The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 574 Next, very soon

From that day on, He Hongmei came to their stall often, sometimes to deliver goods, sometimes after transferring in the market, and the goods that should be purchased were also brought in. In the end, she always reported to them, and stayed alone in Hangzhou. I have no friends, but when I met Xiao Zhao, she was a fellow villager, and I really regarded her as my sister.

When Zhang Chen was away, when a customer came, she would ask Xiao Zhao to sit down while she helped with the business. She had been exposed to the market since she was a child. Of course, she did business without saying a word, and she would win over the customer with just a few words.

When she meets a customer who wants to package, she will take out her business card, identify herself, and tell them, yes, these goods sell well in Chongqing, and they will do the same with you. , is the best personal statement.

Many customers think that she is the salesperson of their stall. When they call, they will tell Zhang Chen or Xiao Zhao whether your salesperson is there or not. She knows what goods I have.

If He Hongmei happens to hear it from the side, she will immediately grab the phone and say, hello, hello, I am that salesperson, yes, I heard it, you are the one... um, um, okay, I took note of it. , keep it for you.

After putting down the phone, she picked out the clothes the other party wanted, tied them up, took a piece of paper, wrote the person's name and where they got it, put it on the bundle of clothes, and then told them when the person would come to pick up the goods. .

"Sister, how about me as a salesperson?" He Hongmei would always ask Xiao Zhao after doing this.

Xiao Zhao looked at her and smiled: "We can't afford to hire a salesperson as big as you."

He Hongmei chuckled: "Sister, if you sleep with me at night, it will be credited to your salary."

Zhang Chen knocked on the table and shouted: "Hey, hey, don't let a third party get involved."

He Hongmei rolled her eyes at him; "Stingy, what's yours is yours anyway, and I can't take it away. I won't even let you borrow it for one night."

Sometimes, when Zhang Chen was in the factory, she would drive her white Xiali to the factory. When she saw Zhang Chen's designs, she would design them herself and ask Zhao Zhilong to make sample clothes for her.

Zhang Chen was painting on one end of the stage, and she was painting on the other. As she was painting, she would suddenly put down her pen and exhale angrily, like a bellows. Zhang Chen looked at her and smiled, which made her even more annoyed. He shouted, "Okay, okay, I can't beat you. Why are you so good? You are better than our teachers. They should invite you to teach in the school."

"I'm not competing with you, and I'm not interested in going to school." Zhang Chen said.

"Yes, design is actually not interesting, so if my family doesn't let me do it, I will quit. It's better to do business." He Hongmei said.

"Oh, why is the design so boring?" Zhang Chen asked curiously.

"Think about it, this design is different from painting. Painting is just a hobby. This design is very utilitarian. What you design must be able to be sold. For If you can sell it, you have to cater to the tastes of the people who buy your stuff, who knows who they are."

"It cannot be said that design still has its own independence. Good design does not follow the trend, but can lead the trend." Zhang Chen retorted.

"Shit! That's nice to say. What's the fashion? Money comes first!" He Hongmei suddenly became a little cynical and shouted:

"In this world, there is no designer whose products cannot sell well and can become a big-name designer, including those world-famous brands. How disgusting. Look at their brand stories, either with Princess Sissi or Diana. The princess is either with Mrs. Kennedy, or at worst she is a Hollywood star.

"This and that, they are all the same, they are all following these stupid stupid women. Besides being beautiful, these women have nothing else. If you look at the stories they make up, they are as vulgar as they are, and you still think that you are noble and noble. , not as noble as our Chaotianmen Bangbang, they at least make money through their own labor, unlike these parasites."

Zhang Chen fell silent. To a certain extent, he had to admit that what she said made sense. At least the first half of what she said was right. There is indeed no designer who is not interested in profit. Designing by yourself is not just for the pursuit of clothing. It's easy to sell. If you hang a piece of clothing that you feel proud of in a stall and no one even asks, you don't need others to deny it, and you will immediately deny it.

He Hongmei said so, but when she came to the factory, she still couldn't help but pick up her pen and start drawing. When she wasn't cynical, she was a good and obedient girl. She smiled at everyone she saw and had a carefree personality. Everyone in the factory likes her.

When she saw Caidi and several other Sichuan workers, she was very happy and felt like she was back home.

One night, the factory was working overtime to get the goods she wanted. She went to each workshop to ask for help. At about ten o'clock in the evening, she drove away. Everyone thought she had gone back, but they didn't expect her to come back after a while. , and asked Lao Wan and the others to go to the car to get supper.

Lao Wan and the others ran over and found that she had bought more than 30 KFC Family Buckets, which almost filled the back seat and trunk of Xiali. She excitedly told Zhang Chen, I bought all the food in that store. Sold short.

That night, everyone in the factory was stuffed with plain chicken, chicken wings and legs, and no one even ate the noodles in the cafeteria.

In terms of design, as she said herself, she always has some creativity in details, such as making a slit here, adding a little lace there, changing the cuffs to a slightly flared shape, and she will suggest clothes. Make the front and rear hems of different lengths, and sometimes it is recommended to add a section of fabric of a different color to the back hem.

Her suggestions are always just right, and Zhang Chen himself feels that the clothes he designs are often much softer and more suitable to wear after her detailed processing.

When she looks at the modified sample clothes, she often sighs: "Oh, it looks like I can only be an assistant."

The day after He Hongmei visited their stall, the customer from Zhengzhou Asia also came. When he saw the clothes in the stall, he complained to Zhang Chen, "There are so many new styles, why didn't you call me?"

Zhang Chen could only say that he didn't know where he put his business card that day and couldn't find it.

"Did Zhengzhou send it?" the other party asked.

Zhang Chen said no.

"Can the goods keep up now?"

Zhang Chen told him that there are already dozens of workers in his factory and there is no problem with the goods.

Seeing the other party's doubtful look, Zhang Chen took the initiative and said, "How about I take you to our factory to have a look?"

The other party said yes.

Zhang Chen took him to the factory to see it, and the other party immediately placed an order. He actually placed an order of 300 pieces, six styles, and 50 pieces of each style.

He asked when it would be ready?

Zhang Chen called Zhao Zhigang over, and the two of them did some calculations and asked Lao Wan to go to the stall and get some goods back, and they could prepare them in the afternoon.

The man ate in their cafeteria at noon and looked around in the factory in the afternoon. When all his goods were collected, he packed three bags and settled the bill. Zhang Chen asked him to ride his bicycle. He said no, no. , he climbed onto the tricycle, sat on the tied goods, and said to Lao Wan, let’s go to Sijiqing to deliver goods.

When Zhang Chen returned to the stall, he saw He Hongmei in the stall. When he saw him, he said, I will take Beijing for you.

A wholesale customer from the Beijing Zoo also ordered 120 pieces of clothing, paid a deposit, and agreed to pick up the goods tomorrow morning.

Zhang Chen quickly said thank you, thank you!

Next, Guo Wentao and Ma Niu called and started to restock.

The goods in the factory suddenly became tense. He Hongmei and Zhang Chen said, "We are hiring people. You need to hire people quickly, otherwise I will not care. My goods will arrive the day after tomorrow. If my family calls me, I will go directly to the factory to grab the goods." None of you can stop me.

Zhang Chen also felt that it was time to open another workshop.

He and Zhao Zhigang went to Taipingmenzhi Street again and brought back a cart of sewing machines and hemming machines.

In the factory, Caidi and Zhao Zhilong not only called people themselves, but also mobilized workers in the factory to find people. However, within two or three days, everyone from the other workshop arrived.

Zhang Chen and Zhao Zhigang discussed and transferred another girl from among the workers to work as a sample worker, and asked Zhao Zhilong to become the supervisor of the second workshop.

Lao Wan is very busy with deliveries and purchasing every day, and has no time to go to tailoring. Fortunately, they don’t have to go to Dongxin Road. Zhang Chen can give them a call to see what kind of fabric they need and how much it is, and Wang Hainiao will send it directly to them. , usually, Zhang Chen would ask him to send them four to five kilometers at a time, and they would have no place to put them in the factory, and they would be piled up in the cutting room and get in the way.

There were more than fifty workers, and the cutting table had to work non-stop to be able to cut pieces. They hired a special cutting table and a handyman to help in the cutting room. In this way, Zhao Zhi just had time to arrange production. and playing boards.

The number of employees in the back office has also increased. There are more than 80 employees in the whole factory. When we eat together, the kitchen is in a mess. After cooking, everyone has their bowls and there is no place to sit. They can only go back to the dormitory or in the yard. Eat while squatting.

Zhang Chen asked Lao Wan to call a few fellow villagers and build a simple house of more than 160 square meters on the side near the toilet, next to the row of peach trees, with one-fifth serving as the kitchen and four-fifths serving as the dining room. This solved the problem of eating.

After cleaning up the room left behind after the kitchen was moved, Zhang Chen used it as an office so that he would have a place to sit when clients came.

The office has applied for the installation of a telephone. If you need to replenish goods at the stall, you can call Zhao Zhigang directly. If there is anything in the factory, Zhao Zhigang can also call the stall directly. It is very convenient.

During this period, they developed wholesale customers in Kunming, Lanzhou, Xi'an, Nanchang, Chengdu and other places. Zhang Chen bought a map of China to hang at home. Every time he got a customer, he drew a five-pointed star in that city. Soon, more than a dozen five-pointed stars appeared on the map.

At this time, He Hongmei and Zhengzhou also started to replenish goods. When the goods were tight, she really stayed in the factory. If there were any goods she needed, she didn't need to tell her. The workers behind the scenes would quietly call her after they were packed. , she took the goods to the sample room, piled them on the table, and asked Lao Wan to pack and ship them.

She smiled proudly at Zhang Chen: "Did you see how I feel like I'm in my own factory?"

Although they also hired a salesperson in their stall, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao always had one person to guard the stall. After all, there were so many goods and payments in the stall, and they were all cash transactions. They couldn't It may be said that the stall is completely left to the salesperson to manage.

For many customers, especially packagers, there is still a big difference whether the boss is present or not.

It is impossible for these packagers to negotiate business with the salesperson.

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