The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 605 Tell me in detail

Meng Ping took the pen and paper from the table and asked Zhang Chen: "What are your current customers like? What types are they?"

Zhang Chen said: "There are mainly two types. One is wholesale customers in other wholesale markets in places like Beijing, Harbin, Shenyang, and Chongqing, and the other is those who open their own clothing stores and do retail."

Meng Ping wrote the words "wholesale" and "retail" on the paper. Meng Ping then asked Zhang Chen, what is the difference between these two types of customers?

Zhang Chen explained to him the difference between wholesalers who do retail and packagers who do wholesale. He told him that wholesalers who open their own stores mostly come from within the province and nearby provinces, while packagers, firstly, travel far away, and secondly, packagers Second, there is a very mature local wholesale market.

Meng Ping understood immediately. He said, in fact, it is still a problem of distance, which is beyond your reach. For example, in Chongqing you mentioned, they are actually the same as you, they are also wholesalers in nearby areas. For retail customers near Chongqing, they want Going to Hangzhou is inconvenient and not cost-effective. For them, even if it is slightly more expensive, they are still willing to purchase goods in Chongqing.

Zhang Chen is right.

Meng Ping drew a line on the paper. He said that in this way, there would be two levels of agents. One is the provincial or large regional agent, which can be called the general agent. The second is the second-level agent such as prefecture, city, and county. , this second-level agent can be further divided into two levels. To be more precise, they should be called monopoly.

"You are like this now, Zhang Chen." Meng Ping said, "Look at KFC stores all over the country. Their decoration styles are the same. No matter which city you go to, you feel like you have entered a store, but in fact they are all the same. Each city has its own different agents, which have nothing to do with each other. Some cities, or even one city, have several agents.

"These people paid agency fees to obtain the local operating rights of KFC. It does not mean that these stores were opened by KFC itself."

"I understand what Lao Meng means, that is, you can do the same as KFC and copy your stores one by one through agents, but the goods sold are all produced here." Liu Ligan said.

"Yes, the pole is right. The goods in each KFC store are also distributed uniformly. You obtain the agency right for a place, but you do not have the right to produce your own products and put the KFC name on it. The agency system is the third One condition is that there must be a unified logo and decoration style. Even this, agents have no right to make their own decisions.

"You can't say that the door there is yellow, and you can get a green one. It's impossible. There are only two types in the country. One is the provincial agent, which is what you said, in the wholesale markets everywhere. I think, the stalls in the wholesale markets and Yours is pretty much the same, so I ask every provincial agency to have the same decoration as yours."

Meng Ping glanced at the entire exhibition hall and said to Zhang Chen:

"In your case, you can add a model store model, which is the second-level agent. When these agents come and take a look, they will know how they should decorate it when they go back and how to arrange the goods, including their store decoration plan. It is not him. You do it yourself, but you help him do it, there is a unified standard, you are good at this, you know how to do it."

"Then what's the purpose of doing this?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Exclusive sales, guarantee that whether they are general agents or secondary dealers, they will sell your products." Meng Ping said.

Zhang Chen was confused and asked, "Is this what I am willing to do?"

"Is your stuff easy to sell now?" Meng Ping asked.

Zhang Chen nodded: "Okay."

"If something is easy to sell, there will be people who are willing to do it." Meng Ping said, "I don't know how much KFC's franchise fee is, but I know it's very high. Why are those people willing to pay such a high franchise fee? If they build a store themselves, they can't blow it up. Chicken wings, isn’t it the same? Then why don’t they do it and are willing to pay such a high franchise fee?”

Zhang Chen thought about it, and he felt like he felt something different inside, but he couldn't explain it clearly.

Meng Ping said: "You need to provide him with strong support here. This support includes several aspects. One is product support, the second is brand support, and the most important thing is exclusive distribution, which means that others will look at you No matter how easy it is to sell your goods, he will want to come in, but I'm sorry, you can't provide it to him. If you only develop one store in a city, you will have to sacrifice part of your immediate interests."

Zhang Chen thought to himself, yes, this is the most attractive thing for customers. In this way, they don't have to worry about being poached by others, and they don't have to ask themselves to control the goods like the customer on Wulin Road.

It is easy to understand what Meng Ping said about sacrificing some immediate interests. For example, he now has several customers in Nanjing alone. If he can only give the distribution rights to one company, he will not be able to ship to others. , this is of course a loss for myself.

Meng Ping wrote one, two, three, four on the paper, and told Zhang Chen that we would go back and explain each in detail.

“Needless to say about product support, the first thing is that your goods must be easy to sell. If they are not easy to sell, people will turn around and leave.

"Product support also includes a unified distribution system and sales statistics system. The daily sales of each store will be fed back to you. This has two advantages. First, you know exactly which styles are best-selling across the country. This Is it good for you to arrange production in advance? At the same time, you will know immediately what goods he is short of, and you can arrange delivery as soon as possible, and he does not need to run out to purchase the goods himself.

"Let's talk about brand support. This has two meanings. One is the unified decoration and unified logo I mentioned earlier, including posters and props in the store. They can all be unified. Don't underestimate this. This is important to you. It's easy, just take a piece of paper and a pen and draw it, but for most people, it's a problem.

"Many people rent a store but don't know how to decorate it or lay it out. They just have some money and want to sell clothes. When decorating it, they still need to find someone to design it. What specific requirements they have, they themselves can't tell. Qing, after joining your brand, all his worries are gone. As long as he has money, you will consider everything else for him.

"Including, he doesn't even have to think about what to sell. You will even help him match the goods. Do you think this is attractive to him?"

"Yes, after hearing what Lao Meng said, I already want to find a place to open a store."

Cao Xiaohe and Xiao Zhao also came over at some unknown time and listened to their chat. Cao Xiaohe interjected.

Meng Ping glanced at her and cursed: "Drive your car properly, why are you opening a store?"

"But that's it. Zhang Chen, you look like Sister Cao. As long as she has enough financial resources and she doesn't know anything about clothing, she can open a clothing store. Do you think it's inconvenient?"

Meng Ping turned around and asked Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen nodded and felt that what Meng Ping said made sense.

"This brand support also has another meaning. It actually pools everyone's efforts. If you think about it, a clothing store would put out posters in front of its store every month for promotion and so on. It is normal to spend two to three hundred yuan. Bar?"

Zhang Chen nodded.

"But does this have any effect?" Meng Ping asked, "Can they all have the ability like you, Zhang Chen, to draw such a beautiful poster?"

Zhang Chen shook his head. He was very confident about this. Even if He Hongmei graduated from fashion design, there is still no way to compare with this.

"Then why can't you just centralize this? You don't have to charge a store an advertising fee of seven to eight hundred yuan every month or a year. The provincial general agent charges a higher amount. In this way, you can have hundreds of stores across the country." , if we just put together this amount of funds, there will be hundreds of thousands, and this amount of money does not mean putting an advertisement in front of the store..."

"It's enough to advertise in national newspapers and magazines." Liu Ligan said.

"Yes, this will increase the visibility of your brand. The higher the visibility, of course it is best for you, but it is also beneficial for them. In addition, they can also get free printed posters every quarter. That It doesn’t cost much to print in large quantities, but it’s much more high-end than them doing the painting themselves, right? For you, it’s like you didn’t spend a penny.”

"That's right, Lao Meng, it's a shame you built a damn house, you should be selling clothes." Liu Ligan shouted.

Zhang Chen kept nodding beside him. He also felt that Meng Ping's thoughts were very inspiring to him.

Meng Ping rolled his eyes at Liu Ligan and said angrily: "Don't interrupt me. I was just about to make a concluding speech. When you interrupted me, I forgot about it. Where did I say it before?"

Everyone laughed.

"You just finished talking about brand support." Xiao Zhao said.

Meng Ping lowered his head and looked at the words "exclusive distribution" written in front of him, pointed with his pen, and said, "Yes, yes, I was about to say this. This is the concluding statement. After saying this, I will tie everything together." .

"Whether it is a general agent, a secondary agent, or a dealer, as I mentioned before, this distribution right is not obtained for free, but is obtained by paying an agency fee like those KFC agents. Of course, we can't compare with KFC. They are a world-famous brand, but we are not famous yet..."

"Who said that? Now that we are famous in other markets, many people want to poach us. Let us not do it for our original customers and let him do it." Xiao Zhao said unconvinced.

Meng Ping smiled and said: "Okay, you are famous. It is only a small name. Don't be proud. However, Xiao Zhao said a good phenomenon, which shows that we have a foundation. Let me talk about the general agent first. Let me think about it. The current price of one hundred thousand is reasonable."

"So many?" Zhang Chen was shocked.

"You have to have confidence in yourself. If you listen to me, you will know that it is not too high." Meng Ping said, "This 100,000 yuan is divided into two parts, that is, 50,000 yuan is the franchise fee, and this is a one-time charge. If it is not refundable, there is another 50,000, which is the deposit. What guarantee? Guarantee that he will not sell goods other than yours, and at the same time, he will not sell fake goods, etc. There are other guarantees, you can think about it slowly."

Zhang Chen was hesitant and said, "If I want someone to give me 50,000 yuan in one lump sum, or give it to me for free, I think it's a bit difficult."

Meng Ping looked at him and said with a smile: "Comrade Zhang Chen, you are a good little comrade, but you are impatient. Didn't I let you hear that I was going down?"

"Come on, come on, come on, stop fucking with me, Lao Meng!" Liu Ligan said urgently.

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