The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 560 Will this really be my territory?

Zhang Chen stood up and rode his bicycle to Zhao Zhigang's tailor shop and told them the news that he had rented a warehouse. The three of them were very happy to hear it. Zhao Zhigang said let's go and have a look together.

Zhang Chen said yes, if you have a hammer, bring a hammer.

Zhao Zhigang didn't know what Zhang Chen wanted a hammer for, but he still went to find one and held it in his hand.

Zhao Zhilong also wanted to follow them, so Zhang Chen asked Zhao Zhilong to sit on the front gear of the bicycle, and Zhao Zhigang sat in the back. The three of them rode in one car and rode over there.

Zhang Chen took the hammer from Zhao Zhigang's hand, pointed it at the rusty padlock on the door, banged the hammer, and knocked the lock off. He pushed the door open and went in. Zhang Chen couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. Angry, he saw that the area inside was larger than what he felt outside, a large room of eighty or ninety square meters, but it was really too shabby.

There is thick dust on the ground, the ground is cracked, and there are several pits. The walls on the side were originally scraped with lime. The white walls have long since turned gray, and there are large areas of lime. It peeled off and pieces fell to the floor, revealing the mud walls inside.

There is no ceiling on the roof, and the rafters are directly exposed. There are spider webs hanging everywhere, and the tiles in several places have been broken. The sunlight directly forms beams of light from the broken holes, and is projected onto the ground, forming various shapes. Strange light spots.

Zhang Chen then knocked the locks on the other three rooms. They were all similar inside. In the top room, there was an old windmill made of wood, which was originally used in the warehouse to sort out grains and weeds.

There is a large funnel on the top of the wind rice cart. Pour the rice into the funnel and keep shaking the handle on the round belly of the wind rice cart. Because the weight of rice, deflated grains and weeds is different, the wooden fan blades inside the wind rice cart. They will be separated, and the rice will flow out from the flat outlet under the windmill and fall into the baskets placed there. The deflated grains and weeds will be sifted out through the open sides.

Such wind rice carts are not only found in warehouses, but also in rice milling factories in Yongcheng Town. Pour the milled rice into it from the hopper, shake the handle, and the white rice will flow out from the outlet and be mixed in the rice. The chaff will be blown out from the side screen.

Zhang Chen goes to the processing factory every Sunday afternoon to buy newly made rice cakes or rice noodles. What he likes to see the most is someone sifting the rice. If no one is sifting, he will grab the handle himself and rock the wind valley cart. Play until someone comes and chases him away.

On a whim, Zhang Chen walked over, grabbed the handle, and shook it. The windmill buzzed twice, and then made a loud noise. The fan blades inside, which had been idle for many years, completely fell apart and fell into the In the belly of the car, the three people were startled and then laughed wildly.

Zhang Chen smiled, but felt desolate in his heart. The excitement in front of him had passed. He looked at the shabby appearance around him, and felt inexplicable sadness in his heart. In this shabby place, where was the clothing industry? It doesn't look like the place where my dream took off, and it's more like being a base for the Beggar Clan.

Zhao Zhigang was not as frustrated as Zhang Chen. He had been here before and knew the scene inside. Besides, none of the clothing processing factories near Hangzhou was in tatters. The floors were swept and the wires were connected. Put on the sewing machine and get to work.

In this garment factory, the garments made one after another look fashionable and gorgeous, but the garment factory itself is very dirty, with a lot of dust, and threads and cloth scraps flying randomly, especially in winter when making cotton coats or down jackets. So, no matter how clean you are, within a week it will still be full of dust.

But Zhang Chen didn't think so, especially him. After all, he was born in decoration. How could he stand his own land, which looked so dilapidated? In such an environment, he felt that everyone would be suffocated.

But to make this place presentable, Zhang Chen immediately estimated that it would be different from what he had originally expected, and he just had to invest a small amount of money.

The floor, walls and top of the head must be treated, and ceiling fans and rows of fluorescent lamps must be installed on the top. For safety reasons, it is best to have all power cords overhead instead of being randomly connected on the ground, where people can easily kick them. If you get an electric shock, it's a big deal.

The three people walked outside. Zhao Zhigang and Zhang Chen said that this first room was used as a workshop. I calculated that there were about thirty sewing machines that could be placed, and the second room was empty.

"What are you doing with your free time?" Zhang Chen asked.

"In the future, when there are more people, there will be another workshop. Two sewing workshops will have to be put together."

Zhao Zhigang said that it seemed that he was more confident than Zhang Chen. He really wanted to make "dozens of them occupy a corner in our factory."

Zhang Chen couldn't help but smile again.

Zhao Zhigang pointed to the third room and said: "This room is used as a backroom. The keyholes, buttons, packaging and hot ironing are all placed here."

Zhang Chen nodded, and Zhao Zhigang pointed to the room they had just walked out of, and told Zhang Chen that this place serves as a warehouse and cutting bed. The fabrics are piled here when they come. The bigger the cutting bed, the better, and the bigger it is, the more economical it is. material.

What Zhao Zhigang said was easy for Zhang Chen to understand. Each layer of fabric is spread out on the cutting bed. No matter how you spread it, one end and one end will always be wasted. The fewer layers of a roll of fabric, the more the end and end will be. Less, of course, will save money.

Moreover, this is different from being in a tailor shop. Instead of arranging two or three pieces in a row, you can arrange seven, eight, or more than ten pieces of clothes of various sizes together. The larger the area, the more large and small pieces can be arranged. Convenient, the more compact it is, the more fabric it saves.

For the cutting bed of the garment factory, laying the cloth and typesetting the drawing board are the most time-consuming. After laying the cloth, it is cut with electricity, and one board can be dozens or hundreds of pieces. It can be said that the cutting bed cuts one board, and the workshop Do it for half a day.

"Where does that person live?" Zhao Zhilong asked.

Yes, all the houses have been used as workshops. Where do people live?

Regarding personnel, Zhao Zhigang and Caidi also told them that no matter how small the number of people is at the beginning, there must always be seven or eight people, otherwise the work will not be done and renting such a large place will be a waste. These seven or eight people, Caidi Zhao Zhilong and Zhao Zhilong can call over people who they have worked with before. They are all quick hands. Seven or eight people can be worth a dozen others.

Seven or eight people, that is, five or six more machines, are still within the range that Zhang Chen and the others can afford. Zhang Chen agreed.

But where do these seven or eight people live?

"It's not allowed to sleep on the cutting bed or the packaging table in the back." Zhao Zhigang said. Zhao Zhilong nodded. It seemed that this was also the norm for garment processing factories in Hangzhou at that time.

Zhao Zhigang took two steps, looked at the small room with clothes hanging out next to him, and told Zhang Chen that Caidi and I could stay here.

He looked at the doorframe without a door and continued, just hang a curtain on the door.

Zhang Chen was startled and shouted, "How can this work? You should live on the street or find a house in the village."

"No, it's too inconvenient. I'm exhausted after working overtime, and I still have to walk. I might as well sleep on the cutting bed, just here." Zhao Zhigang said.

"Here?" Zhang Chen laughed, "Do you know what this place is for?"

Zhao Zhigang walked to the door, sniffed, and asked Zhang Chen, "Pig farmer?"

Zhang Chen is right.

"Sweep it clean and rinse it with water." Zhao Zhigang said.

Zhang Chen also regained his energy from the previous depression. He thought, thank you for being a decorator. Find two workers and work for three or four days. Can't you change the look of this place with the least amount of money? I'm not asking you to make this place look like the lobby of Wanghai Tower, with no leakage or air leakage, and treat the walls and floors. You don't know how to do it?

Zhang Chen said yes, I will renovate it and make sure it can be used as a new house for you and Caidi.

"I'm going to ask tomorrow how to get the business license, and then I'll find someone to see how to renovate this place. I'll leave this place to me. You should still do your own thing." Zhang Chen and Zhao Zhigang said.

"What license?" Zhao Zhigang asked.

"A license for a garment factory." Zhang Chenqi said, "This is a production, so you don't need a business license? Your tailor shop doesn't have a license?"

"No, none of the shops on this street have licenses. There are so many processing factories near Hangzhou, and no one has applied for licenses."

Zhao Zhilong was right when he said that my original factory had been without a license for more than two years and no one was in charge.

This was a big surprise for Zhang Chen, but after thinking about it, he still felt that regardless of whether others had a license or not, he must apply for one. In this regard, it was better to be more disciplined.

When the three of them were preparing to leave, Zhang Chen discovered another problem. Although seven or eight people were not many, they could sleep comfortably, especially now that the weather was still hot. It might be a little cooler to sleep on a cutting bed with a straw mat. But eating, defecation, and bathing are not enough.

Eating is okay. Zhang Chen thought for a while. Even if he built a shed and could put in a gas stove, it would be fine. If he wanted to take a bath, he wouldn’t do it every day in winter. He could go to the bathhouse on Sanbao Street. At this time, of course, he would need to take a bath every day. Washing, this is easy to solve, just build a simple room with colored steel plates, separate men and women, pull in a water pipe, connect a few shower faucets, and that's it.

The biggest headache was the toilet. Zhang Chen looked around and saw that there was a toilet on the edge of the drying area, but this toilet was an old toilet like those in rural areas more than ten years ago.

There are two mud walls on both sides, topped with straw, and a low wall at the back, with a vegetable patch outside. The upper third of the wall is empty, the front half is blocked, and the upper third is also empty. The other half, There used to be a straw curtain, but now there is nothing. There is a large vat buried in the ground. There is a wooden shelf above the vat, and people sit on a horizontal log on the shelf to go to the toilet.

There is no distinction between men and women in such toilets. When you approach, you have to cough first. If there is someone inside, it will tell you that there is someone there. You can recognize the male and female, and then you can judge whether you should go in and sit in a row with him or her.

Another great feature of such a toilet is that in winter, the wind blows from all directions and will freeze your bare butt off. In summer, as soon as you enter, there will be a buzzing sound inside, and a swarm of red-headed flies will fly up. You will lower your head and look down. The large vat was full of maggots, and some even climbed up and squirmed on the wooden steps.

Zhang Chen felt that he couldn't bear to let the workers use such a toilet, especially since it was more than ten meters away from that building. If they were working overtime at night, how could those girls dare to come to the toilet? It can't be said that every day Do you need someone to accompany you when you go to the toilet for the first time?

Especially the leaky wall at the back. If you block it, the inside will be suffocated and smelly. If you don't block it, it will be dark and light. Even if no one is peeking outside, you will still be able to see the night sky outside from here. I'll be scared to death. This kind of toilet is definitely not possible.

But remodeling a toilet is not as simple as renovating a room. You first have to build a septic tank, which is a big project.

After the on-site inspection, Zhang Chen felt that the reality was much harsher than his imagination. The most important thing was that the money needed suddenly seemed to be a lot more than what he actually had.

You have to worry, you have to worry.

Zhang Chen felt like a grass bandit, occupying the mountain and becoming the king. After occupying the mountain, he realized that the mountain was completely deserted. There was nothing.

Thank you for reading every day, Doll Tin Soldier, ranking third from top to bottom, and On the Shore 131 for your continued rewards! Thanks for all the reading and votes! I wish you all good health!

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