The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 586 In the South

When Liu Ligan woke up, he asked Zheng Wei: "Did I answer Zhang Chen's call last night? Did he tell me that Xiao Zhao was born?"

Zheng Wei said yes, what's wrong?

"Nothing, I thought I was dreaming, haha, Zhang Xiangbei, this little bastard is really here." Liu Li was overjoyed.

Zheng Wei looked at the clock in the room. It was already half past eight. She said, "I'm going to call Zhang Chen."

Liu Ligan understood. He jumped out of bed and shouted, "Okay, I'll go to the bathroom."

Zheng Wei took her mobile phone and dialed Zhang Chen's mobile phone. She was surprised when she heard Xiao Zhao's voice coming from the phone. She couldn't believe her ears and asked:

"Xiao Zhao, is that you?"

"Yes, Sister Wei."

"Didn't you just give birth to a baby? Why..."

"It's the pole that told you, I'd like to call you later."

"Stop fighting now and have a good rest." Zheng Wei said urgently.

"I'm fine, Sister Wei, really." Xiao Zhao said and laughed, "I feel like I laid an egg."

Zheng Wei laughed so much that he choked with laughter and quickly sat up.

By the time Liu Ligan came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, Zheng Wei had already finished making phone calls and was sitting there thinking blankly. Liu Ligan looked at her and she woke up and said with a smile:

"Xiao Zhao is so kind. She said it was like laying an egg and there was no pain at all."

After saying that, Zheng Wei continued to smile, and Liu Ligan said: "That's not the case, she gave birth to a little bastard."

Liu Ligan fell on the bed, his hair still wet. He asked Zheng Wei, "How about we give birth to a little bastard too?"

Liu Ligan hugged Zheng Wei as he spoke.

Zheng Wei wanted to get away from him and shouted: "It's almost time to go to work."

"Never mind him." Liu Ligan said, his hands and feet not stopping.

Zheng Wei also softened up, saying in his heart, take care of him, take care of him...

Throughout the whole day, Zheng Wei felt uneasy. She didn't know why. As soon as Liu Ligan arrived at the office, he broadcast the news on the phone that he had successfully been promoted to the parent level. He had already made an appointment. In the end, it was said that we were going to celebrate Xiao Zhao’s birthday that night.

Zheng Wei felt that this was of course a happy thing. Liu Ligan was so happy that she was almost moved. For a moment in the morning, she was thinking, never mind him, don't take any measures, let's give birth to a little bastard. Egg, so what?

But at the last minute, measures were taken.

Liu Ligan walked into Zheng Wei's office and asked Zheng Wei, "I'm going to Jinghai Center to have a look, will you go?"

Zheng Wei said go and she stood up.

The two of them were sitting in the back seat of the car. Zheng Wei had the urge to hold Liu Ligan's hand, whether it was because he heard the good news about Xiao Zhao or because they hadn't been together for a long time and had been lingering all night. ?

Zheng Wei felt that today, he felt a little different from himself. He couldn't control himself, was very weak, and wanted to be with Liu Lipole.

The Jinghai Center started pouring underground works today. What appeared in front of them was a huge pit with an area of ​​more than 8,000 square meters and a depth of nearly 20 meters. It took several people just to dig this huge pit and bury the pile foundation under the pit. months time.

Inside and outside the pit, more than 20 mixers were working continuously. Liu Ligan watched the trucks of concrete being sent to the bottom of the pit along the zigzag ramp. The cars and people were getting smaller and smaller. The last one was as small as a banana, and then it got bigger little by little, pushing empty cars one after another.

The mixers at the bottom of the pit were like toys. The area where the concrete was being poured was too big. If a truck of concrete fell, it would be like a drop of water falling into the sea without even making a ripple.

But every drop of water is money, just falling, falling.

Liu Ligan felt that the huge pit in front of him really looked like it was piled up with fucking money. They were starting construction here and on Xinbu Island at the same time, and every day the money flowed out like a water pipe with a broken valve. flow.

Even Sun Hou and others are feeling the pressure of funds. Liu Ligan has suggested many times that in order to protect the Xinbu Island project, the Jinghai International Financial Center should be converted from leasing to sales, and now the pre-construction properties are being sold. Liu Ligan has Confidence to withdraw funds quickly to fill the hole in Xinbu Island.

Because of this, Zheng Wei flew back to Beijing to express his sincere words, but until now, neither the branch nor his own bank had a clear explanation. He told her face to face that he knew that he knew and that he should hurry up, but after she left, it was very likely that And put it away in a high cabinet.

The reason why this happened, Zheng Wei knew in his heart, was that not only President Li of the branch, but also President Zhu of their own bank, including Sun Hou, were not very willing to do this.

First, the reputation of the head office has been blown out. When the Hainan Jinghai International Financial Center is completed, the head office leaders will come to cut the ribbon in person. The ceremony for the inauguration of the center is also the ceremony for the establishment of their bank's Hainan branch, and it is also the day when many people officially take office. .

The head office has long since determined that the Jinghai International Financial Center is an important asset of their bank in Hainan. The hotter Hainan is, the more important this asset will be.

As a result, when the center was completed, I discovered that this building already belonged to someone else and had nothing to do with them. At most, they were just a pre-developer and a later-stage property owner, so it wasn’t a fucking one. A joke?

President Zhu and Sun Hou were not active in this matter. Zheng Wei felt that they were waiting for the completion of the center so that he could go one step further and become the president or vice president of Hainan Branch, or Sun Hou could replace President Zhu's current position.

After all, this building was developed by their bank. President Zhu became the branch president in the building, and no one had anything to say. Sun Hou has been in charge of Hainan business. Of course, he deserves the most credit for the success of Hainan today.

There is another thing that Zheng Wei has not told Liu Ligan for the time being.

That is, once the preliminary work of Xinbu Island is completed, their bank has planned a training center for its head office on the island and will launch it as soon as possible. Other projects must make way for this project.

Zheng Wei didn't tell Liu Ligan because she didn't find the right time or reason, and she didn't want to see Liu Ligan's loss and dejection, nor did she want to dampen his enthusiasm.

It is said to be a training center, and there is a separate area next to it. It is planned to build more than a dozen villas facing the sea. This is left to a few leaders of the head office. Those who can live here must be them and the leaders above them. .

What Zheng Wei said to Liu Ligan before was right. The battle was fought hard by the front, but the results will always belong to the rear. Those in the rear will not understand the difficulties of the people in the front. You Liu Li Isn’t it true that Gan Gang is very capable? They thought that there was no problem that Liu Li Gan couldn’t solve.

"Xiao Liu is in Hainan, so without any hesitation, let him take action, hahahaha..."

Zheng Wei sometimes regretted doing the Xinbu Island project. She felt a little sorry for Liu Ligan and felt that he might eventually be dragged down by these projects and become a tired old horse, unable to even hum a hey hey hey hey.

But Liu Ligan would definitely not see it that way. He really looked like nothing could trouble him.

This guy, asking him to do anything is better than letting him be idle. When he has nothing to do, he will find something for himself. He is so energetic, just like a weed. If you put a stone on his head, he will also Find a way to get a few green buds out of the cracks in the rocks.

I can't help it, I like him, don't I just like how he looks like a dick all day long? Don't I just really hate those people who have neatly combed hair, don't smile, and are polite?

Leaving the construction site of Jinghai International Financial Center, they went to Xinbu Island. The two bridges connecting Changdi Road to Xinbu Island and Haidian Island to Xinbu Island have already started construction. There are already two bridges on the island. More than a hundred people were sent up to clear the weeds and bushes.

The area of ​​Xinbu Island is really too big.

Meng Ping and Liu Ligan said that if they bring ten bulldozers up and push them for a month, they will guarantee to give you a new port island.

Liu Ligan refused. He said that all the coconut trees and mangroves on the island must be kept. He followed Mr. Han's suggestion and tried to maintain the original landform of the island as much as possible. It would be meaningless if it was a flat plain.

If the bulldozers go up, it will only turn this place into another Yangpu.

Liu Ligan and the others had been to Yangpu, where the Xionggu Group had left a mess. Dozens of square kilometers of land had been plowed by bulldozers, leaving no grass growing. At the end of this bare land, there was only a small three-story house. , a small pier that is worse than a fishing village.

Even though the land in Hainan has become so hot, few people are optimistic about it. Liu Ligan doesn't want his Xinbu Island to become like this.

The birthday party was still held in Nanzhuang in the evening. Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan came with their sons. When Liu Ligan saw it, he almost shed tears.

In fact, it was only two years, but it seemed like a century had passed. The five of them, who had met on the streets of Hai'an, were now a family of three. Zhang Chen also had his own home and children, and Jin Lili Liu Ligan didn't even know where he was going, but what about himself?

Liu Ligan felt that he didn't know either. He just felt like a ship in the vast ocean, drifting, drifting, and drifting. There was no dock where he could berth.

Although Zheng Wei was sitting next to him and still holding his hand quietly under the table, he knew that this was not the woman who really belonged to him. If there was still love between them, there should be some, but that was also despair. love.

From the box, I couldn't see the sky outside, but it was almost eight o'clock, it should be dark outside, and all the birds had returned to their nests.

Meng Ping dialed Zhang Chen's eldest brother. Zhang Chen had returned to the hospital. Hearing the voices of so many good friends on the phone, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao were very excited. People here kept shouting when they heard Xiao Zhao. Saying:

"Xiangbei, Xiangbei, Zhang Xiangbei, look, look, who is this..."

They heard Xiao Zhao saying their names to Zhang Xiangbei one by one. They saw Xiao Zhao holding up their son Zhang Xiangbei and looking at them as if from the phone. The boy smiled and made a baby noise. laughter……

Liu Ligan drank a lot of wine. He asked Wu Zhaohui and Wei Wenfang to take him and Zheng Wei to Yedao Hotel and leave. They didn't bother to explain, and Wu Zhaohui and Wei Wenfang didn't ask. After such a long time, if Wu Zhaohui and Wei Wenfang If you still can't tell what the relationship between them is, then you are really stupid. It's just that no one is going to pierce that layer of window paper.

When Liu Ligan got off the car, he staggered a little. Zheng Wei supported him. The two of them walked through the hotel lobby and walked to the elevator. When they passed the sofa, two people who were sitting stood up. Zheng Wei stopped.

When Liu Ligan heard Zheng Wei let out a cry of surprise, he immediately lost his drunkenness.

"Mom, why are you here?"

Thank you to Laughing and Running Y, Li Ruijin, and Lao Chentang for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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