The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 585 Zhang Xiangbei is invited

There are three beds in the ward. Xiao Zhao is in the first bed and there are two more beds. Their due date is the same day as Xiao Zhao, but one of them gave birth the day before yesterday and the other the day before yesterday.

Five days have passed since the due date, and Xiao Zhao is still quiet here, with no reaction at all. After the doctor checked, he also felt puzzled. Everything seemed to be normal, and the amniotic fluid did not decrease. The B-ultrasound examination showed that the fetal position was also normal. The umbilical cord is not wrapped around the neck either.

The doctor could only tell Xiao Zhao and Zhang Chen to wait patiently. If the amniotic fluid decreases or the umbilical cord wraps around the neck, we will consider a caesarean section immediately. That time has not yet arrived.

They waited before that time. Zhang Chen forgot to read it in that book. It seemed to say that babies born naturally had a stronger sense of balance than those born by caesarean section. Of course, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao chose this one.

In the dead of night, Xiao Zhao would say to Zhang Chen, "Look, I've told you a long time ago, this guy is just as scoundrel as you. He stays in there, feels comfortable, and won't come out if he can't speak out."

Zhang Chen said seriously, well, maybe you are not pregnant with Zhang Xiangbei, but Zhang Nezha.

The baby was not yet born, but Xiao Zhao was frightened twice, both by the two pregnant women in the same ward. When she was about to give birth, the painful moans of her uterus during contractions frightened her. After giving birth, she was still in pain. Look again Look at how ugly those two children are. Suction cups were used during the birth process. Their heads were sucked by the suction cups and protruded like two bullets.

Although doctors and family members of pregnant women say that this is normal and they will recover after a while, but when you think about the child's head being sucked like this, you can imagine the pain of the mother. These two women returned to the ward. At that time, my face was as white as paper, and every part of my body was limp.

Xiao Zhao knew that giving birth would be painful, but she didn't know that it would be so painful that she could not bear to die. Her face turned pale with fright. She scolded Zhang Chen, "Look, happiness is yours, but pain requires me to hurt you. I won't do it."

Zhang Chen stroked her face and said, what should I do? Or think of a way to let me hurt her?

Xiao Zhao said: "I have actually thought of a way."

"What can we do?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I want to eat hot pot."

"Ah!" Zhang Chen was startled, but he immediately came to his senses and said, OK, when you are discharged from the hospital, we will go have hot pot.

"What's the use? I've given birth to it, and I'm afraid that I'm over it. I just want to eat it now. Give me courage."

"The doctor won't agree to this, right?"

"Why do you want her to agree? We won't treat her to food. Let's go, let's go, Guo Guo." Xiao Zhao said coquettishly, "You don't know how uncomfortable I am now. Do you know what your mother gives me every day?" What? Light steamed crucian carp, sweet pig's feet."

Zhang Chen almost laughed. He thought that his mother lived in the Hongqi Hotel and guarded a briquette stove every day. The people at the Hongqi Hotel must have provided countless folk remedies and recipes every day. These crucian carp and pig's feet might even be They brought it.

His mother brought these to Xiao Zhao, and he knew that Xiao Zhao would eat them even if he had the courage to do so, and even pretend to taste delicious.

"You don't know, I feel like vomiting every day, so I just thought it would be better to lock me in a slag cave and give me pepper water," Xiao Zhao complained.

Zhang Chen couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, Guo Guo, you won't be so merciless. Look at your wife doing this every day, suffering twice and suffering twice. I really, really want to eat hot pot."

Zhang Chen thought, Xiao Zhao is not a patient, but she is just about to give birth to a child. The doctor also said that everything is normal now. Xiao Zhao does not look like a person who is about to give birth. What should he be afraid of after eating hot pot once? He eats steamed crucian carp every day. There is no salt, and the stewed pig's feet is added with sugar. It really makes anyone want to die.

Besides, it’s only a little way from here to Sichuan Flavor Temple on Fengqi Road.

"This time, we won't do it next time." Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao said.

"Okay, I promise I won't do this again."

"Then you get out of bed, get dressed, I'll check at the door, and we'll sneak out."

Xiao Zhao shouted excitedly: "Okay, hurry up and go."

Zhang Chen supported Xiao Zhao and walked out of the ward. A nurse happened to pass by. The two wanted to retreat to the ward, but it was too late. The nurse looked at them and asked, "What are you doing out here?"

Zhang Chen quickly said: "The room is too stuffy. Help her to walk in the corridor."

The nurse walked over and the two of them laughed secretly.

Xiao Zhao and Zhang Chen said: "It's a good Guo Guo. Urgency brings wisdom."

The two of them walked slowly, pretending to be walking in the corridor, and walked to the elevator. Zhang Chen looked behind him. There was no one in the hospital corridor at about ten o'clock in the evening. The elevator was not on this floor, but on the first floor, Zhang Chen He reached out and pressed the down button.

The two people did not stop, but continued to walk forward. After walking for more than ten steps, they turned around and saw the elevator coming up.

The two of them quickened their pace slightly and walked to the elevator. The elevator stopped just in time and the door opened. The two of them hurriedly stepped in. Xiao Zhao actually moved faster than Zhang Chen. He didn't look like a pregnant woman expecting to give birth at all.

Zhang Chen quickly pressed the first floor button and then clicked the door close button. The two people's hearts were pounding. When the elevator door closed and the elevator started to go down, the two people couldn't help it anymore and started laughing.

On the first floor, the elevator door opened. Zhang Chen helped Xiao Zhao out of the elevator. After taking two steps, Xiao Zhao hugged Zhang Chen and shouted:

"Oh, oh, I can't help it anymore, I feel like I'm going to give birth, hurry up, call the doctor, I'm going to fall!"

After sweating profusely, Liu Ligan and Zheng Wei lay there. Liu Ligan smoked a cigarette from the bedside table, lit it, and stuffed it between Zheng Wei's lips and teeth, then lit one himself and took a deep puff. .

Zheng Wei puffed out a puff of cigarette, carrying the warm breath in her mouth. Zheng Wei smiled and said, do we feel like two men lying together like this?

Liu Ligan said: "Like, but I feel like I'm not strong enough to win."

"What's this mess?"

"I really want to fight you with a bayonet, but it's a pity that you don't have a bayonet."

Zheng Wei was stunned for a moment, and then understood what Liu Ligan was talking about. She twisted Liu Ligan hard, and Liu Ligan laughed.

On the bedside table, Liu Ligan's big brother suddenly rang.

To die! Liu Ligan suddenly became nervous. Why did he even forget to turn off his phone today?

"It's two o'clock, who is it?" Zheng Wei asked.

Liu Ligan's Big Brother was placed on Zheng Wei's bedside table. Liu Ligan quickly got out of bed and wanted to get the Big Brother, but Zheng Wei took it in his hand first and pressed the answer button.

It's over, it's over, at this point in time, besides the two die-hards Wenwen and Qianqian, who else could be there? Liu Ligan's head buzzed, and he felt a sigh in his heart.

"Hey, pole, I'm Zhang Chen."

Zhang Chen's voice came from the eldest brother's office. Liu Ligan was ecstatic, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

Zheng Wei handed the big brother to Liu Ligan, who took it and shouted: "Zhang Chen, you are working overtime in the factory in the middle of the fucking night. Are you so idle that you want to call me?"

"I'm not in the factory, I'm in the hospital."

"At the hospital, what happened?"

"What the hell happened to you? Xiao Zhao is pregnant!"

"Ah! Haha, Xiao Zhao is pregnant. Come on, tell me. What's happening?"

Zhang Chen laughed: "I'm sorry to disappoint you, Xiao Zhao gave birth to Zhang Xiangbei."

"Boy? Another bayonet!"

Liu Lizhan was naked and stood on the carpet in front of the bed. While answering the phone, he looked at Zheng Wei and smiled. Xiao Zhao was born. Zheng Wei immediately wanted to come over and say congratulations to Zhang Chen. He stood up and fell down again. It’s too late and you two are still together. What does that mean?

She stretched out her foot and kicked Liu Ligan, who staggered.

Zhang Chen asked: "What the hell? What's the extra bayonet?"

"It's okay, it's okay. Boys are boys, and boys are not bad. When he grows up, starting from kindergarten, dad, I will teach him how to pick up girls."

"Fuck you." Zhang Chen said with a smile, "Okay, I won't tell you anymore, they came out of the operating room."

Liu Ligan hung up his elder brother and turned off his phone. He wanted to go back to bed. Zheng Wei stretched out his feet, pressed against his chest and asked, "Tell me, who do you want to teach how to pick up girls? Who do you want to pick up?"

Liu Ligan chuckled: "I'll teach you how to pick me up."

"Fuck you." Zheng Wei kicked lightly, but let go of his foot.

Liu Ligan fell down, breathed a long sigh of relief, and shouted: "I'm not going back today. I'm going to be a father. I want to be comfortable and sleep until dawn."

Zheng Wei looked at this man and thought to himself, how much this guy likes children. It would be great if he could have a child of theirs with him!

Zheng Wei sighed softly.

The nurse washed Zhang Xiangbei, carried him over, and placed him next to Xiao Zhao. Xiao Zhao looked at his child and then at the other two beds. He felt a sense of pride and satisfaction in his heart. This ward only had theirs. The child is not a bullet, look how cute he looks!

It was already dawn outside the ward.

Zhang Chen's parents and Zhang Chen also looked at the baby. They saw that he had cried, they saw that he had fed, they saw that he had opened his eyes, they saw that they had laughed, they saw that he was sleeping again. They had been watching him for hours, but they still hadn't seen enough.

"Xiao Zhao, are you really not in pain at all?" Zhang Chen's mother asked. She had asked this question many times.

Xiao Zhao shook her head and said, "Really mom, I felt a little pain at the elevator entrance down below, but then I didn't feel anything at all. When the doctor told me that I had given birth, I thought it hadn't started yet."

When Zhang Chen's mother heard what Xiao Zhao said, she hit Zhang Chen again. This time she blamed him for being so brave. At this time, she dared to take Xiao Zhao out to eat hot pot. Fortunately, she hadn't left the hospital yet.

Zhang Chen laughed and said, "Why are you beating me? Xiao Zhao just remembered that the hot pot hasn't been eaten yet, so it went so well."

Xiao Zhao chuckled.

It can also be seen from Xiao Zhao's face and expression that her whole process was indeed painless at all. The two mothers' faces were pale when they returned to the ward, as if they were coming back from the line of life and death. Xiao Zhao came out of the operating room. , with his face glowing red, he smiled when he saw them and said:

"It's really Zhang Xiangbei."

Zhang Chen remembered it and said, "Your master has taught me well, and you can also learn well."

When Zhang Chen said this, Xiao Zhao also laughed. They all remembered that Sister Guihua told them that when she gave birth to her son, it was like laying an egg. Xiao Zhao didn't feel like giving birth to an egg this time. Did you lay an egg?

At around seven o'clock, Zhang Chen's parents made sure to drive Zhang Chen away and told him that they would be relieved after the baby was born. Why are you still here? Go about your own business, Xiao Zhao. We'll take care of it.

After Zhang Chen's mother finished speaking, she added, "I don't trust you to take care of me."

This was another time to scold him for taking Xiao Zhao to eat hot pot. Zhang Chen quickly said okay, I'll leave right away.

Zhang Chen leaned down and kissed Zhang Xiangbei on the face. Xiao Zhao stretched out his left hand. Zhang Chen understood. He took out his pen and drew a Zhang Chen brand watch on her wrist.

Zhang Chen's parents, who had seen so much, looked at them with smiles. Zhang Chen's mother told Xiao Zhao, don't let the doctor see him, he will scold him.

Xiao Zhao hummed.

Zhang Chen left his eldest brother behind and told Xiao Zhao, "Just wait. There will definitely be a lot of calls coming in later. Meng Ping, Qian Fang, Zheng Wei, Lin Yiyan, Li Yong, Chen Qihang... or you should answer them in person" Well, let them feel the pride of you as a new mother.

In addition, later you also call your aunt, Brother Tan and Sister Tianlin and Sister Guihua and tell them.

"Yeah." Xiao Zhao nodded.

Zhang Chen left the hospital and rode on the car. He laughed all the way. He looked at everyone on the road with a smile on his face. The whole world was happy. Damn it, Zhang Xiangbei, come on. Wasn't it cool when you were there? !

Zhang Chen laughed out loud while riding on the car. People around him looked at him and were puzzled by his laughter.

When Zhang Chen arrived at the stall, Xiao An, Xiao Li and He Hongmei were all there. Seeing Zhang Chen coming in with a smile, Xiao An rolled her eyes at him and cursed: "Did you find a treasure?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Xiao Zhao gave birth to a son."

"Ah!" The three little girls all screamed. He Hongmei stood up and shouted: "No more goods, I want to see Sister Xiao Zhao!"

"I'll go too!" Xiao An shouted. She looked at Zhang Chen and said, "I'll leave this place to you!"

The two men ran out.

Zhang Chen looked at Xiaoli, and Xiaoli looked at him. Zhang Chen smiled and said, "You can go with them too."

Xiaoli laughed and hurriedly chased her out. She was still wearing the clothes being sold at the stall.

Thank you for your monthly votes for Doll Tin Soldier, On the Shore 131, and Reading Books Every Day! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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