The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 606 The plan is perfect

"At the prefecture and city level, we charge 30,000, of which 15,000 is the franchise fee, and another 15,000 is the deposit. At the county level, don't charge too low. If it's too low, your brand will lose its share. Charge 20,000. Ten thousand is the franchise fee, and ten thousand is the deposit.”

On the paper, Meng Ping first wrote the general agent - province, region, followed by 100,000, then the second-level agent - prefecture, city, followed by 30,000, and at the bottom he wrote the third level - county. It says 20,000 at the end.

After writing, Meng Ping raised his head and said to Zhang Chen:

"Now comes the most critical part. Earlier we divided the vertical into three levels. Now for the horizontal level, we need to divide the country into regions, near what you mentioned earlier, that is, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai. You are in this area There are a lot of wholesalers, because it’s close to Hangzhou, and there aren’t any decent wholesale markets in these places, right?”

Zhang Chen is right.

"What about Anhui? Are there many retail customers in Anhui?"

Zhang Chen said too much.

"Are there any packers?"

Zhang Chen said no.

"That includes one Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai Anhui."

Zhang Chen probably knew what Meng Ping meant. He said that there were also Jiangxi and Fujian, and the situation in Anhui was similar.

"Okay, let's add Fujian and Jiangxi."

Meng Ping drew a big circle outside the abbreviations of these provinces and cities and surrounded them all. Meng Ping and Zhang Chen said:

"In these places, there is no need to develop general agents. You are the general agents yourself, and it is up to you to develop second- and third-level agents. In other provinces, the general agents will develop second- and third-level agents, and the money collected will There are two things I have to hand over to you. One is the annual advertising fee I mentioned earlier. This must be concentrated to achieve big things.

"The other thing is the franchise fee. Half of the franchise fee goes to you, and the other half goes to the general agent. The deposit is also collected by the general agent. Under one general agent, developing more than ten to twenty second- and third-level agents should be the most Basically, if this is the case, do you still think that charging a general agent 100,000 yuan is high?"

"Fuck, Lao Meng, it's okay. So, the general agent is actually dividing this up again. If he does a good job, not only can the 50,000 franchise fee and deposit be recovered, but he can still make money? Damn it, why don’t you rush to become the general agent?” Liu Ligan shouted.

Meng Ping smiled and nodded. Only then did Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao understand why Meng Ping said one hundred thousand was not high.

"This is actually a distribution system. The biggest advantage of the distribution system is that every level gets benefits."

Meng Ping continued: "For the lowest level, county-level dealers, 10,000 yuan is a deposit. He won't worry about it. What he will worry about is the 10,000 yuan franchise fee. I don't know if it is worth paying. not worth.

"Is the franchise fee high? In fact, it's not high. Think about it, everyone is in a free-for-all right now. If you sell a certain style of clothes, tomorrow other stores nearby will come in and sell them, and it won't be possible here. If you don't sell to them, in a place no bigger than a county town, if everyone sells the same style, how can you make money..."

"Ten thousand yuan not only buys the services you provide, but also buys peace of mind." Liu Ligan said.

"Yes, the pole didn't say anything." Meng Ping nodded.

"In fact, it can also make them feel more at ease." Liu Ligan said, "completely solve their worries."

"More at ease? How to do it?" Even Meng Ping was surprised this time.

"It's very simple. It's a stipulation that this agency right is transferable." Liu Ligan said, "If he doesn't want to do it for various reasons, he can transfer the agency right to someone else. In this way, the franchise fee he pays will be the same. Also taken back.”

"That's right! This is a good proposal from the pole!" Meng Ping shouted, and he asked Zhang Chen: "How is it? Is the whole system complete now?"

Not only Zhang Chen, but also Xiao Zhao understood it. She said, this method is great. I think it can be done like this. We can try it after the Spring Festival. However, it seems that there is no such method in the market.

"You still like to eat shit after others?" Liu Ligan scolded, "If you want to do this, be the first to eat crabs. You are the first to do it. You make all the rules. You do it. If you succeed, you are guaranteed to be followed by a bunch of people who will follow you. Think about how much money you can get back this time, and the financial pressure of building factories will be gone."

"Yes, Zhuangzi is right. Whatever business we are doing, these points are actually the same, that is, we must have the vision and courage to be ahead of others, and we must dare to be the first in the world." Meng Ping agreed, "The same goes for us. , Think about it, if we wait for others to discover the value of Xinbu Island and then develop it, what will happen to us?"

Zhang Chen stared at the piece of paper Meng Ping scribbled on. He also thought Meng Ping's plan was perfect. He agreed and let's do it.

He took the piece of paper from the table, folded it and put it in his pocket, and said to Meng Ping, "This belongs to me."

"Hold on, this may be a moment to witness history. You may subvert Sijiqing's entire business model." Liu Ligan said with a smile.

"By the way, you need to use the Spring Festival holiday to help Zhang Chen draft a franchise agreement. This agreement should be written in an easy-to-understand way so that people can understand it at a glance." Meng Ping and Liu Ligan said.

Liu Ligan said yes, and he will take care of me.

At noon, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao took Liu Ligan and Meng Ping to the Zhang Shengji Restaurant, which was the most popular restaurant in Hangzhou at that time. After eating, the two groups broke up in front of the hotel, and Meng Ping, Cao Xiaohe and the others continued to go. Wu Chaohui, Liu Ligan, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao took Zhang Xiangbei to Yongcheng.

Liu Ligan wanted to drive, but Wu Zhaohui refused to give him the key. Wu Zhaohui said that he was in the city now and would wait until he got outside the city.

Liu Ligan had no choice but to sit in the passenger seat. Zhang Chen and his family of three sat in the back seat.

Xiao Zhao shouted: "Our tickets!"

Liu Li said without looking back: "Cancel it. Two tickets only cost a few yuan."

Wu Zhaohui drove out of the hotel parking lot. He was supposed to turn left, but Wu Zhaohui turned right and drove towards Huancheng North Road. Liu Ligan shouted:

"Where the hell are you going?"

Wu Zhaohui ignored him and asked Zhang Chen: "Mr. Zhang, is it Wulinmen Station or the ship terminal?"

Zhang Chen understood and said with a smile: "Ship pier."

Liu Ligan glared at Wu Zhaohui and had nothing to say.

The car stopped at the gate of the ferry terminal. Zhang Chen ran out with two tickets. Many people who had not bought tickets were waiting in front of the ticket window. Zhang Chen refunded the tickets as soon as he arrived and returned to the car. Liu Ligan asked him: "Are you satisfied now?"

"Of course, when we sell one piece of clothing, we can't earn more than two train tickets," Zhang Chen said.

"That's right." Xiao Zhao also smiled, "Thank you, Master Wu."

The car passed under the Qiantang River Bridge and arrived at the Liuhe Pagoda, which was already on the outskirts of Hangzhou. Liu Ligan looked at Wu Zhaohui. Wu Zhaohui looked ahead and muttered: "I'm twenty-nine years old. What's wrong with the cars on this road?" So much more?”

Liu Ligan asked: "Did you forget something?"

"No." Wu Zhaohui said, "Don't you just want to drive? As long as I'm still awake, you can drive for a while. You can drive later."

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao were laughing from behind. Wu Zhaohui didn't stop, and Liu Ligan had nothing to do. Fortunately, to go to Yongcheng, he had to pass through Tonglu. Wu Zhaohui's home was in Tonglu. When he arrived at Tonglu, Wu Zhaohui had to get off the car.

Humph, then, even if you don't let it go, there is nothing you can do.

The car drove to the foot of Tongjun Mountain and saw Tonglu County on the other side of the river. After passing the bridge over the Fenshui River, the car entered Tonglu County. Wu Zhaohui showed no intention of stopping. Liu Ligan shouted:

"Hey, you're not fucking going home?"

Wu Zhaohui glanced at him and said, "My home is not in Tonglu Town, but in Qililong. Didn't you say that you have been to the Hydraulic Machinery Factory? You don't even know where it is?"

Wu Chaohui snatched the prize, leaving Liu Ligan speechless. Well, anyway, there is still ten miles to go, and we will reach Qililong.

When they were approaching the three-way intersection at Qililong, Liu Ligan and Wu Zhaohui said, "Turn in, and go to your shabby factory here. I remember there are still four or five miles to go. I allow you to drive your Daben to your factory." Show off your power and I'll drive out again.

Wu Zhaohui said thank you, but when he reached the fork in the road, he drove straight past. Liu Ligan cursed: "What the hell are you doing?"

"You're not alone in the car. If you were alone, I wouldn't care about you and the kids. I'll take you to Yongcheng and take the shuttle bus back."

Liu Lizhan was so angry that the hair on his head stood up, and he cursed: "Are you sick that you have no confidence in me?"

"Have you given me confidence?" Wu Zhaohui said, "How about you ask Mr. Zhang if you want me to give it to you?"

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao laughed, and Zhang Chen shouted: "Yes, I have no confidence in him driving."

Wu Zhaohui smiled proudly: "See, this is also the passenger's request."

"What a passenger, he's just traveling with you." Liu Ligan scolded.

"Yes, then I am even more responsible for sending them to Yongcheng safely."

"What time did you arrive in Yongcheng? Is there still a fucking shuttle bus back?"

"You don't need to worry about it. I'll just stop a passing car. This little thing is nothing."

Xiao Zhao still smiled and said: "Thank you, Master Wu, for sending us!"

When the car arrived at the downstairs of Zhang Chen's house, Wu Zhaohui and Liu Ligan helped them take their things upstairs. Zhang Chen sent them two downstairs. Zhang Chen and Wu Zhaohui said:

"Xiao Wu, it's already too late anyway. Either have dinner and then go back."

Wu Zhaohui quickly said, "The old man and woman in my family know that I will come back today, but they are still waiting at home."

"Get in the car and get in the car." Liu Ligan urged Wu Zhaohui.

Wu Zhaohui asked: "What are you doing? You go your own way, a little bit, and I can just walk to the national highway by myself."

"Damn it, I'll go out and take you to Qililong and then come back, okay?" Liu Ligan cursed.

Wu Chaohui smiled and said: "This is okay, this is okay."

Zhang Chen looked on from the side and almost burst out laughing.

Liu Ligan sat in the driver's seat angrily, and Wu Zhaohui quickly waved to Zhang Chen and said goodbye to Mr. Zhang while sitting in the passenger seat.

Liu Ligan started the car. Zhang Chen thought of something and hurriedly caught up two steps and knocked on the car. Liu Ligan stopped the car, rolled down the window and asked:

"What else farts?"

Zhang Chen took out his big brother from his trouser pocket and said to Liu Ligan, "Your broken big brother is useless here. Take this with me. If anything happens on the way, call me."

Liu Ligan picked up Zhang Chen's eldest brother and drove away.

Zhang Chen looked at the car going away and couldn't help but laugh again.

Three chapters today, and one more to come before six o'clock.

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