The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 587 It’s morning when I wake up from a nightmare

Zheng Wei stood there, his body trembling slightly, and the hands held by the two people naturally let go.

Liu Ligan saw another pair of hawk-like eyes piercing him.

She was an old lady in her sixties. Even in Haicheng, the top button of her shirt and the buttons on her cuffs were buttoned. Her entire face and movements were cold, like a sculpture. The pestle is there.

Next to her stood a man in his thirties in a neat suit. He did not look at Zheng Wei, but looked at Liu Ligan coldly. Liu Ligan knew who he was without any introduction.

Liu Ligan was thinking about how to greet Zheng Wei's mother when he heard Zheng Wei gently say to him: "You go first!"

Liu Ligan said "Oh". He looked at the two people opposite him and wanted to smile as a greeting. However, the two people opposite him had no intention of laughing or getting to know him.

The falcon-like gaze made Liu Ligan tremble, forcing him to retreat, and he turned around and left in a hurry.

Liu Ligan walked to the gate, and a taxi happened to stop. The person on it had just gotten off, and before he could close the door, Liu Ligan climbed up.

The driver asked him: "Where to go?"


The driver started the car and did not drive casually. He saw that Liu Ligan was a mainland boy, so he thought that these people from the mainland, without exception, must want to see the night view of Haicheng, especially the colorful scenery along the way, so he The car drove towards Haixiu Road.

Liu Ligan came to his senses when he saw Wanghai International Hotel outside. He told the driver to go to Binya Village.

The taxi drove to the entrance of the courtyard and stopped. Liu Lipole threw down a hundred dollar bill and got out of the car. The driver waited for a while and confirmed that this guy really didn't want to look for him anymore. Everyone had already entered the courtyard. The driver said Just started the car.

Liu Li went upstairs and walked into the room. Wenwen and Qianqian screamed when they saw him.

"Rare visitors, rare visitors!" Wenwen shouted.

"Why, no girls today?" Qianqian asked.

Liu Ligan ignored them. He went straight to the inner room, fell on the bed and fell asleep.

Wenwen and Qianqian wanted to lift him to the ground, but this guy seemed to be dead after drinking too much.

They had no choice but to go out and huddle on the sofa.

After a while, Wenwen felt that she couldn't bear it, so she walked in and stood by the bed to look at it, and called, "Qianqian, come here and help."

The two of them stripped off Liu Ligan's clothes, got hot water, and wiped him with a hot towel. Wenwen asked if he felt better?

Liu Ligan muttered something.

Wenwen asked again, do you want some tea?

Liu Ligan was already snoring, but he was still smelling of alcohol.

Wenwen sighed, covered Liu Ligan with a towel, said let's go, and the two of them walked out.

In the middle of the night, Wenwen came in to take a look. Liu Ligan remained the same as when they left. Wenwen frowned, climbed into bed, lay down next to him, and patted him gently.

In the dream, Liu Ligan had a splitting headache. He vaguely knew that it was because he had drunk too much wine, and he vaguely felt that not only was his headache, but his heart was aching as well.

He dreamed that he was in a movie theater. He knew clearly that this was the Yongcheng Cinema Theater that he often went to when he was a child. The movie theater was full of people. He was sitting on the stage with his back against the screen. The beam of light shone dimly from the distance. The holes shot out, dazzling his eyes. He looked at the shadowy people in the audience, all of them seemed to be familiar, but he couldn't tell who they were.

They were all watching the movie attentively. Liu Ligan said, "What's so interesting about the movie? Look at me. His upper body was in the projection of the projector, but those people in the audience still didn't seem to see him. He wanted to stand." He stood up, blocking the entire screen, and couldn't stand up.

He kept talking, hoarse, trying to cover up the sound of the movie, but he could never do it. No one listened to what he said, and no one looked at him. Their eyes seemed to penetrate him, but they still looked at him intently. The screen behind you.

Liu Ligan made various movements with his hands, trying to attract their attention. When he covered his head with his hands and was in great pain, the people below laughed collectively. Liu Ligan looked at them, but still no one looked at them. He, Liu Ligan, finally gave up his voice and muttered to himself. Finally, he closed his mouth and sat blankly.

The beam of light emitted from the dark hole in the distance sometimes changed into a hawk-like gaze. One moment it was Huang Hongguang, another moment it was the old lady, and the next moment it changed back to the beam of light from the projector.

The location seemed to be no longer at Yongcheng Cinema, but at the open-air cinema in Binya Village. Three rays of light were intertwined. When Liu Ligan wanted to say something, the people below shouted together:

"Are you pouring Ding?"

The overwhelming sound came over, and Liu Ligan finally lowered his head.

The movie ended, with the word "End" waving on his face, and the scene jumped to Yongcheng Cinema. There were high steps at the door, and the wooden doors were rust-red, like a fire brigade. On the door The paint has peeled off.

It was a cold autumn day, it was raining outside, and there was a muddy street below the steps. Liu Lipole stood on the steps, and those who walked down the steps held umbrellas.

Liu Ligan was looking for Zheng Wei in the crowd. When he looked to the left, he spotted her on the right out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head, and the familiar face disappeared in an instant, and he held up a black umbrella. Liu Ligan wanted to walk over, but out of the corner of his eye he saw Zheng Wei on the left. He quickly turned his head to the left, and a black umbrella opened with a pop on the left, and Zheng Wei disappeared...

He just stood there looking left and right, at a loss. Zheng Wei's face was like a bright firework, flashing for a moment and then disappearing under the black umbrella in the blink of an eye. He wanted to shout, Zheng Wei, Where are you?

But something blocked my throat and I couldn't make a sound.

The crowd had dispersed, and there was a lonely street under the steps, with continuous rain and dim street lights. He saw a person walking alone, tightly wrapped in a black windbreaker. Yes, that was Zheng Wei, Liu The pole quickly ran down the steps.

He saw that although the rain was falling one after another and the street lights were dim, the rain did not wet Zheng Wei's body and hair at all. Zheng Wei walked under the dim street lights as if she was in daytime. He saw her fair and slender hair. Neck, turned slightly to the side gracefully, Liu Ligan saw that he had caught up and patted Zheng Wei on the shoulder.

Zheng Wei turned around, but Liu Ligan woke up suddenly. What he saw was the old lady's face and her eyes like a falcon.

Liu Ligan opened his eyes, and everything was dark. Liu Ligan then laughed softly. It turned out to be a nightmare. Zheng Wei was still lying next to him, with one hand still pressing on his chest. Liu Ligan Rod reached out and hugged her.

"Are you awake?" a voice asked softly.

Liu Ligan shouted "Ah" and sat up. The lights in the room turned on. Only then did Liu Ligan see clearly that the person lying next to him was not Zheng Wei, but Wenwen.

Liu Ligan thought he was still in a dream, and quickly looked around, thinking that it would be bad if Zheng Wei saw him hugging Wenwen.

A person came from outside, and it was not Zheng Wei, but Qian Qian. Qian Qian cursed: "What the hell is your name? You're so scared in the middle of the night!"

Liu Ligan looked at Wenwen and asked stupidly: "Why are you here?"

Wenwen scolded: "You're as fucking drunk as a pig. We kindly wiped it off for you, and I even slept with you. Damn it, why do you think I'm here?"

Liu Ligan realized that he was at home and immediately changed his mind: "Why am I back?"

"How do I know how you came back? Get out of here! Get off our bed!" Wenwen was so angry that she kicked Liu Lipole with her feet, and Qianqian came over to pull him.

Liu Li rolled out of bed and realized that he was naked. He stood up and wanted to get the towel and quilt on the bed. Wenwen kicked him in the forehead and Qianqian shouted:

"Get out of here, you ugly thing, no one has seen it before, so why should you block it?"

Liu Ligan fled and fled to the sofa outside. Inside, Qianqian had fallen on the bed and turned off the lights in the room.

Wu Zhaohui determined that Liu Ligan should still be at Yedao Hotel, but he still drove to Binya Village. Wei Wenfang told him that it was your duty to go, and if you didn't go, it was a mistake in your work.

Wu Chaohui felt that Wei Wenfang was right, and whatever Wei Wenfang said seemed to make sense.

Wu Zhaohui stopped the car in front of Yilin's house without turning off the engine. He decided to honk the horn three times and wait for five minutes. If Liu Ligan did not show up, then this guy would be like before. When he arrived at the company, he would pretend Sitting there, I told him that I got up early, so I didn’t wait for you and came over in a caravan.

You get up so early, no one knows you are coming from the other side.

Wu Zhaohui looked in the rearview mirror, shaving with a Philips electric shaver, and honked the horn casually.

Unexpectedly, Liu Ligan immediately appeared in the corridor upstairs, dressed neatly, as if he was already waiting for him.

Wu Zhaohui was halfway through shaving when Liu Ligan got into the car. Wu Zhaohui quickly put down the razor and sent the plague god to his work first. He would then shave the remaining half of his beard downstairs in the Longzhu Building to save the plague god from nagging him again. Nagging.

Liu Ligan was sitting in the passenger seat. His eyes were still red and swollen. He rubbed his eyes with his hands, and then kept rubbing his forehead. Wenwen kicked him there, and it still hurts.

"Why, didn't you sleep well?"

Wu Zhaohui asked, laughing to himself, you are so damn busy, fighting three women in one night, how could your eyes not be red?

"It hit me." Liu Lizhan answered the question inappropriately, and then cursed: "You fucking care so much?"

Wu Zhaohui chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?" Liu Li asked curiously.

"You fucking care?"

Wu Zhaohui replied, making Liu Ligan laugh, and Liu Ligan shouted: "Okay, you are so fucking awesome, now you dare to talk back to the boss."

"So what? Are you going to deduct my salary again? You've told me ten thousand times to deduct my salary, but why haven't you deducted a dime?"

"Damn it, you still take politeness as a blessing."

Wu Zhaohui smiled and said, "I'm reminding you, if you want to scare me, just change your tactics."

"Okay, then I will demote Wei Wenfang and tell her that when you are no longer with Wu Zhaohui, I will reinstate you."

"This works, you can scare me with this." Wu Zhaohui chuckled, "Should we try it again?"

"Get the fuck out of here!"

After doing this, Liu Ligan felt that he was no longer so depressed. Maybe things were not that bad. Is there any reason to think that things were not that bad? His mother and husband both came to the door. What else do you want?

Liu Ligan thought that the worst was so what, the big deal... He thought of going to Wuzhishan to raise pigs with Zheng Wei again.

When the car arrived at the parking lot of Longzhu Building, Liu Ligan was about to get off. When he saw Wu Zhaohui sitting still, he asked, "Aren't you going to get off?"

Wu Zhaohui pointed to his chin and said to Liu Ligan: "You ran so fast, and I still haven't shaved half of my beard."

Liu Ligan got out of the car with a big smile.

Liu Ligan walked to the door of the company. When he saw him at the front desk, he nodded with a smile and said hello Mr. Liu!

Liu Ligan walked in and saw that nothing was going on inside as usual. He turned around and saw that except for the lights in Zheng Wei's office, everything else was normal.

Not what he expected, the old lady stood at the door of the company waiting for him, looking at him like a falcon. Liu Ligan even thought about whether there would be someone around her who would tell him when she saw him coming. , you come with us.

Just like that day, the man in J suit came in from outside, walked into the conference room, and told Fang Zhe, "You come with me," and Fang Zhe followed him obediently.

No, everything was normal. Liu Ligan couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Thank you Qianqian Dad, Brokeback Mountain, May, Cheng Shanming (Bronze) 18907983117 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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