The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 572 A great start

Two people, the man's name is Guo Wentao, who works at the Qiulin Underground Clothing Wholesale Market in Harbin, and the woman's name is Ma Niu, who works at the Wu'ai Clothing Wholesale Market in Shenyang. They also come to Hangzhou often and both live in Caijiang near Sijiqing. We met many times at the Dutch Restaurant, so we naturally got to know each other and became friends.

Everyone is in the clothing business, and they are not in the same city. There will be no competition in business, so when they arrive in Hangzhou, they will go out to look for goods separately. No matter which one finds the right one, they will ask the other person to come over and help them. An individual's vision is always safer than one person.

They looked at Zhang Chen's products and thought they were good. The most important thing was that there were no customers in Harbin and Shenyang, and they didn't even need to dig in. The two of them felt a little excited.

Guo Wentao looked at the goods piled on the floor of the stall. There were about a hundred pieces left, only enough for one package, and asked: "Are all your goods here?"

Before Zhang Chen opened his mouth, Zhao Zhigang replied: "How is that possible? We still have many in the factory."

"Is your factory far away? Can you take us to visit it?" Ma Niu asked, which meant that she wanted to see your production capacity.

As a wholesale customer, the biggest fear is that your goods will not be supplied. No matter how good the goods are, no matter how easy they are to sell, if your goods cannot be supplied normally and are out of stock every three days, then isn’t it all in vain?

You must know that clothing is a highly seasonal and time-sensitive product, especially for wholesalers. In each season, there are only a few truly prosperous sales days. It is a huge suffering for them to have this stall empty for one day, and the loss is Huge, this loss is not only a loss of turnover, but also a loss of customers.

For those old customers who haven't replenished the goods when they arrived at your place, they couldn't possibly say that they would leave their store empty and just wait for you. What's more, the transportation at that time was not convenient. Many people only came out ten days a week. One time purchase.

There are not so many express delivery companies now. If you need any goods, you can send them to them with just a phone call.

Or he comes to you and there is no goods today. If you send him a courier when the goods arrive tomorrow, he can barely accept it. No, none of this is possible at that time. To purchase goods, he can only pull the cart by himself and carry big and small packages back. Carry.

If you don't have the goods here, he will definitely go to another stall to buy other people's goods. If he sells other people's goods easily, others will be his preferred supplier. Next time he comes, he will definitely go there to replenish the goods. , in the remaining time, it is unknown whether I will come to your stall to have a look.

Zhang Chen said yes, no problem.

He was full of confidence in his heart. He had already thought of this when the factory was being renovated. He knew that these packaging customers would have such requirements. I am not afraid of you seeing it. Our factory can also withstand it. .

At that time, most of the garment processing factories in Sijiqing were crowded into rented houses of farmers. There were not many decent factories like Zhang Chen and others, let alone renovated ones. Zhang Chen Of course I have confidence.

He stood up and whispered to Xiao Zhao that I would accompany them to the factory.

Xiao Zhao said yes.

Anyway, most of this clothing wholesale business only lasts for half a day in the morning. In the afternoon, all the long-distance buses in the nearby parking lot are gone, and there are still some customers in the market. In addition to local customers in Hangzhou, there are some retail customers. Xiao Zhaoyi I can handle it personally.

The five of them walked outside together. Zhang Chen asked Ma Niu, "Can you ride a men's bicycle?"

Zhang Chen's plan was to give them his and Zhao Zhigang's bicycles to ride, while he and Zhao Zhigang took Lao Wan's tricycle.

Ma Niu smiled and said, yes, I can even ride a horse.

"Well, you can even ride a man."

Guo Wentao suddenly said something. Ma Niu's face turned red and she punched him hard. Guo Wentao laughed loudly. The other three men also laughed, but they didn't laugh too loudly.

When he got outside and saw Lao Wan's tricycle, Guo Wentao climbed on it without saying a word and said to Ma Niu, sister, let's sit here, it's so comfortable.

He reached out his hand to Ma Niu, and Ma Niu took his hand. Guo Wentao pulled her onto the tricycle.

When they arrived at Zhang Chen's factory, they got off the tricycle. Guo Wentao and Ma Niu stood there, looking around with joy on their faces. They did not expect that Zhang Chen's factory was better than the processing machines they had seen before. The factory looked more like what it looked like, and looking at their workshop, it was also very orderly, which made me feel relieved immediately.

Zhang Chen also opened the second empty room, showed it to them, and told them that you don't need to worry about the production capacity, we are ready, and this workshop can be opened in one day.

Guo Wentao and Ma Niu took a look at the room. They saw that even the wires and lamps were indeed installed. They only needed to put the sewing machine in to start production. They knew that what Zhang Chen said was true.

They walked to the back aisle and saw the keyhole machine of the heavy machine. They looked at the workers' buttonholes with interest. This was equipment they had not seen in other processing plants, and they became more confident.

Guo Wentao pointed to the packed clothes piled in the back aisle and asked Zhang Chen and Zhao Zhigang how much goods were left in the factory.

"More than five hundred sets," Zhao Zhigang said.

"Are there all varieties?"

"Qi, we all produced the first batch of goods in the same quantity. Today is the first day of sales and we deliver them to the stalls in the same quantity." Zhang Chen said.

"How many numbers?" Ma Niu asked.

"Three, S, M, L, all in stock." Zhang Chen said.

The two looked at each other, and Guo Wentao said: "Okay, then we won't go to the stall. You pack all the goods here for us, and the two families will share it equally."

Zhang Chen said yes, and Zhao Zhigang quickly called Lao Wan and Zhao Zhilong and asked them to go to the warehouse to get packing needles and packing ropes to help the two customers pack.

Guo Wentao and Ma Niu took the two piles of goods separated by Lao Wan and others. After counting, they handed them over to Lao Wan and others to pack. They took Zhang Chen and Zhao Zhigang aside to chat.

Guo Wentao told them that today they are sending them back for trial sale. Director Zhao, we northerners have big bones, so you need to put another size for us, XL size. When we ship again, we don’t need S size. We need it. The ones are M, L and XL.

"S size is still a small quantity. Anyway, I will call you to tell you how much you need for each size." Ma Niu said to Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen nodded and said yes.

Zhao Zhigang also said yes, I will release the enlarged version today.

"Also, don't change the other sizes. When you put on the XL size, make the armholes here a little larger as appropriate." Ma Niu warned Zhao Zhigang again.

Lao Wan and Zhao Zhilong packed more than 500 sets of clothes and packed four woven bags in total, filling the tricycle full. Guo Wentao and Ma Niu had to rush back to Sijiqing to deliver the goods and needed to leave first. They borrowed After getting the bicycles from the factory, Guo Wentao took Ma Niu and went with Lao Wan. After delivering the goods, he put the bicycles on the tricycle and asked Lao Wan to bring them back.

Zhang Chen wrote the number of clothes to be produced on a piece of paper and handed it to Zhao Zhigang.

The fabric was almost running out. Zhang Chen had to make a call. Wang Hainiao's place would be closed in another hour. He asked him to prepare the fabric first and wait for them in the store at night. They would go there to pull it out at night. In this way, Zhao Zhigang They can work overtime at night and cut two boards first.

There was no phone in the factory, so Zhang Chen was riding his bicycle. He still had time, so he simply went back to the stall to call. When he arrived at the stall, when he gave Xiao Zhao the more than 30,000 yuan in his bag, Xiao Zhao was shocked. She He stuttered a bit when he spoke:

"So much, dear, that, that, today we are equal to, equal to..."

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Yes, we did more than 50,000 yuan in sales."

Xiao Zhao chuckled, took the money, and put it together with the business money in the drawer, forming a thick stack. Xiao Zhao continued to laugh, Zhang Chen looked at her and teased:

"Look, look, hurry up and look a few more times. If you don't look, will you disappear again?"


"Bring in the fabric."

As Zhang Chen spoke, he picked up the phone on the table, dialed Wang Hainiao's number, and told him, help me prepare three packages of bamboo hemp and ten packages of wick strips. I will use them at night. I will go to your store after dinner. Lira, wait for us.

"So many? Your tricycle can't even pull it." Wang Hainiao shouted.

"I'm not stupid, of course I'll find a truck to pull me over."

"No, no, no, there aren't that many goods in the store, and I have to go to the warehouse to pull them out. So, just tell me the address, and I'll go to the warehouse right away and deliver it to you in the evening."

"Okay, it looks like the service has been upgraded and everything is delivered to your door." Zhang Chen smiled and told him the address.

"By the way, take these two fabrics from the store and leave them in the warehouse. Don't leave even an inch in the store." Zhang Chen and Wang Hainiao said.

"Okay, you are the boss, I will listen to you." Wang Hainiao laughed playfully.

Needless to say, the people who called and answered the phone understood in their hearts that Zhang Chen was asking Wang Hainiao to help him control the goods. Don't let others use these two fabrics for proofing. Zhang Chen was already sure. You can use them up, of course Wang Hainiao will be happy.

In Zhang Chen, he understood better that the business of his stall was good. Although it was not in the old market but here, you still couldn't guard against someone coming to imitate the goods. Even among the people who bought goods in the morning, you didn't know who was there. spy.

Fortunately, this batch of fabrics is an export order. After such a long time, Wang Hainiao has taken away all the fabrics. Such fabrics cannot be found on the market. All Zhang Chen's styles are designed based on the characteristics of the fabrics. , even if you want to imitate it, it’s useless without fabric.

You just take the fabric and go to the factory to order it. From weaving to post-processing, it also takes time. By the time the fabric is ready and turned into clothing, the busiest wholesale season for autumn clothing has passed.

Zhang Chen needs to cut it off at the source.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao said, keep 20,000 yuan, pay for the fabrics at night, and save the rest.

Xiao Zhao said "Oh", she spread out her accounting book, leaned in front of Zhang Chen, and shouted: "Look, I also made a contribution."

Zhang Chen saw that in the accounting book, Xiao Zhao did more than a thousand business in the afternoon, including one wholesale and several retail customers. The day started really well.

Xiao Zhao was carrying his bag and had just walked out when Hagen came over. He said to Zhang Chen: "You guys have become famous again today. Even the security guards called the market office and said that they didn't expect that there is still business in this market." Such a good stall.”

Zhang Chen chuckled.

"To do business, you still have to find a way. If you lie there every day, motionless like a tortoise, business will fall from the sky? Xiao Zhang, your stall is doing well. In our market, we must encourage business owners to You guys learn, if every stall is like yours, the business in this market will be bad."

When Hagen said these last words, he was very loud. Zhang Chen felt that he didn't mean all of his words to him. He saw Feng Zhen's expression on the other side was ugly.

Zhang Chen found out later that while they were busy doing business, Fengzhen went directly to the market general manager's office and told the general manager that Zhang Chen and his stall had a dozen light boxes and showed her on the model at the door. My clothes are all green, and I can't do this business anymore.

The general manager remained silent and waited for her to finish complaining. He said to her in a leisurely manner, "In this case, I agree that you can also make a light box. You can make any red or yellow light box you want. You can call her back."

With one sentence, Fengzhen choked up, glared at the general manager, and came back angrily.

The general manager told this matter as a joke in the office, and Hagen heard it, so he decided to come to Zhang Chen's booth to have a look.

Fengzhen didn't give up. She couldn't do it alone. She secretly wanted to encourage some people to go to the market to make trouble together. If there were too many people, even if the market wanted to help them, it wouldn't be that easy.

She found A Yong, and A Yong said, "It doesn't affect me at all. They are doing such a good job, and all the customers are running here. There seem to be more people in our channel."

Then she went to find the Wenzhou old lady next door to Zhang Chen and the others. After talking for a long time, the Wenzhou old lady didn't understand what she was going to say, so Fengzhen had no choice but to give up.

The neighboring stalls had no objections, let alone the other stalls. On the contrary, after Zhang Chen and the others made this move, other stalls, especially the stalls on both sides of the main aisle, all installed light boxes one after another. There was no business, and after all the light boxes were turned on, everyone felt that the passage, including the market, seemed to be much more lively than before.

Of course, these are things for later.

Thank you for your monthly pass! Thank you Tin Soldier, ranked third from top to bottom, reading books every day, and 131 on the shore for your continued rewards! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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