggled.

Zhang Chen went to the exhibition room. He was still used to using pencils and lead drawing paper. He took out a whole piece of lead drawing paper and started writing on it. After a while, He Hongmei walked in, saw it, and burst into laughter. got up.

Zhang Chen scolded: "Is it so funny? Have you never seen anyone write?"

"I've seen it before, but I didn't see it today."

"See what?"

"You are the greatest writer I have ever seen in the world."

Zhang Chen stopped writing and looked at her, wondering what she was talking about.

"Look at you, writing an article on such a big piece of paper, aren't you the biggest writer or something?"

Zhang Chen also laughed when he heard it.

After a while, Xiao Zhao walked in and was also shocked. He Hongmei asked, have you seen such a talent?

Xiao Zhao smiled and said, I have seen it.

Zhang Chen let them make fun of him and just wrote. After writing most of the lead drawing paper, he finally finished writing. Only after he finished writing did he realize that writing on such a large piece of paper seemed too laborious.

He Hongmei shouted, "I have a solution." She pasted the lead drawing paper on the wall, and the three of them looked at it like a painting, and then they felt more comfortable.

"Who says I am the biggest writer? Don't those who write big-character posters all write on such big paper?" Zhang Chen remembered and shouted.

"Do people who write big-character posters use pencils?" He Hongmei asked, "Also, do any of them write such small characters?"

Zhang Chen was speechless when asked.

The three of them were dizzy after reading a large piece of paper. Zhang Chen asked He Hongmei and Xiao Zhao how they were doing and if they had any questions.

Xiao Zhao pointed at He Hongmei and said: "I definitely have no problem. When Meng Ping said it that day, I thought it was very good. I have to ask her whether she can accept it from the customer's point of view."

He Hongmei said: "From a big perspective, this is also beneficial to us. First, it ensures our supply of goods. Second, if we develop the following agents, it will also ensure basic customers for us. What’s more, we are actually just crossing a bridge, and we are doing this with money collected from below, which has only advantages and no disadvantages for us.”

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao both nodded. It seemed that He Hongmei had also thought of the question that Meng Ping had thought of.

"There's just one thing, Master." He Hongmei said.


"It's a specialty store. We can only sell your goods in the store." He Hongmei said, "For us wholesalers, of course there is no problem. We have a stall in Chongqing that sells all your goods, but for the following two or three For a first-class agent, that is, a specialty store, have you ever thought about how much goods will be needed if he wants to sell all your goods?"

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment. Yes, he thought what He Hongmei said made sense. There was a huge difference between retail stores and wholesale stalls. The wholesale stalls were more sophisticated in style than in many. In one store, there were at most five or six One style is enough. One batch of goods is sold for a period of time, and then another batch is replaced, and there are still five or six styles.

But for retail stores, it is far from enough. For a store to be able to create an image, the store cannot be small. According to the agreement written by Zhang Chen, the minimum size must be more than thirty square meters. Such a store must be at least There are more than a hundred styles of clothes.

"Also, for retail stores, they need to have a complete range of varieties." He Hongmei continued, "When a customer comes to your store, it is best to buy clothes, pants and skirts from you, and have a complete outfit. You can’t say that I buy the upper body from you and then go to other places to match the lower body. Moreover, our clothes have such a distinctive style. She just wants to match it, and other stores’ styles don’t match it.”

Yes, both Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao think this is indeed a problem.

Zhang Chen looked at their showroom and said, we have so many styles here, and at worst we will produce all these sample clothes. With so many styles, is it enough?

He Hongmei also took a look, and she said that the style was enough, but in this way, the fabrics would look monotonous. We can mainly use cotton and linen, but there must also be other fabrics, especially underwear, to match. It cannot be said that it is From top to bottom, inside and out, it's all cotton and linen.

"That's not easy. We already have fabrics imported from Taiwan to match."

After Zhang Chen finished speaking, he immediately realized that the reason why his "half an acre of land" is now distinctive and attractive is that his brand is all made of cotton and linen fabrics. If the fabrics are mixed, it will dilute his own characteristics. , which is why he goes to Cai Jinxiang less and less to buy fabrics.

"Actually, there is a way." He Hongmei said.

"What can I do? Tell me quickly." Xiao Zhao was beside him and became anxious when he heard it.

"Don't we still have a 'Zhaomei' trademark, but it's no longer used?" He Hongmei said.

"Yes, what does this have to do with this matter?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Why can't we just keep the original style of 'Half Acre Field', just enrich the styles, and use the 'Zhao Mei' trademark on all other matching clothes?"

Zhang Chen's eyes lit up and he shouted: "You mean, we have a main brand 'Half Mu Tian', plus a sub-brand 'Zhaomei', and the clothes of the two brands match each other?"

"Yes, this will solve the problem." He Hongmei nodded.

Yes, this really solved everything, and all three of them laughed.

This actually goes back to Zhang Chen’s idea when he first started making wick strips. It’s just that there was no awareness of the brand at that time. Now, using brands, you can use brands to combine two things that are incompatible with each other and yet complement each other, rather than complement each other. Rather, one kind matches the other, one dominates the other, and thus separates them.

Thank you Zhu Zhu.nashu for the reward! Thank you for the monthly ticket of Ping An Life! Thank you Doll Tin Soldier, third from top to bottom, flipping the book every day, and 131 on the shore for your continued reward! Thank you for all the recommendation votes and reading! Best wishes Good health everyone!

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