The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 575 The feeling of being rich

We are very busy during the day, but at night, when the two of us are lying in bed, we feel like we are dreaming during the day. We are always being pushed around by things and can’t help ourselves. On the contrary, it is the quiet moment before going to bed at night that makes us feel real. .

Xiao Zhao liked this time the most. He took out his bankbook from his bag, looked at the numbers on it, and smiled stupidly. In just over half a month, it had already turned into more than 1.2 million and 120,000. More than 100,000, if it had been made one month earlier, would have been an astronomical figure to them, and they would not dare to even think about it.

At that time, I was still hesitating whether to buy a sewing machine or start my own factory. I was mulling over tens of thousands of dollars, but it seemed that I didn’t dare to do anything or buy anything. I didn’t expect that it would only take more than half a month. The numbers on their bankbooks have skyrocketed to this point.

In the past, when Xiao Zhao went to the bank to deposit business funds, she saw the business operators in the old market in front of her holding thick tens of thousands in their hands to make deposits. In hand, it’s the same as showing off.

When he got to the queue, Xiao Zhao took out only a dozen or so thin sheets from his bag. Although the teller inside didn't react at all, Xiao Zhao himself always felt a little embarrassed.

Now, even if she goes to the bank with dozens of thin banknotes, she won't feel embarrassed anymore, because every time it's her turn, she will confidently tell the teller, "Please fill it in for me first, and the teller will put the passbook into the printer." , the printer Zrazila, the numbers printed out line by line, this is their bulk, their packagers are all transferred.

Xiao Zhao thinks that the sound of the Nazra Zira dot matrix printer inside the bank counter is so nice. This is why she always insists on using passbooks and doesn’t like using cards. There are no numbers on the cards, so it’s impossible for you to do this. Count them one by one, one dollar or one million, they are not all the same card, what’s the point.

Zhang Chen always laughed at her, "You look like a landowner. Landlords like to look at the surplus food at home."

Xiao Zhao smiled proudly, I am the landlord, what about you, do you want to be a landlord?

Zhang Chen pretended to be surprised and said, "Am I not an old farm worker?"

Okay, okay, you are promoted, I promote you to be the boss.

Xiao Zhao said, and the two of them laughed wildly.

Before the factory's production was expanded, their daily turnover was 40,000 to 50,000 yuan. After more than a week of expansion, the daily turnover was at least 70,000 to 80,000 yuan, and the most they made was more than 120,000 yuan. The workers have been making the same batch of styles for a long time. , it seems to be getting easier and faster, especially the beggar's suit, which is the best-selling among all styles, and the workers like to make it the most. It is so simple.

Even Hou Dao likes this style, because they can take the cloth belts pulled by the workers back to the dormitory, and braid a few braids when they have time to earn extra money. The work in the factory is done on a piece-rate basis, and every piece of work is done on a piece-rate basis. The more you work on the process, the more money you will earn. Even the chefs and helpers who cook and wash vegetables in the canteen will come to braid braids to make money when they are free.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao also didn't expect that the factory would go so smoothly when it started running smoothly.

"Dear, tell me, have we passed the stage you mentioned?" Xiao Zhao asked Zhang Chen.

"have no idea."

Zhang Chen said that he really didn't know. Looking at the daily increase in the number in the passbook, Zhang Chen felt that it was a bit hypocritical to say that they had not passed the stage of primitive accumulation.

You must know that more than one million was a huge amount of money at the time. It could buy a building. He Hongmei's house cost more than 50 square meters, but it only cost more than 60,000 yuan. It was quite expensive, not far from Sijiqing. The house in Jingfang far away only costs more than 800 yuan per square meter. Some people come to the market to sell it. The houses by the Qiantang River also cost more than 500 yuan. One house only costs 30,000 yuan.

But almost no one wants to buy a house. Those who have an apartment have heard that the apartment will be renovated soon, but no one knows how to do it. It just needs to be renovated, which means paying more than tens of thousands of yuan. Houses for each unit are still being built and distributed, and people who don’t have houses are still waiting to be distributed. Who will buy a house?

Those who live in the houses of the Housing Management Committee will not even think about such things. First, they have no money. Second, they live in the houses of the Housing Management Committee. The rent is only a few dozen yuan a month. If it is leaked and broken, there are still people to repair the house. If it is to be demolished, you will be given a bigger house. Who would buy a house if they have nothing to do?

Even Zhang Chen and others who do business rarely have the intention to buy a house. Most of the business people are from other places and have rural household registration. The household registration is not here. They know that they will not stay in Hangzhou for a short time. After making money, , they always want to go back to their hometown or the village. When they have money, their first thought is to build a big house in their hometown. In Hangzhou, they can just rent a small room.

No matter how frustrating it is to live there, as long as you think that your hometown has such a big house and you can enjoy the blessings when you return home during the Spring Festival, the frustration will not be so frustrating and the suffering will not be so painful.

So those houses are put on the market, no matter how cheap they are, no one is interested. The money is in your pocket and you can take it away at any time. If the house is here and you leave, it will die here.

A house is not a stall. If you want to sell a stall today, someone will want it. Who would want this house? If someone wants it, why would there be so many advertisements for selling houses posted on the telephone poles? Do you still want to go to the market to sell it?

Spending money to buy a house is a fool who watches his living money turn into dead money. Anyone who does business is not a fool.

In any case, it is indeed a bit outrageous for a person who can afford to buy a building to say that he has never gone through the stage of primitive accumulation.

But it’s over, Zhang Chen always feels uneasy in his heart. He feels that the money will go quickly as it comes. They now have more than 80 workers, and their daily expenses and monthly wages , is not a small amount of money. Now is not the time when I and Xiao Zhao could live a day on more than ten yuan.

Now every day, not to mention other things, just buying rice and vegetables in the canteen costs several hundred yuan a day. The rent in the factory is not included, and water and electricity are also needed. If your business is slightly worse, or it is the same as before, money is still under pressure. If the goods are stolen, their money will also be lost like running water.

Therefore, Zhang Chen was not as excited as Xiao Zhao. Instead, he felt a faint uneasiness in his heart.

What made him most uneasy was that they had done a good job this autumn. As for winter, Guo Wentao and Ma Niu had already called to urge for samples of winter clothes. Autumn was already short, and it became even shorter in the north. Zhang Chen felt that they needed to start wearing winter clothes immediately.

While customers like He Hongmei and others in the south are still selling autumn clothes, the north is already in need of winter clothes.

What to do with winter clothes?

Lao Wan and Zhang Chen arrived at the market together and delivered the goods to the stall. Lao Wan immediately went back to the factory. When they arrived, the stall door was open. The salesperson Xiaoli had already done a business. She would go there on time every morning. Open the door. Zhang Chen is ten or twenty minutes late now, so it doesn't matter.

The goods of packagers are packed directly in the factory. After packing, Lao Wan will take away the goods one by one according to the time, so Lao Wan has to rush back immediately.

What the stall is doing now is basically for customers from retail stores to buy goods. If there are packagers, Zhang Chen still takes them directly to the factory.

He found that it was much easier to discuss business in the factory than in the booth, especially after people visited their factory.

When Zhang Chen is not at the stall, Xiao Zhao will detain him and ask him to take the customers to the factory. If Zhang Chen is at the factory, Xiao Zhao will let the customers call him. Zhang Chen sends Lao Wan to wait under the archway of Sanbao Village. , or ask Xiaoli to take him there.

As soon as Xiaoli and the guests leave, Xiao Zhao will buckle He Hongmei, and He Hongmei will run over immediately. The due date is coming soon, and Xiao Zhao treats himself like a piece of porcelain, being careful and not daring to make any big noise.

Before eight o'clock, He Hongmei came in with two bags of meat buns and said to Zhang Chen and Xiao Li, "You must be hungry. I knew you didn't have breakfast."

She put the buns on the table, and Xiaoli quickly took one and said with a smile, she was really hungry. She was so busy that she didn't have time to go out and buy breakfast.

"Look, this cruel capitalist didn't even know to bring some when he came. It's better for me, Xiaoli, or you will mess with me in the future."

"Okay." Xiaoli shouted.

He Hongmei thought for a moment and said, "Forget it, I'm not afraid of this capitalist. I'm afraid of my sister. If I poach her, I'm worried that she'll beat me."

Zhang Chen was arranging the clothes on the hanger, and when he heard the two of them teasing, he said: "It's okay, you can take her away. What can you do with her? Make her a maid for you? Xiaoli, are you willing to work as a maid for others?" ?"

He Hongmei rolled her eyes at Zhang Chen and did not answer what Xiaoli could do. Instead, she said: "Look, Xiaoli, the evil capitalist has no feelings at all. If you want to leave, he won't even try to keep you. In one sentence, you can take him with you." Once you’re done, I’ll send you away.”

Xiaoli listened to their bickering while eating steamed buns, giggling and almost choked.

"Master, someone has copied these models in the old market."

He Hongmei pointed to the row of wick strips on the wall and told Zhang Chen that since that time He Hongmei said that she could only be an assistant, her name was Zhang Chen, not brother, but master.

"What, what did you say?" Zhang Chen was shocked and asked.

"Are you scared?" He Hongmei looked at him and smiled.

Zhang Chen was indeed frightened. This was his biggest worry. Seeing He Hongmei's playful smile, he felt relieved again. He thought she was teasing him, so he continued to arrange the clothes on the hangers.

"I'm not lying to you, someone really imitated it." He Hongmei said again.

Zhang Chen turned around: "Really?"

"Really, booth 3628." He Hongmei said, "But it's okay. I'm trying to imitate a tiger like a cat, but it's not a good imitation."

"what happened?"

"I'm here, you can see for yourself and find out."

Zhang Chen quickly walked out, walked outside, and then came back, took a bag of buns from the table, raised it to He Hongmei, and said thank you.

Zhang Chen devoured the buns as he walked. When he arrived at the entrance of the old market, he also finished the buns in his hand. He stuffed the empty plastic bag into the trash can at the door.

The first numbers 1, 3, and 5 of the old market stall number represent the three straight passages to enter. The second number represents which straight passage to enter. The corresponding horizontal passage, 3628, should be the second straight passage to enter. Booth No. 28 on the six-row horizontal aisle.

Zhang Chen saw this stall at the entrance of the passage. There seemed to be no customers in the stall, so he was a little relieved. When he walked to the door of the stall, he looked at the clothes hanging inside and almost laughed. No wonder the clothes in the stall were The pile would be so high that both the boss lady and the salesperson would look sad.

Zhang Chen saw that because they couldn't find the same fabric, they all used beige corduroy imitations. The corduroy fabric was too soft. Five sets of clothes were made like Zhang Chen's, but they just hung there. They were like five hanged ghosts, all drooping down. They were completely different from Zhang Chen and his hemp wick strips.

Zhang Chen smiled and walked into his stall, feeling indescribably happy in his heart. Damn it, you like imitations. Are you suffering now?

If there weren't too many people around, Zhang Chen would have laughed.

After laughing, Zhang Chen felt a little scared. Fortunately, he asked Wang Hainiao to move all the fabrics back to the warehouse. Otherwise, if people were looking for fabrics everywhere, they might actually find them.

Thank you Brokeback Mountain for the tip! Thank you Pi Wusun and Leo for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the reading and votes! I wish you all a happy life!

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