Xiao Zhao still wanted to go to the stall with Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen didn't agree with anything. He said that it was now the final critical period and he had to be careful. It was okay to work hard for a day occasionally, but not continuously. Besides, all the stocks were sold yesterday. It's almost done. I don't have much clothes in the morning. I can handle it by myself. At worst, I can let Lao Wan take a look outside.

Xiao Zhao had no choice but to agree.

After all, there are now twenty-nine lathe workers in the factory. Zhao Zhigang asked the workers to rush out the goods, and still drove out more than 180 sets of clothes. Including the ones that were not sold out in the stall yesterday, there were still about 300 sets. , it won’t be out of stock today.

When Zhang Chen rode to the factory, Lao Wan had already loaded the goods, and the two of them set off immediately.

When I arrived at the stall, as soon as I turned on the light, a customer came in. Lao Wan did not go back immediately and stayed in the stall. Zhang Chen was doing business and settling with customers. Lao Wan was picking up and loading goods nearby. His hands and feet were also very agile. When he arrived, At around eight o'clock, after the morning rush hour had passed, they unknowingly had more than a dozen customers.

As Lao Wan was preparing to return to the factory, a girl in her twenties or thirties came in and sat down on a stool. She held a plastic bag in one hand, which contained Xiao Long Baozi, and a hand. Holding a pair of chopsticks, she sat down and smiled at Zhang Chen, and she said:

"Wait until I finish eating the buns first."

Zhang Chen also smiled and said yes.

When Lao Wan saw this, he walked outside the stall and did not leave. He stood there smoking. During this time, he often came to the market. Lao Wan also learned to read people. He felt that this girl was not an ordinary customer and should be with Just like the two yesterday, they were also packers.

Zhang Chen put the tissue on the table in front of the girl, and the girl said thank you.

Someone hurriedly walked in from outside the door. Zhang Chen looked and saw that it was one of the two girls from Xiaoshan. When she came in, she looked at the goods piled in the stall and shouted: "Okay, luckily there are still some."

She told Zhang Chen that some of the styles she went in yesterday were sold, so she came to replenish them in the morning. Zhang Chen packed all the goods she wanted and told her, if you want any goods in the future, you can call first. I'll keep it for you.

"The card phone near our store is broken. It's too far to run home. It's better to run over here. The bus stop is right at the door."

The girl said and left in a hurry.

The girl eating the buns was eating the buns while watching Zhang Chen do business. When Zhang Chen finished the business, she also finished eating the buns.

"Did you design these clothes yourself?" the girl asked.

"How do you know?" Zhang Chen asked curiously.

The girl pointed to the light box and said, "Isn't it that your source of goods is you? Let me see, you look like a designer. These clothes are designed by a male designer."

Zhang Chen was a little confused and asked: "Can you see this?"

The girl smiled and did not answer the question. Instead, she asked directly what the price would be for these five and the one worn by the model outside.

Zhang Chen told her.

"Okay, there are twenty pieces of each style, a total of one hundred and twenty pieces, which should fit into one bag. Please help me get it."

Zhang Chen heard that this girl must be from the south, but he still asked: "Where are you from?"


"In some cities, we already have wholesale customers and cannot ship."

"I am Chongqing."

As soon as the girl said this, Zhang Chen laughed. He thought that he and Xiao Zhao had pretended to be customers from Chongqing at the beginning. Unexpectedly, a real Chongqing customer came today.

"Damn it, you don't already have one in Chongqing, right? I think your store hasn't been open for long," the girl shouted.

"No need, no need." Zhang Chen quickly spoke in Sichuan dialect.

The girl was stunned for a moment and asked: "Are you also from Sichuan?"

"No, my wife is from Sichuan and she has to go through Chongqing when she goes home." Zhang Chen said.

The girl breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, let's distribute the goods."

Lao Wan hurried in and helped her distribute the goods. He counted them once and then looked at her, waiting for her to count. The girl was still sitting there without standing up. She waved her hand and said, I saw it, yes, you Pack it up.

Lao Wan took the woven bag and began to pack it.

"My name is He Hongmei. Yes, it's the same name as the announcer on Xinwen Network. What about you?" He Hongmei asked Zhang Chen.

"My surname is Zhang, which means morning, Zhang Chen."

"where's your wife?"

"Xiao Zhao."

"Zhao Mei that Zhao?"

Zhang Chen said yes, and the girl laughed. Zhang Chen looked at her and said, "Why are you laughing?"

The girl murmured: "It's quite romantic, I like it."

The girl stood up and said, "Come with me."

Zhang Chen asked curiously: "What are you going for?"

"Withdraw money. I didn't bring any money. I went to the door to buy buns. I saw that your place is very bright, so I stopped by to take a look."

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Then you go and get it."

He Hongmei's eyes widened: "This bag is packed, aren't you afraid that I won't look back once I leave?"

Zhang Chen shook his head and said he was not afraid.

"Okay then, I'll get it as soon as I can."

Just as he was talking, Xiao Zhao came in from outside. He Hongmei looked at her and asked Zhang Chen, "Is this Xiao Zhao?"

Zhang Chen said yes.

"The name at your door is wrong. It shouldn't be called Zhaomei, but Meizhao."

Xiao Zhao looked at her, then at Zhang Chen, and then at the bag that Lao Wan was packing. Not sure what they were talking about, Zhang Chen quickly said, she is from Chongqing, you fellows.

The two girls immediately chatted in Chongqing dialect. Finally, He Hongmei took Xiao Zhao's arm and asked Xiao Zhao to accompany her to get the money, and the two of them walked out.

Zhang Chen and Lao Wan laughed as they looked at their backs, thinking that this customer was really interesting.

After Lao Wan packed the bag, stood up and leaned against the pillar at the door, He Hongmei and Xiao Zhao also came back.

He Hongmei saw that the bag had been packed and said to Lao Wan, go get the pen and I said you write.

Lao Wan took the pen and He Hongmei said that in Chongqing City, Sichuan Province, as soon as Lao Wan wrote the character "four", He Hongmei shouted: "Your character is too ugly. Give me the pen and I will write it myself."

Lao Wan blushed at what she said, and Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao couldn't help laughing softly.

He Hongmei took the pen over and wrote the address on the woven bag in one breath. The handwriting was indeed very beautiful.

After finishing writing, she turned to Xiao Zhao and asked: "Sister, will you pay me the shipping fee?"

Xiao Zhao smiled and said: "Here."

He Hongmei smiled and said to Lao Wan: "Go to the Changqing parking lot, enter the row of shipping departments through the gate, and look for the third store. When they see it, they will know it is my goods. Please help me deliver it, thank you! "

Lao Wan put the bag on the trolley and pulled it out.

He Hongmei clapped her hands, walked back, leaned against Xiao Zhao, kept squeezing her, and said to her: "Okay, okay."

Xiao Zhao kept laughing, Zhang Chen looked at them, wondering what they were doing.

He Hongmei looked at him and said, "I said I would treat you to hot pot tonight, but she refused to agree."

Xiao Zhao smiled and said: "I told you, you can eat, but if you want me to treat you, you are the guest, and we are the hosts."

"Shame, I was the one who proposed it first. Of course you want me to invite you. Brother, take care of your wife. You must go."

Zhang Chen laughed and said, "If you answer me a question, I will agree to your going."

"what is the problem?"

"As you mentioned before, how did you tell that these clothes were designed by male designers?"

"This is simple. The clothes designed by male designers are more grand, and they pay more attention to the overall effect and don't pay much attention to the details. This is also easy to understand. They don't wear these clothes themselves. When they design, their minds What I’m thinking about is what women wear... By the way, I think when you were designing, you must have been thinking about how Miss Xiao Zhao would look good in it, right?”

Zhang Chen nodded. He thought what she said was reasonable and asked, "What about the female designer?"

"When a female designer designs, the object in her mind is always herself. She will incorporate her true feelings into her design, and will pay special attention to details. Is this comfortable here, is it good there? In short, The works of female designers are relatively softer, but your series is relatively hard, to put it another way, cooler, and the traces of male designers are very obvious."

"You also study design?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Yes, can I treat you to hot pot now?"

"Okay, I've made the decision, let's go." Zhang Chen smiled.


He Hongmei clenched her fists and pulled down from her eyes.

He Hongmei's parents were one of the first self-employed people to make clothing in Chaotianmen, Chongqing. Her sister graduated from high school and also sold clothes in the market with her parents.

Her family sells clothes, and she likes to draw. When she was in college, of course she studied fashion design. At that time, there were very few schools offering fashion design majors in the country. She was admitted to the Zhejiang Silk Institute of Technology in Hangzhou. Department of design, from the first day she went to Hangzhou to study at university, her family gave her the task of purchasing goods.

Every Sunday and in the morning when there is no class, she will go to Sijiqing and Longxiangqiao. Longxiangqiao sells more Guangzhou goods. Guangzhou goods are imported from Hangzhou to Chongqing. They are not competitive and the products they get are not First hand goods.

She gradually turned her attention to Sijiqing. She shipped goods here, and her parents and sister sold goods in Chongqing. The business gradually became big. Now there are five stalls, and it is already one of the top merchants in Chaotianmen.

After graduating from college, her family still allowed her to stay in Hangzhou. She even had plans to open a factory in Hangzhou, but her family did not agree. They felt that it would be too hard for her to be here alone without help. , and it might also delay the purchase of goods. It is enough for the family to concentrate on doing a good job in Chongqing's business.

She followed her family's arrangements, bought a house near Sijiqing, and settled down there. Her daily task was to go around the market and send any good goods to Chongqing.

In the evening, He Hongmei came to their stall, and the three of them walked out. Zhang Chen said he wanted to take a taxi, but He Hongmei said no, she lives in the neighborhood next to her, and she has a car, so we can drive there.

This community next to the market is very similar to Qu Tianlin's house. There are five or six-story buildings inside. He Hongmei lives here. No wonder she goes to the market next door to buy breakfast.

He Hongmei took them in and walked downstairs of the second building. Zhang Chen and the others saw a white Xiali parked there. Although it was just a Xiali, at that time, the mainland was not Hainan, and it was already very rare to have a car.

He Hongmei drove this white Xiali and shuttled among the red Xiali taxis on the street. She was very eye-catching. When waiting for the light to turn green at the intersection, some taxi drivers rolled down their windows and whistled at her.

He Hongmei took them to Chuanwangfu Hot Pot on Dongpo Road. After the three of them finished eating, she insisted on sending them home. She asked Zhang Chen, does your garment factory work overtime at night?

Zhang Chen said add it.

"Then I must go and take a look. As a fashion designer, I have never seen a clothing factory." He Hongmei looked at Xiao Zhao and shouted.

"Let's go." Xiao Zhao smiled.

Thank you Leo, the Dingli Blade of the Country, and Watch for your monthly passes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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